The Hengwrt ms of Chaucer's Canterbury tales
Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400., Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910.
Page  651 [6-text p 684]

Hic capit Autor licenciam./

[1081] Nowe I praye to them alle that herken this litel tretys or redyn that yff ther be any thynge in hit þat lyketh hem / that therof thei thanken oure lord ihesu crist of whom proceedith alle witte and alle goodnes / [1082] And yf ther be any thynge that displeseth them / I praye them also erecte it to the diffaute off myn vnkonnynge / and nat to my will / that wolde feyne haue done bettir yif I hadde had konnynge [1083] For oure booke seith Alle that is wryten / is writen for oure doctryne and that is myn entent / [1084] Wherfore I beseche you mekely for the mercye of god that ye pray for me / that crist haue mercie on me and forgyff me my giltes [1085] and namely of myn translaciouns and of myn enditynge of worldely vanytes the whiche I revoke in my de|tracciouns / [1086] As the book off Troilys / The booke also of Fume / The booke of .xxv. ladies / The booke of the Duchesse / The booke of Seynt Valentynes day / And the parlement of byrdes / The Talys of Caunter|bury [Addit. MS. 5140 folio 357b] thilke that sounden vnto synne / [1087] The booke of the leon / And many anothir booke yff they were in my remembraunce And many a songe / And many a lechourous lay / Crist for his grete mercie foryeve me the synne // [1088] But off the translacioun off Boes consolacioun And othir bookes of legendis and off Seyntes / And of Omelies / And moralite / And deuocioun / [1089] that thanke I oure lord Ihesu Crist and his blysfull moder / and alle the Seyntis in hevyn / [1090] beseekyng them / that thei from hens forth vnto my lyves eende / sende me grace off . . . . .*. [no gap in the MS.] verray penaunce Con|fessioun Page  652 [6-text p 685] and Satisfaccioun / to done in this present lyff / [1091] thoruh the benygne grace of hym that is kyng of kynges / and preste off alle preestis / that bouht vs with the precious bloode off his herte / [1092] For that I mot bene oone of hem att the laste daye off dome that shall be savid Qui cum deo patre & spiritu sancto viuis & regnas deus Per omnia secula Amen

Explicit narracio Rectoris et ultima inter nar|raciones huius libri de quibus composuit Chaucer./ cuius Anime propicietur deus / AMEN.*. [[Follows, in Brit. Mus. Addit. 5140, Lydgate's Siege of Thebes, incomplete:Incipit ultima de fabulis Cantuarie translata et prolata per Dompnum Iohannem Lidgate monachum in redeundo a Cantuaria. Incipit pro|logus./]]