The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal books,
Wycliffe, John, d. 1384., Forshall, Josiah, 1795-1863., Madden, Frederic, 1801-1873.


Here begynneth the prolouge on Mathew*. [From Y. Prolog. K. Here bygynneth the Newe Testament in Englische. O. No initial rubric in STVX.].

MATHEW of Jewerye born, as he is `putt first*. [first putt T.] in ordre, so first he wrote the gospel in Jewes langage, whas cleepyng to God was from peplicanis dedis; he takynge bifore the bygynnyng is*. [bigynnynge O.] of twey*. [two SX.], Abraham and Dauid, in the generacioun of Crist, of oon, that is, Abraham, of the whiche the first circumcisioun was in fleshe, of an other, Dauith, whas eleccioun was efter herte. Of bothe fadris forsothe Crist was bore. And so the noumbre of fourtene thries putte, he strecchynge forth the bygynnyng fro feyth*. [the feithe OSVXY.] of bileuynge, that was in Abraham, in to the tyme of chesynge, that was in Dauith, and dressynge fro the*. [Om. O.] chesyng anoon in to the day of transmygracioun, and diffynynge fro the day of transmygracioun anoon in to Crist, he shewith the gene|racioun of the*. [Om. OS.] cummynge of Crist fulfillid, other passynge in renninge, that he, maakynge good bothe to the noumbre and to the tyme, bothe shulde shewe hym silf whiche*. [what OSTVY.] he were, and, in hym silf mynystrynge the work of God, also in hem, whas kynred he putte*. [put of O.], shulde not denye the witnesse of Crist workynge*. [wrytynge K sec. m.] fro the bygyn|nyng*. [gynnyng K.]. Of alle whoche thingis the tyme, the ordre, the noumbre, the*. [Om. K.] disposicioun, other*. [ether O. or X.] the resoun*. [resoun is OSTV.], that Crist is God, that is necessarie to the feith, the whiche was maad of a*. [Om. X.] womman, maad vnder lawe, bore of a mayde*. [maiden OX.], suffride in fleshe, al thing ficchide in the cros, that he ouercommynge thilke*. [tho OX. thes ilke T.] thingis in hym silfe, rysynge in body, bothe the*. [Om. O.] name of the fadir in fadris to the sone, and sones*. [the sones OSTVXY.] name to the fadir restoringe in sones, with outen bygynnyng, with oute eendynge, shewynge the fadir to be oon with hym, for he is oon. In the whiche*. [Om. K sec. m.] gospel it is profitable to men desyrynge God, so to knowe the first, the mydmeste*. [mydelmest O.], other*. [or SX.] the last, that thei, redynge bi alle thingis, vndirstonde bothe the clepynge of the apostil*. [apostlis T.], and*. [and thei byknowe in hym in V.] the work of the gospel, and the loue*. [leste X.] of God kennynge in fleshe, and thei biknowe*. [be knowen X.] in hym, in the whiche thei beth*. [ben SX.] knowe, and desijryth*. [desiren OX. desire V.] to knowe. To vs forsothe it was to stodye of preuynge, bothe to take the feith of thing do, and not to be stille to men sechynge bisiliche the ordynance of God worchynge to be vndirstonde.

Here endith the prolog, and bigynnith the gospel*. [No final rubric in OSTVXY.].
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*. [Heere bigynneth the gospel of Matheu.]CAP. I.

[verse 1] The boke of generacioun*. [the generacioun AGMNPQY.] of Jhesu Crist, the sone of Dauyd, the*. [Om. X.] sone of Abraham. [verse 2] Abraham*. [Abraham forsothe Q.] gendride*. [gat X.], `or bigate*. [Om. OQ pr. m. VX.], Ysaac. Page  3 Ysaac forsothe bigate*. [gendred O et V passim in hoc cap. gat X passim in hoc cap.] Jacob. Jacob for|sothe bigate Judas and his bretheren. [verse 3] Judas forsothe bigate Phares and Zaram, of Thamar. Phares forsothe bigate Esrom. Esrom forsothe bigate Aram. [verse 4] Aram for|sothe bigate Amynadab. Amynadab for|sothe bigate Nason. Nason forsothe bi|gate Salmon. [verse 5] Salmon forsothe bigate Booz, of Raab. Booz forsothe bigate Obeth, of Ruth. Obeth forsothe bigate Gesse. Jesse forsothe bigate Dauith the kyng. [verse 6] Dauith forsothe kyng*. [the kynge AGMOQSUVXY.] bigate Salomon, of that womman that was Uries wyf. [verse 7] Salomon forsothe bigate Roboam. Roboam forsothe bigat Abias. Abias forsothe bigate Asa. Asa forsothe bigate Josophat. [verse 8] Josophat forsothe bigate Joram. Joram forsothe bigate Osias. [verse 9] Osias forsothe bigate Jo|athan. Joathan forsothe bigate Achaz. Achaz forsothe bigate Ezechie. [verse 10] Ezechie forsothe bigate Manasses. Manasses for|sothe bigate Amon. Amon forsothe bigate Josias. [verse 11] Josias forsothe bigate Jechonyas and his bretheren, `in to*. [in to the AGMNOPQSUVXY.] transmigracyoun of Babiloyne. [verse 12] And after the transmy|gracyoun of Babiloyne, Jechonias bigate Salatiel. Salatiel forsothe bigate Zoroba|bel. [verse 13] Zorobabel forsothe begate Abyut. Abyut forsothe bygate Eliachim. Elia|chym forsothe bigate Asor. [verse 14] Asor for|sothe bigate Sadoc. Sadoc forsothe bygate Achym. Achym forsothe bygate Elyut. Elyut forsothe bygate Eleasar. [verse 15] Eleasar forsothe bigate Mathan. Mathan forsothe bigate Jacob. [verse 16] Jacob forsothe bigate Jo|seph, the husbond of Marie, of whiche Marie Jesus is born, that*. [whiche OV.] is clepid Crist. [verse 17] `And so*. [Therfore OUV.] alle generaciouns*. [the generaciouns MU.] from Abraham `til to*. [vn to UXY.] Dauith ben fourtene generaciouns, and fro Dauith `vnto*. [til to the G sec. m. MOPQSTUV. til to AG pr. m. vn to the NXY.] transmygracioun of Babiloyne ben fourtene generaciouns, and from the transmygracioun of Babiloyne Page  4 vnto*. [til to AGMNOPQSTUV.] Crist ben fourtene generaciouns. [verse 18] Forsoth the generacioun of Crist was thus*. [this N.]. Whane Marie, `his modir*. [the moder of Jhesu S.], was spousid to Joseph, bifore that thei `shul|den come*. [come U. camen OV.] to gidre, she is*. [was OV.] foundun hau|ynge in the*. [Om. P.] wombe of the Holy Gost. [verse 19] Joseph forsothe, hir husbond, when he was iust*. [a iust MP. ryȝtewise O.] man*. [Om. OUV.], `or riȝtful*. [Om. OUVX.], and wolde*. [nold O.] not pupliche hir, `or lede hir ferther*. [Om. OUV.], wolde priuyly forsake hire. [verse 20] Sothely hym thenk|ynge these thingus, lo! the*. [Om. OUV.] angel of the Lord aperide in sleepe, `or sweuen*. [Om. OU.], to hym, sayinge*. [and sayde OV.], Joseph, the*. [Om. X.] sone of Dauyd, nyl thou drede to take Marie, thi wyf; forsothe*. [for OV sec. m.] that*. [the O.] thing that is born in hire is of*. [Om. O.] the Holy Goost. [verse 21] Sothely she shal bere a sone, and thou shalt clepe his name Jesus; for he shal make his peple saif fro her synnes. [verse 22] Forsothe al this thing was don, that it*. [the thenge OUV sec. m] shulde be fulfillid*. [fillud OUV sec. m.], `that thing*. [Om. OV sec. m.] that was seid*. [seid of the Lord N.] by a*. [the OV.] prophete, seiynge, [verse 23] Loo! a virgyne shal haue in wombe*. [the wombe OV sec. m.], and she shal bere a sone, and his name shal be clepid Emanuel, that is interpretid, `or expounid*. [Om. OV sec. m. X.], God with us. [verse 24] Sothely Joseph rysynge vp*. [Om. X.] fro sleep, did as the angel of [verse 25] the Lord comaundide*. [bade O pr. m.] hym, and toke*. [tok Marie NOUV sec. m.] his wijf; and he knewe hir nat, til she had boren hir first bygoten*. [gendred OV sec. m. goten X.] sone, and clepide*. [sche cleped OV sec. m.] his name Jhesus.


[verse 1] Therfore when Jhesus was born in Bethlem of Juda, in the days of*. [of the G.] kyng Herode, loo! kyngis*. [astronemyeris U marg. sec. m.], `or wijs men*. [Om. OUX.], ca|men [verse 2] fro the eest to Jerusalem, sayinge, Wher is he, that is borun kyng*. [the kynge O.] of Jewis? forsothe we `han seyn*. [seien O.] his sterre in the este, and we comen for*. [Om. X.] to wir|shipe hym. [verse 3] `Sothely kyng Herode herynge Page  5 is*. [was OV.] trublid*. [turblid AMNP. towrbled O.], and al Jerusalem with him*. [Om. U pr. m. But kyng Heroude herde and was troublid and al Jerusalem with hym. U sec. m. marg.]. [verse 4] And he, gedrynge*. [gedrede G.] to gidre alle the*. [Om. O.] princis of prestis, and scribis*. [the scribes OUV.] of the peple, en|quiride of hem, wher*. [wheer that O.] Crist shulde be borun. [verse 5] And thei seiden to hym, In Bethlem of Juda; `for so*. [so forsothe XY pr. m.] it is writen bi [verse 6] a*. [the OUV.] prophete, And thou, Bethlem, `the lond*. [Om. OU.] of Juda, thou*. [Om. OU.] art nat the leste in the princis of Juda; for of thee a duk shal gon out, that shal gouerne my peple of*. [Om. VX.] Yrael. [verse 7] Than `Herode, priuyli*. [Om. V.] the kyngis clepid `to hym*. [Om. OV.], `bisily lernyde*. [Eroude lerned bisily V. bisily lerede SX. Om. V.] of hem the tyme of the sterre that apperide to hem. [verse 8] And he, sendynge hem in to Beth|lem, saide, Go ȝee, and axe ȝee bisily of the chyld, and whan ȝee han founden, telle*. [telle ȝee OUVX.] aȝein to me, that and*. [Om. OU.] Y cummynge wirshipe hym. [verse 9] The*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] whiche, when thei hadden herde the kyng, wenten awey. And loo! the sterre, the*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] whiche thei sayen in este*. [the eest ONPQSUXY.], wente bifore hem, til that it cummynge stood aboue, wher the child was. [verse 10] Forsothe thei, seeynge the sterre, ioyeden with a ful grete ioye. [verse 11] And thei, entrynge the*. [in to the ONUV.] hous, founden the child with Marie, his modir; and thei fallynge doun worshipiden hym. And her tresours opnyd, thei offreden to hym ȝiftis, gold, encense, and merre. [verse 12] And answer*. [an answere Q sec. m.] taken in sleep, that thei shulden not turne aȝein to He|rode, thei `ben turned*. [turned aȝen OUV sec. m.] by an other wey in to her*. [her owne N.] cuntree. [verse 13] And when thei hadden gon awey*. [Om. U sec. m.], loo! the*. [an UV.] aungel of the Lord apperide in sleep to Joseph, sayynge, Ryse vp, and take the child and his modir, and flee in to Egipt, and be thou*. [Om. T.] there, til that I seye to thee; sothely*. [for OUV sec. m.] it is `to cume*. [cume K. to comynge OUV sec. m.], that Herode seeke the child, for*. [Om. OSV sec. m.] to lese*. [slee O.] hym. [verse 14] The*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] whiche Joseph, rys|ynge vp, toke the chijld and his modir [verse 15] by nyȝte, and wente into Egipt, and Page  6 was*. [he was OUV sec. m.] there til to the*. [Om. X.] deth of Erode; that it shuld be fulfillid*. [fillud OUV sec. m.], `that thing*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] that was said of the Lord by the*. [a SX.] prophete, say|inge, Fro Egypt Y haue clepide my sone. [verse 16] Thanne Erode seeynge that*. [for OUV sec. m.] he was scorn|ed, `or disceyued*. [Om. OUV sec. m.], of the kyngis*. [astronemyeris U sec. m. marg.], was gretely wroth; and he sendynge slewȝ*. [kylled OUV sec. m.] alle the children*. [childer X.], `that weren*. [Om. G pr. m.] in Bethlem, and in alle the eendis `of it*. [therof OUV sec. m.], fro two*. [twey V sec. m.] ȝeer age and with ynne, after*. [vp OUV sec. m.] the tyme that he hadde souȝt out of the kyngis*. [astronomyers U sec. m. marg.]. [verse 17] Than it*. [Om. X.] was fulfillide*. [fillud OU.], `that thing*. [Om. OU.] that was said [verse 18] by Jeremye, the prophete, sayinge, A voice is herd `an heeȝe*. [in hiȝthe O. in heeiȝ S.], weepynge and myche weilynge, Rachel weepynge*. [bywepynge OUV sec. m.] hir sonys, and she `wolde not*. [nolde OU. nolde not V sec. m.] be comfortid, for thei ben not. [verse 19] Sothely Erode dead, loo! the*. [an OUV sec. m.] angel of the Lord apeeride in sleep to Joseph in [verse 20] Egipt, sayinge, Ryse vp, and take the*. [thi U.] childe and his modir, and go in to the lond of Yrael; for thei that souȝten the lijf of the chyld ben dead. [verse 21] The*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] whiche Joseph*. [Om. OUX.], rysynge vp*. [Om. V sec. m.], toke the child and his modir, and cam in to the lond of Yrael. [verse 22] For|sothe he heerynge that Archelaus*. [Archelaus, his brother V sec. m.] regnede in Jude for Eroude, his fadir, dred for*. [Om. UV sec. m. X.] to go thidir. And he, monestid in sleep, [verse 23] wente in to the parties of Galilee; and he cummynge dwelte in a citee, that*. [which UV sec. m.] is clepid Nazareth, that it*. [Om. X.] shulde be fulfillid*. [fillud OUV sec. m.], `that thing*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] that is*. [was OUV sec. m.] said by prophetis, For whi*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] he shal be clepid `of Nazareth*. [Nazaray U pr. m. V sec. m. a Nazaren U sec. m.].


[verse 1] In thilke*. [tho ilke Y. tho OSUV sec. m. X.] days came Joon Baptist, [verse 2] prechynge in the*. [Om. P.] desert of Jude, sayinge*. [and seiynge OUV sec. m.], `Do ȝe*. [doith Q. doth XY pr. m.] penaunce, for the kyngdom of heuens*. [heuen GO.] shal neiȝ, `or cume niȝe*. [Om. OQUX.]. [verse 3] Forsothe Page  7 this is he, `of whom it*. [which UV sec. m.] is said by Ysaye, the prophete*. [prophet, seiynge OQ sec. m. UV sec. m.], A voice of a*. [Om. K sec. m. a man N.] cryinge*. [crier OU.] in desert, `Make ȝe*. [Makith QXY pr. m.] redy the wayes*. [weye G.] of the*. [oure U.] Lord; `make ȝe*. [makith QXY pr. m.] riȝtful the pathes of hym. [verse 4] Forsothe `that ilk*. [thilke OUV sec. m. that X.] Joon hadde cloth*. [a clothe OUV sec. m.] of the*. [Om. O.] heeris of cameylis, and a girdil of skyn aboute his leendis; sothely*. [forsothe QXY.] his mete weren*. [was SU.] locustis*. [honysoukis U sec. m. marg.], and hony of the wode. [verse 5] Thanne Jerusalem wente out to hym, and al Jude, [verse 6] and al the cuntre aboute Jordan; and thei*. [Om. Q.] weren cristenyd*. [weysche U sec. m. marg.] of hym in Jordan, know|lechynge there synnes. [verse 7] Sothely he seeynge many of Pharisees and of Saducese com|mynge to his bapteme, saide to hem, Gene|raciouns of eddris, who shewide to ȝou for*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.] to flee fro wrath to cumme*. [comynge OUV sec. m.]? [verse 8] Therfore do [verse 9] ȝee worthi fruytis of penaunce, and nyl ȝe say with ynne ȝou, We han the fadir Abraham; sothely Y saye to ȝou, for whi*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.] God is miȝti to reyse vp*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] of these stonys the sonys of Abraham. [verse 10] For now the*. [an OUV sec. m.] axe is putt to the rote of the tree; sothely euery*. [eche X.] tree that makith nat good fruyt, shal be kitt doun, and shal be sent in to fijr*. [the fijr MPQWX.]. [verse 11] Forsothe*. [Sothely Q.] Y cristene*. [wesche U sec. m. marg.] ȝou in water, in to penaunce; forsothe he that is to cumme*. [comynge OUV sec. m.] after me is strenger than Y, whos shon Y am not worthi to bere; he shal baptise, `or cristen*. [Om. OQUX.], ȝow in the*. [Om. G pr. m.] Holy Goost and fijr*. [in fyer OUV.]. [verse 12] Whos wynwing*. [wyndewyng Q.] cloth*. [tool OUV sec. m.], `or fan*. [Om. MNPXY pr. m. ether fan OUV.], in his hond, and he shal fully clense his corne*. [Om. N.] floore, and shal*. [he schall OUV sec. m.] gedre his corne*. [wheet OUV sec. m.] in to his berne; but chaffis he shal brenne with*. [in OUV sec. m.] fyr unquenchable, `or that neuer shal be quenchid*. [Om. OUX.]. [verse 13] Thanne Jhesus came fro Ga|lilee in to Jordan to Joon, `for to*. [that he shulde MV pr. m. to OSUV sec. m. X.] be cristned*. [baptizid U sec. m.] of hym. [verse 14] Soothly Joon forbeed hym, sayinge, `I owe for*. [Om. OS. I owe UX.] to be cristned of thee, and `thou commest*. [comest thou UV sec. m.] to me? [verse 15] Forsothe Jhesus answeringe saide to hym, Suffre Page  8 now, `for so*. [so forsothe X.] it becummeth vs for*. [Om. OUZ. now for Q.] to fulfille*. [fill OUV sec. m.] all riȝtwisnesse*. [riȝtfulnesse UV sec. m.]. Than Joon leete hym, `or left hym*. [Om. OU. or lefte GV sec. m. X.]. [verse 16] Forsothe Jhesus cristened steiȝ vp anoon fro the water; and loo! heuens ben*. [wer O. weren UV.] opened to hym, and he say the Spirit of God cummynge doun as a culuer, and*. [Om. X.] [verse 17] cummynge vpon*. [on OU.] hym; and loo! a voice fro heuenes, sayinge, This is my byloued*. [loued AMGNOPQSUVWXY.] sone, in the*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.] whiche Y haue plesid to me.


[verse 1] Thanne Jhesus was led in to desert of a spirit, `that he shulde*. [to O.] be temptid of the deuel. [verse 2] And whanne he hadde fastid fourty days and fourety niȝtis*. [nyȝt O.], afterward he hun|gride. [verse 3] And the tempter cummynge niȝ, saide to hym, Ȝif thou `be Goddis sone*. [art the sone of God OUV sec. m.], say that these stoons be maad looues. [verse 4] The*. [Om. UV sec. m.] whiche answerynge said to hym, It is wryten, A man lyueth not in breed aloon, bot in euery*. [eche X.] word that cometh forth fro the mouthe of God. [verse 5] Thanne the deuyl toke hym*. [hym vp Q sec. m.] in to an*. [the MV pr. m. Om. V sec. m. W sec. m.] hooly citee, and sette hym on the*. [a MV.] pynacle of the temple, [verse 6] and saide to hym, Ȝif thou `be Goddis sone*. [art the soon of God OU.], sende thee doun; sothely it is wryt|en, For to*. [Om. X.] his aungels he comaundide*. [hath commaunded OU.] of thee, and thei shulden take thee in hoondis*. [the hondes OU.], lest perauenture thou hurte thi fote at a stoon. [verse 7] Eftsone Jhesus saith*. [seide OUV sec. m.] to hym, It is writen, Thou shalt not tempte the Lord thi God. [verse 8] Eftsone the deuel toke hym*. [hym vp Q sec. m.] in to a ful heeȝ hill, and shewide to hym alle the rewmys of the world, and the glorie of [verse 9] hem; and saide to hym, Alle these thingis Y shal ȝeue to thee, ȝif thou fallynge doun shalt worshipe me. [verse 10] Than Jhesus saide to hym, Go, Sathanas; `forsothe*. [for OU.] it is wrytin, Thou shalt worshipe the Lord `thi God*. [Om. G pr. m.], and to hym alone thou shalt serue. [verse 11] Than the deuel lafte hym; and loo! aungelis `camen niȝe*. [neiȝedden OU.], and serueden to hym. [verse 12] So|thely Page  9 whanne Jhesus hadde herde that Joon was taken, he wente into Galilee. [verse 13] And the cite of Nazaret laft, he came, and dwelte in the citee of Caphernaum, beside the see, in the eendis*. [coestis XY pr. m.] of Zabulon and [verse 14] Neptalym*. [of Nepthalim S.], that it*. [the thenge OUV sec. m. Om. X.] shulde be fulfillid*. [filled OUV sec. m.], `that thing*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] that was said by Ysay, the [verse 15] prophete, The lond of Zabulon and the lond of Neptalym, the weye of*. [ouer K.] the see ouer*. [of OU.] Jordan, of Galilee of hethene men, [verse 16] the peple that dwelte in derknessis say grete liȝt, and men*. [to hem OUV sec. m.] sittynge in the*. [Om. O.] cuntree of shadew*. [the shadewe S.] of deth, liȝt `is sprunge to hem*. [was risen OU.]. [verse 17] Fro thennus Jhesus bygan for*. [Om. OUX.] to preche, and say*. [to say OUV sec. m.], Do ȝe penaunce, forsothe*. [for OU.] the kyngdom*. [rewme OU.] of heuens*. [heuen O.] `shal cume niȝe*. [hath neȝed OU.]. [verse 18] Sothely Jhesus, walkynge*. [walked S sec. m.] bisidis*. [bi X.] the see of Galilee, say two*. [twei NUV.] bretheren, Symon, that is clepid Petre, and Andrew, his brother, sendynge nett*. [a nett MNOPQTUV sec. m.] in to the see; forsothe thei weren fisheris. [verse 19] And he saide to hem, `Come ȝe*. [Cometh XY.] after me, and I shal make ȝou to be maad fisheris*. [the fisscheres O.] of men. [verse 20] And anon her*. [the OQU V sec. m.] nettis forsakyn, they sueden hym. [verse 21] And he go|ynge forth fro that place, say tweyn*. [two MPQSXY.] other bretheren, Jamys of Zebedee, and Joon, his brother, in the ship with Zebedee, her fadir, makynge aȝein, `or beetynge*. [or mendynge O. either cloutynge UV sec. m. Om. X.], her nettis*. [nettis in the se N.], and he clepide hem. [verse 22] Sothely anoon the nettis forsaken and the fadir, thei sueden hym. [verse 23] And Jhesus enuyraunyde al Galilee, techynge in the synagogis*. [synogis A.] of hem, and prechynge the gospel of kyngdam*. [the kyngdom MPQSXY. the rewme OU. rewme V.], and helynge al sorow, `or ache*. [ether ache OU. Om. X.], and al seke|nesse in the peple. [verse 24] And his `opynyoun, or fame*. [fame OUV sec. m. name U. openeoun X.], wente in to al Syrie; and thei offrid|en*. [brouȝten U sec. m.] to hym alle men*. [Om. MX.] hauynge yuele, takyn with dyuers sorowis*. [soores OU sec. m. V sec. m.] and tourmentis, and hem that hadden deuelis, and*. [Om. G pr. m.] lunatijk men, and men in palsie*. [the palesie NOUV sec. m.], and he helide hem. [verse 25] And `there sueden hym*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] many cum|panyes of Galilee, and of Decapoly, and of Page  10 Jerusalem, and of Judee, and of beȝonde Jordan*. [Jordan sueden him OUV sec. m.].


[verse 1] Jhesus forsothe, seynge cumpanyes*. [the kumpanyes X.], wente*. [steiȝed OUV sec. m.] vp*. [Om. V sec. m.] in to an hill; and when he hadde sete*. [sitten Y. siten X.], his disciplis camen niȝe to hym. [verse 2] And he*. [Om. W.], openynge his mouthe, [verse 3] tauȝte to*. [Om. AGMNOPUV sec. m. XY.] hem, sayinge, Blessid be*. [Om. X.] the*. [Om. QU.] pore*. [pore men U.] in spirit, for the kingdam in*. [of AGMNOPQSUVXY.] he|uenes*. [heuene NQW pr. m.] is heren. [verse 4] Blessid be*. [Om. X.] mylde men*. [Om. X.], for thei shuln welde the eerthe. [verse 5] Blessid be*. [Om. X.] thei that mournen, for thei shuln be comfortid. [verse 6] Blessid be*. [Om. X.] thei that hungren and thristen riȝtwisnesse*. [riȝtfulnesse UV sec. m. sup. ras.], for thei shuln ben fulfillid*. [filled OUV sec. m. sup. ras.]. [verse 7] Blessid be*. [Om. X.] `mercyful men*. [the merciful X.], for thei shuln gete*. [gete, ether followe Q sup. ras.] mercye. [verse 8] Blessid be*. [Om. X.] thei*. [men OUV sec. m. sup. ras.] that ben of clene herte, for thei shuln see God*. [good G pr. m.]. [verse 9] Blessid be*. [Om. X.] `pesible men*. [the pesible X.], for thei shuln be clepid the sonys of God. [verse 10] Blessid be*. [Om. X.] thei that suffren persecucioun for riȝt|wisnesse*. [riȝtfulnesse V sec. m.], for the kyngdam of heuenes*. [heuene UX.] is herun. [verse 11] Ȝee `shulen be*. [ben NP.] blessid, when men shulen curse ȝou, and shulen*. [Om. MPQXY pr. m.] pursue ȝou, and shulen say al yuel aȝeins ȝou leeȝing*. [liende X.], for me. [verse 12] Ioye ȝee `with yn*. [with innen G sæpius.] forth*. [forsothe G pr. m. Om. OUV.], and `glade ȝee*. [gladeth XY.] `with out forth*. [ful oute OU.], for ȝoure meede is plenteuouse in heuenes; forsothe so thei han pursued and*. [Om. OUV sec. m. also Q sec. m. V pr. m.] prophetis that weren before ȝou. [verse 13] Ȝee ben salt of the*. [Om. V sec. m.] erthe; that ȝif the salt shal*. [Om. X.] vanyshe awey, wher|ynne shal it be saltid? To no thing it is worth ouer, no*. [Om. O.] bot that it be sent*. [cast U.] out, and*. [and be OUV sec. m.] defoulid of men. [verse 14] Ȝe ben liȝt*. [the liȝt X.] of the world; a citee putt*. [sette OUV sec. m.] on an hill may nat be [verse 15] hid; nether men tendyn*. [teenden not O.] a lanterne, and putten it vndir a busshel, but on a candil|stike, that it ȝeue liȝt to alle that ben in the hous. [verse 16] So shyyne ȝoure liȝt before men, Page  11 that thei see ȝoure good werkis, and glo|rifie ȝoure fadir that*. [whiche OUV sec. m.] is in heuens. [verse 17] Nyle ȝe gesse, `or deme*. [Om. OUX.], that*. [for UV.] Y came to `vndo, or distruye*. [distruye OUV sec. m. vndon X.], the lawe, or*. [of G pr. m. and G sec. m. ether OUV sec. m.] the prophetis; I came not to vndo*. [distroie OUV sec. m. distroye, or vndo V pr. m.] `the lawe*. [Om. UV sec. m.], but to ful|fille*. [fulfille it MP. fill O.]. [verse 18] Forsothe I say to ȝou trewthe*. [Om. OV sec. m.], til heuen and erthe passe*. [schal passe N.], oon*. [on G.] i*. [lettere U.], `that is leste lettre*. [that is, the leste lettre AGKLM NPQSV pr. m. WY. Om. OUV sec. m. X.], or*. [ether OUV sec. m.] titil*. [a titil AGMNPQSWXY. OO tytil OUV sec. m.], shal nat passe fro the lawe, til alle thingis be don. [verse 19] Therfore he that `vndoth, or*. [Om. OUV sec. m.]breketh, oon of these leste maundementis*. [commaundementes O.], and techith thus men, shal be clepid the*. [Om. O.] leste in the rewme of heuenes; forsothe this that doth, and tech|ith, shal be clepid grete in the*. [Om. GW.] kyngdame*. [rewme OUV sec. m.] of heuenes. [verse 20] Forsothe Y say to ȝou, no*. [Om. GPQXY pr. m. that N. for no UV sec. m.] but ȝif*. [Om. TUV sec. m.] ȝoure riȝtwisnesse*. [riȝtfulnesse UV sec. m.] shal*. [Om. NP.] be more*. [no more K.] plenteuouse than of scribis and Pharisees*. [of Pharisees O.], ȝee shulen not entre in to kyngdam*. [the kyngdom GMNPSXY. the rewme OUV sec. m.] of heuenes. [verse 21] Ȝee han herde that*. [for OUV sec. m.] it is*. [was U.] said to olde men, Thou shal nat slea; forsothe he that sleeth*. [shal slen X.], shal be gylty of dome. [verse 22] But*. [Forsothe O.] I say to ȝou, that*. [for UV sec. m.] euereche*. [he O. ech UVX.] that is wrothe*. [wrathed O.] to his brother, shal be gylty of dome; forsothe he that `shal say*. [seieth OUV sec. m.] to his brother, Racha, that is, a word of scorn, shal be gylty of counseile; sothly he that `shal say*. [seieth OUV sec. m.], Fool, `that is, a word of dispis|ynge*. [Om. OU.], shal be gylti of the fijr of helle. [verse 23] Therfore ȝif thou offrist thi ȝift at the au|ter, and there*. [there thou G. Om. U.] `shalt bythenke*. [bythenkest OUV sec. m.], that thi [verse 24] brother hath sum what*. [thenge OUV sec. m.] aȝeins thee, leeue there thi ȝift before the auter, and go first for*. [Om. OUVX.] to be recounseilid, or*. [ether OU et V fere passim.]acordid, to thi brother, and thanne thou cummynge shalt offre thi ȝifte. [verse 25] Be thou consentynge to thin aduersarie soon, the*. [Om. OQUV sec. m.] whijle thou art in the way with hym, lest perauenture thin aduersarie take thee to the domes|man Page  12*. [iuge OUV sec. m.], and the domesman*. [iuge OUV sec. m.] take thee to the mynystre, and thou be sente in to pri|soun. [verse 26] Trewely I say to thee, Thou shalt not go thennes, til thou ȝelde the last fer|thing. [verse 27] Ȝe han herd for it was said to olde men, Thou shalt nat do lecherye. [verse 28] For|sothe Y say to ȝou, for why*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.] euery*. [eche OUV sec. m. X.] man that seeth a womman for*. [Om. X.] to coueite hire, now he*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.] hath do lecherie by*. [with N.] hire in his herte. [verse 29] That ȝif thi riȝt eiȝe sclaundre thee, pulle it out, and cast it*. [Om. A sec. m. OUV sec. m.] fro thee; for it speedith to thee, that oon of thi membris perishe, than*. [than that OUV sec. m.] al thi body go in to helle. [verse 30] And ȝif thi riȝt hond sclaundre*. [sclaundreth U.] thee, kitt it awey, and cast it*. [Om. MNOPUVW.] fro thee; for it sped|ith to thee, that oon of thi membris pe|rishe, than that al thi*. [the X.] body go in to helle. [verse 31] Forsothe it is said, Who euere shal leeue his wyf, ȝeue he*. [Om. U.] to hir a libel, that is, a litil boke of forsakyng. [verse 32] Sothely*. [But OUV sec. m.] Y say to ȝou, that*. [for OUV sec. m.] euery*. [eche OUV sec. m. X.] man that `shal leeue*. [forsaketh OUV sec. m.] his wyf, outaken cause*. [the cause OUV sec. m.] of fornicacioun, he*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] makith hire do*. [to do AGMNOPQSUVWXY.] lecherie, and he that wed|dith the forsaken wijf*. [Om. X.], doth auoutrie. [verse 33] Efte soonys ȝee han herd, that*. [for OUV sec. m.] it was said to olde men, Thou shalt not forswere, so|thely*. [but OUV sec. m.] to the Lord*. [Loorde thi God O.] thou shalt ȝeeld thin oethis. [verse 34] Forsothe Y say to ȝou, to nat swere on al manere; neither by heuene, for [verse 35] it is the trone of God; nether by the*. [Om. NPQSX.] erthe, for it is the stole of his feet; nei|ther by Jerusalem, for it is the citee of a*. [Om. G. the O.] [verse 36] greet kyng; neither thou shalt swere by thin heued*. [heed AMPQUVW. hed NSX.], for thou maist*. [miȝt M.] not make oon*. [an GQXY.] [verse 37] `heer whyt*. [white heer UV.], or blak; but `be ȝoure word*. [ȝ. W. be UV.] Ȝea, ȝea; Nay, nay; forsothe that*. [this OUV sec. m.] that is more `than this*. [Om. OUV sec. m. than these S.], is of yuel. [verse 38] Ȝee han herde that*. [for OUV sec. m.] it is*. [was U.] said*. [seid to the olde X.], Eiȝe for eiȝe, toth*. [and tooth OU.] for toth. [verse 39] But Y say to ȝou, to nat aȝein stonde yuel; but ȝif any*. [any man NUV sec. m.] `shal smyte*. [smyteth OUV sec. m.] thee in*. [on OUV sec. m.] the riȝt cheeke, ȝeue to hym and*. [also OUV sec. m.] the tother; Page  13 [verse 40] and to hym that wole stryue with thee in dome, and take awey thi coote, leeue thou*. [thou also OUV sec. m.] [verse 41] `to hym*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] and*. [Om. OU.] thin ouer clothe; and who euere constrayneth*. [constreyne NS.] thee a thousand pacis*. [placis K. pas X.], go thou with hym other tweyne*. [two GMQSXY.]. [verse 42] For|sothe ȝif*. [ȝif thou OUV sec. m.] to hym that axith of thee, and*. [Om. K sec. m.] turne thou nat awey fro hym that wol borwe of thee. [verse 43] Ȝee han*. [Om. O.] herd that*. [for OUV sec. m.] it is*. [was U.] said, Thou shalt loue thin neiȝbore, and*. [and thou schalt OUV sec. m.] hate thin enmy. [verse 44] But Y say to ȝou, loue ȝee ȝoure enmyes, do*. [and do K.] ȝee wel to hem that haten ȝou, and preye ȝee for men pursu|ynge, [verse 45] and falsly chalengynge ȝou; that ȝee be the sonys of ȝoure fadir that is in heuenes, that*. [whiche OUV sec. m.] makith his sune to `springe vp*. [rise OUV sec. m.] vpon*. [on OQUV sec. m. X.] good and*. [and on U.] yuel men, and rayn|eth vpon*. [on OUV sec. m. X.] iuste men*. [Om. G.] and vniuste men. [verse 46] For ȝif ȝe louen hem*. [men N.] that louen ȝou, what meed shul ȝee haue? whether*. [wher OUV.] and pupli|cans*. [the puplicanes O.] don nat this thing? [verse 47] And ȝif ȝee greten, `or saluten*. [Om. OUX.], ȝoure bretheren oonly, what `more ouer*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] shul ȝee don*. [do more OUV sec. m.]? whether*. [wher O.] and*. [Om. OU.] paynymmys don nat this thing? [verse 48] Ther|fore be ȝee parfit, as and ȝoure heuenly fadir is parfit*. [CAP. V. ends here in O.]. [verse 1] `Take ȝee*. [Takith GXY pr. m.] hede, lest*. [that X.] ȝe don ȝour riȝtwisnesse*. [riȝtfulnesse UV sec. m.] before men, that ȝee be seen of hem, ellis ȝe shule nat han meed at*. [of O. aȝentis UV sec. m.] ȝoure fadir that*. [whiche OUV sec. m.] is in heuenes. [verse 2] Therfore when thou dost almesse, nyle thou synge byfore thee*. [me V.] `in a*. [wit OU. with a V sec. m.] trumpe, as ypocritis don in synagogis and streetis, that thei ben `maad worshipful*. [worscheped OUV sec. m.] of men; forsothe Y saye to ȝou, thei han resceyued her meede. [verse 3] But `thee doynge*. [thei doynge K. while thou doest OUV sec. m.] almesse, knowe nat the*. [thi AGMNO PQSUV sec. m. WXY.] left hond what thi riȝt [verse 4] hond doth, that thi almes be in hidlis, and thi fadir that seeth in hidlis, shal ȝelde to thee.


