The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal books,
Wycliffe, John, d. 1384., Forshall, Josiah, 1795-1863., Madden, Frederic, 1801-1873.


[verse 1] And the Lord spak to Moyses, seiynge, [verse 2] Spek to the sones of Yrael, and thow shalt seye to hem, A man or womman, whanne he doth auowe, that thei ben ha|lowid, and thei wolen him self sacre to [verse 3] the Lord, fro wiyn, and fro al that may make dronkun, thei shulen absteyne; eisel of wiyn, and of eny othir maad drynke, and what thing of grape is out pressid, thei shulen not drynke; new grapes and [verse 4] dried thei shulen not eete, alle the daies in the which of auowe to the Lord thei ben sacryd; what thing may be of vyn*. [wyne BD.], of grape dried*. [soffrede E pr. m.] vnto the popyn*. [pepyn BDEH.], thei shu|len not eete. [verse 5] Al the tyme of his seuer|ynge a rasour shal not passe vpon his heed, vnto the fulfillid day in the which he is sacred to the Lord; he shal be holy, Page  381 growynge the heer of his heed. [verse 6] Alle tyme of his sacrynge he shal not goo yn [verse 7] vpon the deed, ne vpon faders forsothe, and moders, and bretheren*. [brotherys E.], and sistren*. [sosterys E.] careyn he shal be defoulid, for the sa|crynge [verse 8] of his God is vpon his heed; eche day of his seuerynge shal be holy to the Lord. [verse 9] If forsothe eny man were sodeyn|lich deed before hym, the heed of his consecracioun shal be polut*. [polutid BDEFH.], the which anoon he shal shaue in the same day of his purgacioun, and eftsones the seuenthe [verse 10] day; in the eiȝtith forsothe day he shal offre two turturs*. [turtelis DH. turtris EF.], or two culuer briddes, to the preest, in the entre of the boond of pees of witnessynge. [verse 11] And the preest shal do oon for the synne, and anothir in to brent sacrifice; and he shal preye for hym, for he hath synned vpon the deed, and he shal halowe the heed of hym in that day. [verse 12] And he shal sacre to the Lord the daies of his seuerynge, offrynge a lombe of o ȝeer for the synne, so neuer|thelater*. [nerthelater E.] that the rather daies ben maad as for noȝt, for polut*. [po|lutid D.] is the halowynge of hym. [verse 13] This is the lawe of consecracioun. Whanne the daies which of auow he demed ben fulfillid, he shal brynge hym to the dore of the*. [Om. E.] tabernacle of the [verse 14] boond of pees, and he shal offre his of|frynge to the Lord, a lombe of o ȝeer with outen wemme, into brent sacrifice, and a sheep of o ȝeer with outen wemme, for synne, and a wethir with outen [verse 15] wemme, a pesible oost; a leepe forsothe of theerf looues, that ben spreynt with oyle, and thinne cakys with out sour|dowȝ, anoynt with oyle, and of echon the [verse 16] sacrifices of licours; the whiche the preest shal offre before the Lord, and he shal doo as wel for synne as into brent sacrifices*. [sacrifice BDEFH.]. [verse 17] A wethir forsothe he shal offre a pesible oost to the Lord, offrynge to gidre a leepe Page  382 of therf looues, and sacryfices*. [sacrifice BF.] of licours, that of maner ben owed. [verse 18] Thanne the Nazare shal be shaued at the dore of the*. [Om. E.] tabernacle of the boond of pees, fro the heere of his consecracioun; and he shal take his heeres, and putte vpon the fijr, that is vndurput to the sacrifice of pe|sible [verse 19] thinges; and a shuldre sothen*. [sodden D. sooden H. sodyn E. soothen F.] of the wether, and a caake of breed with outen sowrdowȝ, oon of the leepe, and o thinne therf caake, and he shal take in the hoondes of the Nazare, after that were shauun the heed of hym. [verse 20] And the takun thingis eftsones of hym he shal arere in the siȝt of the Lord. And the halowid thinges shal be of the preest, as the litil brest that is comaundid to be seuered, and the hippe. Aftir thes thingis the Nazare may drynke wiyn. [verse 21] This is the lawe of the Nazare, whanne he auow|ith his offrynge to the Lord, the tyme of his consecracioun, out taak thes thingis the whiche the hoond fyndeth. Aftir that that he hath*. [Om. BDEFH.] auowid in thouȝt, so he shal do, to the perfeccioun of his holynes. [verse 22] And [verse 23] the Lord spak to Moyses, seiynge, Spek to Aaron and his sones, So ȝe shulen blesse to the sones of Yrael, and ȝe shu|len [verse 24] seie to hem, The Lord blesse to thee, [verse 25] and kepe thee; the Lord shewe his face [verse 26] to thee, and haue mercy of thee; the Lord conuerte his chere to thee, and ȝeue to thee pees. [verse 27] Thei shulen inwardly clepe my name vpon the sones of Yrael, and Y shal blesse to hem.