[verse 5] And*. [Om. S.] when ȝe shuln*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] preye, ȝee shuln nat be as ypocritis, the*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] whiche stondynge Page  14 louen to preye in synagogis and*. [and in MOUV sec. m.] corners of streetis, that thei be seen of men; trewly Y say to ȝou, thei han resseyued her meede. [verse 6] But whan thou shalt preye, entre in to thi couche, and the dore schet, preye*. [preye to G pr. m. preye thou OUV sec. m.] thi fadir in hidlis, and thi fadir that seeth in hidlis, shal ȝeelde to thee. [verse 7] Sothely*. [Sotheli ȝe N.] preyinge nyle ȝee speke*. [sey Q.] moche, as hethen men don, for thei gessen that thei ben herd in theire moche speche. [verse 8] Therfore nyl ȝe*. [Om. G pr. m.] be maad liche*. [licly KT.] to hem, for ȝoure fadir woot what is need*. [needful OUV sec. m.] to ȝou, before that*. [Om. G pr. m.] ȝe axen hym. [verse 9] Forsothe thus ȝe shulen preyen, Oure fadir that art [verse 10] in heuenes, halwid be thi name; thi kyng|dom cumme to*. [to the N.]; `be thi wille don*. [thi wille be don UV sec. m.] as in [verse 11] heuen and*. [so N.] in erthe; ȝif to vs this day oure [verse 12] breed ouer other substaunce; and forȝeue to*. [Om. U.] vs oure dettis, as*. [as and G sec. m. MNOQSUVX.] we forȝeue to oure [verse 13] dettours; and leede vs nat in to tempta|cioun, but delyuere vs fro*. [fro alle U pr. m.] yuel. `Amen, that is*. [Om. M. O Amen UX.], so be it*. [Om. OUX.]. [verse 14] Forsothe ȝif ȝee*. [we O.] shulen forȝeue to men her synnys, and ȝoure he|uenly fadir shal forȝeue to ȝou ȝoure*. [and ȝoure N.] tres|passis*. [synnes S.]. [verse 15] Sothely ȝif ȝee shulen forȝeue not to men*. [the synnes of hem Q marg. sec. m.], neither ȝoure fadir shal*. [schal not O.] forȝeue to ȝou ȝoure synnes. [verse 16] But*. [For|sothe OUV sec. m.] when ȝee fasten, nyl ȝe be maad as ypocritis sorweful, for thei putten her facis out of kyndly termys, that thei seme fastynge to men; trewly Y say to ȝou, thei han resseyued her meede. [verse 17] But whan thou fastist, anoynte thin hede*. [heued O.], [verse 18] and washe thi face, that thou be nat seen fastynge to men, but to thi fadir that is in hidlis, and thi fadir that seeth in hidlis, shal ȝeelde to thee. [verse 19] Nyle ȝe tresoure to ȝou tresours in*. [here in N.] erthe, wher rust and mouȝthe*. [mouȝttis N.] distruyeth, and wher theeues deluen out [verse 20] and stelen; but tresoure ȝee*. [Om. N.] to ȝou tre|souris in heuene, wher neither rust ne*. [nether OUX.] mouȝthe distruyeth, and wher theues del|uen nat out, `or undirmyne nat*. [Om. MOUV sec. m. X.], ne*. [neither OU.] stelen. Page  15 [verse 21] Forsothe wher thi tresour is, there and*. [also U sec. m.] thin herte is. [verse 22] The lanterne of thi body is thin eȝe; ȝif thin eiȝe be*. [is U sec. m. V sec. m.] symple, al thi body [verse 23] shal be liȝtful; bot*. [sothely OUV sec. m.] ȝif thyn eiȝe be*. [Om. G pr. m. is UV sec. m.] wey|ward, al thi body shal be derkful. Ther|fore ȝif the liȝt that is in thee be derk|nessis*. [derk|nesse Y.], `how grete shulen thilk*. [the ilke AN. tho ilke M. tho OUV sec. m.] derknessis be*. [the derknesses hou grete shul thei be? X.]? [verse 24] No man may serue to*. [Om. OU.] two*. [twei NV.] lordis, forsothe*. [Om. G pr. m. UV. for O.] ethir*. [other MPY. or X. outher S.] he shal haat `the toon*. [that oon G. the oone O.], and loue*. [he schall loue OUV sec. m.] the tother*. [that other G. the othir X.]; other*. [ether ONQV. or SX.] he shal susteyn `the toon*. [that oon G. the oone OX.], and dispise*. [he schal despise OUV sec. m.] the tothir*. [that other G. the other X.]. Ȝe mown*. [mowe GV. mai M.] nat serue to*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] God and richessis*. [richesse MNPXY.]. [verse 25] Therfore Y say to ȝou, that ȝe ben nat besie to ȝoure lijf, what ȝe shulen ete; othir*. [either NQS. nether OUV. or X.] to ȝoure body, with*. [Om. Q.] what*. [what thing U.] ȝe shuln be clothid*. [clad X.]. Wher*. [Whether GNOSUX.] ȝoure*. [the OUV sec. m.] lijf is nat more than mete*. [the meete O.], and the body more than clothe*. [the clothe O.]? [verse 26] Beholde ȝe the*. [Om. QSW.] fleeȝinge foulis*. [volatyles OUV sec. m.] of the eir, for thei sowen nat, ne*. [nor N. nether OUV sec. m.] repyn, neither*. [ne OU.] ga|dren in to bernys; and ȝoure fadir of heuen fedith hem. Wher*. [Whether GN et S passim, UVX pass.] ȝe ben nat more worthi*. [worthee O. worth UV pr. m. Om. X.] than thei? [verse 27] Sothely who of ȝou thenkinge*. [bithenkynge OU.] may `putte to*. [adde OU.] to*. [Om. K pr. m. MNPQTW.] his stature oo cubite? [verse 28] And of clothing what ben ȝe besye? `Be|holde ȝe*. [Beholdeth GXY pr. m.] the lilies*. [lilyes, or floures MV pr. m.] of the feelde, how thei wexen. Thei traueilen nat, nether spynnen; [verse 29] trewly I say to ȝou, for whi*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.] neither Sala|mon in al his glorie was keuerid*. [clothid U. koouered X.] as oon of thes. [verse 30] For*. [Forsothe U.] ȝif God clothith thus the heye of the feeld, that*. [whiche OU.] to day is, and to morwe is sente in to the*. [a AGMNOPSUVWXY.] fourneyse, how moche more ȝou of litil feith? [verse 31] Therfore nyl ȝe be bisie, sayinge, What shulen we ete? or*. [either U. other V sec. m.], What shulen we drynke? or*. [ether OU.], With what thing*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] shulen we be keuered*. [heled OU.]? [verse 32] Forsothe*. [For OUV sec. m.] heithen men sechen alle these thingis; trewly ȝoure fadir wote that*. [for OU.] ȝe Page  16 han need to alle these thingis. [verse 33] Therfore seke ȝee*. [Om. V.] first the kyngdam of God and his riȝtwisnesse*. [riȝtfulnesse U.], and alle these thingis shulen be cast to ȝou. [verse 34] Therfore nyle ȝe be*. [Om. G pr. m.] besie in to the morwe, for the morew day shal be besie to it*. [hym AGMNOQSUVWXY.] self; sothely*. [forsothe OU.] it sufficith to the day his malice.


[verse 1] Nyle ȝe deme, that ȝe be nat demyd; [verse 2] for in what dome ȝe demen, ȝe shulen ben demyd, and in what mesure ȝe meten, it shal be meten*. [meten aȝen OUX.] to ȝou. [verse 3] But what seest thou a festu, `or a*. [or N. ether O. ether a U.]litil mote, in the eiȝe of thi brother, and thou seest nat a beme in thin owne eiȝe? [verse 4] Or*. [Ether OU. Other V sec. m.] what*. [in what OU.] maner saist thou to thi brother, Brother, suffre that I caste out a `festu fro*. [Om. Q pr. m. a mote Q sec. m.] thin eiȝe, and loo! a beme is*. [Om. Q.] in thin owne eiȝe? [verse 5] Ypocrite, cast out first a*. [the GMPXY.] beme of thin eiȝe, and than thou shalt see for*. [Om. OSUV sec. m. X.] to cast out a*. [the M.] festu of*. [fro OUV sec. m.] the eiȝe of thi brother. [verse 6] Nyl ȝe ȝeue holy thing*. [thingis AGNS.] to houndis, nether sende*. [caste U sec. m. sup. ras.] ȝe ȝour margaritis, or*. [ether O et U passim, V sec. m. Om. X.] `preciouse stoonys*. [Om. X.], before swyne, lest perauenture thei defoulen hem with theire feet, and `lest houndis*. [lest hondis G. thei OU.] turned to gidre al to-breke ȝou. [verse 7] Axe ȝe, and it shal be ȝouen to ȝou; `seke ȝe*. [seketh G pr. m. QXY. seketh ȝee G sec. m.], and ȝe shulen fynde; `knocke ȝe*. [knockith GXY.], and it shal be opnyd to ȝou. [verse 8] For eche*. [eche man N.] that axith, takith; and he*. [Om. X.] that sechith, fyndith; and it shal be opnyde to `a man*. [man K pr. m. him OU.] knokynge*. [that knocketh U.]. [verse 9] Other*. [Or AX. Either NSW. Ether OQV.] who of ȝou is a man, whom ȝif his sone axe*. [axeth OU.] breed, wher*. [whethir AGSV pr. m. X.] he shal dresse to hym a stoon? [verse 10] Other*. [Ether AOQ. Either NVW. Or SX.] ȝif he `shal axe*. [axeth U.] a fishe, wher*. [whether AGNSX.] he shal dresse*. [ȝiue X.] to hym a serpent? [verse 11] Therfore ȝif ȝe, when ȝe ben yuel men, `han knowen for*. [Om. X.] to*. [connen OU.] ȝeue good thingus*. [ȝiftes OU.] ȝouen*. [Om. OQU.] to ȝoure sonys, hou myche more ȝoure fadir that is in heuenes shal ȝeue good thingis to men axinge*. [askinge Q.]Page  17 hym? [verse 12] Therfore alle thingis, what euer thingis ȝee wolen that*. [Om. N.] men don to ȝou, and ȝe do*. [doth X.] to hem, forsothe `these thingis*. [this thing A. this OUV sec. m.]ben*. [ys A sec. m. OUV sec. m.] the lawe and prophetis*. [the prophetes OV sec. m.]. [verse 13] Entre ȝe bi the streyt ȝate; for the gate `that ledith to perdicioun, or dampnacioun*. [Om. OUV sec. m. that led. to perd. X.], is brode, and `the weye*. [wey is G sec. m. weie that ledeth to perdicion, ether dampnacion, is OUV sec. m. Om. QXY pr. m.] large, and `ther ben many*. [many ben OUV sec. m.] that entren bi it*. [Om. G.]. [verse 14] How streit is*. [Om. N.] the ȝate, and narewe the weye, that ledith to lijf, and `there ben fewe*. [few ben OUV sec. m.] that fynden it. [verse 15] Perceyue*. [or be war T sec. m.] ȝe, and flee*. [fle ȝe UV sec. m. fleeth X.] fro fals prophetis, the*. [Om. OU.] whiche cummen to ȝou in clothingis*. [clothinge NO. clothis U.] of sheepis*. [scheep GNOPQSUV.], bot wythynne thei ben rauyshynge wolues; of her fruytis ȝe shulen knowe hem. [verse 16] Whe|ther men gaderen grapis of thornys, or*. [ether OUV sec. m.] fijgis of breeris? [verse 17] So euery*. [eche OUV sec. m.] good tree mak|ith good fruytis; sothely an yuel tree makith yuel fruytis. [verse 18] A good tree may nat make yuel fruytis, nether an yuel tree make*. [may make OV sec. m. makith Q. maken S.] good fruytis. [verse 19] Euery*. [Eyche OUV.] tree that makith nat good fruyt*. [fruytes O.], shal be kitte doun, and shal be sent in to the fire. [verse 20] Therfore of her fruytis ȝee shulen knowe hem. [verse 21] Nat eche man*. [Om. X.] that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shal entre in to the kyngdam of heuenes; but he that doth the wille of my fadir that*. [whiche OUV sec. m.] is in heuenes, he*. [Om. A sec. m. OUV sec. m.] shal entre in to the kyngdam*. [rewme UV sec. m.] of heuenes. [verse 22] Many shul say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, whether*. [whar OUV.] we han nat prophecied in thi name, and han cast out deuelis*. [feendes OUV sec. m.] in thi name, and han don many vertues in thi name? [verse 23] And than Y shal knowliche to hem, For I knewe ȝou neuer; departe*. [departith GQSXY.] awey fro me, ȝe that worchen wickidnesse. [verse 24] Therfore eche man that herith these*. [thus N.] my wordis, and doth hem, shal be maad liche to a wijse man, that hath bildid*. [bild X.] his hous vpon*. [on OUV sec. m. X.] a stoon. [verse 25] And rayn came doun, and flodis camen, and wyndis blewen*. [blowen N.], and rusheden*. [hurliden UV sec. m.] in to that hous; and it felle nat doun, for it Page  18 was foundid on a*. [a sadde Q sec. m.] stoon. [verse 26] And euery*. [iche OUV sec. m. eche X.] man that herith these my wordis, and doth hem nat, is liche*. [licchi N. lichi TW.] to a man fool, that hath bildid*. [bild X.] his hous on*. [vpon a N. apon O. on a T.] `grauel, or soond*. [soond OUV sec. m. grauel X.]. [verse 27] And rayn came doun*. [Om. Q.], and floodis camen, and wyndis blewen, and thei hurliden in to that hous; and it felle doun, and the fallyng doun therof was grete. [verse 28] And it is*. [was A sec. m. OUV sec. m.] maad*. [done UV sec. m.], when Jhesus hadde eendid these wordis, the [verse 29] cumpanyes wondreden on his techyng; so|thely*. [for OUV sec. m.] he was techynge hem, as `a man*. [man O. Om. X.] hauynge power, and nat as the*. [Om. N.] scribis of hem, and*. [and as UV sec. m.] Pharisees*. [the Pharisees OUV sec. m.].


[verse 1] Forsothe when Jhesus hadde comen doun fro the hil, many cumpanyes folew|iden*. [suden OUV sec. m.] hym. [verse 2] And loo! a leprouse man cum|mynge worshipide hym, sayinge*. [and seide OUV sec. m.], Lord, ȝif thou wolt, thou maist make me clene. [verse 3] And Jhesus, holdynge forthe the hond, touchide hym, sayinge*. [and seide OUV sec. m.], I wole, be thou maad clene. And anoon the lepre of hym was clensid. [verse 4] And Jhesus saith*. [seide OUV sec. m.] to hym, See, say thou to no man; but go, shewe thee to prestis, and offre that*. [the OUV sec. m.] ȝifte that*. [which UV sec. m.] Moyses comaundide, in to witnessing to hem. [verse 5] Sothely when he hadde entride in to Capharnaum, centurio neiȝide to hym, [verse 6] preyinge hym, and saide*. [seiynge OUV sec. m.], Lord, my child lyeth*. [liggeth UV sec. m.] in the hous sike on*. [in OUV sec. m.] the*. [Om. OU.] palsie, and is yuel tourmentid. [verse 7] And Jhesus saith*. [seide OUV sec. m.] to hym, I shal cume, and shal*. [I schal OQUW pr. m. Y.] hele hym. [verse 8] And centurio answerynge saith*. [seide OUV sec. m.] to hym, Lord, I am not worthi, that thou entre vndir my roof; but oonly say bi word, and my child shal be helid. [verse 9] For whi and*. [Om. U sec. m.] I am a man ordeynd vnder power, hauynge vndir me kniȝtis; and*. [Om. G pr. m.] I say to this, Go*. [Go thou OUV sec. m.], and he goth; and to an other, Come thou, and he cometh; and to my seruaunt, Do thou this thing, and he doth. [verse 10] Sothely Page  19 Jhesus, heerynge these thingis*. [wordis Q.], wondride, and saide to men suynge hym, Trewly*. [Sothely O.] I saye to ȝou, I fonde nat so grete feith in Yrael. [verse 11] Sothely Y say to ȝou, that manye shulen come fro the est `and west*. [Om. O.], and shulen rest with Abraham and*. [Om. OU.] Ysaac and [verse 12] Jacob in the kyngdam of heuenes; forsothe the sonys of the rewme shulen be cast out in to vttremest*. [vtmere AVW. vtturmere GNOPQSUY. vtmer X.] derknessis; there shal be weepynge, and beetynge togidre of teeth. [verse 13] And Jhesus saide*. [seiynge O.] to centurio, Go, and as thou hast bileeued, be it don to thee. And the child was helid fro that houre. [verse 14] And when Jhesus hadde comen in to the hous of Symond*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] Petre, he say his wyues mo|der liggynge*. [lyende X.], and shakun*. [schaking NU. shake S. shakende X.] with feueris*. [feuere O. the feueres OUV sec. m.]. [verse 15] And he touchide hir hond, and*. [and anoen X pr. m.] the feuer lefte hir; and she roose, and seruyde hem*. [him V pr. m. to hem Y.]. [verse 16] Sothely whan the euenyng*. [euentide UV sec. m.] was maad, thei brouȝte to hym many*. [many men U.] hauynge deuelys*. [feendes OUV sec. m.], and he castide*. [caste PSX. kest Q.] out spiritis*. [vnclene spiritis G sec. m.] by word, and [verse 17] helide alle*. [all men OU.] hauynge yuel*. [siknesse O.]; that it shulde be fulfillid*. [filled OU.], `that thing*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] that was said by Ysaie, the prophete, sayinge, He toke oure infirmytees, and bere oure*. [Om. GNPSWXY.] sykenessis*. [sikenesse V sec. m. Y.]. [verse 18] Sothely Jhesus seeynge many cumpanyes about hym, bad*. [commaunded OUV sec. m.]his disciplis go*. [to go OUV sec. m.] ouer the water. [verse 19] And oo*. [a UV sec. m.] scribe, or*. [ether OUV sec. m.]a*. [Om. QS.]man of lawe*. [Gloss om. in X.], `commynge to*. [neiȝynge OUV sec. m.], saide to hym, Maistre, I shal sue thee, whidir euer thou shalt go. [verse 20] And Jhesus said to hym, Foxis han `dichis, or borowis*. [borrowes, or dennes O. dennes U. diches X.], and briddis of the eir han nestis, but mannes sone hath nat wher he reste*. [schal reste OUV sec. m.] his heued*. [hede NOS. hed X.]. [verse 21] Sotheli an other of his*. [thees O.] disciplis saide to hym, Lord, suffre me go*. [to go OU.] first, and birye my fadir. [verse 22] Forsothe Jhesus saide to hym, Sue thou me, and late dede men birye her dead men. [verse 23] And `Jhesu steyinge vp*. [and whan he steiȝ OUV sec. m.] in to a litel ship, his disciplis sueden hym. [verse 24] And loo! a grete steryng was*. [is O.] maad in the see, so that the*. [Om. X.]Page  20 litil ship was hilid with wawis; but*. [forsothe OUV sec. m.] he slepte. [verse 25] And `his disciplis*. [thei OUV sec. m.] camen niȝ to hym, and raysiden hym, sayinge, Lord, saue vs; we perishen. [verse 26] And Jhesus seith*. [seyde GMNOPQSUVWXY.] to hem, What ben ȝee*. [ȝee men G.] of litil feith agast*. [aferde OUV sec. m.]? Thanne he rysynge*. [risynge up U.] comaundide to the wyndis and the*. [thei OUV sec. m.] see, and a grete pesible|nesse is*. [was OUV sec. m.] maad. [verse 27] Forsothe men wondreden, sayinge, What manere man is he*. [Om. OSUV sec. m.] this, for the wyndis and the*. [Om. A sec. m. MNPSVW sec. m. X.] see obeishen*. [obeien OUV sec. m. obeȝen X.] to hym? [verse 28] And whan Jhesus*. [he OUV sec. m.] hadde comen ouer the water in to the cuntre `of men*. [Om. W.] of Genazereth*. [Ge|rasa UV sec. m.], twey*. [two GMPSUXY. and two Q.] men hauynge de|uelis*. [feendes OUV sec. m.] runnen to hym, goynge out fro*. [of OU.] biri|elis, ful*. [thei ful OUV sec. m.] feerse, `or wickid*. [ether ful cruel O. or wicke S. ether cruel UV sec. m. Om. X.], so that no man miȝte passe by*. [Om. U.] that wey. [verse 29] And `loo! thei*. [Om. O. thei U.] crieden, sayinge, What to vs and*. [and what G pr. m.] to thee*. [Om. G pr. m.], Jhesu, the sone of*. [Om. O.] God? hast thou comen hidir before the tyme for*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.] to tourmente vs? [verse 30] Sothely a `floc, or*. [Om. OUVX.]droue, of many hoggis*. [swijn hoggis P.] lesewynge was nat fer from hem. [verse 31] But the deuelis*. [feendes OUV sec. m.] preyeden him, seyinge, Ȝif thou castist out vs hennes*. [from hennes OUV sec. m.], sende vs in to the droue of hoggis. [verse 32] And he saith*. [seide OUV sec. m.] to hem, Go ȝee. And thei goynge out wente in to `the hoggis*. [swyin GPXY.]; and loo! in a greet bire al the droue wente heedlynge*. [hedlynges N.] in to the see, and thei ben*. [wer OUV sec. m.] dead in watris. [verse 33] Forsothe the hirdes fledden awey, and*. [and thei OUV sec. m.] cummynge in to the citee, tolden alle these*. [Om. OUV sec. w.] thingis, and of hem that hadden the*. [Om. Y pr. m.] fendis*. [deuelis N.]. [verse 34] And loo! al the citee wente*. [went oute OUV sec. m.] aȝeinis*. [aȝen X.] Jhesu, `met|ynge hym*. [Om. OUV sec. m.]; and hym seen, thei preiden hym*. [Om. OU.], that he shulde passe fro*. [out of N.] her coostis.


[verse 1] And Jhesus, `goyng vp*. [stiȝynge OUV sec. m.] in to a boot, passide ouer the water, and came in to his Page  21 citee. [verse 2] And loo! thei offreden to hym a man syke in palsie, liggynge*. [liende SX.] in a bed. Forsothe Jhesus, seeynge the feith of hem, saide to the man sike in palsie, Sone, haue thou*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] trust; thi synnes ben forȝeuen*. [forȝif O. forȝoue X.] to thee. [verse 3] And lo! sum of the scribis said with ynne hem self, This blasfemeth. [verse 4] And when Jhesus hadde seen her thouȝtis, he said, Wherto thenken ȝe yuel thingis in ȝour hertis? [verse 5] What is*. [is it AGMNOPQSUVWXY.] liȝter to saye, Thi synnes ben forȝeuen to thee, other*. [or MSX. either N passim, W. ether OV sec. m.] to saye, Ryse thou, and walke? [verse 6] Forsothe that ȝe wite, that*. [for OU sec. m.] mannes sone hath power to forȝeue synnes in erthe, thanne he saide to thilke*. [the AGNOPSUY. the ilke MW.] man*. [sik man AGNPQSUV sec. m. XY.] in*. [seke in O.] palsie, `Ryse vp*. [Ryse thou OUV sec. m.]; take thi bed, and go in to thin house. [verse 7] And he roose, and wente in to his house. [verse 8] Sothely the companyes seeynge dredden, and glorifi|eden God, that ȝaue siche power to men. [verse 9] And when Jhesus passide thennis*. [fro thens OU.], he seiȝ a man sittynge in a tolbothe, Matheu by name. And he saide to hym, Sue thou me. And he, rysynge, folowide*. [sued OUV sec. m.] hym. [verse 10] And it is*. [was UV sec. m.] don, hym sittynge at the mete in the house, loo! many puplicanys and synneful men cummynge saten at the mete with Jhesu and his disciplis. [verse 11] And Pharisees seeynge saiden to his disciplis, Whi etith ȝoure maister with puplicanys and synful men? [verse 12] And Jhesus herynge saide, A leche is nat nede*. [nedefull OU.] to men that faren wel, but to men hauynge yuel. [verse 13] Sothely ȝee goynge lerne*. [lerneth GMPY. lereth X.] what it is, Y wole mercye, and nat sacrifice; forsothe Y came, nat to clepe riȝtful*. [iust OUV sec. m. riȝtwis XY.] men, bot synful men. [verse 14] Thanne the disciplis of Joon `camen niȝe*. [neiȝeden OUV sec. m.] to hym, say|inge, Whi we and Pharisees*. [the Pharisees OU.] fasten ofte, but thi disciplis fasten nat? [verse 15] And Jhesus saide to hem, Whether*. [Wher O.] the sonys of the*. [Om. N.] spouse, `or husbonde*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.], mow `weilen, or*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.]mourne, how longe the spouse is with hem? Sothely days shulen come, when the spouse shal be taken awey fro hem, Page  22 and thanne thei shulen faste. [verse 16] Sothely no man sendith ynne a medlynge of rudee*. [rude GMNPSTUWXY. Om. OV sec. m. reude V pr. m.], or*. [Om. OV sec. m.]newe, clothe in to an*. [Om. O.] olde clothe; so|thely*. [For OUV sec. m.] he*. [it GXY.] takith awey the plente of it fro the clothe, and a*. [the U.] wors kittyng is maad. [verse 17] Nether men senden*. [putten U sec. m.] newe wijne in to olde `botelis, or wijn vesselis*. [wijn vesselis OUV sec. m. botelis X.], ellis the wijn ves|sels ben broken, and the wijn is shed out, and the wijn vessellis perishen. But men senden newe wijn in to newe wijn vessellis, and bothe ben kept. [verse 18] Jhesu spekynge these thingis to hem, loo! oo*. [a GOUV sec. m. XY.] prince `came to*. [neiȝed OUV sec. m.], and worshipid hym, sayinge*. [and seide OUV sec. m.], Lord, my douȝtir is now dead; but cume thou, and put thin hond vpon*. [on OUV sec. m. X.] hire, and she shal lyue. [verse 19] And Jhesus rysynge suede hym, and his disciplis. [verse 20] And loo! a womman that suffride the flix, `or rennynge*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.], of blood twelue ȝeer, `cam to*. [neiȝed OUV sec. m.] byhynde, and touch|ide the hemme of his clothe. [verse 21] Sothely she saide with ynne hir*. [in hir V.] self, Ȝif I touche*. [schal touche GOUXY.] oonly the clothis*. [clooth OUV sec. m.] of hym, I shal be saaf. [verse 22] And Jhesus turnyde, and seeynge hir, saide, Douȝter, haue thou*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] trust; thi faith hath made thee saaf. And the womman was maad saaf fro that houre. [verse 23] And when Jhesus came in to the hous of the prince, and*. [he O.] seeȝ mynstrelis, and the companye*. [com|panyes O.] [verse 24] makynge noyse, he saide, Go ȝe*. [Om. G pr. m. Y pr. m.] awey, for the wenche*. [damysell OUV sec. m.] is nat dead, but slepith*. [sche sleepeth O.]. And thei scornyden hym. [verse 25] And when the cum|panye was cast*. [put U sec. m.] out, he entride in*. [Om. OUV sec. m.], and held hir honde; and*. [and seide, Maiden, rise, and Q sec. m. marg.] the wenche*. [damysel OUV sec. m.] roose vp. [verse 26] And this fame wente out in to al the*. [that N.] londe. [verse 27] And Jhesu passynge thennes*. [fro thens OUV sec. m.], twey*. [two PQSUXY.] blynde men sueden hym*. [Om. G pr. m.], cryinge, and*. [Om. U sec. m.] sayinge, Thou sone of Dauith, haue mercy of*. [on AMNOSUW.] vs. [verse 28] Sothely when `thei came home*. [thei camen into the hous GQX. he had comme in to the house OUV sec. m.], the blynde men camen niȝ*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] to hym; and Jhesus saith*. [seide O.] to hem, What wole ȝe, that I do to ȝou? And thei seiden*. [Om. GM.], Lord, that oure eeȝen ben opnyd. And Jhesus saide, Page  23 Bileeue ȝe, that I may do this thing `to ȝou*. [Om. O.]? And*. [Om. AGMNOPQUV sec. m. WXY.] thei sayn*. [seiden QX. seyn to hym U sec. m.], Sothely, or ȝea*. [Ȝhe OUV sec. m.], Lord. [verse 29] Than he touchide her eeȝen, say|inge, Vp ȝour feith be it don to ȝou. [verse 30] And the eeȝen of `bothe ben*. [hem weren OUV sec. m.] opnyde. And Jhesus thretynyde*. [threetide VX.] to*. [Om. OU.] hem, sayinge, See ȝee, that no man wite. [verse 31] But thei goynge out, defameden hym thorwȝ*. [bi OUV sec. m.] al that*. [the U.] lond. [verse 32] Sothely thei*. [hem OV sec. m.] gon out, loo! thei offriden*. [brouȝten U sec. m.] to hym a `man doumb*. [doumbe man GP.], hauynge a deuel*. [feende OUV sec. m.]. [verse 33] And whan the deuel was cast out, the doumbe man spac. And the cumpanyes wondreden, sayinge, It aperede neuere so in Yrael. [verse 34] But the Pharisees saiden, In the prince of deuelis*. [feendes OUV sec. m.] he castith out deuelis*. [feendes OUV sec. m.]. [verse 35] And Jhesus compaside aboute*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] alle citees and castels, techynge in synagogis*. [the synagoges OUV sec. m.] of hem, and prechynge the gospel of kyngdam*. [the kyngdam OUV sec. m. X.], and helynge al `languyshynge, or ache*. [ache OUV sec. m. languishing X.], and al siknesse. [verse 36] Forsothe Jhesus, siynge cumpanyes, hadde*. [and hadde KT.] rewthe of*. [on GMPQSUVWXY.] hem; for thei weren traueilid, and liggynge as sheep nat hauynge a sheperde. [verse 37] Thanne he saide to his disciplis, Sothely*. [Forsothe OUV sec. m.] `there is*. [Om. UV sec. m.] moche rype corne*. [corne is UV sec. m.], but fewe werkmen. [verse 38] Therfore preye ȝe*. [Om. O.] the lord of the rijpe corn, that he sende workmen into*. [vnto Q.] his*. [the P.] rijp corn.


[verse 1] And the*. [Om. AGMNOSUVWXY.] twelue disciplis clepid*. [gaderid NP.] to gidre, he ȝaue to hem power of vnclene spiritis, that thei shulde casten hem out, and that thei shulden heele al ache, and al siknesse. [verse 2] These*. [Forsothe thees OU.] ben the names of twelue*. [the twelue Q.] apo|stelis*. [Om. O.]; the first, Symoun, that*. [whiche OU.] is*. [was G.] clepid [verse 3] Petre, and Andrew, his brother; `Philip, and Bartilmew*. [Bartholomeu M.]; Jamys of Zebedee, and Joon, his brother*. [Jamys of Zebedee and Joon his brother; Philip and Bartilmeus OU.]; Thomas, and Matheu puplican; and*. [Om. O.] James Alphei*. [of Alphei OU.], and Thadee*. [Thadde, that is, Judas U.]; Page  24 [verse 4] Symount Canane, and Judas Scarioth, the*. [Om. OU.] whiche betraiede Crist*. [him OU.]. [verse 5] Jhesus sente*. [seended O.] these twelue, comaundynge to hem, and sayinge, Goth*. [Go GOPQSUVWX.] ȝe nat into the wey of hei|then men, and `entre ȝe*. [entreth XY pr. m.] nat in to the*. [Om. Q.] [verse 6] citees of Samarietanys; but rather goth*. [go ȝe AMNOPQSUVW.] to the sheep of the hous of Yrael, that perish|iden. [verse 7] Sothely ȝee goynge preche*. [precheth X.], sayinge, for the kyngdam of heuenes shal neiȝe; [verse 8] hele ȝe seke men, vpreyse*. [reyse AGMNOSUVWXY.] ȝee dead men, clense ȝe meselis*. [leprose men OU.], `cast ȝe*. [castith GXY.] out deuelis*. [feendes OUW.]; frely ȝe han taken, frely ȝeue ȝe. [verse 9] Nyl ȝe welden gold, nether syluer, ne*. [nether OU.] money in [verse 10] ȝoure girdlis, not*. [nether OU.] a scripe in the weye, nether two*. [twei NOVW.] cootis, nether shoon, nether ȝeerd*. [a ȝerde OU.]; for a workman is worthi*. [worth V pr. m.] his mete*. [mede O.]. [verse 11] In to whateuer citee, or*. [ether OU.] castel, ȝe shulen entre, axeth*. [axe AMNVW. axe ȝe OU. asketh Q.] who therinne is worthi, and there `dwelle ȝe*. [dwellith GXY.], til*. [to GXY.] that*. [Om. GOUX.] ȝe gon out. [verse 12] Forsothe ȝe entrynge in to an*. [the OU.] house, `grete ȝe*. [greeteth GSXY.], `or salute ȝee*. [or salew ȝe AMNPV. or salu ȝe QW. or salutith GSY. Om. OUX.], it, sayinge, Pees to this hous. [verse 13] And*. [Om. G pr. m.] sothely ȝif `that ilk*. [that G pr. m. PQXY. thilk OUS.] hous be worthi, ȝoure pees shal cume on it; forsothe ȝif that house be nat worthy, ȝoure pees shall turne aȝein to ȝou. [verse 14] And who euere shall nat resceyue ȝou, nether*. [ne X.] heer ȝoure wordis, ȝee goynge forth*. [oute OU.] fro that hous, or*. [ether OU.]citee, smytith*. [smyte AMNOUVW.] awey the dust fro*. [of V.] ȝoure feet. [verse 15] Trewly I say to ȝou, it shall be more suffreable to the lond of men of Sodom and Gomor*. [of Gomor OU.] in the day of iuge|ment, than to that*. [that ilke AG sec. m. MNVW. thilk OSU.] citee. [verse 16] Loo! I sende ȝou as sheep in to*. [Om. AGNOPQSUVWXY.] the mydil*. [myddes S.] of wolues; therfore*. [Om. X.] be ȝe `war, or wijse before*. [prudent ether wise OU.], as serpentis, and symple as dowues*. [culueres OU.]. [verse 17] For|sothe*. [Sothely O.] be ȝe war of men, for thei shuln taken ȝou in counseilis, and thei shuln bete [verse 18] ȝou in there synagogis; and to `presidentis, or meyris*. [meyres, or presidentes AMNVW. presidentis, and meyris G. iustices OU. presidentis X.], and to kyngis ȝe shulen be led for me, in to witnessynge to hem, and hethen*. [to hethen OW. to the hethen U.] men. [verse 19] But whenne thei shulen take, Page  25 `or bitraie*. [Om. OQUX.], ȝou, nyl ȝe thenke, how or*. [ether OU.] what thing*. [Om. OU.] ȝee speeken*. [schulen speke NOU.], forsothe*. [for OU.] it shal be ȝouen to ȝou in that hour, what ȝe shuln [verse 20] speke; for it ben nat ȝe that speken, but the spirit of ȝoure fadir, that spekith in ȝou. [verse 21] Sothely*. [Forsothe OU.] the*. [a OU.] brother shal take the brother in to deth, and the fadir the sone, and the*. [Om. G pr. m. OPUWX.] sonys shulen ryse aȝeins*. [in to ther Q sec. m. sup. ras.] fadir and modir, and shulen tourmente hem bi*. [to O.] deth. [verse 22] And ȝe shulen be in*. [in to U pr. m.] hate*. [hatered OU.] to alle men, for my name; forsothe he that shall `dwelle stille*. [contynue OU.] in to*. [vnto NP. til in to OUWXY.] the eende, this*. [Om. A sec. m. MOUV. he this W pr. m. Om. W sec. m.] shal be saaf. [verse 23] Sothely whenne thei shulen pur|sue ȝou in this citee, `flee ȝe*. [fleeth GXY.] `in to*. [til O.] an other. Trewly I saye to ȝou, ȝe shulen nat eende the citees of Yrael, til*. [to G.] that*. [Om. OU.] mannes sone cume. [verse 24] The disciple is nat aboue the*. [his N.] maistre, ne*. [nether OU.] the seruaunt aboue*. [is aboue OU.] his lord; [verse 25] it is ynow to the disciple, `that he*. [to G.] be as his maistre, and to*. [Om. OU.] the seruaunt as his lord. Ȝif thei han*. [haf O.] clepid the `husbonde man*. [fader of meynee X.], `or the fadir of meynee*. [Om. OUX.], Belzebub, hou myche more his housholde meynee? [verse 26] Therfore drede ȝe nat hem; for no thing is couerid, `or hid*. [ether hid OU. Om. X.], that shal nat be shewid; and no thing is preuy, that*. [whiche OUV sec. m.] shal nat be wist. [verse 27] That*. [This OUV sec. m.] thing that Y say to ȝou in dercnessis, saye ȝee in the*. [Om. NOUV sec. m.] liȝt; and preche ȝe vpon*. [on OUV sec. m. X.] housis*. [rooues P.], that*. [this OUV sec. m.] thing that ȝee heere in ere*. [the eere OUV sec. m.]. [verse 28] And nyl ȝe dreede hem that sleen the body; trewly thei mowen nat slea the soule; bot rather dreede ȝe hym, that may lese soule*. [bothe soule OUV sec. m.] and body in to helle. [verse 29] Whether*. [Wher OU.] twey*. [two GMPUXY.] sparwis ben not sold for an hal|peny? and oon of hem shal nat falle*. [fayle O.] on*. [apon O.] the*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] erthe withouten ȝoure fadir. [verse 30] For|sothe alle the heeris of ȝoure heued*. [heed PU et V passim, W. hed QX.] be noumbrid. [verse 31] Therfore nyle ȝe drede; ȝe ben better than many sparwis. [verse 32] Therfore euery*. [eche NOUV sec. m. X.] man that shal knowleche me before men, and*. [Om. X.] I shal knowleche hym byfore my Page  26 fadir that is in heuenes. [verse 33] Sothely*. [But UV sec. m.] he that shal denye me bifore men, and I shall deniȝe hym before my fadir whiche*. [that GMQSUXY.] is in he|uenes. [verse 34] Nyl ȝee deme, that*. [for UV sec. m.] I cam*. [come U passim.] to sende pees in to erthe*. [the erthe UV pr. m. W.]; I cam not to sende pees `in to erthe*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X. in to the citee V pr. m. W.], but swerd. [verse 35] Sothely*. [For OUV sec. m.] Y cam to departe a man aȝeins his fadir, and the douȝter aȝeinys hire modir, and the sonys wyf aȝeins the*. [her PQ.] `wyues, or*. [Om. OPQUV sec. m. X.] hus|bondis [verse 36] , modir; and the enmyes of a*. [Om. U.] man ben*. [Om. X.] his homly meynee. [verse 37] He that loueth fadir or*. [ether V sec. m.] modir more than me, is nat `wor|thi of me*. [me wrthi X.]. And he that loueth sone or*. [ether OUV sec. m.] douȝter ouer me, is nat worthi of*. [Om. X.] me. [verse 38] And he that takith nat his crosse, and sueth*. [sueth not U.] me, is not worthi of me. [verse 39] He that fyndith his soule, that is, temporal*. [Om. OUV sec. m.]lyf*. [lif for me Q.], shal leese it; and he that lesith his soule*. [lijf OUV sec. m.], `that is, lif*. [that is, his lijf GMPY. Om. OUV sec. m. X.], for me, shal fynde it. [verse 40] He that resseyueth ȝou, resceyueth me; and he that resceyueth me, resceyueth hym that sente me. [verse 41] And*. [Om. OUV.] he that resceyueth a pro|phete in the name of a prophete, shal take*. [resseyue W.] the mede of a prophete. And he that resceyueth a iust man in the*. [Om. X.] name of a iust man, shal take*. [resseyue W.] the meede of a iust man. [verse 42] And who euer ȝiueth drynke to oon of these leste a cuppe of cold water oonly in the name of a disciple, trewly I saye to ȝou, he shal nat leese his mede.


[verse 1] And it is*. [was AGOUV sec. m.] don, when Jhesus hadde eend|id, he, comaundynge to his twelue disciplis, passide fro thennes for*. [Om. OSUV sec. m. X.] to `preche and teche*. [teche and preche PUVW.] in the citees of hem. [verse 2] Forsothe when Joon in boondis hadde herd the werkis of Crist, he, sendynge `two or three*. [tweyne ANOQUVW. two GPMSXY.] of his [verse 3] disciplis, seide*. [and thei seiden O.] to hym, Art thou he*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] that art to cummynge*. [come GNPQSXY.], or*. [ether OUV sec. m.] we*. [Om. V sec. m.] abiden*. [byde O. abiden wee UV sec. m.] an other? [verse 4] And Jhesus answerynge, seide to Page  27 hem, Ȝee goynge telle*. [telleth XY.] aȝein to Joon the*. [tho AGMNOPQSUVWXY.] thingis that*. [whiche UV sec. m.] ȝe han herde and seen. [verse 5] Blynde men seen, crokid men wandren*. [gon OU. goon V sec. m.], mesels ben maad clene, deef men heeren, dead men risen aȝein, pore men ben `taken to prechynge of*. [Om. G pr. m.] the gospel, or ben*. [Om. OU. preched X.] `maad keepers of the gospel*. [Om. X.]. [verse 6] And he is blessid, that shal nat be sclaundrid in me. [verse 7] Sothely hem*. [thei U.] goynge awey, Jhesus biganne for*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.] to seye of Joon to the cumpanyes, What thing wenten ȝe out for*. [in to desert for UV sec. m. into desert X.] to see in*. [in to G pr. m. O. Om. V sec. m. X.] de|sert*. [Om. V sec. m. X.]? whether a reede wawid*. [wayued O.] with*. [with the NOU.] wynd? [verse 8] But what thing wente ȝe out*. [oute in to deserte O.] for*. [Om. X.] to seen? whether a man clothid*. [clad X.] with soft thingis*. [cloothingis V pr. m.]? Loo! thei that ben clothid*. [clad X.] with softe thingis ben in housis*. [the houses OUV.] of kyngis. [verse 9] But what thing wenten ȝe out for*. [Om. X.] to se? whether a prophete? Ȝe, I seie to ȝou, and more than a prophete. [verse 10] For this is he, of whom it is writyn, Loo! I sende myne aungel before thi face, that*. [whiche OUV sec. m.] shal make redy thi wey bifore thee. [verse 11] Trewly I say to ȝou, `ther roose noon more*. [none roose gretter OUV sec. m.] than Joon Baptist amonge children*. [the sones OUV sec. m.] of wommen; for|sothe he that is lesse*. [the lesse OV sec. m. the leste U.] in the kyngdam of heuenes, is more than he. [verse 12] Sothely fro the days of Joon Baptist til now the kyngdam of heuenes suffreth strengthe*. [violence OU.], `or vio|lence*. [Om. GOU.], and violent men rauyshen it. [verse 13] For alle prophetis*. [the profetis UW pr. m.] and*. [in O.] the lawe til*. [til to AG sec. m. MNOSUV sec. m. W.] Joon Bap|tist [verse 14] *. [Om. OUV sec. m.] prophecieden; and ȝif ȝe wolen res|seyuen, he is Ely that is to cume*. [comynge OUV.]. [verse 15] He that hath eeris of heerynge, heere he*. [Om. V sec. m.]. [verse 16] But to whom shal I gesse this generacioun lichy*. [lyche GXY. lyke OSUV.]? It is lichi*. [lyche GXY. lyke OSUV.] to children sittynge in cheep|ynge*. [a chepynge GPXY.], the*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] whiche, cryinge to her peeris, [verse 17] seien, We han sungen to ȝou, and ȝe han nat lippid*. [lippid, or daunsid MP. daunsid Q. lopen S. lept X.]; we han mourned to ȝou, and ȝe han nat weilid. [verse 18] Sothely Joon cam nei|ther etyinge ne*. [nether OUV sec. m.] drynkynge, and thei seien, Page  28 He hath a deuel*. [feende OU.]. [verse 19] The sone of man came etynge `and drynkynge*. [Om. K.], and thei seyen, Loo! a man deuourer, `or glotoun*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.], and*. [Om. Q.] drynker*. [a drynker GMPX.] of wyn, and frend of puplicanys and synful men. And wijsdam is iustified of her*. [ther K.] sonys. [verse 20] Thanne Jhesus began for*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.] to seie repreue to citees, in whiche ful manye vertues of hym ben*. [weren OUV.] don, for thei diden nat penaunce. [verse 21] Woo to thee! Corozaym, woo to thee! Bethsaida; for ȝif tho*. [the NOUV.] ver|tues that ben don in ȝou hadden ben don in Tyre and Sydon, sum tyme thei hadden don penaunce in haire and asch*. [askes NS pr. m. aske S sec. m.]. [verse 22] Netheles I say*. [seye to ȝow AMNOUV sec. m.], it*. [hou it V sec. m.] shal be softer, or*. [ether o fere pass. V sec. m. Om. X.] `lesse peyne*. [esyer W. Om. X.], to Tyre and Sydon than to ȝou, in the day of dome. [verse 23] And thou, Caphernaum, whe|ther*. [wher OV.] til in to heuen thou shalt be `rerid vp*. [raysed OUV sec. m.]? Thou shalt go doun til*. [Om. Q.] into helle. For ȝif the vertues that ben don in thee, hadden be don in Sodom*. [Sydon OU.], perauenture thei `shulden han*. [haden OUV sec. m.] dwellid til `vn to*. [in to AGMNOUVX.] this day. [verse 24] Netheles Y saye to ȝou, for to the lond of Sodom it shal be softer, `or lesse peyne*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.], in the day of dome, than to thee. [verse 25] In `the ilk*. [that OUV sec. m.] tyme Jhesus answerynge saide, I knowleche to thee, fadir, lord of heuen and erthe*. [of erthe N.], for thou hast hid these thingis fro wijse men and `ware, or sleeȝ men*. [prudent OUV sec. m. war, or worldly sliȝe men P. war X.], and [verse 26] hast shewid hem to litil men*. [children U.]; so, fadir, for whi*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] so it was `plesynge tofore*. [pleesunt to OU. plesaunt bifore V sec. m plesing bifor X.] thee. [verse 27] Alle thingis ben taken*. [ȝeuen OUV sec. m.] to me of my fadir; and no man knewe*. [knowith OPUV sec. m.] the sone, no but the fadir, neither eny man knewe*. [knoweth OUV sec. m.] the fadir, no but the sone, and to whom the sone wolde*. [wile X.] shewe. [verse 28] Alle ȝe that traueilen, and ben chargid, come*. [cometh GMPWXY.] to me, and I shal re|freshe, `or fulfille*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.], ȝou. [verse 29] Take ȝe my ȝoc vpon*. [on OUV sec. m. X.] ȝou, and `lerne ȝe*. [lernith GY. lereth X.] of me, for I am mylde and meeke in*. [of QW.] herte; and ȝe shulen fynde reste in*. [to AGMNOPQSUVWXY.] ȝoure soulis. [verse 30] For my ȝoc is `swete, or softe*. [soft OUV sec. m. sweete X.], and my charge `liȝt, or eisy*. [is eysi OUV sec. m. is liȝt or esy Q. liȝt X.].Page  29


[verse 1] In that tyme Jhesus*. [that Jhesus O.] wente by cornys on*. [in OUV sec. m.] the sabot day; forsothe his disciplis, hungrynge, bigunnen to pluc eris of corn*. [the corne U.], and to*. [for to OU.] ete. [verse 2] Sothely Pharisees seeynge, seiden to hym, Loo! thi disciplis don that*. [this NOUV sec. m.] thing that is nat leeful to*. [Om. W pr. m.] hem to*. [for to AGNPW sec. m.] do in sabothis*. [the sabbates OUV sec. m.]. [verse 3] And he seide to hem, Whether*. [Wher OV sec. m. W.] ȝe han nat rad, what Dauith didde, when he hungride, and thei that weren with [verse 4] hym? hou he entride in to the hous of God, and*. [hou he N.] ete loouis of proposicioun, `or puttynge forth*. [Om. OX. ether settynge forth UV sec. m.], the*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] whiche loouis*. [Om. OSUV sec. m. X.] was*. [it was AG sec. m. MNOSUV.] nat leeful to hym to eet, nether to hem that weren with hym, no but to prestis only*. [alloone OUV sec. m.]? [verse 5] `Or whether*. [Ether whar OUV sec. m.] ȝe han nat rad in the lawe, for in sabothis*. [the sabbates O.] prestis in the temple defoulen the sabothis, and thei ben with outen grete synne*. [grime or synne V pr. m.]? [verse 6] Sothely*. [For|sothe O.] Y saye to ȝou, for this*. [heer OQ sec. m. UV sec. m. W sec. m.] is more than the temple. [verse 7] Forsothe ȝif ȝe wisten, what it is, I wole*. [will O. wile X.] mercy, and nat sacrifice, ȝe shulden*. [haden OUV sec. m.] neuer han*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] con|dempnyd innocentis. [verse 8] Trewly*. [Forsothe OUV sec. m.] mannys sone is, `ȝhe, lord*. [lord also N. lorde, ȝee OUV sec. m. W.] of the sabot. [verse 9] And whenne he passide thennus*. [fro thens OUV sec. m.], he came in to the synagoge of hem. [verse 10] And loo! a man hauynge a drye hond. And thei axiden hym, sayinge*. [and seiden OUV sec. m.], Ȝif*. [Wher OV sec. m. Whether U.] it is*. [be Q.] leeful to*. [for to OUV sec. m.] heele in the sabot? that thei shulden acuse hym. [verse 11] Sothely he seide to hem, Who shal be a man of ȝou, that hath oo sheep, and ȝif it*. [this O.] shal falle doun*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] in to a dike*. [diche OPQSWX.] in the sabotis, whether*. [wher OVW.] he shal nat holde, and lift it vp? [verse 12] Hou moche more `is a man*. [a man is UV sec. m.] betre than a sheep? `And so*. [Also O.] it is leeful to do good in the sabot. [verse 13] Thanne he seide to the man, Strecche forth thin hond. And he streiȝte forth; and it is*. [was OU.] restorid `to helthe*. [Om. OV sec. m. U pr. m.] as the*. [that OW.] tother*. [othir WX.]. [verse 14] Forsothe Phari|sees Page  30*. [the Pharysees GUW sec. m.] goynge out, maden a counsel aȝeins hym, hou thei shulden leese hym. [verse 15] Sothely Jhesus witynge, wente awey thennes*. [fro thennes OUV sec. m.]; and many sueden hym, and he helide hem alle. [verse 16] And he comaundide to hem, that thei shulden nat make hym `opyn, or [verse 17] knowen*. [knowen OUV sec. m. open X.]; that that*. [the OUV sec. m.] thing shulde be ful|filled*. [filled OUV sec. m.], that was said by Ysay, the pro|phete [verse 18] , seyinge, Loo! my chosen*. [Om. OUV sec. m. W sec. m.] child, `whom I haue chosen, my derlyng*. [Om. O.], in whom it hath wel plesid to my soule; I shal putte my spirit on hym, and he shal telle dome to heithen men. [verse 19] He shal nat stryue, `ne crye*. [nether crie OUV sec. m.], nether eny man shal here his voice in stretis. [verse 20] He shal nat breke to gidre a schaken*. [schakid V.] reed, and he shal nat quenche smokynge flax, til that*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] he cast [verse 21] out dome to victorie; and hethen men shulen hope in his name. [verse 22] Thanne a blynd man and*. [and a U pr. m.] doumb, hauynge a deuel*. [feende OUV sec. m.], was offrid vp*. [Om. OUV sec. m. W pr. m.] to hym; and he helide hym, so that he spac, and say*. [seiȝe O.]. [verse 23] And alle the*. [Om. AK pr. m. MNOQSVW.] cumpanyes wondreden, and saiden, Wher*. [Whether SUX.] this be*. [is OUV sec. m.] the sone of Dauith? [verse 24] But the Pharisees, herynge*. [this herynge O.], seiden, He*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] this cast|ith not*. [Om. K pr. m.] out feendis, no but in Belzabub, prince of fendis*. [deuelis W.]. [verse 25] Sothely Jhesus, witynge her thouȝtis, seide to hem, Eche kyngdam departid aȝeins `hym self*. [hys self A. hem silf N. hit silf OUV sec. m. it silf X.], shal be deso|lat*. [deso|latid T.], `or discounfortid*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.], and eche citee, or*. [ether UV sec. m.] hous, departid aȝeins it*. [him Q.] self, shal nat stonde. [verse 26] And ȝif Sathanas castith*. [caste GX.] out Sa|thanas, he is departid aȝeins hym self; therfore hou shal his kyngdam stonde? [verse 27] And ȝif I in Belzabub cast out deuelis*. [fendes OUV sec. m.], in whom, `or whos miȝt*. [or in whose miȝt G sec. m. Om. OUV sec. m. X.], ȝoure sonys casten out? Therfore thei shulen ben ȝoure domys men. [verse 28] Forsothe ȝif I in the Spirit of God caste out fendis, therfore*. [thanne U sec. m.] the kyngdam of God is cummen in to ȝou, `or amonge ȝou*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.]. [verse 29] Ether*. [Othir GM.] hou may eny man Page  31 entre in to the hous of a stronge man, and take awey his vesselis, no*. [not O. Om. X.] but*. [but if X.] first he shal bynde the stronge man, and than he shal rauyshe his hous? [verse 30] He that is nat with me, is aȝeinus me; and he that gadrith nat to gidre with me, scatrith abrood. [verse 31] Ther|fore Y seye to ȝou, al synne and blasfemye shal be forȝouen to men, but the `spirit of blasfemye*. [blasphemy of the Spirite OUV sec. m. W sup. ras.] shal nat be forȝouen. [verse 32] And who euere shal seie a word aȝeins mannys sone, it shal be forȝouen to hym; forsothe `he that*. [if a man OUV.] shall seye a word aȝeins the Holy Goost, it shal nat be forȝouen to hym, ne|ther in this world, ne*. [nether OV sec. m.] in `the tother*. [that othir GW. the other X.]. [verse 33] Ether*. [Or X.] make ȝe the tree good, and his fruyt good; ether*. [or X.] make ȝe the tree yuel, and his fruyt euyl; forsothe a tree is knowen of the*. [his O.] fruyt. [verse 34] Ȝe generacioun of eddris, howe mowe ȝe speke good thingis, when ȝe ben yuel? Sothely the mouth spekith of the*. [Om. W pr. m.] grete plente*. [habundaunce OUV sec. m.] of the*. [Om. V.] herte. [verse 35] A good man brengith forth good thingis of good tresoure, and an yuel man bryng|ith forth yuel thingis of yuel tresour. [verse 36] For|sothe Y seie to ȝou, for whi*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] of euery*. [yche OUV sec. m. X.] ydel word that men speken, thei shul ȝelde re|soun [verse 37] therof in the day of dome; for of thi wordis*. [word G.] thou shalt be iustified, and of thi wordis thou shalt be dampnyd*. [con|dempned O.]. [verse 38] Thanne sume of the scribes and*. [and of the N.] Pharisees an|swereden to hym, seyinge*. [and seiden OUV sec. m.], Maistre, we wolden*. [wil O. wolen W. wiln X.] se a tokne of thee. [verse 39] The*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] whiche answerynge `seith to*. [seide vn to O. seide to UV sec. m.] hem, An iuel genera|cioun and auoutrere*. [auoutresse OUVW sec. m.] sekith a tokne, and tokne*. [a token OQUVW sec. m.] shal nat be ȝouen to it, no but the tokne of Jonas, the prophete. [verse 40] For as Jo|nas was*. [Om. G pr. m.] in the womb of a whall three days and three niȝtis, so mannus sone shal be in the herte of the*. [Om. V sec. m. X.] erthe three days and three niȝtis. [verse 41] Men of Nynyue shal ryse in dome*. [the dome OV sec. m.] with this generacioun, and Page  32 shulen*. [thei shulen K sec. m.] condempne it; for thei diden pe|naunce in the prechynge of Jonas, and loo! here is*. [Om. G pr. m. QX.] more than Jonas. [verse 42] The queen of the south shal ryse in dome*. [the dome OV sec. m.] with this generation, and shal condempne it; for she came fro the eendis of the*. [Om. O.] erthe, for*. [Om. X.] to here the wisdam of Salomon, and loo! heere is more than Salomon. [verse 43] Forsothe whan an vnclene spirit `shal go*. [is goon O. hath gon UVW sec. m.] out fro a man, he goth by drye places, seekynge reste, and he fyndyth nat*. [noon N.]. [verse 44] Thanne he saith, I shal turne aȝein in to my hous, fro whennys Y came*. [went OUV.] out. And he cummynge fyndith it voide, clensid with bismes, and maad faire. [verse 45] Thanne he goth, and takith seuen other spiritis with hym, worse than hym self; and thei entrynge yn*. [in N. Om. OUV sec. m.] dwellen there. And the last thingis of that man ben maad worse than the former. So it shal be and*. [alsso OV sec. m.] to this worst generacioun. [verse 46] Ȝit hym spekynge to the cumpanyes `of peple*. [of the peple G. Om. OUV sec. m.], loo! his modir and his bretheren stoden*. [stonden P.] with outeforth, seekyng for*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.] to speke to*. [wit O. with X.] hym. [verse 47] Sothely sum man saide to hym, Loo! thi modir and thi brethren stonden with outforth, seekynge thee. [verse 48] And he*. [Om. X.], answerynge to the man seiynge to hym, seith*. [seide OUV sec. m. he seith X.], Who is my modir? and who ben my brethren? [verse 49] And he holdynge forth his hond in to his disciples, seide, Loo! [verse 50] my modir and my bretheren; `treuly who|euer*. [whoeuere truly G.] doth the wil of my fadir that is in heuenes, he `is my brother, suster*. [and sister AMNPV pr. m. W.], and modir.


[verse 1] In that day Jhesus goynge out of the hous, sat besidis the see. [verse 2] And manye cumpanyes `of peple*. [Om. UV sec. m.] ben*. [weren OUVW sec. m.] gedrid to hym, so that he steyinge vp*. [Om. UV sec. m.] in to a boot sat; and al the cumpanye stode in the brynke. [verse 3] And he spak to hem many thingis in pa|rablis, seiynge, Loo! he that sowith, goth*. [ȝede OUVW sec. m.]Page  33 out to sowe his seed. [verse 4] And the while he soweth, sum felden*. [felle O. fellen X.] byside the weye, and briddis of the eyre camen, and eeten hem. [verse 5] Sothely other seedis*. [Om. OUV sec. m. W sec. m. X.] felden into stoony placis, wher thei hadden nat moche erthe; and anoon thei ben*. [Om. OUV.] sprungen vp, for*. [Om. W.] thei hadde nat depnesse of erthe. [verse 6] Sothely the sunne sprung vp, thei swaliden*. [welowiden U.], or bren|den for hete*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.], and for thei hadden nat*. [none O.] roote, thei drieden vp. [verse 7] Forsothe other seedis*. [Om. OUX.] felden amonge thornis; and the*. [Om. OUV sec. m. W pr. m.] thornis wexen*. [wexeden O.] vp, and strangliden hem. [verse 8] But other seedis*. [Om. OUX.] felden in to good lond, and ȝauen fruyt; sume an hundred fold*. [fold fruyt V sec. m.], `another*. [and other K. and an other P. other X.] sexti fold, another*. [and othir G. and an other P.] thritti fold. [verse 9] He that hath eris of heerynge, heere he*. [Om. OUV pr. m.]. [verse 10] And disciplis*. [the disciples O.] `cummynge to*. [neiȝynge OUV sec. m.] seiden to hym, Whi spekist thou in parablis to hem? [verse 11] The*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] whiche answerynge seith*. [seide OUV sec. m.] to*. [vnto O.] hem, For to ȝou it is ȝouen for*. [Om. UV sec. m. X.] to knowe the*. [Om. O.] mysterie*. [misteries OU.], `or priuyte*. [Om. OUX. or priuytees VW sec. m.], of the kyng|dam of heuenes; but it is nat ȝouen to hem. [verse 12] For it shal be ȝouen to hym that hath, and he shal have plentee; trewly `who that*. [if a man OUV sec. m.] hath*. [haue OU.] nat, that*. [also that OUVW sec. m.] thing that he `is seen*. [semeth OU pr. m. V. Om. U sec. m.] `to haue*. [hath U sec. m.] shal be taken aweyfro hym. [verse 13] Therfore I speke to hem in parablis, for thei seeynge see nat, and thei heerynge heeren nat, nether [verse 14] vndirstonden; that the prophecie of Ysay seiynge*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] be fulfillid*. [filled OUV sec. m.] in hem*. [hym N. hem, that seieth OUV sec. m.], With heer|ynge ȝe shulen heere, and ȝee shulen nat vnderstonde; and ȝee seeynge shulen see, [verse 15] and ȝee shulen nat see; for the herte of this peple is enfattid*. [gretly made fatt OUV sec. m.], and*. [Om. V.] thei herden greuously with eris, and thei han closid her eeȝen, that*. [lest OQ sec. m. UV. that not X.] sum tyme thei see with eeȝen, and with eris heeren, and vndir|stonden in herte, and thei ben `to gidre turned*. [conuerted OUV sec. m. conuertid, eithere to gidere turned V pr. m.], and I heele hem. [verse 16] Forsothe ȝoure eeȝen that seen ben blessid, and Page  34 ȝoure eris that heeren. [verse 17] Forsothe I saye trewthe*. [Om. G. trewly O.] to ȝou*. [ȝou truthe G.], for many prophetis and iuste men coueitiden*. [coueiten U.] to see thoo thingus that ȝee seen, and thei saien nat, and to*. [for to OUV sec. m.] heeren thoo*. [the P.] thingis that ȝee heeren, and thei herden nat. [verse 18] Therfore heere ȝe the parable of the `sowynge man*. [sower OUV sec. m. sowende X.]. [verse 19] Eche that heerith the word of rewme*. [the rewme PUX.], and vndir|stondith*. [vnderstant X.] nat, the yuel spirit cometh, and rauyschith that*. [this OUV sec. m.] that is sowyn in his*. [Om. N.] herte; this is that*. [he that OUV sec. m.] is sowen besidis the weye. [verse 20] Sothely*. [Forsothe OUV sec. m.] he that is sowen on the stoon*. [in the stony londe O. in stony lond U. on the stoony londe V.], `this it is*. [is this OUV sec. m.], that heerith the word of God, and anoon with ioye takith it. [verse 21] For|sothe*. [For G pr. m. X.] he hath nat*. [no P.] roote in hym self, but it*. [he OUV sec. m. Om. X.] is temporal; `that is, it*. [that is, OQSU.]lastith bot*. [no but AV pr. m. Y pr. m. nat but K pr. m. MNPQSTY sec. m. Om. OUV sec. m.]a litil tyme*. [that is, OQSU.]. Forsothe*. [Forsothe while OUV sec. m.] tribulacioun and per|secucioune maad*. [is maade OUV sec. m.] for the word, anoon he is sclaundrid. [verse 22] Bot*. [For U.] he that is sowen in thornys, is this that herith the word, and the bysynesse of this world, and the fals|nessis*. [falsnesse AMNOPSTU pr. m. VWXY. fallase U sec. m.] of ritchessis stranglith*. [stranglen X.] the word, and it is maad with outen fruyt. [verse 23] Bot he that is sowen in to*. [Om. O.] good lond, is this that herith the word, and vndirstondith*. [vnderstant X.], and bryngthe forth fruyt. And sothely sume makith an hundrefold, treuly another six|tyfold, forsothe another thrittifold. [verse 24] An|other*. [Thenne anothir G.] parable Jhesus putte*. [puttide V sec. m.] forth `to hem*. [Om. W pr. m.], seyinge, The kyngdam of heuenes is maad liche*. [lichi MW. licchi N. lichy P.] to a man, that sew*. [hath sowe OUV sec. m. seeuȝh X.] good seed in his feeld. [verse 25] But*. [Forsothe OUVW sec. m.], when men slepten, his enmye came, and sew*. [segh X.] aboue dernel*. [tarys A. dernales OUV. cockil X.], `or cokil*. [Om. AO. either cockil U. either cockles V sec. m. or cockils W sec. m.], in the*. [Om. O.] midil*. [mydde O. myddis UV.] of whete*. [the whete X.], and wente awey. [verse 26] Sothely when the herbe hadde growid*. [growen X.], and maad*. [had made OU.] fruyt, thanne the dernel*. [tares A. dernelis GMOPSUVWY. cock|elis X.], `or cokil*. [Om. AOSUV sec. m. X. or coklis GMNPV pr. m. WY.], apperiden. [verse 27] Forsothe the seruauntis of the husbondeman `comynge niȝ*. [neiȝinge OUV sec. m.], `seiden*. [Gloss om. in X.]Page  35 to hym*. [to hym, seiden X.], Lord, wher*. [whether G et S passim UX passim.] thou hast nat sowen good seed in thi feeld? wher of than*. [therfore OUV sec. m.] hath it dernel*. [tares A. der|neles OUV sec. m. cockil QX.], `or cokil*. [Om. AOQSUV sec. m. X.]? [verse 28] And he seith*. [seide OUV sec. m.] to hem, The man enmye hath don this thing. Trewly the seruauntis seiden to him, Wolt thou we*. [that we U.] go, and gedren hem? [verse 29] And he saith*. [seide OUV sec. m.], Nay, lest perauenture ȝe gedrynge dernels*. [tarys A. darnel N. darnailes O. the darnels UV. cockelis X.], `or coclis*. [or cockil NQ. Om. OSUV sec. m. X.], draw vp by the roote togidre*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] with hem and*. [also OUV sec. m.] the whete. [verse 30] Suffre ȝe `hem bothe*. [euer either OUV sec. m.] wexe*. [to wexen SX.] til to rype*. [the rype OUV.] corne; and in tyme*. [the tyme OUV.] of rype*. [the ripe O.] corn I shal seie to reperis*. [the reperes O.], First gedre ȝee `to gedre*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] dernels*. [tares A. derneiles O. the dar|nels UV. cockelis X.], `or cockilis*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.], and byndeth*. [bynd X. bynde ȝe OS.] hem to gidre in knytchis*. [birthens OUV sec. m. knycchyns W.], `or smale bundelis*. [Om. AOSUV sec. m. X.], for*. [Om. X.] to be brent, but gedere ȝe whete*. [the whete MOU.] in to my berne. [verse 31] An other parable Jhesus*. [he OUV sec. m.] putte*. [puttide UV sec. m.] forth to hem, seiynge, The kyngdam of heuenes is like to a corn of seneuey, the*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] whiche a man takynge*. [taken N.] sewe in his feeld. [verse 32] The*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] whiche trewly*. [sothely PUV.] is leest*. [the leest OUV.] of alle seedis, but when it hath wexen, it is most*. [the moost OU.] of alle wortis, and is*. [it is UV sec. m.] maad a tree; so that briddis*. [the breddes O.] of the eyre cummen, and dwellen in `bowis, or braunchis*. [the braunches OU. braunchis V sec. m. the bowis X.], therof. [verse 33] An*. [And he spake an O. He spake an UV sec. m.] other parable `Jhesus spac*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] to hem, The kyngdam of heuenes is lic to soure dowȝ, the*. [Om. UV sec. m.] whiche taken, a womman hidde*. [hidith N.] in three mesuris of meele, til it were al sowr|dowid. [verse 34] Jhesus spac alle these thingis in parablis to the cumpanyes `of peple*. [Om. OUV sec. m. of the peple W.], and he spac nat to hem with outen parablis, [verse 35] that it*. [the thenge OUV sec. m. Om. W sec. m. X.] shulde be fulfillid*. [filled OUV sec. m.], `that thing that*. [whiche OUV sec. m.] is seid by the prophete, seyinge, I shal opyn my mouth in parablis; I shal `bolke out, or telle oute*. [telle out NOUV sec. m. bowen out, or tellen X.], `hid thingus*. [thingis hid G.] fro mak|yng*. [the makynge OUV sec. m. X.] of the world. [verse 36] Thanne the cumpa|nyes Page  36*. [companyes of peple W pr. m.] laft, he came into an hous; and his disciplis camen niȝ to hym, seiynge, Ex|poune*. [Expowne thou N.] to vs the parable*. [parablis N.] of dernelis*. [tares A. the darnelis S. the cockils WX.], `or cokelis*. [Om. AOSUV sec. m. X. or darnels W.], of the feeld. [verse 37] The*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] whiche an|swerynge saith*. [seide OUV sec. m.], He that sowith good seed [verse 38] is mannes sone; sothely the feld is the world; bot the good seed, these ben sonys*. [the sones OUV sec. m. W.] of the kyngdam*. [rewme OUV sec. m.], dernels*. [tares A. forsothe darnailes OUV sec. m. cockelis X.], `or cocklis*. [Om. AOSUV sec. m. X.], [verse 39] forsothe*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] these*. [Om. G pr. m.] ben `yuel sonys*. [sones of the wicked OU pr. m. V sec. m. wickyd sones U sec. m.]; but the enmye that soweth hem is the feend*. [deuel OUV sec. m.]; but*. [sothely OUV sec. m.] the*. [Om. UV.] ripe corn is the eendyng of the world, sothely*. [forsothe OUV sec. m.] the repers ben angelis. [verse 40] Therfore as dernels*. [tares A. cockelis X.] ben gedrid to gidre, and brent*. [ben brent OUVW sec. m.] in fijr*. [the fire N.], so it shal be in the*. [Om. GMPWXY.] eendyng of the world. [verse 41] Mannes sone shal sende his an|gels, and thei shulden gedre of his rewme alle sclaundris, and hem that don wickid|nesse; [verse 42] and thei shulen sende hem into the chymney of fijr, there shal be weepynge and betynge togidre of teeth. [verse 43] Thanne iust men shulen shyine as the sunne, in the rewme of her fadir. He that hath eris of heerynge, heere he*. [Om. UV sec. m.]. [verse 44] The kyngdame of heuenes is lijk to tresour*. [a treesour O.] hid in a*. [Om. G pr. m. the NU.] feeld, the*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] whiche a man that fyndith, hidith; and for ioye `of it*. [ther of OUV sec. m.] he goth, and sellith alle thingis that he hath, and bieth `the ilk*. [that X. that ylk Y.] feeld. [verse 45] Eftsones*. [Efte OUV sec. m.] the kyngdam of heuenes is lic to a man marchaunt, seekyng good [verse 46] margarytis*. [peerles OUV sec. m.]; sothely oo preciouse marga|rite*. [perle OUV sec. m.] founden, he wente, and solde alle thingis that he hadde, and bouȝte it. [verse 47] Eft the kingdam of heuenes is lic to a nette sent in to the see, and of alle kynd of fishis [verse 48] gedrynge; the*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] whiche whan it was ful|fillid*. [fylled OUV sec. m.], men ledynge out, and sittynge by|sidis the brynke*. [brynge K.], cheesiden*. [chosen UX.] the good into her vessels, but thei senten*. [casten U sec. m.] out the yuel. [verse 49] So it shal be in the*. [Om. G pr. m.] eending of the world. Page  37 Angelis shulen gon out, and*. [and thei UV sec. m.] shulen*. [Om. O.] de|parte yuel men fro the mydil*. [myddes OUV.] of iuste men. [verse 50] And thei shulen sende*. [caste U sec. m.] hem into the chymney of fijr*. [the fyr G.]; there shal be weep|ynge and betynge togidre of teeth. [verse 51] Han ȝee vnderstonden alle these thingis? Thei seien to hym, Ȝhe. [verse 52] He seith to hem, Therfore euery*. [eche OUV sec. m. X.] wryter*. [writer, ether techer of the [om. V sec. m.] lawe OU pr. m. V sec. m. techer of the lawe U sec. m.] tauȝt in the kyng|dam*. [rewme OUV sec. m.] of heuenes, is lic to an husbonde man, that bryngith forth of his tresour newe thingis and olde. [verse 53] And it is*. [was OUV.] don, whanne Jhesus hadde eendid these para|bles, he passide fro thennis. [verse 54] And he*. [Om. X.], cummynge in to his cuntree, tauȝt hem in her synagogis, so that thei wondriden, and seiden, Wherof to hym this*. [all this O.] wisdam and vertues? [verse 55] Wher*. [Whethir G passim MQSUX.] is nat this the sone of a `smyth, or carpenter*. [carpenter OU. smyth X.]? Wher*. [Whether PSWXY.] his modir be*. [is OUV sec. m.] nat seid Marie? and his brethren, Jamys, and Joseph, and Symount, and*. [Om. KQ.] Ju|das? [verse 56] and `his sistris*. [wher his sistres OUV sec. m.], wher*. [Om. OUV sec. m. whe|ther SX.] thei `alle ben nat*. [ben not all OUV sec. m.] at vs? Therfore wherof to hym alle these thingis? [verse 57] And so thei weren sclaundrid in hym. Forsothe Jhesus seide to hem, A prophete is nat with outen wirshipe*. [honour OUV sec. m.], no but in his owne*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] cuntree, and in his owne*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] hous. [verse 58] And he dide nat there manye ver|tues, for the vnbyleue of hem.


[verse 1] In that tyme*. [tyme that O.] Eroude `tetrarcha, that is*. [was O. Om. U.], prince of the fourthe part, herde the [verse 2] fame of Jhesu; and seide to his children, This is Jon Baptist, he*. [for he Q.] hath risen fro dead*. [dede men OU.], and therfore vertues worchen in hym. [verse 3] Forsothe Eroude helde Joon, and bounde hym, and putte*. [putted OU.] him*. [Om. G pr. m.] in to prisoun for Erodias, the wif of his brother. [verse 4] For Joon saide to hym, It is nat leful to thee for*. [Om. OUX.] to haue hir. [verse 5] And he willynge*. [wilnynge O.] to*. [for to G sec. m. W pr. m.]Page  38 slea hym, drede the peple; for thei hadden hym as a*. [Om. K.] prophete. [verse 6] Forsothe in the day of Eroudis birthe, the douȝter of Erodias leepte*. [lepe O. leep X.] in the mydil, and pleside to*. [Om. OU.] Eroude. [verse 7] Wherfore with an ooth he by|hiȝte*. [hyȝt GK pr. m. TY pr. m.] for*. [Om. OUWX.] to ȝeue to hir, what euer thinge she hadde axid of hym. [verse 8] And she bifore monestid*. [moued X.], `or warnyd*. [Om. OUX.], of hir modir, seith, Ȝeue thou to me hidir*. [heere N.] the hed of Joon Baptist in a dische. [verse 9] And the kyng was so|rowful, but*. [Om. KW pr. m.] for the ooth, and*. [Om. G pr. m.] for hem that seeten to gidre at the mete, he comaundide to be ȝouen. [verse 10] And he sente, and bihedide*. [byheuedede O. hedede X.] Joon in the*. [Om. OU.] prisoun. [verse 11] And his heed*. [heued O.] is*. [was OUVW sec. m.] brouȝt to*. [Om. U.] in a dische, and it*. [Om. O.] is*. [was OUV.] ȝouen to the whenche*. [damisel OU.], and she bare it to hir modir. [verse 12] And his disciplis `cummynge to*. [neiȝynge OU.] token his body, and biryeden it; and thei cum|mynge tolden to Jhesu. [verse 13] The*. [Om. OU.] whiche thing when Jhesus hadde herd, he went fro thennus `in to*. [in GMPVXY.] a boot, in to desert*. [a deserte OPUXY.] place*. [places N.] besidis. And whenne the cumpanyes `of peple*. [Om. OU.] hadden herd, thei folowiden*. [suden OU.] hym and*. [goynge OU. Om. V.] on*. [vpon G.] the*. [Om. G pr. m. W pr. m. X. her OUV. ther PW sec. m.] feet*. [foote X.] fro citees. [verse 14] And Jhesus, goynge out, saw a greet multitude*. [company OU.] `of peple*. [Om. OU.], and hadde rewthe of*. [on AGMNOPQSTUVWXY.] hem, and*. [and he U.] heelide the*. [Om. G pr. m.] sike men of hem. [verse 15] Sothely the*. [Om. G pr. m.] euenynge*. [euentyde OUV.] maad, his disciplis `camen niȝ*. [neiȝeden OU.] to him, seiynge*. [and seiden OU.], The place is desert, and the hour hath now passid; leeue thou*. [thou now N.] the cumpanyes `of peple*. [Om. OU.], that thei, goynge in to castels, bigge*. [by OU. bien Q. bie SX.] meetis to hem. [verse 16] For|sothe Jhesus seide to hem, Thei han nat*. [no G pr. m. OU.] neede to go; ȝeue ȝe to*. [Om. W sec. m.] hem for*. [Om. X.] to ete. [verse 17] Thei answeriden, We han nat here, no*. [Om. W pr. m.] but fiue looues and two*. [tweye W.] fishis. [verse 18] The*. [Om. OU.] whiche seith*. [seide OU.] to hem, Brynge ȝee*. [Om. Q.] hem hidir to me. [verse 19] And when he hadde co|maundid the cumpanye for*. [Om. OUX.] to sitte to*. [to the U.]Page  39 mete on hay*. [the hey AGMNOPSUVW.], fyue looues and two*. [twei A et N passim W.] fishis taken, he byholdynge in to heuen, blesside, and*. [Om. AGK sec. m. MNPSUVWY.] brak, and ȝaue*. [ȝaf looues OUVW sec. m.] to his*. [Om. OUVW.] disciplis; sothely the*. [Om. U.] disciplis ȝauen to the*. [Om. O.] cum|panyes. [verse 20] And alle eeten, and weren ful|fillid*. [filled OU.]. And thei token the relifis of broken gobetis*. [gobetis or metis P.], twelue cofyns ful. [verse 21] Forsothe the*. [Om. O.] noumbre of men etynge was fyue thou|sand of men, out taken wemmen and litel children. [verse 22] And anon Jhesus compellide*. [constrey|ned OU. comaundide Q sec. m.], `or comaundide*. [Om. OQUX.], the disciplis for*. [Om. OUX.] to `go vp*. [steiȝe OU.] in to a boot, and go*. [to go OU. to gon X.] bifore hym ouer*. [in to N.] the see, til that he lefte the cumpanyes. [verse 23] And the cumpanyes*. [companye AGMNOPSUVXY.] left, he steiȝide*. [steiȝ X.] vp*. [Om. OU.] in to an hill aloone for*. [Om. OUX.] to preye. Sothely the euenyng*. [euentyde OU.] maad, he was there aloone. [verse 24] Sothely*. [Forsothe OU.] the boot in the mydil*. [myd|des GSV. myddul of the N. middes of the OUY. myd X.] see was throwen with wawis, forsothe*. [for OU.] the wynd was contrarie*. [contrarie to hem Q sec. m. contra|rious X.]. [verse 25] But*. [Sothely OU.] in the fourthe wak|yng of the niȝt, he came to hem walkynge aboue*. [vpon N.] the see. [verse 26] And*. [Om. OU.] thei, seeynge hym walkynge aboue the see, weren distour|blid*. [disturbid X.], seyinge, For it is*. [was U.] a fantum; and for drede thei cryeden. [verse 27] And anoon Jhesus spac to hem, sayinge*. [and seide OU.], Haue ȝe trust, I am; nyl ȝe dreede. [verse 28] Sothely Petre an|swerynge seide, Lord, ȝif thou art, co|maunde me to*. [for to AGMNPVWY.] cume to thee vpon*. [on QSUX.] the watris. [verse 29] And he seith*. [seide OU.], Cume thou. And Petre goynge doun fro the bote, walkide on the wateris for*. [Om. OUX.] to cume to Jhesu. [verse 30] Trewly he, seeynge a strong wynde, `was aferde*. [drede OU.]; and whan he bygan for*. [Om. OUX,] to be drenchid, he cryede, seyinge, Lord, make me saaf. [verse 31] And anoon Jhesus, holdynge forth the*. [his O.] hond, cauȝte hym, and seith*. [seide OU.] to hym, Thou of litil feith, whi hast thou doutid? [verse 32] And whenne he hadde stied vp*. [Om. OU.] in to the boot, the wynde cesside. [verse 33] Sothely thei, that weren in the boot, camen, and Page  40 worshipiden hym, seyinge, Veryly, thou art Goddis sone. [verse 34] And whenne he had*. [Om. W.] pass|ide ouer the see, thei camen in to the lond of Genesar*. [Genazarezt OUV sec. m.]. [verse 35] And whenne men of that place hadden knowen hym*. [hem O.], thei senten into al that*. [the OU.] cuntree; and thei offriden*. [brouȝten U sec. m.] to hym al*. [all men OU.] hauynge yuel. [verse 36] And thei preyiden hym*. [to him O. Om. U.], that thei shulden touche ether*. [namely OU. other P. or X.] the hem of `the clothing*. [his clothe OU. his clothing PVW sec. m.] `of hym*. [Om. G pr. m. OUVWY.]; and who euer touchiden ben*. [weren OUV.] maad saaf.


[verse 1] Thanne scribis and Pharisees `camen [verse 2] niȝ*. [neiȝedden OU.] to hym fro Jerusalem, seyinge, Whi thi disciplis ouerpassen*. [passen ouer ANSW. breken OU.], `or breken*. [Om. OUX.], the tradiciouns, `or statutis*. [ether the techinges OUX.], of elder men? for thei washen nat hondis*. [theire hondis GXY. her hondis NZ sec. m. the hondis W.], whenne thei eten breed. [verse 3] Sothely he answerynge seith*. [seide OU.] to hem, And*. [Om. AGMNOSUVW.] `whi and ȝe breken*. [whi breken and ȝe G pr. m. whi breken ȝe G sec. m. PXY. whi also breken ȝe OU.] the maunde|ment*. [commaund|ment OU.] of God for ȝoure tradicioun*. [tradiciouns O.]? For [verse 4] whi*. [Om. OU.] God seide, Honoure thi*. [Om. O. thou U.] fadir and thi*. [Om. OU.] modir, and he that cursith fadir or*. [and X.] modir, dye he*. [Om. OU.] by deth. [verse 5] But ȝe seyn, Who euere `shal saye*. [seieth OU. seie X.] to fadir*. [the fadir G.] or*. [ether OU.] modir, What euere ȝifte is of me, it shal profite to thee; [verse 6] and he hath*. [schal A sec. m. OUW sec. m.] not worshipid*. [worschipe A sec. m. honour OU.] his*. [Om. U.] fadir or*. [or his AMNSW sec. m. ether OU.] modir; and ȝe han made*. [ymaad W.] the maunde|ment*. [commaundement OU.] of God voide, `or idyl*. [Om. OUX.], for ȝoure tradicioun*. [tradiciouns N.]. [verse 7] Ipocritis, Ysay, the prophete, [verse 8] propheciede wel of ȝou, seyinge*. [and seide OU.], This peple honoureth me with lippis, forsothe [verse 9] her herte*. [hertes O.] is fer fro me; trewly thei wor|shipen me with outen cause, techynge the doctrines and*. [and the G.] maundements of men. [verse 10] And the cumpanyes `of peple*. [Om. OU.] clepid `to gidre*. [to G pr. m.] to hym, he seide to hem, Heere ȝe*. [Om. O.], and vnderstonde*. [vnderstondeth OX.]. [verse 11] Nat that*. [this OU,] thing that entrith in to the mouth, defoulith a man; but that*. [this OU.] thing that cummeth forth fro the Page  41 mouth, defoulith a man. [verse 12] Thanne his*. [Om. O.] disciplis `cummynge niȝ*. [camen nyȝ G. neiȝynge OU.] seiden to hym, Wost thou, that*. [for G sec. m. OUV. Om. G pr. m.], this word herd, Phari|sees ben sclaundrid? [verse 13] And he answerynge seith*. [seide OU.], Euery*. [Iche OU. Eche X.] plantynge, the*. [Om. G pr. m. OUVW sec. m. Y.] whiche my fadir of heuen hath nat plantid, shal be drawen vp by the roote. [verse 14] Suffre ȝe hem; thei*. [if thei W.] ben blynde, `and lederis of blynde men*. [Om. O.]. Sothely ȝif a blynd man ȝeue*. [ȝeueth GOSU.] led|ynge to a blynd man, bothe fallen doun in to the diche. [verse 15] Forsothe Petre answerynge saide*. [seith Q.] to hym, Expoun to vs this*. [thi K.] parable. [verse 16] And he seide, Ȝit and*. [also U sec. m.] ȝe ben without vn|derstondyng? [verse 17] Wher*. [Whether S passim U passim X.] ȝe vnderstonde nat, that*. [for OUVW sec. m.] al thing that entrith in to the mouth, goth in to the wombe, and is sent out in to*. [Om. Q.] the*. [Om. K pr. m. NQY.] goyng awey? [verse 18] But tho thingis that cummen forth fro the mouth, gon out of the herte, and tho thingus defoulen a man. [verse 19] For of*. [oute of OU.] the herte `gon out*. [commeth O.] yuel thouȝtis, mansleayngis*. [manes sleynges O.], auoutries, fornicaciouns, theftis, `fals witnessis*. [fals witnesynges OUV.], blasfemyes. [verse 20] These thingis it ben that defoulen a man; sothely for*. [Om. OUX.] to ete with hondis vnwashen*. [not waschen AGNOPUVXY.], defoul|eth not a man. [verse 21] And Jhesus gon out fro thennys, wente into parties*. [the partes AMSW. the partyes GNOPQSUVXY.] of Tyre and Sidon. [verse 22] And loo! a womman of Canane gon out of the*. [tho MUV. thoo OPY.] costis, cryede, seyinge to hym, Lord, the son of Dauid, haue mercye on*. [of GPVXY.] me; my douȝter is yuel traueilid of a deuyl*. [feende OU.]. [verse 23] The*. [Om. OU.] whiche answerid nat to hir o*. [a GMNPQSUVWY.] word. And his disciplis `cummynge to*. [neiȝinge OU.] preyeden hym*. [to him O.], seyinge, Leeue thou hire, for she crieth after vs. [verse 24] Forsothe he answerynge seith*. [seide OU.], I am nat sent, no but to the sheep of the hous of Yrael that perishiden. [verse 25] Bot*. [And O.] she came, and wirshipide hym, seyinge, Lord, help*. [help thou W pr. m.] me. [verse 26] The*. [Om. OU.] whiche answerynge seith*. [seide OU.], It is nat good for*. [Om. OUX.] to take the*. [Om. X.] breed of sonys, and sende*. [sende it GMXY. to seende OU.] to Page  42 houndis. [verse 27] And she seide, Ȝhe, Lord; for|whi*. [for OU.] and*. [alsso OU.] the*. [Om. AG pr. m. NOPUVW sec. m. XY.] litel whelpis eten of the crummys, that fallen doun fro the bord of her lordis. [verse 28] Thanne Jhesus answeringe seith*. [seide OU.] to hir, O*. [A! AMNOPUVW.]! thou womman, thi feith is grete; be it don to thee, as thou wolt. And hir douȝter was heelid fro that hour. [verse 29] And whenne Jhesus hadde passide thennes*. [fro thenes OU.], he came bisidis the see of Galilee. And he steiynge in to an hyl, sat there. [verse 30] And many cumpanyes `camen niȝ*. [neiȝeden OU.] to hym, hau|ynge with hem doumbe men and crokid*. [croked men N.], feble and blynde, and many othir; and castiden*. [thei castiden ANPUVW sec. m. thei kesten GXY. thei kest O. casten S.] hem doun at his feet. And he [verse 31] helide hem, so that the cumpanyes won|driden, seeynge doumbe men spekynge, and crokid*. [croked men OUX.] goynge, blynd men seeynge; and thei magnyfieden God of Yrael. [verse 32] Sothe|ly*. [Forsothe OU.] Jhesus, his*. [seide to his OUV.] disciplis gedered*. [cleped OUV.] to gider, seide*. [Om. OUV.], I haue rewthe of the cumpany `of peple*. [Om. OU.], for now `the thridde day*. [thre daies OU.] thei dwellen still with me, and thei han not*. [no GPXY.] thing*. [the thenge OU.] whiche*. [that GOPUXY.] thei shulen ete; and Y `wole nat*. [nill OUX.] leeue hem fastynge, lest thei failen in the weye. [verse 33] And the disciplis seyen to hym, Therfore wherof so many loouys to vs in desert, that we fulfille*. [fill OSUX.] so grete a*. [Om. W.] cum|panye `of peple*. [Om. OU.]? [verse 34] And Jhesus seith*. [seide OU.] to hem, Hou many loouys han ȝee? And thei seiden, Seuene, and a*. [Om. U.] few smalle*. [litel OU.] fishis. [verse 35] And he comaundide to*. [Om. OU.] the cumpany, that thei shulde sitt to the*. [Om. AGMNOPSUVWXY.] mete vpon*. [on OQSU.] the erthe. [verse 36] And he takynge seuen looues, and fishis*. [the fisches P.], and doynge thonkyngis, brak, and ȝaue to his disciplis; and*. [and the A.] disciplis ȝauen to the peple. [verse 37] And alle*. [alle men U.] eten, and weren fulfillid*. [filled OU.], and thei token*. [born aweiȝ N.] that*. [this OU.] that was*. [lafte OU.] ouer of relyues*. [the relefes OU.], seuene lepis fulle. [verse 38] For|sothe thei*. [tho O.] that eten weren foure thousand of*. [Om. G pr. m. N.] men, with outen litil children*. [childre X pass.] and Page  43 wemmen. [verse 39] And*. [CAP. XVI. begins here in O.], the cumpanye `of peple*. [Om. OU.] laft, he styede*. [steiȝ X.] vp*. [Om. OUX.] in to a boot, and cam into the coostis*. [cooste O.] of Magedan.


[verse 1] And Pharisees and Saduceis temptynge him*. [Om. K pr. m. OPTU VWY.] `camen niȝ*. [neiȝeden O.] to hym, and preiden hym for*. [Om. OUX.] to shewe to hem a tokene fro heuene. [verse 2] And he answerynge seith*. [seide OU.] to hem, The eeuenynge*. [euentyde OU.] maad, ȝe seien, It shal be*. [Om. T.] [verse 3] cleer, for the heuene is `lijk to reed*. [rody O. reed either rody U.]; and `the morwe*. [morou tyde OU.], To*. [maad to N.] day tempest, for heuen shyneth `heuy, or sorwful*. [sorowful or heuy O. sorowful U. heuy X.]. [verse 4] Therfore ȝe `han knowe*. [kunnen OU.] to deme wisely the face of heuen, but ȝe mowen not wite*. [knowe OU.] the tokenys*. [signes OU. tokene V.] of tymes. The yuel generacioun and avow|trer*. [avoutresse OUVW sec. m.] sekith a tokne; and a tokene shal nat be ȝouen to it, no but the tokne of Jonas, the prophete. And, hem forsaken, he wente awey. [verse 5] And whenne his disciplis camen*. [had went O. hadden comen U.] ouer the see, thei forȝaten for*. [Om. OUX.] to take loouys. [verse 6] The*. [Om. OU.] whiche seide to hem, Beholde ȝe, and beth*. [be AMNOPUV.] war of the sourdowȝ of Pharisees*. [Phariseis O.] and Saducees*. [of Saduceis OU.]. [verse 7] And thei thouȝten amonge hem*. [hem self G sec. m. OU.], seiynge, For we han nat taken loouys. [verse 8] Forsothe Jhesus witynge seide*. [seith X.] to hem, What thenken ȝe amonge ȝou of litil feith, for ȝe han nat*. [not taken OU.] loouys? [verse 9] Ȝit*. [And ȝit K sec. m.] ȝe vndirstonden nat, nether*. [nor O.] han mynde*. [in mynde U.] of fyue loouys in to fyue thou|sand of men, and hou many cofyns ȝe token? [verse 10] trewly nether of seuen loouys in to four thousand of men, and hou many lepis*. [of lepis K sec. m.] ȝee token? [verse 11] Whi vndirstonden ȝe nat, for I seide nat to ȝou of*. [not of V.] breed, Be ȝe war of sourdowȝ*. [the soure dow AMNOPUVW.] of Pharisees and of*. [Om. AMNW pr. m.] Saducees? [verse 12] Thanne thei vnderstoden, that he seide nat*. [not to hem OQ.] to be war of sourdowȝ*. [the sourdowȝ OUX.] of loouys, bote of the techynge of Pharisees and Saducees. [verse 13] Sothely Jhesus came in to the*. [Om. V.] parties `of Cesarie*. [Om. O.] of Philip, and*. [the Pharisees O.]Page  44 axide*. [he axed OU.] his disciplis, seyinge*. [and seide OU.], Whom seyn men to ben mannes sone? [verse 14] And thei seiden, Summe Joon Baptist; other forsothe*. [somme O.] He|ly; `but other*. [other forsothe OU.] Jeremye, or*. [ether OU.] oon of the prophetis. [verse 15] Jhesus seith*. [seide OU.] to hem, Sothely*. [But OU.] whom seien ȝe me to be? [verse 16] Symon Petre answerynge seide, Thou art Crist, the sone of `God lyuynge*. [quike God OU.]. [verse 17] Forsothe Jhesus an|swerynge seide to hym, Blessid art thou, Symon Bariona*. [Bargena K.], that is, the*. [Om. AGNOPQVW sec. m. XY.]sone of cul|uer*. [a culuer U.]; for flesh and blood shewide nat to thee, but my fadir that*. [whiche OU.] is in heuenes. [verse 18] And Y seye to thee, for thou art Petre, and vpon*. [on OUX.] this stoon I shal bilde my churche, and the ȝatis of helle shulen nat han miȝt, `or strengthe*. [Om. OUX.], aȝeins it. [verse 19] And to thee I shal ȝeue the keies of the kyng|dam of heuenes; and what euer thou shalt bynde vpon*. [on OUX.] erthe, shal be bounden and*. [Om. G. alsso OU.] in heuenes; and what euer thou shalt vnbynde vpon*. [on OU.] erthe, shal be vnbounden and*. [Om. G. also OU.] in heuenes. [verse 20] Thanne he comaundide to his disciplis, that thei shulden seie to no man, that*. [for OUVW sec. m.] he was Crist*. [Jhesu Criste AOUVW sec. m. Jhesus N.]. [verse 21] Fro that tyme Jhesus bygan for*. [Om. OSUX.] to shewe to his disciplis, that*. [for OUVW sec. m.] it byhouith*. [bihofte AVW sec. m. byhoued O.] hym to*. [Om. AGMNPSW sec. m. for to W pr. m.] go to Jerusalem, and suffre*. [to soffer OU.] many thingus of the eldris*. [eldre men U.], and scribis*. [of the scribes G. of scribes MOPUVY.], and princis*. [of princes OU.] of prestis; and be*. [to be OU.] sleyn, and the*. [in the OU.] thridde day ryse*. [to rise OSU.] vp*. [Om. U.] aȝein. [verse 22] And Petre, takynge hym to*. [Om. OU.], began for*. [Om. OSUX.] to blame hym, seyinge*. [and seide OU.], Fer be it fro thee, Lord*. [Om. U.]; this thing shal not be to thee. [verse 23] The*. [Om. OUW pr. m.] whiche, turnyd, seide to Petre, Sathanas, go after me; thou art sclaundre to me; for thou `sauerist nat, or vndirstondist nat*. [vnderstondist not OU. sau. not, or vnd. P. sauourest not X.], tho thingis that ben of God, but tho thingis that ben of men. [verse 24] Thanne Jhesus seide to his disciplis, Ȝif eny man wole cume after me, denye he hym self, and take his crosse, and sue me; Page  45 [verse 25] for he that wole make `his soule saaf*. [safe his lijf OU.], `that is, his lyf*. [Om. OUX.], shal lese it; forsothe he that shal lese his soule*. [lyf OU.], `that is, his lyf*. [Om. AOSUX. that is, lijf VW sec. m. Y.], for me, shal fynde it. [verse 26] Sothely what pro|fitith it*. [Om. X.] to a man, `ȝif he*. [for to O.] wynne al the world, trewly he suffre peyrynge of*. [ln X.] his soule? or*. [ether OU.] what chaungynge shal a man ȝeue for his soule? [verse 27] For mannes sone `is to*. [schal OU.] come in glorie*. [the glorie OU.] of his fadir, with his angelis, and thanne he shal ȝelde to euery*. [eche OU.] man aftir*. [vp OU.] his workis. [verse 28] Treuly I seie to ȝou, `there ben summe of men*. [sum men ben of hem OU.] stondynge*. [that stonden OU.] heer, `the whiche*. [whiche OU. that X.] shul nat taaste deth, til thei seen mannys sone cummynge in*. [into K sec. m.] his kyngdom*. [rewme OU.].


[verse 1] And after sexe dayes Jhesus toke Petre, and Jamys, and Joon, his brother, and [verse 2] ledde hem asydis in to an hiȝ hill, and was transfigured, `or turnyd into an other licke|nesse*. [Om. OU pr m.], bifore hem. And his face schoon*. [schined OU.] as the sunne; forsothe his clothis were maad white as snow. [verse 3] And lo! Moyses and Helye apperiden to hem, spekynge with*. [to N.] hym. [verse 4] Sothely Petre answerynge seid*. [seith G.] to Jhesu, Lord, it is good vs to be here. Ȝif thou wolt, make we here three tabernaclis; to thee oon, to Moyses oon, and oon to Helie. [verse 5] Ȝit hym spekynge, loo! a liȝty*. [briȝte OU. liȝt ST. litil X.] cloude shadewid hem; and loo! a vois of*. [fro U.] the cloude, seyinge, This is my derworth sone, in whom I haue wel pleside to me; heere ȝe hym. [verse 6] And the disciplis, heerynge, fellen doun in to her facis, and dredden gretely. [verse 7] And Jhesus `came niȝ*. [neiȝed OU.], and touchide hem, and seide to hem, `Ris vp*. [rise ȝe OU. riseth X.], nyl*. [and nil OUV.] ȝe dreede. [verse 8] Forsothe thei, `rysynge vp*. [rerynge AMNS. reysynge GOUY. reryng up VW. reisende vp X.] her eiȝen, sawen no man, no but Jhesus aloon. [verse 9] And, hem*. [thei U.] cummynge doun fro the mounteyn*. [hill OU.], Jhesus comaundide Page  46 hem*. [to hem OPX.], seyinge*. [and seide OU.], Saie ȝe to no man the vi|sioun, til*. [til that Q.] mannes sone ryse aȝein fro dead*. [deeth G. deed men OU.]. [verse 10] And his disciplis axiden hym, seyinge*. [and seiden OU.], What therfore seyn scribis, that it behoueth Hely first come*. [to come GPSX.]? [verse 11] And he answerynge seith*. [seide OU.] to hem, Forsothe Hely `is to*. [schal OU.] come, and he shal restore alle thingis. [verse 12] Treuly Y seye to ȝou, that*. [for OU.] Hely is now comen, and thei knewen hym nat, but thei diden in hym, what euere thingis*. [thing P.] thei wolden; so and mannys sone `is to*. [schall OU.] suffre of hem. [verse 13] Thanne disciplis*. [the disciples OPU.] vndir|stoden, that*. [for OUVW sec. m.] of Joon Baptist he hadde seid to hem. [verse 14] And whanne he cam to*. [in to O.] the cumpanye `of peple*. [Om. OU.], a man `cam to hym, foldid*. [fell O. foldid U. falt X.] on knees byfore hym*. [him, neiȝynge to him O. him, neiȝede to him U.], seyinge*. [and seide OU.], Lord, haue mercy on*. [of G.] my sone; for he is lunatyke, and suffrith yuel, for why*. [Om. OU.] oft tymys*. [Om. U. time X.] he fallith in to the*. [Om. OUX.] fijr, and oft tymys*. [Om. OU. time X.] in to water. [verse 15] And I offride*. [brouȝte U.] hym to thi disciplis, and thei myȝten nat hele hym. [verse 16] Jhesus answerynge seith*. [seide OU.], A! thou generacioun vnbyleeful, `or out of the feith*. [Om. OUX.], and weiward; hou longe shal I be with ȝou? hou longe shal I suffre ȝou? [verse 17] Brynge ȝee hym hidir to me. And Jhesus blamyde hym, and the deuel*. [feend OU.] wente out fro hym; and the child is*. [was OU.] helid fro that houre. [verse 18] Thanne disciplis*. [the disciples OPUX.] `camen niȝ*. [neiȝeden OU.] to Jhesu priuyly, and seiden to hym, Whi miȝte nat we casten hym out? [verse 19] Jhesus seith*. [seide O.] to hem, For ȝoure vnbyleue*. [vnfeithfulnesse U.]. Treuly I seie to ȝou, ȝif ȝe shulen haue feith, as a*. [the U.] corn of seneuey, ȝe shulen seie to this hill, Passe thou hennus*. [fro thens O. fro hennes U.], and it shal passe*. [passe thennys W pr. m.]; and no thing shal be impossible*. [vnpossible N.] to ȝou; [verse 20] forsothe this kynde is nat cast out, no but by preyinge*. [preier OU.] and fastynge. [verse 21] Treuly, hem*. [thei U.] lyuynge togidre in Galilee, Jhesus seide to hem, Mannes sone `is to be bitraied*. [schal be trayed OU. is to bitraied T.] in to [verse 22] the hondis of men; and thei shulen slea Page  47 hym, and the*. [in the OU.] thridde day he shal ryse*. [arijse V.] aȝein. And thei `ben maad ful sory*. [weren sorowful greetly OU. weren maad ful sory V.]. [verse 23] And whanne `he came*. [thei camen OUV.] to Capharnaum, thei that token tribut, camen to Petre, and seiden to hym, Ȝoure maister payeth nat tribute? [verse 24] And he seith*. [seide OU.], Ȝhe. And whenne he had entrid in to an house, Jhesus came bifore hym, seyinge*. [and seide OU.], Symount, what sem|eth*. [semith it G.] to thee? Of whiche taken the kyngis of erthe tribut, `or rent*. [Om. X. ether rest U.]? of her owne sonys, ether*. [or SX. other M.] of*. [Om. N.] alyenys, `or other mennys sones*. [Om. OPUX.]? [verse 25] And he seide, Of `other mennus sonys*. [alienes OPU.]. Jhesus seide to hym, Therfore sonys ben free. [verse 26] Forsothe*. [But OU.] that we sclaun|dre nat hem, go thou to the see, and sende*. [cast U sec. m.] an hoke, and take `the ilke*. [that X.] fishe that first cummeth vp; and, his mouth openyd, thou shalt fynde stater*. [a stater AGMNO sec. m. PU.], `that is, a certeyn of moneye*. [Om. X.]; thou takyng it, ȝeue*. [ȝeue it U.] to*. [Om. U.] hem for me and for thee.


[verse 1] In that hour the disciplis `camen niȝ*. [neiȝeden OU.] to Jhesus, seiynge*. [and seiden OU.], Who, gessist*. [gessith K.] thou, is more*. [the more OU.] in the kyngdam*. [rewme OU.] of heuenes? [verse 2] And Jhesus, clepynge to*. [Om. OU.] a litil child, putte*. [sett OU.] [verse 3] hym in the mydil*. [myddes OU.] of hem; and seide, `I seie trewthe*. [Trewly I seie OU.] to ȝou, no*. [Om. X.] but ȝif*. [Om. GMOUVW.] ȝe shulen be turnyd, and maad*. [be made OU.] as litil children, ȝe shulen nat entren in to the kyngdam*. [rewme OU.] of heuenes. [verse 4] Therfore who euere `shal meeke*. [meketh OPU.] hym*. [himself U.] as this litil child, he is more*. [the gretter OU.] in the kyngdam*. [rewme OU.] of heuenes. [verse 5] And he*. [Om. G.] that resceyueth oon siche litil*. [litil child W.] in my name, resceyueth me. [verse 6] Forsothe `who shal sclaun|dre*. [if a man sclaundreth OU. who euere schal sclaundre Q.] oon of these `smale leste*. [lytil OU. smale As sec. m. VW sec. m. leeste smale MP. smalest X.], that by|leeuen inh me, it spedith to hym that a myln stoon of assis be hanged in his neeke, and*. [and that he OU.] be drenchid in to the depnesse of the see. [verse 7] Woo to the world, for sclaundris; Page  48 treuly it is neede, that sclaundris come; netheles woo to `the ilk*. [that OUX.] man by whom a*. [that O. Om. PTW sec. m. X.] sclaundre cometh. [verse 8] Forsothe ȝif thin hond or*. [ether OU.] thi foot sclaundre*. [sclaundrith GMOPUY.] thee, kitt `it of*. [awey it OU.], and kast*. [kast it O.] awey fro thee. It is good to thee to*. [for to OU.] entre in to lyf `feble, other crok|ed*. [croked, ether feble O. feble, or crokid PX.], than hauynge two*. [tweyne UW.] hondis or*. [ether OU.] two feet to be sent in to euerlastynge fijr. [verse 9] And ȝif thin eiȝe sclaundre*. [sclaundreth OPUWY.] thee, pulle it out, and cast*. [kast it O.] awey fro thee. It is good to thee with oon eiȝe to*. [for to U. Om. W.] entre in to lyf, than hauynge two*. [tweyne W.] eiȝen to be sente in to*. [to the AGMNQSTVWX.] `fijr of helle*. [helle fier U. hell of fyer OV.]. [verse 10] Se ȝe, that ȝe dispise nat oon of these*. [this O.] litile. Trewly I seie to ȝou, that*. [for OUV.] the angelis of hem in heuenes seen euer|more*. [euer OU.] the face of my fadir that*. [whiche OU.] is in heuenes. [verse 11] Forsothe mannys sone came for*. [Om. OSUX.] to saue that thing that perishide. [verse 12] What semeth*. [semeth it O.] to ȝou? Ȝif `ther weren to summan*. [Om. OU.] an hundrid sheep*. [scheep weren to oo man OU.], and oon of hem `shall erre*. [hath erred OUVW sec. m. haue errid X.], wher*. [whether X.] he shal nat leeue nynty and nyne in desert*. [hilles OU pr. m. the hillis Q sec. m.], and shal go for*. [Om. OSUX.] to seeke that*. [thilke OU.] that erride? [verse 13] And if it befalle*. [bifalleth U.] that he fynde*. [fyndeth U.] it, trewly I seie to ȝou, for he shal ioye theron more than of*. [on AMNPUVWX:] nynty and nyne that erriden nat. [verse 14] So it is nat will*. [the wil OU.] before*. [of O.] youre fadir that*. [whiche U.] is in heuenes*. [heuen O.], that oon of these*. [this G.] litil perishe. [verse 15] Forsoth ȝif thi brother `shal synne*. [hath synned OU. synne N. haue synned X.] in*. [aȝens OU.] thee, go thou, and reproue*. [blame thou OU.] hym, `or snybbe*. [Om. OUX.], bi|twixe*. [bitwen SX.] thee and hym aloone; ȝif*. [and if A.] he `shal heere*. [hereth OU.] thee, thou hast wonnen thi brother. [verse 16] Trewly ȝif he `shal nat heere*. [hereth not OU. haue not herd X.] thee, take*. [take thou O. take to P.] with thee oon or two*. [tweyne NOUY et w pass.], that euery*. [eche OUX.] word stonde*. [stondeth W.] in the mouthe of two or*. [either of U.] three witnessis. [verse 17] That ȝif he shal nat heere hem, seie thou to the chirche. Forsothe ȝif he shal not heere the chirche, be hee `to thee*. [Om. O.] as an*. [a G.] hethen*. [hethen man OPUW pr. m.] and a*. [Om. AMNOPSUVW.] puplicane. [verse 18] I Page  49 seie to ȝou trewli, what euere thingis ȝee shulen bynde vpon*. [on OUX.] erthe, tho*. [Om. OU.] shulen be bounden and*. [also OU. Om. G pr. m.] in heuenes*. [heuene UV.]; and what euere thingis ȝee shulen vnbynde vpon*. [on UX.] erthe, tho*. [Om. U.] shulen be vnbounden and*. [also U.] in he|uenes*. [heuene UV.]. [verse 19] Eftsoone*. [Efte OU.] I seie to ȝou, that*. [for OU.] ȝif two of ȝou shulen consente on*. [vpon G sec. m.] the*. [Om. OPSUX.] erthe, of euery*. [iche OU. eche X.] thinge whateuer*. [what|euer thenge OU. what G pr. m.] thei shulen axe, it shal be don to hem of my fadir that*. [whiche OU.] is in heuenes. [verse 20] For where two or three shulen*. [Om. OU.] be gedrid in my name, ther I am in the midil*. [myddes OU.] of hem. [verse 21] Thanne Petre, `cummynge niȝ*. [neiȝynge OU. comende neeȝh X.] to hym, seide, Lord, hou ofte shal my brother synne in*. [aȝens OU.] me, and I shal forȝeue hym*. [to him U.]? Whether to*. [till OUW.] seuen tymes*. [syȝthes OU.]? [verse 22] Jhesus seith*. [seide O.] to hym, I seie nat to thee, til seuen sithis; but to*. [till OU.] seuenty sythis seuene sithis. [verse 23] Therfore the kingdom*. [rewme OU.] of heuenes is lickened*. [lych X. lijc Y.] to a man kyng, that wolde putte*. [sette OU.] resoun with his seruauntis. [verse 24] And whanne he began for*. [Om. OSUX.] to putte*. [sette OU.] re|soun, oon was offrid*. [brouȝte U sec. m.] to hym, that owȝte*. [owid W. aȝte X.] to hym ten thousand talentis*. [besauntes U. besauntes or talentes P.]. [verse 25] Trewly*. [And treuli X.] whanne he hadde nat*. [nouȝte O.] wherof to ȝelde, his lord comaundide hym to be sold, and his wif, and sonys*. [his sones OU.], and alle thingis that he hadde, and to be payed. [verse 26] Forsothe `the ilk*. [thilke O. that X.] seruaunt, fallynge doun, preide hym, seyinge*. [and seide OU.], Haue pacience in me, and alle thingis I shal ȝeelde to thee. [verse 27] Sothely*. [Forsothe OU.] the lord `of that seruaunt*. [Om. OP.] hauynge*. [hadde X.] mercy*. [mercy of that seruaunt OP.], leete*. [deliuered OU.] hym, `or suffride hym*. [Om. OUX.], and forȝaue to hym the dette. [verse 28] Trewly thilk*. [that ilke GW. the ilke MP. that X.] seruaunt gon*. [goynge O.] out, fonde oon of his euen seruauntis, that ouȝte*. [owed O. aȝte X.] hym*. [to him UX.] an hundrid pens*. [penyes O.]; and he, holdynge hym*. [Om. OU.], stranglide hym, sey|inge*. [and seide OU.], Ȝeld that*. [thou the thenge that OU. thou that G sec. m. that that MPW sec. m. XY. thou that that W pr. m.] thou owist. [verse 29] And his euen seruaunt preiede*. [fallinge doun, preyde Q sec. m.] hym, seyinge*. [and seide OU.], Haue pa|cience Page  50 in me, and `alle thingis I shal quyte*. [I schall ȝelde all thenges OU.] to thee. [verse 30] Forsothe he `wolde nat*. [nolde OU.]; but wente, and sent hym in to pryson, til that*. [Om. OQU.] he*. [he hadde Q.] paide al the dette. [verse 31] Sothely his euen ser|uauntis, seeynge the*. [all the O. tho P.] thingis that weren don, `gretely hadden sorowe*. [weren sorowful greetly OU.]. And thei camen, and tolden to*. [Om. S.] her lord alle the*. [Om. OPSUX. tho VW sec. m.] thingis that weren don. [verse 32] Thanne his lord clepide hym, and seide to hym, Weyward seruaunt, I forȝaf to thee al the dette, for thou preidist me. [verse 33] Therfore wher*. [whether X. whether and S.] it be|houede*. [by|houeth OU.] nat and*. [also OU.] thee to haue mercy on*. [of OU.] thi euen seruaunt, as*. [as and GPW. as also U.] I hadde mercy*. [mercy also O.] of*. [on AMNSVWX.] thee? [verse 34] And his lord wroth, tok*. [bytoke OU.] hym to tourmenturs, til that*. [Om. OU.] he paiede*. [hade payed O.] al the dette. [verse 35] `So and*. [And so OU.] my fadir of heuen shal do to ȝou, ȝif ȝe `forȝeue nat*. [schal not forȝif OUV.] euery*. [eiche OU.] man to his bro|ther, of ȝoure hertis.


[verse 1] And it is*. [was AOUV.] don, whenne Jhesus hadde eendide these*. [this G.] wordis, he passide fro Ga|lilee, and came*. [he cam OU.] in to `the eendis*. [eendes, either coostis U sec. m. Om. O.] of*. [Om. O.] Ju|dee ouer Jordan. [verse 2] And manye cumpanyes `of men*. [Om. OU.] sueden hym, and he helide hem there. [verse 3] And Pharisees camen niȝ to hym, temptynge hym, and seyinge, Wher*. [Whether X pass.] it be*. [is OU.] leeful for*. [to MOQSTUVWXY. Om. GP.] a man for*. [Om. OQSUXY.] to `leeue, or for|sake*. [forsake OU. lefen X.], his wijf, `of what euer*. [bi eny OU. for what|euere G.] cause? [verse 4] The*. [Om. OU.] whiche answerynge seith*. [seide OU.] to hem, Han nat ȝee rad, for he that made men*. [man T pr. m.] at the bygynnynge, male*. [made hem male OU.] and female `he made hem*. [Om. O.]? [verse 5] And he seide, For this thing a man shal leeue fadir and modir, and he*. [Om. OU.] shal cleue*. [drawe U. cleue to P.], `or drawe*. [Om. OUX.], to his wif; and thei shulen be two in oo flesh. [verse 6] `And so*. [Therfore Q sec. m. Om. Q pr. m.] thei ben nat now*. [Om. Q.] two, bot oo flesh. Therfore*. [And therefore K sec. m.] a man departe nat that*. [the OU.] thing that*. [whiche thenge OU.] God enioynyde*. [hath ioyned OU. ioynede X.], `or knytte to gidre*. [Om. OUX.]. [verse 7] Thei Page  51 seyen to hym, What thanne*. [therfore OU.] comaundide Moyses, to ȝeue a litil boke of forsakynge, and to `leeue off*. [forsake OU.]? [verse 8] And he seith*. [seyde OU.] to hem, For Moyses, at the hardnesse of ȝoure herte, suffride ȝou forsake*. [to forsake OSUX.] ȝoure wyues; forsothe at the begynnyng it was nat so. [verse 9] Trewly I seie to ȝou, that*. [for OUV.] who euer leeu|eth*. [forsaketh OU.] his wif, no*. [Om. X.] but for fornicacioun, and*. [and he O.] weddith an other, doth a vowtrie; and he that weddith the forsaken wife*. [Om. X.], doth a vowtrie. [verse 10] His disciplis seien to hym, Ȝif the cause of a man with a*. [the OU. Om. X.] wijf is so, it speedith nat to wedde*. [be weddit N. be wedded OU. be wedde A sec. m.]. [verse 11] The*. [Om. OU.] whiche seith*. [seide OUW sec. m.] to hem, Nat alle men taken this word; but to which*. [whom GPXY.] it is ȝouen. [verse 12] Sothely `there ben geldyngis*. [geldynges ben OU.], `the whiche*. [whiche OU. that X.] ben thus born of the*. [her U.] modris wombe; and `there ben geldyngis*. [geldynges ben OU.], that*. [whiche OU.] ben maad of men, and `there ben geldyngis*. [geldynges ben OU.], that*. [whiche OU.] han geldid*. [geet X.] hem self, for the kyngdam*. [rewme OU.] of heuenes. He*. [And he K sec. m.] that may take, take he*. [Om. OUW.]. [verse 13] Thanne litil children weren offrid*. [brouȝte U sec. m.] vp*. [Om. OU.] to hym, that he shulde putte hondis*. [his hondis N.] to hem, and preie. Sothely his*. [the OU.] disciplis blameden hem. [verse 14] But*. [Forsothe U. Sothely O.] Jhesus seith*. [seide OU.] to hem, Suffre ȝe litil childre cume to me, and nyl ȝe for|bede hem `for to come to me*. [Om. O. to comen to me SUX.]; for of siche is the kyngdam of heuenes. [verse 15] And whenne he hadde putte to hem hondis, he wente thennus*. [fro thens OU.]. [verse 16] And loo! oon, `cummynge to*. [neiȝynge OU.], seith*. [seide OU.] to hym, Good maister, what of*. [Om. OU.] good thing*. [Om. OU.] shal I do, that I haue euerlastynge lyf? [verse 17] The*. [Om. OU.] which seith*. [seide OU.] to hym, What axist thou me of good thing? `There is oo*. [Oon is OU. There is AG.] good God. For*. [Forsothe OUV.] ȝif thou wolt entre in to lif, kepe*. [kepe thou O.] the comaundementis*. [maundements MW.]. [verse 18] He seith to hym, Whiche? Trewly Jhesus seide, Thou shalt nat do man sleaynge, thou shalt nat do avowtrie, thou shalt nat do thefte, thou shalt nat seye fals witness|inge*. [witnesse X.]; [verse 19] worshipe*. [honour thou OU.] thi fadir and thi modir, Page  52 and thou shalt looue thi neiȝbore as thi self. [verse 20] The ȝung*. [ȝong wexinge OU.] man seith to hym, I haue kepte alle these thingis fro my ȝouthe*. [ȝongthe O.], what ȝit failith to me? [verse 21] Jhesus seith to hym, Ȝif thou wolt be perfit, go, and selle alle thingus that thou hast, and ȝeue to pore men, and thou shalt haue tresour in he|uene; and cum, sue thou me. [verse 22] Forsothe whenne the ȝung*. [ȝong wexinge OU.] man hadde herde these wordis, he wente awey sorwful, for he was hauynge many possessiouns. [verse 23] Forsothe Jhesus seide*. [seith N.] to his disciplis, `I seie to ȝou trewthe*. [Trewly I seie to ȝou O.], for*. [for of harde OU.] a riche man `of hard*. [Om. OU.] shal entre in to the kyngdam*. [rewme OU.] of heuenes. [verse 24] And eftsone*. [efte OU.] I seie to ȝou, it*. [for O.] is `liȝter, or eysier*. [esier OU. liȝtere X.], a camel for*. [Om. OSUX.] to passe thorwȝ `a nedelis eiȝe*. [the hoole of an nedel eiȝe O. the hoole of a nedle U.], than a riche man to*. [for to OU.] entre into the kyngdam*. [rewme O.] of heuenes. [verse 25] Treuly these wordis*. [thenges OU.] herd, the*. [Om. ANSVW.] disciplis wondriden gretely, seyinge, Who therfore may be saaf? [verse 26] Forsothe Jhesus beholdynge seide to hem, Anentis men this thing is im|possible; but anentis God alle thingis ben possible. [verse 27] Thanne Petre answerynge seide to hym, Loo! we han forsaken alle*. [Om. K.] thingis, and we han sued thee; what therfore shal be to us? [verse 28] Jhesus forsothe seide to hem, Trewly Y seye to ȝou, that ȝe that han forsaken alle thingis, and sued*. [han sued OUV. suen P.] me, in re|generacioun, `or gendrynge aȝein*. [Om. OV sec. m. X. or gadering aȝen V pr. m.], whenne mannes sone shall sitte in the sete of his mageste, and*. [also OU.] ȝe shulen sitt on twelue setis, `or seegis*. [Om. GOPUXY.], demynge the twelue kynredis of Yrael. [verse 29] And euery*. [eche OUX.] man that shal forsake hous*. [his hous U.], or*. [ether OU.] bretheren, or*. [ether OU.] sis|tren, or*. [ether OU. Om. K.] fadir, or*. [ether OU.] modir, or*. [ether OU.] wif, or*. [ether OUW sup. ras. and K.] sonys*. [sone N.], or*. [ether OUV.] feeldis, for my name, he*. [Om. OUV.] shal take an hundrid fold, and shal welde euere lastynge lyf. [verse 30] Forsothe many*. [many first GPXY. many the firste K sec. m.] shulen be, `the firste*. [Om. GK sec. m. PXY. of the firste O.] the laste, and the*. [of the O.] laste the firste.Page  53


[verse 1] The kyngdam*. [rewme OU.] of heuenes is lic to an husbond man, that wente out first erly, `or by the morwe*. [Om. OUXY.], to hyre workemen in to his `vyne ȝerd*. [vinere OU.]. [verse 2] Forsothe the*. [Om. X.] couenaunt maad with workmen, of a peny for the day, he sente hem in to his `vyne ȝerd*. [vinere U.]. [verse 3] And he, gon out about the thridde hour, say other stondynge ydil in the chepyng. [verse 4] And he seide to hem, Go*. [Goth X.] `and ȝee*. [ȝe also OU.] in to my `vyne ȝerd*. [vyner OU.], and `that that shal be riȝtful*. [Om. OU.], I shal ȝeue to ȝou*. [ȝou this that schall be riȝteful OU.]. [verse 5] Sotheli thei wenten forth. Forsothe eftsoone*. [eft OU.] he wente out aboute the sixte hour, and the nynethe, and dide on liche*. [lichy W.] manere. [verse 6] But aboute the elle|uenthe houre*. [Om. G pr. m.] he wente out, and foond other stondynge; and he seide to hem, What stonden ȝe her ydil al day? [verse 7] Thei seien*. [seiden X.] to hym, For no man hath hirid us. He seith to hem, Go*. [Goth X.] `and ȝe*. [ȝe also OU.] in to my `vyne ȝerd*. [vinere OU.]. [verse 8] Forsothe whenne euenynge*. [euentyde OU.] was maad, the lord of the `vyne ȝerd*. [viner OU.] seith to his procuratour*. [procatour KQT.], Clepe*. [Clepe thou OU.] the workmen, and ȝelde to hem her hijre, bygynnynge at the laste `til to*. [til KW pr. m.] the firste. [verse 9] Therfore whenne thei `weren commen*. [camen OU.], that camen*. [haden commen OU.] about the elleuenth hour, and*. [also OU.] thei token syn|guler*. [euen OU.] pens, that is, euery*. [iche OU. eche X.]man oo*. OUP X.]peny. [verse 10] Trewly and*. [Om. Q.] the firste cummynge demed|en, that thei weren*. [weren worthi OU.] to take more, `trewly and*. [but also OU.] thei token `echon by hym silf a peny*. [euen pens OU. eche by hymself a peny X. echon bi him self oo peny Y.]. [verse 11] And thei takynge grutcheden aȝeins the [verse 12] husbond man, seyinge*. [and seiden OU.], These*. [The V.] laste diden worche*. [Om. AK pr. m. NOSTUVX.] oon*. [in on OU.] our, and thou hast maad hem euen to vs, that han born the charge of the day and hete*. [of the heete O. the heete PU.]? [verse 13] And he answerynge to oon of hem, seide, Frend, I do `thee no wronge*. [no wronge to thee OU.]; whether*. [whar O.] thou hast nat accordid with me for a peny? [verse 14] Take `that that is thine*. [thou the thenge that thine is OU.], and go; forsothe Y wole ȝeue and*. [also OU.]Page  54 to this the*. [Om. PQS.] laste man*. [Om. OU.], as and*. [also OU.] to thee. [verse 15] Wher*. [Whether and G. Whether SX.] it is nat leful to me for*. [Om. OUX.] to do that*. [the thenge OU.] that I wole? Wher*. [Or whether N. Whether GPSUWX.] thin eiȝe is wickid*. [wicke X.], for I am good? [verse 16] So `there shulen be the*. [Om. G pr. m.] last men the*. [Om. PQ.] firste*. [the firste schulen be the laste OU.], and the `firste men the*. [Om. PQ.] laste*. [laste the firste OU.]; for many ben clepid, bot few chosun. [verse 17] And Jhesus, steyinge vp*. [Om. U.] to Jerusalem, toke his twelue disciplis in priuytee, and seith*. [seide OUVW sec. m.] to [verse 18] hem, Loo! we `gon vp*. [stiȝen OU.] to Jerusalem, and mannes sone shal be taken*. [bitaken UVW sec. m.] to princis of prestis, and scribis*. [to scribes OU.]; and thei shulen con|dempne hym by*. [to OPX.] deth. [verse 19] And thei shulen bitake hym to hethen men, for*. [Om. SX.] to be scornyd, and scourgid*. [beeten OU.], and crucified; and the*. [in the OU.] thridde day he shal ryse aȝein*. [Om. G pr. m.]. [verse 20] Thanne the modir of the sonis of Zebede `came niȝ*. [neiȝed OU.] to hym with hire sonys, ho|nourynge*. [worchipynge OU. honourynge, or preiynge Q sec. m.], and axinge sume thing of hym. [verse 21] The*. [Om. OU.] whiche seide to hir, What wolt thou? She seith*. [seide OUX.] to hym, Seie*. [Seie thou OU.] that these `two my*. [my two OU. tweyne my W.] sonys sitten, oon at thi*. [the O.] riȝthalf, and oon at thi*. [the O.] lefthalf, in thi kyngdam*. [rewme OU.]. [verse 22] For|sothe Jhesus answerynge seide, Ȝe wyten nat what ȝe axen*. [schulen axe O. asken Q.], or shulen axe*. [Om. OUX or schulen aske Q.]. Mowen ȝe drynke the cuppe that*. [whiche OU.] I `am to*. [schall OU.] drynke? Thei seien*. [seiden O.] to hym, We mowen. [verse 23] He seith to hem, Forsothe ȝe shal drynke my cuppe; but*. [forsothe OU.] to sitte at*. [on G.] the*. [my AOUVW.] riȝthalf or*. [ether OU.] at*. [Om. AGMNPSUWXY. at my OV sec. m. at the Q.] left|half, it*. [Om. G pr. m. UX.] is nat myn to ȝeue to ȝou; but to whiche*. [whom GPXY.] it is made redy of my fadir. [verse 24] And the ten herynge hadden indignacioun of the*. [Om. Q.] two*. [tweyne W.] bretheren. [verse 25] Sothely Jhesus cle|pide hem to hym, and seith*. [seide OUVW sec. m.], Ȝe witen, for princis*. [the princes OU.] of heithen men ben lordis of hem, and thei that ben more*. [the gretter OU.], hawnten*. [vsen OU.] power `in to*. [on OUV.] hem. [verse 26] It shal nat be so among ȝou; bot who euere wole be maad more*. [the gretter OU.] among [verse 27] ȝou, be he ȝoure mynystre; and who euere Page  55 amonge ȝou wole be firste*. [the first OU.], he shal be ȝoure seruaunt. [verse 28] As mannes sone came nat for*. [Om. SUX.] to be serued, but for*. [Om. OSUX.] to serue, and `for to*. [Om. O. to SUX.] ȝeue his `soule, or lif*. [lif OU. soule X.], redemp|cioun for many. [verse 29] And hem*. [thei U.] goynge out of Jerico, manye cumpanyes of peple*. [Om. OU.] sueden hym. [verse 30] And loo! two*. [tweyne W.] blynd men sittynge besidis*. [by O.] the weye, herden that Jhesus pass|ide; and thei crieden, seyinge, Lord, the sone of Dauyth, haue mercy on*. [of G sec. m. PXY.] vs. [verse 31] For|sothe the cumpanye*. [companies O.] blamyde hem, `for to*. [that thei schulden OU. to SX.] be stille; and thei crieden more `and more*. [Om. OUVW sec. m.], seiynge, Lord, the sone of Dauyth, haue mercy on*. [of G sec. m. PXY.] vs. [verse 32] And Jhesus stood, and clepide hem, and seith*. [seide OU.], What wole*. [wiln X.] ȝe, that I do to ȝou? [verse 33] Thei*. [And thei GX.] seien to hym, Lord, that oure eiȝen be openyd. [verse 34] For|sothe Jhesus, hauynge mercy on*. [of GSXY.] hem, touchide her eiȝen; and anoon thei sayen, and sueden hym.


[verse 1] And whanne Jhesus*. [he OU.] came niȝ to Jeru|salem, and cam to Bethfage, in*. [to O. at GMPQSTUVWXY.] the mount of Olyfeet, thanne Jhesus sente his two*. [tweye W.] [verse 2] disciplis, seyinge to hem, Go ȝe in to the castel that*. [whiche OU.] is aȝeinus ȝou, and anon ȝe shal fynde a she asse tyed, and a colt with hir; vnbynde*. [vntye U sec. m.] ȝe, and bryng*. [bryngith GSXY.] to me. [verse 3] And ȝif eny man `shal seie*. [seieth OU.] to ȝou eny thinge, `seie ȝe*. [seith S. seye W pr. m.], that*. [for OU.] the Lord hath need to hem; and anoon he shal leeue hem. [verse 4] Trewly*. [Forsothe OU.] al*. [as K.] this was don, that that*. [the OU.] thing that was seid by the prophete shulde be fulfillid*. [filled OU.], [verse 5] seyinge, Seie ȝe to the douȝter of Syon, Loo! thi kyng cometh to thee, `homly, or meke*. [he mylde OU. homly, or mekely PT. Om. X.], sittynge on `an asse*. [a sche asse OU.], and a `fole, the*. [coltes O. colt U.] sone*. [Om. U sec. m.] of a beest vndir ȝook. [verse 6] For|sothe disciplis*. [the disciplis PU.], goynge*. [goynge forth Q sec. m.], diden as Jhesus comaundide hem*. [to hem OU.]. [verse 7] And thei brouȝten to*. [Om. OU. two G pr. m.] a she asse, and `the fole*. [a colt O. the colt U.], and puttiden*. [putten X.]Page  56 her clothis on hem, and maden hym sitte*. [to sitten X.] aboue. [verse 8] Forsothe ful muche cumpanye strewiden*. [spredden U sec. m.] her clothis in the wey; sothely other*. [other men OU.] kittiden*. [kytten GX.] braunchis of trees, and strowiden in the weye. [verse 9] But*. [Forsothe OU.] the cum|panyes that wenten before, and that sued|en, crieden, seyinge, Osanna, that is*. [is to saye T.], I preie, saue*. [saue thou OV sec. m. U.], to the sone of Dauith; blessid is*. [Om. X.] he that cummeth in the*. [Om. P.] name of the Lord; Osanna in `the heeȝist*. [heiȝ OV sec. m. U. heyȝest GMV pr. m. PQSTWXY.] thingis. [verse 10] And when he had entrid in to Jerusalem, al the cite was stirid, seyinge, Who is this? [verse 11] Treuly*. [For|sothe OU.] the peplis seiden, This is `Jhesus, the prophete*. [the prophete Jhesus O.], of Nazareth of Ga|lilee. [verse 12] And Jhesus entride in to the temple of God, and kest*. [casted OV.] out of the temple alle*. [alle men N.] `sellynge and byinge*. [biende and sillende X.]; and he turnyde vp|sadoun the bordis of*. [and KQW. and of T.] chaungeris, and the chaiers of men sellynge culueris. [verse 13] And he seith to hem, It is writen, My hous shal be clepid an hous of preiere; forsothe ȝe han made it a denne of thefes. [verse 14] And blynde*. [blinde men OV sec. m. U.] and crokid*. [croked men OU.] `camen niȝ*. [neiȝed O. neiȝeden VU.] to hym `in the temple*. [Om. X.], and he helide hem. [verse 15] For|sothe the princis of prestis*. [the prestes O.] and scribis*. [the scribes OU.], seeynge the*. [Om. K pr. m. OT.] marueilouse*. [wonderfull OV sec. m. U.] thingis that he dide, and children cryinge in the temple, and seiynge, Osanna to the sone of Da|uith [verse 16] , dedeyneden*. [haden indignacioun OV sec. m. U. thei hadden dedeyne N.], and seiden to hym, Heerist thou what these seyen? Sothely Jhesus seith*. [seide OUV.] to hem, Ȝhe; wher*. [whether GUS et X passim.] ȝe han nat*. [neuere VUW sec. m.] rad, For of the mouth of children, that kunnen nat speke, and*. [or P.] of*. [of the O.] soukynge mylk*. [Om. X.], thou hast made parfite heryinge*. [preysinge GOQXY.]? [verse 17] And, hem forsaken*. [left N.], he wente forth out of the*. [that G.] citee, in to Betanye; and there he dwelte, and tauȝte hem of the kyngdam*. [rewme OV sec. m. U.] of God. [verse 18] Forsothe on the morw, he, turn|ynge*. [turned O.] aȝein in to the citee, hungride. [verse 19] And he, seeynge a*. [O V sec. m. W.] fige tree bysidis the weye, Page  57 came to it, and fonde no thing `ther on*. [ther yune AGMNPQSTUVXY.] no but leeuys oonly; and he seith*. [seide OUVW sec. m.] to it, Neuer be*. [Om. OV sec. m. U.] fruyt born*. [cum forthe OV sec. m. U.] of thee, in to with outen eende. And anoon the fijge tree was dried vp. [verse 20] And disciplis*. [the disciplis PU.] seeynge, [verse 21] wondreden, seyinge*. [and seyden U sec. m.], Hou `anon it driede*. [it dried anone O. it dried up anone U sec. m. anoon driede NP.]. Sothely Jhesus answerynge, seith*. [seyde OUVW sec m.] to hem, Trewly I seye to ȝou, ȝif ȝe shulen han feith, as a*. [the OU.] corn of seneuey, and `douten nat*. [schul not dowte OUVW sec. m.], nat oonly ȝe shulen do of this*. [the OUV.] fijge tree, bot and*. [also OUV.] ȝif ȝe seien*. [schulen seie OUV.] to this hill, Take*. [Take awei OUV.] thee, and caste thee in to the see, `and so*. [Om. OUV.] it shal be don. [verse 22] And alle thingis what euer ȝe*. [ȝe byleuynge OUV.] shulen axe in preier byleu|ynge*. [Om. OUV.], ȝee shulen take. [verse 23] And whenne*. [Om. U.] he came in*. [Om. X.] to the temple, the princis of prestis and eldre*. [the eelder OV sec. m. U.] men of the peple camen niȝ to hym techynge, seyinge*. [and seiden OV sec. m. U.], In what power dost thou these thingis? and who ȝaf to thee this power? [verse 24] Jhesus answer|ynge seide to hem, And I shal axe ȝou o*. [a ANO.] word, the*. [Om. OV sec. m. U.] whiche ȝif ȝe shulen seie to me, and I shal seie to ȝou, in what power I do these*. [this G passim.] thingis. [verse 25] Of whennes was the baptem of Joon; of heuene, or*. [ether OV sec. m. U.] of men? And thei thouȝten with inne `hem self*. [hem seluen O.], [verse 26] seyinge, Ȝif we shulen seie of heuene, he shal seie to vs, Whi therfore beleuen ȝe nat to hym? Sothely ȝif we shulen seie of men, we dreden the cumpanye `of peple*. [Om. OV sec. m. U.], for alle hadde Joon as a prophete. [verse 27] And thei answerynge to Jhesu seiden, We witen nat. And he seith*. [seide OUV.] to hem, Nether I seie to ȝou, in what power I do these thingis. [verse 28] Forsothe what semeth to ȝou? Sum man hadde two*. [tweye W.] sonys; and he `cum|mynge niȝ*. [neiȝynge OV sec. m. U.] to the firste seide, Sone, go `for to worche*. [Om. O. forth to worke S. thou for to worche AV sec. m. U.] `this day*. [to day OV sec. m. U.] in to*. [Om. W sec. m. X.] myn vyne|ȝerd [verse 29] *. [vinere for to worche OV sec. m. U.]. Sothely he answerynge seith*. [seide OV sec. m. U.], I nyle; forsothe*. [but OV sec. m. U.] afterward he stirid by*. [with O.]Page  58 penaunce, `or forthenkynge*. [Om. OV sec. m. UX.], wente. [verse 30] For|sothe he, cummynge*. [neiȝynge OV sec. m. U. comyng niȝ GMPW. comende neeȝh X.] to `the tother*. [that other U.], seide lic*. [the liik GY. the lichy PW pr. m. lichi W sec. m. in like OV sec. m. U. the liȝkli M.] maner. And he answerynge seith*. [seide OU.], Lord, I go; and he wente nat. [verse 31] Who of the*. [thes QT.] two*. [tweyne OV sec. m. UW.] dide the `fadris will*. [will of the fader OV sec. m. U.]? Thei seien to hym, The firste. Jhesus seith to hem, Trewly I seie to ȝou, for puplicanys and hooris shulen go before ȝou in to the kyngdam*. [rewme OV sec. m. U.] of God. [verse 32] Forsothe*. [For OV sec. m. U.] Joon cam to ȝou in the weye of riȝtwisnesse*. [riȝtefulnesse OV sec. m. U.], and ȝe bileeueden*. [beleuen U.] nat to hym; but*. [treuli V sec. m.] puplicanys and hooris beleueden to hym. Sothely*. [But OU.] ȝee seeynge `nether hadde don*. [hade not OU. nethir hadden GMV sec. m. PQSWXY.] penaunce afterward, that ȝe bileeuyden*. [schulde byleue OU.] to hym. Heere ȝe an other parable. [verse 33] `Ther was an husbondman*. [An husbandeman was OV sec. m. U.], that plantide a `vyne ȝerd*. [viner OV sec. m. U.], and ȝaue an hegge aboute*. [abowte hit OVU sec. m. theraboute GSX.], and dalue a pressour*. [pressure K.] therynne, and bildide*. [bilde X.] a toure, and `hiride, or*. [Om. OV sec. m. Q. sec. m. X. hijride it, or P.]sette*. [settide V sec. m. U.]it*. [Om. MPQ pr. m.]to ferme, to erthe tiliers, and wente ferre*. [forthe OV sec. m. U.] in pilgrim|age. [verse 34] Forsothe whenne the tyme of fruytis neiȝide*. [had neiȝed OV sec. m. U.], he sente his seruauntis to the erthe tiliers, that thei token*. [schulden take the OV sec. m. UW sec. m. shulde take X.] fruytis of it. [verse 35] And, his seruauntis taken, the erthe tiliers beeten `the toon*. [oon MOV sec. m. UP. that oon W. the oon X.] `an other thei slewen*. [thei kylden an other OV sec. m. U.], `but another*. [forsothe OV sec. m. U.] thei stoonyden*. [stoneden another OUV sec. m.] `to deth*. [Om. OV sec. m. PUX. to the deeth W pr. m.]. [verse 36] Eftsones*. [Efte OV sec. m. U.] he sente other seruauntis, mo than the firste*. [former OV sec. m. U.], and `liche maner*. [Om. OV sec. m. U. lichi manere MW.] thei diden to hem*. [hem in like maner OV sec. m. U.]. [verse 37] Forsothe at the laste he sent his sone to hem, seyinge*. [and seide OV sec. m. U.], Thei shulen `shame, or drede*. [drede OV sec. m. U. shamen X.], my sone. [verse 38] Sothely the erthe tiliers, seeynge the sone, seiden with ynne hem self, This is the eire; cume ȝe, slea we hym, and we shulen haue his*. [the OP.] eritage. [verse 39] And, `hym taken*. [Om. ANOSV sec. m.], thei kesten*. [casteden him taken ANOV sec. m. W. casten hym taken S. casteden MUP.] out of the vynȝerd*. [vinere OUV sec. m.], and slewen*. [kilden OV sec. m. U.]. [verse 40] Therfore whenne the lord of the vyneȝerd*. [vinere OV sec. m. U.] shal Page  59 cume, what shal he do to `the ilk*. [thilke GOQ et S passim V sec. m. the P. tho X.] erthe tiliers? [verse 41] Thei seien*. [seiden O.] to hym, He shal lese yuele the*. [Om. OPUV sec. m.] yuel men, and sette*. [he schal sette OUV.] to hire his vyneȝerd*. [vinere OUV sec. m.] to other*. [the U pr. m.] erthe tiliers, the whiche*. [whiche OUV sec. m. that X.] shulen ȝelde to hym fruytis in her tymes. [verse 42] Jhesus seith to hem, Redden ȝe neuer in scripturis, The stoon `the whiche*. [which OUV sec. m. that X.] `beldynge men*. [men bildinge OUVW pr. m. bilders Q sec. m. sup. ras. the bildende men X.] reproueden, this is maad in to the*. [Om. Q.] heued*. [heed A et M pass. P. hed NS et X pass.] of the corner? `Of the Lord*. [Om. OU.] this thing is maad*. [maade of the Lorde OU.], and it is merueilous*. [wonderfull OUV sec. m.] in oure eiȝen. [verse 43] Therfore I seie to ȝou, for the kyngdam*. [rewme OUV sec. m.] of God shal be taken*. [taken awey UV sec. m.] fro ȝou, and shal*. [it schall OUV sec. m.] be ȝouen to a*. [Om. G pr. m. OXY.] folk doinge fruytis*. [the froytes OUV sec. m.] `of it*. [therof UV sec. m.]. [verse 44] And he that shal falle on this stoon, shal be broken to|gidre; forsothe `vpon whom it shal falle*. [Om. OUV sec. m. on whom it shal falle X.], it shal `togidre poune*. [al to-powne OUV sec. m.] hym*. [him [hem U] on whom it shall fall OUV sec. m.]. [verse 45] And when the princis of prestis and Pharisees*. [the Phariseis OUV sec. m.] had|den herde his parablis, thei knewen that he seide*. [hadde seyde W.] of hem*. [Om. O. to hem U.]. [verse 46] And thei, seekynge to holde hym, dreden the cumpanyes `of pe|ple*. [Om. OU.], for thei hadden hym as a prophete.


[verse 1] And Jhesus answerynge `seide eftsone*. [to hem eft O speke eftsone Q sec. m. spak eft U sec. m. seide eft V sec. m.] [verse 2] in parablis `to hem*. [Om. O.], seiynge*. [seide O. and seide UV sec. m.], The kyng|dam of heuenes is maad*. [Om. Y.] lic to a man kyng that made weddingus to his sone. [verse 3] And he sente his seruauntis for*. [Om. OSUV sec. m.] to clepe men beden to the weddyngis, and thei wolden nat cume. [verse 4] Eftsoone*. [Eft OV sec. m.] he sente other seruauntis, seiynge*. [and seide OU. seyde V sec. m.], Seie ȝee to the*. [Om. OVX.] men beden to the*. [Om. AK pr. m. MNOQW sec. m.] feeste, Loo! I haue made redy my mete*. [meetes O.], my boles and vola|tilis*. [my volatils, other my fatt beestes OU. my vol. other fatte beestis V.] ben slayn, and alle thingis redy*. [ben redy OUV.]; `cumme ȝe to the weddyngus*. [Om. O.]. Sothely thei dispisiden, `or recken nat*. [Om. AOUVX. or roȝten not S. or reckeden not MT.], and thei wenten awey, oon*. [an other OUV pr. m. W.] in to his vyneȝerd*. [toune A sec. m. NOQ sec. m. UV.], Page  60 forsothe an other to*. [in to O.] his marchaundise*. [marchaundye OU.]. [verse 6] But the other helden his seruauntis, and slowen hem, ponished with contek*. [dispisynges OUV.]. [verse 7] For|sothe the kyng, whenne he hadde herde, was wroth; and, his hoostis sente, he loste, `or distruyde*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.], the*. [tho MOPUVW.] man quellers, and brente her*. [the O.] citee. [verse 8] Thanne he seith*. [seide OUVW sec. m.] to his seruauntis, Sothely the weddyngis ben redy, but thei that weren clepid to the feeste, weren*. [ben O.] nat worthi. [verse 9] Therfore go ȝee to the outgoyngis*. [outgoyng MP. outgoyngis, or endis U sec. m.] of weyes, and whom*. [whiche OUV.] euere ȝe shulen fynde, clepe*. [clepith GMPWXY. cleep ȝe OUV sec. m.] to the wed|dyngis. [verse 10] And his seruauntis, gon out in to the*. [Om. A sec. m. GMNPQWXY.] weyes, gedreden togidre alle that thei founden, good*. [gode men OU.] and yuel; and the wed|dyngis of men sittynge at mete*. [the mete AGMNPSU WXY sec. m.] ben ful|fillid*. [filled OU.]. [verse 11] Forsothe the kyng entride, that he shulde see men sittynge at mete*. [the mete AGMOSUVWX.]; and he seeȝ there a man nat clothid*. [clad X.] with brijd*. [bridale X.] clothis*. [cloothinge O. cloth UV sec. m.]. [verse 12] And he seith*. [seide OUVW sec. m.] to hym, Frend, hou entridist*. [entryst G.] thou hidir, nat hauynge brijd clothe*. [clothes M.]? And he was doumbe. [verse 13] Thanne the kyng seide to the*. [his S.] mynystris, His `hondis and feet*. [feete and [his U] hondis OU.] bounden, sende ȝee hym into vttermore*. [vtmore ANSX. vtmer QW.] derknessis; there shal be weepyng and betyng to gidre of teeth. [verse 14] Forsothe many ben clepid, but fewe chosen*. [ben chosen N.]. [verse 15] Thanne Pharisees, goynge awey, token a*. [Om. O.] counseile, that thei shulden take Jhesus*. [him OUV. hym Jhesu X.] in word. [verse 16] And thei*. [Om. Q.] senden to hym her disciplis, with Erodyanys, `that ben men of Eroudis*. [Om. OUV sec. m.], seiynge, Maister, we witen, that*. [for OUVW sec. m.] thou art sothfast, and thou techist in trewthe the weye of God, and `there is no cure, or charge*. [ther is noon [not NS] cure, or ch. A. no charge is OUV sec. m. ther is not cure X.], to thee of eny man, for thou beholdist nat the per|soone of men. [verse 17] Therfore seie*. [seie thou OUV sec. m.] to vs, what it*. [Om. OUV pr. m.] semeth to thee. Is it leful `to ȝeue*. [that rent [or talage U marg.] be ȝouen OU. that tribut be ȝouen V sec. m.] to*. [Om. K pr. v. QT.]Page  61 Cesar, `or emperour*. [Om. OQUV sec. m. X.], `rente, or tribut*. [tribuyt, or rente MP. rente, ether naye OUV sec. m. rente, or nay Q sec. m. tribute X.]? [verse 18] Forsothe, the wickednesse of hem knowen, Jhesus seith*. [seide OUV.], Y pocritis, what tempten ȝee me? [verse 19] Shewe ȝee to me the prynte of the moneye. And thei offriden*. [offreden, or token MP. brouȝten V sec. m.] to hym a peny. [verse 20] And Jhesus seith*. [seide OUV.] to hem, Whos is this ymage, and the wrytyng aboue*. [abowte O.]? Thei seyen to hym, Of Cesar. [verse 21] Thanne `he seith*. [Jhesus seide OUV.] to hem, Therfore ȝelde ȝee to Cesar tho thingis that ben Cesaris*. [of Cesar MP.], and to God tho thingis that ben of God. [verse 22] And thei heerynge wondreden; and, hym laft, thei wenten awey. [verse 23] In that day Saducees, that seyen `there is*. [Om. O. that UV sec. m.] no rysyng aȝein*. [aȝen is OUV sec. m.], [verse 24] `camen niȝ*. [neiȝeden OUV sec. m.] to hym, and axiden hym, sey|inge*. [and seiden OUV sec. m.], Maister, Moyses seide, ȝif eny `man be*. [brother is OUV sec. m.] dead, nat hauynge a sone, that his brother wedde his wyf, and reyse seed to his brother. [verse 25] Forsothe seuen bretheren weren at*. [anentes OU.] vs; and the first, a wijf weddid, is dead. And he nat hauynge seed, left his [verse 26] wijf to his brother; also the secounde, and the thridde, til*. [Om. G pr. m. P.] to*. [Om. Q sec. m.] the seuenthe. [verse 27] Forsothe the*. [Om. W sec. m.] laste of alle, and*. [also OUV sec. m.] the womman is dead. [verse 28] Therefore in the rysynge aȝein, whos wijf of the*. [Om. KTXY.] seuene shal she be? for alle hadden hir. [verse 29] Sothely Jhesus answer|ynge seith*. [seide OUV sec. m.] to hem, Ȝee erren, nether*. [not OUV sec. m.] knowynge the scripturis, nether the vertu of God. [verse 30] Forsothe*. [For OUV sec. m.] in the rysyng aȝeyn, neither thei wedden, nether ben*. [thei be OV pr. m.] weddid; but thei ben as the*. [Om. MUP.] aungelis of God in heuene. [verse 31] Sothely*. [Forsothe Q.] of the rysynge aȝein of dead men, `ȝee han*. [han ȝe N.] nat rad, that it is seid [verse 32] of the Lord, seyinge to ȝou, I am God of Abraham, and*. [Om. Q.] God of Ysaac, and God of Jacob? he is nat God of deed men, but of lyuynge men. [verse 33] And the cumpanyes `of pe|ple*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] heerynge, wondreden in his techynge. [verse 34] Forsothe Pharisees, heerynge that he hadde put silence to Saducees, camen to gidre in to oon. [verse 35] And oon of hem, a*. [Om. O.] techer of the Page  62 [verse 36] lawe, axede Jhesus, temptynge hym, Mais|tre, whiche is a greet maundement*. [commaundement OUV sec. m.] in*. [of W.] the lawe? [verse 37] Jhesus seide*. [seith QV pr. m. W.] to hym*. [hem V.], Thou shalt loue the*. [thi N.] Lord thi God, of al thin herte, and in*. [of OUV.] al thi soule, and in al thi mynde. [verse 38] This is the firste and the most maunde|ment*. [com|maundement OUV sec. m.]. [verse 39] Forsothe the secounde is lic to this; Thou shalt loue thi neiȝbore as thi self. [verse 40] In these two*. [twei OW.] maundementis*. [commaundementes OUV sec. m.] hang|ith al the lawe and prophetis*. [the prophetes OUV sec. m.]. [verse 41] Sothely the*. [Om. U.] Pharisees gedrid to gidre, Jhesus ax|ide [verse 42] hem, seyinge, What semeth to ȝou of Crist, whos sone is he? Thei seyen to hym, Of Dauith. [verse 43] He seith to hem, Ther|fore hou `Dauith in spirit clepith*. [in spyryt clepith Dauid GMX.] hym [verse 44] Lord, seyinge*. [and seith OUV sec. m.], The Lord seide to my Lord, Sitte*. [Sitte thou UV sec. m.] on my riȝthalf, til that*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] I put thin enmyes a stole of thi feet? [verse 45] Therfore ȝif Dauyd clepith him Lord, hou is he his sone? [verse 46] And no man miȝt answere a word to hym, nether eny man was hardy fro that` day, for*. [Om. OQSUV sec. m. X.] to axe hym more.


[verse 1] Thanne Jhesus spac to the cumpanyes [verse 2] `of peple*. [Om. AOV sec. m.], and to his disciplis, seiynge, Vpon*. [Om. O. On X.] `the chaier of Moyses*. [Om. OV sec. m.], scribis and Pharisees seeten*. [saten redynge the lawe MP. schall sitte on the chayer of Moyses O. saten on the chayer of Moyses UV sec. m.]. [verse 3] Therfore kepe ȝee, and do ȝee alle thingis, what euere thingis*. [Om. G pr. m. X.] thei shulen seie to ȝou*. [ȝou of the lawe GQY.]. But nyl ȝee do after*. [vp OUV sec. m.] `her werkis*. [the werkes of hem OUV sec. m.]; sothely*. [for OUV sec. m.] thei seien, and don nat. [verse 4] Sothely thei bynden to*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] gre|uouse chargis, and vnportable, or*. [ether OV sec. m. and P. Om. X.] `that mown nat be born*. [Om. X.], and putten `in to*. [on OUV sec. m.] shuldres*. [the schuldris MUV sec. m.] of men; but with her fyngir thei wolen*. [nil not O.] nat moue hem. [verse 5] Therfore*. [Forsothe OUV sec. m.] thei don alle her werkis, that thei be seen of men; forsothe*. [for OUV sec. m.] thei alargen her filateries, that*. [tho O. Om. X.] `ben smale scrowis*. [Om. X.], and*. [and thei OU.] magnyfie hemmys*. [her hemmus GPX. their hemmes Q.]. [verse 6] Sothely thei louen the first Page  63 sittyng placis in*. [at X.] sopers, and the first [verse 7] chaiers in synagogis; and salutaciouns*. [salutacioun O.] in the*. [Om. AMNOSUV sec. m. W.] chepyng, and to ben clepid `of men*. [Om. G.] maistirs*. [mayster U sec. m.]. [verse 8] Sothely*. [Of men sothely G. Forsothe OUV sec. m.] nyl ȝee ben clepid maistir*. [maystirs MV sec. m.]; for oon is ȝoure maistir, for|sothe alle ȝe ben brethren. [verse 9] And nyl ȝe clepe to ȝou a*. [Om. KV pr. m. Y.] fadir on*. [apon ON. in U.] erthe, for oon is ȝoure fadir, that*. [whiche OUV sec. m.] is in heuenes. [verse 10] Nether be ȝe*. [Om. O.] clepid maistirs, for oon is ȝour maistre, Crist. [verse 11] He that is more*. [the more UV sec. m.] of ȝou, shal be ȝoure mynystre. [verse 12] Forsothe he that shal hie*. [heȝen X. hiȝen Y.] hym self, shal be mekid; and he that shal meeke hym self, shal ben en|haunsid. [verse 13] Sothely woo to ȝou, scribis and Pharisees, ypocritis, for ȝe closen*. [Om. G pr. m.] the kyngdam*. [rewme OUV sec. m.] of heuenes*. [heuen O.] before men; sothe|ly*. [for O. forsothe UV sec. m.] ȝe entren nat, ne*. [nether ȝe OUV sec. m. neither S.] suffre men entrynge for*. [Om. SX.] to entre. [verse 14] Woo to ȝou, scribis and Pharisees, ypocritis, that eten the housis of widues, in longe preier preyinge; `for this thing*. [Om. N.] ȝe shulen take the*. [Om. AMNOUV sec. m.] more dom. [verse 15] Woo to ȝou, scribis and Pharisees, ypo|critis, that cumpasen the se and the*. [Om. O.] lond, `that ȝee*. [to U.] maken o proselite, that is, a*. [Om. ANOSUV sec. m. Y.]conuertid to ȝoure ordre; and whanne he `shal be*. [is OUVW sec. m.] maad, ȝe maken hym a sone of helle, double more than ȝou*. [ȝe been OUVW sec. m.]. [verse 16] Woo to ȝou, blynde lederis, that seien, Who euere `shal swere*. [swereth OUV sec. m. swere N.] by the temple of God, `no thing is*. [it is nouȝt U sec. m.]; sothely he that `shal swere*. [swereth OUV sec. m.] in the*. [Om. O.] gold of the temple, `owith, or is detour*. [is detour OUV sec. m. owith X.]. [verse 17] Ȝee folis and blynde, forsothe*. [Om. O. for UV sec. m.] what is more, the gold, or the temple that halowith the gold? [verse 18] And who euer `shal swere*. [swereth OUV sec. m.] in the auter, `no thing is*. [it is nouȝt U sec. m.]; but he that `shal swere*. [swereth OUV sec. m.] in the ȝifte that*. [whiche OUV sec. m.] is on the auter, owith*. [is dettour OUV sec. m. owith it P.]. [verse 19] Blynde men, forsothe*. [for OU.] what is more, the ȝift, or*. [ether OUV sec. m.] the auter that halowith the ȝifte? [verse 20] Forsothe*. [Therfore OUV sec. m.] he that swerith in the auter, swerith in it, and Page  64 alle*. [in alle AGMNOPQSUVWXY.] thingis that ben theron. [verse 21] And he that swerith in the temple, swerith in it, and in hym that dwellith in the temple. [verse 22] And he that swerith in heuene, swerith in the trone of God, and in hym that sittith*. [sit X.] theron*. [therin O.]. [verse 23] Woo to ȝou, scribis and Phari|sees, ypocritis, that tithen mente, anete*. [anese Q.], and comyn, and han*. [haf O.] lefte tho thingis that ben `greuouser, or of more charge*. [greuouser, or more ch. N. gretter OUV sec. m. gr. and of m. ch. W. of more charge X.], of the lawe, dom*. [as dome GPXY.], and mercy, and feith. And `these thingis*. [Om. OV sec. m.] it behofte, `or nedide*. [or nede A. Om. SUX.], for*. [Om. OSX.] to do*. [do thes thinges OUV sec. m.], and not to leeue hem*. [tho OUV sec. m. X.]. [verse 24] Blynde leders, `clensynge a*. [siende the X.] gnatte, but swolow|ynge a*. [the X.] camel. [verse 25] Woo to ȝou, scribis and Pharisees, ipocritis, that maken clene that*. [the O.] thing of the cuppe and plater*. [of the plater OPUV sec. m. XY pr. m.], that*. [whiche OUV sec. m.] is with outforth; forsothe with ynne ȝe ben ful of raueyne and vnclennesse*. [wikkednes O.]. [verse 26] Thou blynd Pharisee, clense first that thing of the cuppe and plater*. [of the plater OUV sec. m.] that*. [whiche OUV sec. m.] is `with ynne|forth*. [within OUV.], that `and that*. [alsso thilk OUV sec. m. that X.] thing that is*. [was O.] with outenforth be maad clene. [verse 27] Woo to ȝou, scribis and Pharisees, ipocritis, that ben lic to sepulcris maad whijt, the*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] whiche with outen forth semen faire to men; sothely with ynne thei ben ful of boonys of dead men, and al filthe. [verse 28] So and ȝee forsothe*. [Om. V sec. m.] with outen forth*. [forth forsothe V sec. m.] aperen iuste*. [riȝtful N.] to*. [Om. V.] men; but with ynne ȝee ben ful of ypocrisie and wickidnesse*. [of wikked|nes O.]. [verse 29] Woo to ȝou, scribis and Pharisees, ipocritis, that belden sepulcris*. [the sepulcres OUV sec. m.] of prophetis, and maken faire [verse 30] the birielis of iuste men, and seien, Ȝif we hadden ben in the dayes of our fadris, we shulden nat han*. [haf O.] be here felowis in the blood of prophetis. [verse 31] And so ȝe ben in*. [in to Q.] witnessyng to ȝou*. [ȝour GM.] self, for ȝe ben the sonys of hem that slowen the*. [Om. OUV.] prophetis. [verse 32] And `ȝe fulfillen*. [fulfille ȝe ANW. ȝe fill O. ȝee fulfilleth SX. fille ȝe UV sec. m.] the mesure of ȝoure fa|dris. [verse 33] Ȝee sarpentis, fruytis, or buriown|yngus Page  65*. [f. of b. G. kyndeles OUV sec. m. frutis X.], `of eddris*. [Om. X.], `that sleen her modris*. [Om. OUX.], hou shulen ȝee flee fro the dom*. [dampnacioun U.] of helle? [verse 34] Therfore loo! I sende to*. [Om. U.] ȝou prophetis, and wise men, and scribis, `or writeris*. [ether w. OUV sec. m. W. Om. X.]; and of hem ȝee shulen*. [Om. G pr. m.] slee, and crucifie, and of hem ȝe shulen bete in ȝour syna|gogis, and shulen*. [ȝee schulen GOUV sec. m. XY.] pursue fro citee in*. [Om. U.] to [verse 35] citee; that al the iuste blode come vpon*. [on OSUV sec. m. X.] ȝou, that was shed*. [sched oute OUV sec. m.] on*. [in Q.] the*. [Om. OSUV sec. m. X.] erthe, fro the blood of iust Abel til*. [til to OUVW sec. m.] the blood of Zacharie, the sone of Barachie, whom ȝee*. [thei G sec. m.] slowen bitwixe*. [bitwe SX.] the temple and the auter. [verse 36] Trewli I seie to ȝou, alle these*. [Om. G pr. m.] thingis shulen come vpon*. [on MOUVWX.] this generacioun. [verse 37] Jeru|salem, Jerusalem, that sleest prophetis, and stonyst hem that ben sent to thee, hou oft wold I gedre to gidre thi sonys, as an henne gedreth togidre hir chikenys vndir hir wengis, and thou woldist nat. [verse 38] Loo! ȝoure hous shal be lefte to ȝou desert, `or forsaken*. [Om. OUX.]. [verse 39] Forsothe I seie to ȝou, ȝee shulen nat see me fro hennys forth, til that*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] ȝee seien, Blessid `is he*. [Om. X.], that cumeth in the*. [Om. X.] name of the Lord.


[verse 1] And Jhesus, gon out of the*. [Om. N.] temple, wente; and his disciplis `camen niȝ*. [neiȝeden OUV sec. m.] to hym, that thei shulden shewe to hym the bildyngis of the temple. [verse 2] Forsothe he an|swerynge seith*. [seide OUV sec. m.] to hem, Seen ȝee alle these thingis? Trewly I seie to ȝou, a stoon shal nat be lefte here on a stoon, `the whiche*. [whiche OV. that ne it U sec. m. that X.] shal nat*. [Om. U sec. m.] be distruyed. [verse 3] Sothely hym sittynge on the hil of Olyuete, disci|plis*. [his disciplis AOUV. the disciplis GSMXY.] `camen niȝ*. [neiȝeden OUV sec. m.] to him priuely, seiynge, Seie*. [Seie thou UV sec. m.] to vs, whanne thes thingis schulen be, and what tokene of thi comynge, and of*. [of the QUX.] ending of the world. [verse 4] And Jhesus answeringe seide to hem, Se ȝe, that no man disceyue ȝou. [verse 5] Many*. [For many OUV sec. m.] schulen come in my name, seyynge, I*. [that I O.] am Crist; and Page  66 thei schulen disceyue manye. [verse 6] Sothly ȝe `ben to*. [schulen OUV sec. m.] heere bateyls, and opynyouns of bateyls; se ȝe, that ȝe ben not distroblid*. [disturbid SX. disturblid M.]; forsoth*. [for OU.] it bihoueth thes thingis to*. [for to GMOPV pr. m. W.] be don, but not ȝit is the ende. [verse 7] Folk*. [For folke OUV sec. m.] schal ryse to gidere aȝen folk, and rewme `in to*. [to G pr. m. aȝens OUV.] rewme, and pestilencis*. [pestilens O.], and hungris, and [verse 8] erthemouyngis schulen be by placis; for|sothe alle thes thingis ben bigynnyngis of sorwis. [verse 9] Thenne thei schulen bitake ȝou `in to*. [to O.] tribulacioun, and thei schulen slee ȝou, and ȝe schulen be in hate*. [hatered OUV sec. m.] to alle folkis for my name. [verse 10] And thanne manye*. [many men OUV sec. m.] schulen be sclaundrid, and `to gidere*. [thei schulen OUV sec. m.] bi|traye, or*. [Om. G pr. m. OPUV sec. m. XY.] `ech other*. [Om. X.], and `in hate haue*. [thei schulen haf in hatered OUV sec. m.] to gidere. [verse 11] And many false prophetis schulen ryse, and disceyue*. [thei schulen disceyue OUV sec. m.] many. [verse 12] And*. [Om. G.] for wickidnesse schal `be plenteous*. [waxe U sec. m.], the [verse 13] charite of manye*. [many men OUV sec. m.] schal wexe coold; for|sothe he that schal dwelle stable*. [stedfast OUV sec. m.] vnto*. [in to O. til into UVW.] the ende, he*. [Om. SUV sec. m.] this*. [Om. UV sec. m.] schal be saaf. [verse 14] And this gospel of*. [of the U.] kyngdom schal be prechid in al the world, in to witnessinge to alle folkis; and thanne the ende*. [eendynge OUV sec. m.] schal come*. [be OUV sec. m.]. [verse 15] Therfore whenne ȝe schulen se the abho|mynacioun of discomfort*. [discordinge O pr. m. V pr. m.], that is seid of Danyel, the prophete, stondynge in the*. [Om. GMP.] hooly place; he that redith, vndirstonde*. [vnderstonde he O.]; [verse 16] thanne thei that ben in Judee, fle*. [fle thei GMPTXY.] to*. [in to K.] [verse 17] mounteyns; and he that is in the hous roof, come not down to take ony thing of [verse 18] his hous; and he that is in the feeld, turne not aȝen to take his coote. [verse 19] Forsoth wo to wymmen*. [hem that ben OUVW sec. m.] with childe and norys|chinge*. [noris|chen OUV sec. m. nurshende X.] in tho dayes. [verse 20] Sothly preie ȝe, that ȝoure fleynge be not maad in wyntir, or*. [ether in OU. ether in the V sec. m.] saboth. [verse 21] Forsothe*. [For OUV sec. m.] thanne schal be greet tribulacioun, what maner was not fro the*. [Om. U pr. m. V sec. m.] bigynnyng of the world to*. [til AMNOPTUVW.] now, nethir Page  67 schal be maad*. [Om. OUV sec. m.]. [verse 22] And no*. [Om. AX.] but*. [but ȝif GMPQTXY pr. m.] tho*. [the K.] dayes hadden be breggid*. [abreged OUV sec. m.], al fleisch, `that is, mankynde*. [Om. X.], `schulde not be maad saaf*. [had not been saued O pr. v.]; but tho*. [the N.] dayes schulen be maad schort, for the chosun men. [verse 23] Thanne if ony man schal seie to ȝou, Lo! here is Crist, or*. [ether OUV sec. m.] there, nyle ȝe bileue. [verse 24] Forsothe*. [For OUV sec. m.] false Cristis and false prophetis schulen ryse, and thei schulen ȝyue grete tokenes*. [signes OUV sec. m.] and wondris; `so that*. [sothely O.] also*. [Om. G pr. m. KPX.] the chosyne*. [chosen men OTUV sec. m.] be ledd in to errour, if it may be don. [verse 25] Lo! I haue bifore seid to ȝou. [verse 26] Therfore if thei schulen seie to ȝou, Loo! he is in desert, nyle ȝe go out; loo! in pryuey `chambris, or placis*. [placis OUV sec. m. ch. or placis, he is P. chaumbres X.], nyle ȝe bileue. [verse 27] Sothli*. [For OUV sec. m.] as leyt goth out fro the eest, and apperith `til in to*. [in to AGX. til to K.] the west, so schal be and*. [in KP. also OUV sec. m.] the comynge of mannus sone. [verse 28] Where euere the body schal*. [Om. X.] be, and the*. [Om. O.] eeglis schulen be gederid thidur. [verse 29] Forsothe anoon aftir the tribulacioun of tho dayes, the sunne schal be maad derk, and the mone schal not ȝyue hir liȝt, and sterris schulen falle down fro heuene, and the*. [Om. Q.] vertues of he|uenes schulen be mouyd*. [stirred OUV sec. m.]. [verse 30] And thanne the tokene of mannus sone schal appere in heuene, and thanne alle kynredis*. [the kynredes OUV sec. m.], `or lynagis*. [Om. GOUXY pr. m.], of erthe schulen weyle; and thei schulen se mannus sone comynge in the*. [Om. G pr. m. PQTW pr. m. XY.] clowdis of heuene, with moche vertu and mageste. [verse 31] And he schal sende his angelis with a trumpe, and*. [in GX.] greet voice; and thei schulen gedere his chosyne fro foure wyndis `of heuene*. [Om. OUV W sec. m.], fro the hiȝeste thingis of heuenes til*. [vnto GXY. til M. til to OPSUV sec. m. W sec. m.] teermes*. [the teermes MOPUV sec. m. X. endis S.], `or endes*. [ether endes AO. or termes S. ether the eendes U. Om. X.], of hem. [verse 32] `Lerne ȝe*. [Forsothe lerne O. Lere ȝee SX. Forsothe lerne ȝe UV.] the parable of a*. [the U.] fyge tree. Whenne*. [Now whan O. Whan now U.] his `bouȝ, or braunche*. [braunches O. braunche U. boȝ X. bowis, or braunche Y.], is now*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] tendre, and leeuys sprungen, ȝee Page  68 [verse 33] witen, that*. [for OUV sec. m.] somer is niȝ; so `and ȝee*. [alsso OUV sec. m.] whenne ȝee shulen se alle these thingis, witith*. [wite ȝe AOUV sec. m. wite NV pr. m. W.] that it is niȝ, and*. [Om. GOQSTX.] in the ȝatis. [verse 34] Trewly I seie to ȝow, for this generacioun shal nat passe, til that*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] alle thingis `be don*. [passe O.]; heuene and erthe shulen passe, but my wordis shulen nat passe. [verse 36] For|sothe of thilk*. [that SX.] day and hour no man woot, nether angelis*. [the aungeles OU.] of*. [in S.] heuenes, no*. [Om. A.] but the fadir alone. [verse 37] Forsothe as it was in the dayes of Noye, so shal be and*. [also OUV sec. m.] the com|yng of mannes sone. [verse 38] For as in the days bifore the grete flood, thei weren etynge and drinkynge, weddynge and takynge to weddynge, til in to that*. [the U.] day, in the*. [Om. NOUV sec. m. X.] [verse 39] whiche Noe entride in to the ship; and thei knewen nat, til that*. [Om. N pr. m. Q.] the grete flood came, and toke alle men, so shal be the cummyng of mannes sone. [verse 40] Thanne two*. [tweien OUW.] shulen be in a feeld, oon shal be taken to*. [Om. NOU. for to T.], [verse 41] and `an other left, or forsaken*. [anothir leeft APX. oone schall be forsaken O. another schal be forsaken U sec. m.]; two*. [twei OV sec. m. tweyne W.]wymmen shulen be gryndynge in oo*. [a W.] querne*. [mylne X.], oon shal be taken to*. [Om. OU.], and `the other*. [the tother AMNPQTV. that other GUS. an other W.] forsaken*. [schal be forsaken OU. left X.]; two*. [tweine OUVW.] in oo*. [a UV.] bed, `the toon*. [that oon G. one OUPW. the oon X.] shal be taken to*. [Om. OU.], and the*. [that GU.] tother*. [other GOSUX.] forsaken*. [schal be forsaken O.]. [verse 42] Therfore wake ȝee, for ȝee witen nat in what houre ȝoure*. [oure U.] Lord `is to*. [schal OU.] cumme. [verse 43] Sothely that thing wite ȝee, for ȝif the housbonde man wiste in what houre the theef `were to*. [schulde OUV sec. m.] cumme, trewly he shulde wake, and suffre nat his hous to be [verse 44] vndirmynyd*. [myned OU.]. And*. [Om. S.] therfore and*. [also OU.] `ȝee be*. [be ȝe UV sec. m. ȝee beth X.] redy, for*. [for ȝe witen not OU.] in what hour `ȝee gessen nat*. [Om. OU.], mannes sone `is to*. [schal OU.] cumme. [verse 45] Who gessist thou is a trew*. [feiȝful OU.] seruaunt and*. [and a U.] prudent, `or war*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.], whom his lord ordeynyde on his meynee, that he ȝeue to*. [Om. U.] hem mete in tyme? [verse 46] Blissid is that seruaunt, whom his lord, whenne he shal*. [Om. O.] cumme, shal Page  69 fynde `doynge so*. [so doynge GMX.]. [verse 47] Trewly I seie to ȝou, for vpon*. [on OUV sec. m. W sec. m. X.] alle his goodis he shal ordeyne hym. [verse 48] Forsothe ȝif thilk*. [that X.] yuel seruaunt shal*. [Om. OU.] seie*. [seith U.] in his herte, My lord makith [verse 49] dwellynge, or taryinge*. [taryinge AOU. dwelling X.], to cum, and bi|gynne*. [schal bygynne G sec. m. bigynneth P. he bygyn O. if he bigynne U.] to smyte his euen seruauntis*. [seruaunt O.], sothely ȝif he ete*. [eteth OUV sec. m.] and drynke*. [drenketh OUV sec. m.] with [verse 50] drunkenlewe men; the lord of thilk*. [that OUX.] ser|uaunt shal cume in the day in whiche he hopith nat, and in hour*. [the houre OUV sec. m.] that*. [in whiche OU.] he know|ith [verse 51] nat, and shal*. [he schall OU.] departe hym, and put*. [he schall putte OU.] his part with ypocritis; there shal be weepynge, and betynge togidre of teeth.


[verse 1] Thanne the kyngdam*. [rewme OU.] of heuenes shal be lic to ten virgynys, `the whiche*. [whiche OUV sec. m. that X.], tak|ynge her laumpis, wente out*. [out to X.] meetynge the spouse, `or husbonde*. [Om. AOUX. or the hosbonde N.], and the*. [Om. X.] spous|esse [verse 2] *. [spouse GMOPQV pr. m.], `or wijf*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.]; forsothe fyue of hem weren foolis, and fyue prudent. [verse 3] But the fyue foolis, her laumpis taken, token nat [verse 4] oyle with hem; forsothe the prudent*. [fiue prudent X.] token oyle in her vessels with laumpis. [verse 5] Forsothe the spouse, `or housbonde*. [Om. AOSUV sec. m. X.], mak|ynge dwellynge*. [tariyng U.], alle nappiden and slept|en [verse 6] . Sothely at myd niȝt a cry was maad, Loo! the spouse cummeth, go ȝee out `metynge to*. [aȝens OU. to meetinge to X.] hym. [verse 7] Thanne*. [And than O.] alle the virgynys rysen vp, and anourneden*. [honoureden A. nour|eden G. ourneden NOSUX.] her laumpis. [verse 8] Sothely the foolis seiden to the wise, Ȝeue ȝee to vs of ȝoure oile, for oure laumpis ben qwenchid. [verse 9] The prudent an|swereden, seyinge*. [Om. O.], Lest perauenture it suffise*. [sufficeth O.] nat to us and to ȝou, go ȝee rather to `men sellynge*. [the selleres OUV sec. m.], and bye*. [by ȝe NOUV sec. m. bieth SX.] to ȝou. [verse 10] `For|sothe the*. [Sothely OUV sec. m.] while thei wenten for*. [Om. OSUV sec. m. X.] to bye, the spouse came; and tho that weren redy, entriden in*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] with hym to the weddyngis; Page  70 and the ȝate is*. [was OUV sec. m.] shit. [verse 11] Sothely at the last and*. [also OUV sec. m.] the*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] other virgynys camen, seyinge, Lord, lord, opene*. [opene thou OUV sec. m.] to vs. [verse 12] And he answer|ynge seith, Treuly I seie to ȝou, I knowe `nat ȝou*. [ȝou not X.]. [verse 13] And so wake ȝee, `and preye*. [Om. OM sec. m. UVW sec. m. and preȝeth SX.], for ȝee witen nat the day ne*. [nether UV sec. m.] the hour. [verse 14] Sothely as a man goynge fer in pilgrim|age, clepide his seruauntis, and bitoke to*. [Om. Q.] [verse 15] hem his goodis; and to*. [Om. U.] oon he ȝaue fyue talentis, `or besauntis*. [Om. AOUX.], forsothe to an other two*. [tweine OUW.], but to an other oon, to eche after*. [by OUV sec. m.] his [verse 16] owne vertu; and wente*. [he wente OUV sec. m.] forth anoon. For|sothe and he that hadde take fyue*. [the fyue W.] talentis, wente forth, and wrouȝte in hem, and wan other fyue. [verse 17] Also and*. [Om. W.] he that hadde taken two*. [tweine OUVW sec. m.], wan other two*. [tweyne OUVW sec. m.]. [verse 18] Sothely he that hadde taken oon, goynge*. [wente U.] forth, dalf*. [dalfe it KP. and dalfue U.] in to the*. [Om. S.] erthe, and hidde the mone of his lord. [verse 19] Bot*. [Forsothe OUV sec. m.] after muche tyme, the lord of tho*. [the M pr. m.] seruauntis came, and puttide*. [putte SX.] resoun with hem. [verse 20] And he that hadde taken fyue talentis, `cummynge to*. [neiȝinge OUV sec. m.], offride other fyue, seyinge, Lord, thou bitokist*. [tokest O. bitoke X.] me*. [to me OUV sec. m.] fyue talentis, `or besauntis*. [Om. AGOPS UXY pr. m.], loo! I haue `geten ouer*. [ouergeten AMNOUVW. geten XY.] other fyue. [verse 21] His lord seith*. [seide OUV sec. m.] to hym, Wel be thou, good seruaunt and feithful, `or trewe*. [Om. AGOPUXY.]; for vpon*. [on OUV sec. m. X.] fewe thingis thou hast ben trewe*. [feiȝful OU.], I shal ordeyne thee vpon*. [on OUV sec. m. X.] many thingis; entre thou in to the ioye of thi lord. [verse 22] Forsothe and*. [Om. U.] he that hadde taken two*. [twei OV sec. m. W.] talentis, `came to*. [neiȝed OV sec. m. neiȝynge U.], and*. [Om. U.] seith*. [seide OV sec. m. offrede other tweyne, seiynge U.], Lord, thou bitokist*. [bitoke SX.] to*. [Om. QW pr. m.] me two*. [twey OUVW.] talentis; loo! I haue `geten ouer*. [ouergeten AMNOUVW.] other two*. [tweine OUVW.]. [verse 23] His lord seith*. [seide OUV sec. m.] to him, Wel be*. [be to thee U.] thou, good seruaunt and trewe*. [feiȝfull OUV sec. m.]; for vpon*. [on OUV sec. m. X.] fewe thingis thou hast ben trewe*. [feyȝful OUV sec. m.], I shal ordeyne thee vpon*. [on OUVX sec. m.] many thingis; entre thou*. [Om. G pr. m. PX.] in to the ioye of thi lord. [verse 24] Forsothe and he that Page  71 hadde taken oo talent, `cummynge to*. [neiȝynge OUV.], seith*. [seide OUV sec. m.], Lord, I wote that*. [for GMOPUVWX sec. m. for that K pr. m.] thou art an hard man; thou repist wher thou hast nat sewen, and thou gederist to gidre wher [verse 25] thou hast nat spreedde abrood; and I dred|ynge wente, and hidde thi talent in the*. [Om. GOP UVY sec. m.] erthe; loo! thou hast that*. [the thenge OUV sec. m.] that is thin. [verse 26] Sothely his*. [the K sec. m.] lord answerynge, seide*. [seith G.] to hym, Yuel seruaunt and slowe, wistist thou that*. [for OUV sec. m.] I repe wher I sewe nat, and gedere*. [gadered QW.] [verse 27] to gidre wher I spradde nat abrood? Ther|fore it bihouyde*. [byhouith GU. bihofte W.] thee to*. [Om. Q.] `sende, or be|taken*. [sende A. take O. bitake UV sec. m. han sent X.], my monee to chaungers, that*. [Om. ANOQSTUVWXY sec. m.] and*. [Om. P.] I cummynge shulde haue resceyued for|sothe*. [sothely OUV sec. m. Om. S. forth XY.] that*. [the thenge OUV sec. m.] that is myn with vsuris. [verse 28] And so `take ȝe*. [takith GPXY.] awey fro hym the talent, and ȝeue ȝe it*. [Om. AMNOSUV.] to*. [Om. W.] hym that hath ten talentis. [verse 29] For to euery*. [eche OUV sec. m. X.] man hauynge it*. [Om. G pr. m. X.] shal be ȝouen, and he shal haue plente*. [plente, or encrese U sec. m.]; and*. [forsothe OUV.] to*. [fro AO sec. m. UV.] hym that hath nat, and*. [alsso OUV sec. m. Om. Q.] that*. [that thenge O. this UV sec. m.] that he sem|eth*. [bisemith G sec. m.] to haue, shal be taken fro*. [of O. awei of UV.] hym. And [verse 30] caste ȝee out the `vnprofitable seruaunt*. [seruaunt unprofitable ANOUVW.], `and send*. [Om. M sec. m.] ȝee*. [Om. M sec. m. W sec. m.] hym*. [Om. M sec. m. W.] in to vttermore*. [vtmere AOVW. the vttermore TU. vtmore X.] derknessis; there shal be weepynge, and betyng to gidre of teeth. [verse 31] Forsothe whanne mannes sone shal cume in his mageste, and alle his angelis with hym, thanne he shal [verse 32] sitte on the sege*. [sete OUVX.] of his magestee; and alle [verse 33] folkis shulen be gederid before*. [tofore O.] hym, and he schal departe hem atwynne, as a shep|erde departith scheep fro kidis; and*. [Om. O.] sothli he schal seette the scheep on his*. [the Q.] riȝthalf, the*. [and the O.] kidis forsothe on the*. [his OX.] lefthalf. [verse 34] Thanne the kyng schal seie to hem, that shulen be on his*. [the N.] riȝthalf, Come ȝee, the blessid of my fadir, welde ȝee, `or take ȝee in pos|sessioun*. [Om. AOQUX. or takith in possessioun GSY pr. m. or take in possessioun M.], the kyngdam maad redy to ȝou fro the `bygynnynge, or makynge*. [makyng AMNOPSUVW. bigynnynge QX.], of the world. [verse 35] Forsothe*. [For O sec. m. U.] I was hungry*. [hungered OUV sec. m.], and ȝe Page  72 ȝauen to me*. [Om. U.] for*. [Om. SX.] to ete; I thristide, and ȝee ȝeuen to*. [Om. U.] me for*. [Om. SX.] to drynke; I was herberlesse, and ȝee `gederiden, or her|berden [verse 36] *. [herberden OV sec. m. gedereden X.], me; nakid*. [I was naked O.], and ȝee heliden me; seik, and ȝee visitiden me; I was in pri|soun, and ȝe camen to me. [verse 37] Thanne iust men shulen answere to hym, seyinge*. [and seie OUV.], Lord, whenne syȝen we thee hungry, and we fedd thee; thristy, and we ȝeuen to*. [Om. O.] thee [verse 38] drynke*. [for to drynke W pr. m.]? whenne forsothe seien we thee herberlesse, and we gedriden*. [herberowed O.] thee*. [thee to herbore UV sec. m.]; or*. [and P. ether OUV.] [verse 39] nakid, and we heliden thee? or*. [Om. O. ether UV.] `whenne seien we thee seek*. [Om. O.], or*. [ether OUV.] in prisoun, and we camen to thee*. [the, ether seke and we visiteden thee O.]? [verse 40] And he answerynge shal seie to hem, Treuly I seie to ȝou, `as long*. [als longe O. Om. G pr. m.] as ȝee diden to oon of these my leste bre|thren, ȝee diden to me. [verse 41] Thanne the kyng shal seie and*. [alsso OU. and also V sec. m.] to hem, that shulen be on his left half, Depart*. [Ȝe cursed, departe OUV sec. m. Departeth PSXY.] fro me, `ȝee cursid*. [Om. OUV sec. m.], in to*. [to the V.] euerlastynge fijr, `the whiche*. [whiche OUV sec. m. that X.] is maad redy to the deuyl and his*. [to his OUV.] angelis. [verse 42] Sothe|ly*. [For OUV sec. m.] I hungeryde, and ȝe ȝauen nat to*. [Om. OU.] me for*. [Om. SX.] to ete; I thristide, and ȝee ȝauen nat to [verse 43] me for*. [Om. SX.] to drynke; I was herberlesse, and ȝee gedriden*. [harberowed O.] nat me*. [me to herbore UV sec. m.]; nakid, and ȝee co|uereden nat me; seik, and in prisoun, and ȝee visitiden nat me. [verse 44] Thanne and*. [also OUV sec. m.] thei shulen answere to hym, seyinge*. [and seie OUV sec. m.], Lord, whanne seien we thee hungrynge, or*. [ether OUV.] thristynge, or herberlesse, or*. [ether OUV.] nakid, or*. [ether OUV.] seik, or*. [ether OUV.] in prisoun, and we seruyden nat to thee? [verse 45] Thanne he shal answere to hem, seiynge*. [and seie OUV sec. m.], Treuly I seie to ȝou, hou*. [as OUV sec. m.] longe ȝee diden nat to oon of these leste*. [lesse O. my leeste W pr. m.], `nethere ȝee diden*. [ȝe diden not OU. ȝee neither diden X.] to me. [verse 46] And these shulen go in to euerlastynge tourment; forsothe the*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] iust men in to euere lastinge lyf.Page  73


[verse 1] And it is*. [was UV.] don, whenne Jhesus hadde eendid alle these wordis, he seide to his [verse 2] disciplis, Wite ȝee, for after two*. [twei OV sec. m. W.] dayes pask shal be maad, and mannes sone shal be bitaken*. [taken O.], that he be crucified. [verse 3] Thanne the princis of prestis*. [the prestes O.] and eldre*. [the eldere ANOPSUVW.] men of the peple ben*. [weren OU.] gedrid in to the halle of the*. [Om. N.] prince*. [princes G pr. m. V pr. m. W.] of prestis, that was said Caiphas, [verse 4] and maden*. [thei maden OU.] a counseile, that*. [hou X.] thei shul|den holde Jhesu with gile, and slea*. [slee him P.]; [verse 5] sothly thei seiden, Nat in the `feste day*. [haliday AMNOUVW.], lest per auenture noys were maad in the peple. [verse 6] Forsothe*. [Sothely O.] whenne Jhesus was in Betanye, in the*. [a O.] house of Symount le|prous [verse 7] *. [the leprous MOV pr. m.], a womman hauynge a boxe of ala|bastre of preciouse oynement, `came niȝ*. [neiȝed OUV sec. m.] to hym, and shedde out on the heued*. [heed AMNPUV et W pass. hed QS et X pass.] of hym restinge. [verse 8] Sothely disciplis*. [the disciples GMOPUV sec. m. XY] seeynge hadden dedeyn, seyinge, Wherto this losse? [verse 9] forsothe*. [for OV.] it*. [this OUV sec. m.] miȝte be*. [haf be O.] solde for myche*. [mekil N.], and be ȝouen to pore men. [verse 10] Sothely Jhe|sus wytinge, seith*. [seide OUV.] to hem, What be ȝe heuy, `or sory*. [Om. AGOPQUV sec. m. XY.], to this womman? `sothely a good work*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] she hath wrouȝt*. [wrouȝte a gode werke OUV sec. m.] in me. [verse 11] For whi*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] ȝee shulen `euermore haue*. [haue euer OU.] pore men with ȝou, but ȝee shulen nat algatis*. [euermore O. euer UV sec. m.] haue me. [verse 12] Forsothe this womman send|enge this oynement in to my body, made for*. [Om. SX.] to birye me. [verse 13] Treuly I seie to ȝou, wher euer this gospel shal be prechid*. [rad W pr. m.] in*. [into O.] al the world, it*. [that O.] shal be seide and*. [Om. G.] that this womman dide, in to mynde of hym. [verse 14] Thanne oon of the twelue, that was seide Judas Scarioth, wente forth*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] to the princis [verse 15] of prestis, and seith*. [seide OUVW sec. m. XY.] to hem, What wolen ȝee ȝeue to me, and I shal bitake*. [taken X.] hym to ȝou? And thei ordeyneden to hym thritti platis of seluer. [verse 16] And fro that tyme he Page  74 souȝte couenablete, `for to bitake*. [that he schuld bytraye OU. that he shulde bitaken V sec. m. to bitaken X.] hym. [verse 17] Forsothe in the first day of `the fest of pask*. [therf looues OU. therf looues, that is, the feste of paske V pr. m. W sec. m.] disciplis*. [the disciplis MOPUXY.] camen*. [neiȝeden OU.] to Jhesu, seyinge*. [and seiden OUV sec. m.], Wher wolt thou we*. [that we O.] make redy to thee, for*. [Om. OUV sec. m. X.] to ete paske? [verse 18] And Jhesus seith*. [seide OUV.], Go ȝee in to the citee to sum man, and seie*. [seie ȝe OUV sec. m.] to hym, The maister seith, My tyme is niȝ; at thee I make paske*. [Om. AGNOS pr. m. UVW sec. m. XY.] with my disciplis. [verse 19] And the*. [Om. ANSVW.] disciplis diden, as Jhe|sus comaundide `to hem*. [Om. N.]; and thei maden redy pask. [verse 20] Forsothe euenyng*. [euentyde OUV.] maad, he sat `at the*. [to OUV sec. m.] mete with his twelue*. [Om. W.] disciplis. [verse 21] And he seide to hem etynge, Treuly I seie to ȝou, for oon of ȝou `is to*. [schal OUV sec. m.] betraye me. [verse 22] And thei `ful sory bygunnyn*. [made sorowe ful greetly, and thei bigunnen O. maad sorouful greteli, bigunnen UV.] eche*. [all in special OUV. Om. Q.] to seie, Lord, wher*. [whethir GU et X pass.] I am*. [it am O.]? [verse 23] And he an|swerynge seith*. [seide OUV sec. m.], He that `with me in put|tith*. [putteth in with me AMNOUVW. with me puttith in P.] the hond in the plater, this*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] shal bi|traye me. [verse 24] Forsothe mannes sone goth, as it is writen of hym; but woo to that man, bi whom mannys sone shal be bitrayed; it were good to hym, ȝif that*. [thilke OUV sec. m.] man hadde nat ben boren. [verse 25] Forsothe Judas that bi|trayed hym, answeride, seyinge, Maister, wher `I am*. [it am I O.]? He seith*. [seide OUV sec. m.] to hym, Thou hast seid. [verse 26] Forsothe hem soupynge, Jhe|sus toke breed, and blisside*. [blissed it O.], and bracke, and ȝaue to his disciplis, `and seith*. [seiynge O. and seide UVW sec. m.], Take ȝee, and ete*. [eet ȝe OUV. eteth SX.]; this is my body. [verse 27] And he takynge the cuppe, dede thankyngis, and ȝaue to hem, seyinge*. [and seide OUV sec. m.], Drinke ȝee alle her|of [verse 28] ; this is my blood of the newe testa|ment, `the whiche*. [whiche OUV sec. m. that X.] shal be shed out for many, in to remissioun of synnys. [verse 29] For|sothe I seie to ȝou, I shal nat drinke fro this tyme, of this fruyt of the vyne, til in to that*. [the W.] day whenne I shal drinke it newe with ȝou, in the kyngdam*. [rewme OUV sec. m.] of my fadir. [verse 30] And an ympne, `or heriynge*. [Om. OX. either [or V sec. m.] preysyng of God UV sec. m.], seid, Page  75 thei wenten out in to the mount of Olyuete. [verse 31] Thanne Jhesus seith to hem, Alle ȝe shu|len suffre sclaundre in me, in*. [Om. X.] this niȝt; for it is wrytyn, I shal smyte the sheperde, and the sheep of the floc shulen be scatered. [verse 32] Forsothe after that I shal ryse aȝein, I*. [and I K sec. m.] shal go bifore ȝou in to Galilee. [verse 33] Sothely Petre answerynge, seith*. [seiȝ O. seide S.] to him, `And ȝif*. [Thouȝ OUV sec. m.] alle*. [alle men S.] shulen be sclaundrid in thee, I shal neuere be sclaundrid. [verse 34] Jhesus seith*. [seiȝ O.] to hym, Trewly I seie to thee, for in this niȝt bifore the cok crowe, thries thou shalt denye me. [verse 35] Petre seith to hym, `And ȝif*. [Ȝhe thouȝ OUVW sec. m.] it shal behoue me to dye with thee, I shal nat denye thee. Also*. [Om. O.] and alle disci|plis*. [the disciples G sec. m. MOPSW.] seiden*. [seiden also O.]. [verse 36] Thanne Jhesus came with hem in to a toun, that*. [whiche OU.] is seid Gessemanye. And he seide to his disciplis, Sitte ȝee heer, the*. [Om. OUV sec. m.] while*. [while that O.] I shal*. [Om. OPUV sec. m.] go thidir, and preie. [verse 37] And Petre taken to*. [Om. OUV.], and two*. [tweye OUV sec. m. W.] sonys of Zebedee, he began for*. [Om. SUVX.] to be distourblid*. [sorowful OUV sec. m. disturbid SX.], `or heuy*. [Om. OX. and heuy Q sec. m.], and*. [or Q sec. m.] sory*. [heuy OUV sec. m.] in herte. [verse 38] Thanne*. [And Y.] he seith*. [seide OUV sec. m.] to hem, My soule is sorowful til to the deth; `susteyne ȝee, or abyde ȝee*. [abide ȝee OU. S. ȝee, or abijde P. S. ȝee, or abidith S. sustene ȝee X.], here, and wake ȝee with me. [verse 39] And he gon forth a litil, felle doun in to his face, preyinge, and seyinge, My fadir, ȝif it is possible, `passe this cuppe*. [this cuppe passe UV.] fro me; nethe|les nat as I wole, but as thou wolt. [verse 40] And he came to his disciplis, and foonde hem slepynge. And he seith*. [seide OUV sec. m.] to Petre, So, `wher ȝee miȝte*. [miȝte ȝe OU. whether ȝee miȝten X.] nat oon hour wake with me? [verse 41] Wake ȝee, and preie*. [praye ȝe OUV sec. m. preȝeth X.], that ȝee en|tren nat in to temptacioun; forsothe the spirit is redy, bote the flesh seik*. [is seke OUV sec. m.], `or vn|stable*. [Om. AX. ether vnstidfast OUV sec. m.]. [verse 42] Eft the secounde tyme he wente, and preide, seyinge, My fadir, ȝif this cuppe may nat passe, no*. [Om. AX.] bote*. [but ȝif GMXY pr. m.] I drynke it, thi wille be don. [verse 43] And eftsone*. [efte OUV sec. m.] he came, and foonde hem slepynge; forsothe her eȝen weren greued*. [greeuyd, or heuyed MP. heuyed U sec. m. marg.]. [verse 44] And hem left, Page  76 he wente eftsone*. [efte OUV sec. m.], and preide the thridde tyme, the same word seyinge. [verse 45] Thanne he came to his disciplis, and seith*. [seide OUVW sec. m.] to hem, Slepe ȝee nowe, and reste*. [restith GX.] ȝe; loo! the hour hath neiȝed, and mannes sone shal be taken*. [bytrayed O. bitaken UV.] in to the hondis of synners; [verse 46] ryse ȝee, go wee; loo! he that shal take*. [bytray OUV. traye P.] me, `shal neiȝe*. [hath neiȝed OUVW sec. m.]. [verse 47] And*. [Om. OUV.] ȝit hym spekynge, loo! Judas, oon of the twelue*. [twelf cam OUV.], and with hym came*. [Om. OUV.] a grete cumpanye, with swerdis and battis*. [staues OUV.], sent of the princes of prestis, and of eldre*. [the elder AMNOPSUVW.] men of the peple. [verse 48] For|sothe he that bitraiede hym, ȝaue to hem a tokne, seiynge, Whom euer Y shal kisse, he it is; holde ȝee hym. [verse 49] And anon he `cummynge niȝ*. [neiȝeinge OUV.] to Jhesu, seide, Haile, maistre; and he kisside hym. [verse 50] And Jhe|sus seide to hym, Frend, wherto art thou comen? Thanne thei `camen niȝ*. [neiȝeden OUV.], and castiden*. [setteden OUV. casten SX.] hondis `in to*. [on OUV sec. m.] Jhesu, and helden hym. [verse 51] And loo! oon of hem that weren with Jhesu, holdynge out*. [forth OUV.] the hond, drowȝ out*. [Om. U.] his*. [a O.] swerd; and he, smytynge the*. [a O.] seruaunt of the prince*. [princes OQ.] of prestis*. [the prestes O.], kitte*. [kitted OV.] of his litil*. [Om. NOUV.] ere*. [riȝt ere NS.]. [verse 52] Thanne Jhesus seith*. [seide OUV.] to hym, Turne thi swerd in to his place; sothely*. [for OUV.] alle that shulen take swerd, shu|len perishe by swerd. [verse 53] Wher gessist thou, that*. [for OUV.] I may nat preie my fadir, and he shal ȝeue to me now more than twelue legions of angelis? [verse 54] Hou therfore*. [Om. O.] shulen the scripturis be fulfillid*. [filled OUV.]? `for so*. [forsothe X.] it be|houeth to be don. [verse 55] In that hour Jhesus seide to the cumpanyes `of peple*. [Om. OUV.], As to a theef ȝee han gon out, with swerdis and battis*. [staues OUV.], for*. [Om. SUVX.] to cacche*. [take OUV.] me; `day by day*. [eich day OUV.] I satte at ȝou, techynge in the temple, and ȝee helden not me. [verse 56] Forsothe al this*. [Om. P.] thing was don, that the scripturis of prophetis shulden be fulfillid*. [filled OUV.]. Thanne alle disciplis*. [the disciples MSW.] fledden, hym forsaken. [verse 57] And thei hold|ynge Page  77 Jhesu, ledden hym to Caiphas, prince of prestis, wher*. [Om. I. with Q.] scribis*. [the scribes OUV.] `and Pharisees*. [Om. OUVW sec. m.], and the*. [Om. GW.] eldre men of the*. [Om. G pr. m.] peple had|den cummen to gidre. [verse 58] Forsothe Petre suede hym afer, til in to the halle of the*. [Om. O.] prince*. [princis KQ.] of prestis; and he gon ynne with ynne, sate with seruauntis*. [the seruauntes OUV.], that he shulde se the*. [Om. O.] eend. [verse 59] Forsothe the princis*. [prince O.] of prestis, and alle the counseile souȝten fals witnessynge aȝeinus Jhesu, that thei [verse 60] shulden take*. [bytake OUV.] hym to deth*. [the deth K.]; and thei founden nat, whenne many fals witnessis hadden `cummen to*. [neiȝed OUV.]. Treuly at the laste, [verse 61] two*. [twei NOVW.] fals witnessis camen, and seiden, This seide, I may distruye the temple of God, and after `the thridde day*. [thre dayes O.] bilde it aȝein. [verse 62] And the prince of prestis rysynge seith*. [seide OUV.] to hym, Answerist thou no thing to tho*. [these X.] thingis, `the whiche*. [whiche UV. that OX.] these witnessen aȝeinus thee? [verse 63] Forsothe Jhesus was stille. And the prince of prestis seith*. [seide OUV.] to hym, I couniour thee by quycke God, that thou seie to vs, ȝif thou be*. [art OUV.] Crist, the sone of God. [verse 64] Jhesus seide to hym, Thou hast seid; netheles I seie to ȝou, `an other tyme*. [fro hennes forth OUV.], `or fro this tyme forth*. [Om. AOUVX.], ȝee shulen se mannes sone sittynge at the riȝthalf of `the vertue of God*. [Goddes vertu OUV.], and cummynge in*. [in the UV.] cloudis of heuene. [verse 65] Thanne the prince of prestis kitte*. [to|rente OUV.], `or to-rente*. [Om. AOUV X. or rente G.], his clothis, seyinge, He hath blasfemed; what ȝit nede han*. [haf OUV.] we to witnessis? loo! now ȝee [verse 66] han herd blasfemye*. [blasfemynge V.]; what semeth to ȝou? And thei answerynge seiden, He is gilty of deth. [verse 67] Thanne thei spitten*. [spetteden OPQY.] in to his face, and smyten*. [beeted OUV.] hym with buffetis; forsothe other ȝouen strokis with the*. [their G. Om. N.] [verse 68] pawm of hondis in to his face, seyinge, Thou Crist, prophecie to vs, who is he that smote thee? [verse 69] Sothely Petre sat `with outen*. [wit oute forth OUV.] in the porche*. [halle A sec. m. OUVW sec. m.]; and an*. [oon AGMNOSUVWY. one P.] hond Page  78 mayden*. [mayde OUV.] `came niȝ*. [neiȝed OUV.] to hym, seyinge*. [and seide OUV.], And thou were with Jhesu of Galilee. [verse 70] And he denyede before alle men, seyinge, I woot nat what*. [Om. G pr. m.] thou saist. [verse 71] Forsothe hym*. [he O.] goynge out the*. [at the AN. of the OUVW sec. m.] ȝate, an other hond mayden*. [mayde OUV.] say hym, and seith*. [seide OUVW sec. m.] to hem that weren there, And this was with Jhesu of Naȝareth. [verse 72] And eftsone*. [efte OUV.] he denyede with an*. [an other O.] ooth, for he*. [I OUV.] knewe nat the man. [verse 73] And after a litil, thei that stoden `came niȝ*. [neiȝeden to Peter O. neiȝeden UV. camen nyȝ to Peter X.], and seiden `to Petre*. [Om. OX.], Treuly*. [Om. U.] and thou art of*. [oon of O.] hem; for whi and*. [also and O. also UV.] thi speche makith thee opyn*. [knowen OUV.]. [verse 74] Thanne `he began*. [bygan he O.] to warye*. [curse OUV.] and swere*. [to swere PUV.], that he knewe nat the man. [verse 75] And anon the cok crew. And Petre bithouȝte on the word*. [wordis K sec. m.] of Jhesu, that*. [whiche OUV.] he hadde seide, Bifore*. [Bifore that OUV.] the cok crewe*. [crowe PWX.], thries thou shalt denye me. And he gon out, wepte bittirly.


[verse 1] Forsothe the*. [Om. O.] morwe*. [morewyn G. morowtide OPUV.] maad, alle the princis of prestis*. [the prestis O.], and eldre*. [the elder OUV.] men of the peple token counseil*. [a counseil T.] aȝeins Jhesu, that thei shulden take*. [bytake OUV.] hym to deth. [verse 2] And thei ladden hym bounden, and bitoken hym*. [Om. AGMNPSWXY.] to*. [Om. N.] Pilat of Pounce, `meire, or chef iustice*. [the iustice OUV. president X.]. [verse 3] Thanne Judas that bitrayede hym, seynge that he was dampnyd, he*. [was OUV.] led by penaunce*. [forthenkynge OUV,], `or forthenkynge*. [Om. AOUVX.], brouȝte*. [and brouȝte OUV.] aȝein thritti platis of seluer to the princis of prestis, and to the eldre [verse 4] men of the*. [Om. Q.] peple, seyinge*. [and seide OUV.], I haue synned, bitrayinge iust*. [riȝtwis X.] blood. And thei seiden, What to vs? se thou. [verse 5] And the platis of seluer `cast awey*. [casten forth O. cast forth UV.] in*. [into OQ.] the temple, he wente awey, and goyinge*. [he goynge OUV.] awey he*. [Om. OUV.] hang|ide*. [heeng X.] hym*. [himsilf OQUV.] with a `grane, or a gnare*. [grane AMX. grane, or gnare GT. grane, or snare NSWY. snare OUV. gryne P. grynne, or snare Q.]. [verse 6] Forsothe the princis of prestis, taken the Page  79 platis of seluer, seiden, It is nat leueful to sende hem in to the*. [Om. W pr. m.] tresorie, for it `is the*. [Om. K.] pris of blood. [verse 7] Sothly counceil taken, thei bouȝten with them the feeld of a potter, `in to*. [in to the U.] byryinge of `dead men*. [pilgrimes, or deedmen Q sec. m. pylgrimes U sec. m. X.]. [verse 8] For this thing `the ilk*. [that X.] feeld is clepid Achel|demak, that is, a*. [the Q.] feeld of blood, til in to this day. [verse 9] Thanne it*. [Om. OUVW sec. m. X.] is*. [was UV.] fulfillid*. [filled OUV.], `that thing*. [this thinge OUV.] that is*. [was UV.] seid by the prophete Jere|mye, seyynge, And thei token thritty platis of syluer, the*. [Om. OU.] pris of a man preysid*. [the preisid X.], whom thei preysiden of the sonys of [verse 10] Yrael; and thei ȝauen hem in to the*. [a MPQSUVWXY.] feeld of a potter, as the Lord ordeyned to me. [verse 11] Sothely Jhesus stood byfore the `meyre, or domysman*. [meire A. iustise OUV.]; and the prese|dent*. [iustise OUV. domesman PX.] axide hym, seyinge, Art thou kyng of Jewis? Jhesus seith to hym, Thou seist. [verse 12] And whenne he was acusid of the*. [Om. ANS.] princes*. [prince KQ.] of prestis, and eldre*. [of the eldere OUV.] men of the peple, he answeride no thing. [verse 13] Than Pilat seith to hym, Herist thou nat, hou many*. [grete OUV.] witnessyngis*. [wyttenessynge O.] thei seien aȝeinus thee? [verse 14] And he answeride nat to hym to*. [Om. S.] eny word, so that the presedent*. [iustice OUV. domesman P.] wondride gretely. [verse 15] Forsothe by a*. [the OUV.] solempne day the presedent*. [iustice OUV. domesman P.] was wont*. [woned O.] for*. [Om. SX.] to delyuere to the peple oon bounden, whom thei wolden. [verse 16] Forsothe*. [Sothely OUV.] he*. [thei U.] hadde*. [hade than OVW sec. m. hadden than U.] a*. [oo P. O UVXY pr. m.] `noble man*. [famos man OUV.] bounden, that was seid Barabas. [verse 17] Ther|fore Pilat seid to hem gedrid to gidre, Whom wole ȝee, I `leeue, or delyuere*. [delyuere A. schal delyuere OUV. lefe X.], to ȝou? wher Barabas, or*. [ether OUV.] Jhesu, that is seid Crist? [verse 18] Sothely he wiste, that `by enuye*. [Om. O.] thei betraieden*. [bytoken OUV.] hym*. [him with enuy O.]. [verse 19] Forsothe hym sittynge for `iustise, or domysman*. [iustise AX. iuge OUV.], his wyf sente to hym, seyinge*. [and seide OUV.], No thing to thee and to that*. [this O.] iust man; sothely*. [for OUV.] I haue suffrid `this day*. [to day OUV.] many thingis for hym, by a visioun, `or sweuen*. [Om. AOUVX.]. [verse 20] Forsothe Page  80 the princis of prestis and the*. [Om. UX.] eldre men `tisiden, or counseiliden*. [tisiden AX. counseiliden OUV.], to*. [Om. AOUV.] the peplis*. [pepel O.], that thei shulden axe*. [aske Q.] Barabas, but Jhesu thei shulden lese. [verse 21] Forsothe the president*. [iustice OUV.] answerynge seith*. [seide OUV.] to hem, Whom of the*. [these Q.] two*. [tweyne UVW.] wolen ȝee to be `left, or delyuerid*. [left AX. delyuered OUV.], to ȝou? [verse 22] And thei seiden, Barabas. Pilat seith to hem, What therfore shal I do of Jhesu, that*. [whiche OUV.] is seid Crist? [verse 23] Alle seien, Be he crucified. The presedent*. [iustice OUV.] seith*. [seide P.] to hem, Sothely what of*. [Om. OUV.] yuel hath he don? And*. [Om. Q.] thei crieden more, seyinge, Be he crucified. [verse 24] Forsothe*. [Sothely O.] Pilat seynge `that he*. [for he AUVW sec. m. for it O.] profitide no thing, but the more noyse*. [a noyse OUVW.] was maad, water taken, washide*. [wasche to G pr. m. wasche G sec. m. he waschide U. wesh X.] the*. [his MXY.] hondis byfore the peple, seyinge*. [and seide OUV.], I am innocent, `or giltlesse*. [Om. AOUVX.], fro*. [of OUV.] the blood of this iust man; se ȝee. [verse 25] And al the peple answerynge seide, His blood vpon*. [on OSUVW sec. m. X.] vs, and on oure sonys. [verse 26] Thanne he lefte*. [deliuered OUV.] to hem Barabas, but*. [forsothe OUV.] he toke*. [bitoke OUV. leet X.] to hem Jhesu scourgid, that he shulde*. [Om. U.] be crucified. [verse 27] Thanne kniȝtis*. [the knyȝtes OUV.] of the president*. [domesman GXY. iustice OUV.] takynge Jhesu in the mote halle, gedriden to hym alle the cumpanye*. [cumpanies G pr. m.] of kniȝtis. [verse 28] And thei vnclothinge hym, diden aboute hym a rede [verse 29] mantel; and thei foldynge a crowne of thornis, puttiden*. [putten SX.] on his heued, and a reed in*. [in to OUV.] his riȝt hond; and the knee bowid, `or folden*. [Om. AOQUVX. or falt S.], bifore hym, thei scornyden hym, seyinge*. [and seiden OUV.], Hayle, kyng of Jewis. [verse 30] And thei spittynge `in to*. [on OUV.] hym*. [his face N.], token a reed, and smyten his heued. [verse 31] And after that*. [Om. Q.] thei hadden*. [Om. OQUVWX.] `scorned hym, thei vnclothiden*. [vnclothid K. scornyden him, vnclothing Q. scorned hym, thei vncladden X. vnclothiden Y.] hym of*. [Om. X.] the mantel, and*. [Om. KW pr. m.] thei clothiden*. [cladden SX.] hym [verse 32] with his clothis, and ledden hym `for to cru|cifie*. [that he schulde be crucified OUV. for to be crucified Q sec. m. for to crucifye him W sec. m. to crucifien X.]. Sothely thei goynge out, founden a Page  81 man of Syrynen*. [Cirenense P.], cummynge fro a*. [the OUV.] toun, Symont by name; thei constreyneden hym, that he shulde take `his crosse*. [the crosse of Jhesu O. the crosse of hym UV.]. [verse 33] And thei camen `in to*. [to G pr. m. S.] a place that*. [whiche OUV.] is clepid Golgatha, that is, the place of Caluarie. [verse 34] And thei ȝauen hym*. [to him OV.] for*. [Om. SX.] to drinke wiyn meyn|gid*. [medled OUV. meynd PW.] with galle; and whenne he had tastid, he wolde nat drinke. [verse 35] Sothely after that*. [Om. O.] thei hadden crucified hym, thei departiden his clothis, sendynge lot, that it*. [Om. X.] shulde be fulfillid*. [filled OUV.], that*. [that thing X.] is seid by the prophete, seyinge, Thei departiden*. [partiden AMNPQSXY. partideden W.] to hem my*. [his U.] clothis, and on*. [vpon AGMNPSWY. of U.] my cloth*. [clothis W pr. m.] thei senten*. [casten U sec. m.] lot. [verse 36] And thei sittynge kepten hym; [verse 37] and thei puttiden*. [setteden OUV. putten S.] on his heued the cause of hym wryten, This is Jhesus `of Nazareth*. [Om. OUV.], kyng*. [the kynge OUV.] of Jewis. [verse 38] Thanne two*. [twey VW.] theeues ben*. [weren OUV.] crucified with him, oon on the riȝt half, and oon*. [another NOUV.] on the left half. [verse 39] Forsothe men passynge forth blasfemyden hym, moou|ynge [verse 40] her heuedis*. [heedes MOQSWX.], and seyinge, `Vath, or fie*. [Fiȝ OUVW. Vath X.], `to thee*. [Om. X.], that distroyist the temple of God, and in the thridde day `bildist it aȝein*. [aȝen|byldest it OUV.]; saue thou thi self; ȝif thou art the sone of God, cume doun*. [thou doun OUV.] of the crosse. [verse 41] Also*. [In like maner OUV.] and princis*. [the princes OUV.] of prestis scornynge, [verse 42] with scribis and eldre men, seiden, He made other men saaf, he may nat make hym self saaf; ȝif he is kyng*. [the kynge OU.] of Yrael, cume he nowe*. [Om. N.] doun fro*. [of O.] the crosse, and [verse 43] we bileuen to hym; he*. [And he K sec. m.] trustith in God, delyuere he hym nowe, ȝif he wole; for|sothe*. [for OUV.] he seide, For*. [Om. OUV.] I am `Goddis sone*. [the Sone of God OUV.]. [verse 44] `Forsothe and*. [Also forsothe O. Forsothe also U.] the*. [Om. O.] theeuys, that weren crucified with hym, puttiden*. [putten SX.] to hym with repreue the same thing. [verse 45] Sothely fro the sixte hour dercnessis ben*. [weren OUV.] maad on*. [vpon GY.] al the erthe*. [londe OUV.], `til to*. [til AN. vnto GSX.] the nynethe hour. [verse 46] And about the nynthe houre Jhesus criede with Page  82 grete voice, seyinge, Hely, Hely, lamaza|batany, that is, My God, my God, `wherto, or whi*. [wherto AX. whi OUV.], hast thou forsaken mee? [verse 47] Sothly summen*. [summe NVX. sum men W.] stondynge there, and heerynge, seiden, This clepith Hely. [verse 48] And anon oon of hem rennynge, fillide a spounge taken with `aycel, or vynegre*. [eisel AX. vynegre OUV.], and puttide*. [putte SX.] to*. [it to GXY. on U sec. m.] a reed, and ȝaue to hym for*. [Om. SX.] to drinke. [verse 49] But other seiden, Suffre thou; see we*. [Om. N.] wher*. [whether P et X pass.] Hely cumme*. [cometh N.], delyuerynge*. [to deliuer O.] hym. [verse 50] Forsothe Jhesus eftsones*. [eft OUV.] cryynge with grete*. [a greet Q.] voice, `sente out*. [ȝaue vp U sec. m.] the spirit. [verse 51] And loo! the veile of the temple is*. [was OUV.] kitt, `or rent*. [Om. OUVX.], in to*. [Om. Q.] two parties, fro the heiȝest til doun*. [to the lowist U sec. m.]. And the erthe is*. [was OUV.] moued, and [verse 52] stoonys ben*. [Om. O. weren UV.] cleft*. [clouen QX.]; and biriels ben*. [weren OUV.] open|yd, and many bodies of seintes*. [holy men OUV.] that slepten, `or weren dead*. [ether w. d. OUV. Om. X.], `rysen aȝein*. [han ryse OUV.]. [verse 53] And thei goynge out of her*. [the OUV.] biriels, after his resureccioun*. [rysynge aȝen OUV.] camen in to the holy citee, and apeeriden to manye*. [many men OUV.]. [verse 54] Treuly centurio and thei that weren with hym kepinge Jhesu, the moouynge of the erthe seen, and thoo*. [the N.] thingis that weren [verse 55] done, dredden greteli, seyinge, Verrely this was Goddis sone. Forsothe `there weren there many wymmen*. [many wimmen weren theer OUV.] afer, that sueden Jhesu fro Galilee, mynystrynge to hym. [verse 56] Amonge whiche was Marie Mawdeleyne, and Marie of*. [the modir of OUVW sec. m.] Jamys, and `the modir*. [Om. OUVW sec. m.] of Joseph, and the modir of Zebedees sones. [verse 57] Forsothe when the euenyng*. [euentide OUV.] was maad, `there came*. [Om. OUV.] a*. [oo P.] riche man*. [man cam OUV.] fro Armathia, Joseph*. [Joseph of Aramathie OUV.] by name, the*. [Om. OUV.] whiche and he was disciple*. [the disciple OUV.] of Jhesu. [verse 58] He wente to Pilate, and axide*. [askide Q.] the body of Jhesu. Thanne Pilate comaundide the body*. [bodi of Jhesu AN.] to be ȝolden*. [ȝofen O.]. [verse 59] And the body taken, Joseph wlappide it [verse 60] in a clene `sendel, or lynnen cloth*. [sendel AX. lynnen cloth OUV. sendel, or lyne cloth S.], and puttide*. [putte MSX.] it*. [Om. G pr. m.] in*. [into O.] his newe biriel, that*. [whiche OUV.] he Page  83 hadde hewen in a stoon; and he walowid to*. [Om. OUVW sec. m.] a grete stoon at*. [to OUVW sec. m. X.] the dore of the biriel, and wente awey. [verse 61] Forsothe Marye Mawde|leyne and an othere Marye weren there, sittynge aȝeins the sepulcre. [verse 62] Sothely on `the tother*. [the other X. that other GMOPSUWY.] day, that*. [whiche OUV.] is after pascke euenynge*. [euentide OU pr. m. V. euen U sec. m.], the princis `of prestis*. [Om. U.] and [verse 63] Pharisees*. [the Pharisees AOSUVW.] camen to gidere to Pilate, sei|ynge*. [and seiden OUV.], Sire, we han mynde, for `the ilke*. [that ilke G pr. m. thilke G sec. m. UV. that X.] `traitour, or disseyuour*. [traytour AX. disseyuour OUV.], sayde ȝit lyu|ynge, Aftir thre dayes I shal ryse aȝen. [verse 64] Therfore comaunde thou the sepulcre to*. [for to AGMNPQTWY.] be kept til `in to*. [vnto AGS pr. m. MTXY. to G sec. m.] the thridde day; lest perauenture his disciplis comen, and stelen him, and seyen to the peple, He is*. [hath AGMNOPQSTUVWXY.] risun*. [risen aȝeen S.] fro deeth*. [deed AMNPS. deed men OUV. the deeth QT.]; and the laste errour schal be worse than the formere. [verse 65] Pilat seith*. [seide OUV.] to hem, Ȝe han the kepinge; go ȝe, `kepe ȝe*. [kepeth X.] as ȝe kunnen. [verse 66] Forsoth thei goynge forth, kepten, `or wardiden*. [Om. AOUVX.], the sepulcre, markinge, `or seelinge*. [Om. AOUVX.], the stoon*. [stones O.], with keperis*. [the keperes OUV.].


[verse 1] Forsothe in*. [Om. U.] the euenyng*. [euentide OUV.] of the saboth, `or haliday*. [Om. AOUVX.], that schyneth*. [shoen X.] in the firste day of the woke, Marie Mawdeleyn cam, and another Marie, for*. [Om. OUVX.] to se the sepulcre. [verse 2] And lo! `ther was maad*. [Om. OUV.] a greet erthe mouyng*. [mouynge was maade OUV.]; forsoth the*. [an OUV.] aungel of the Lord cam doun fro heuene, and `comynge to*. [he neiȝinge OUV.] turnide awey the stoon, and sat*. [he sat O.] theron. [verse 3] Sothli his lokyng was as leyt, and his [verse 4] clothis*. [clothinge O.] as*. [white as Q.] snow; forsothe for drede*. [the drede OUV.] of him the keperis ben*. [weren OUV.] afferid, and thei ben*. [weren OUV.] maad as deede men. [verse 5] Forsothe the aungel answeringe seide to the wymmen, Nyle ȝe drede, for I woot that ȝe seken Jhesu, that [verse 6] is*. [was OUV.] crucified; he is not here, sothli*. [forsothe OUV.] he roos, as he seide; come ȝe, and seeth*. [se ANPW. see ȝe OUV.] the place, where the Lord was putt. [verse 7] And ȝe Page  84 goynge sone, seie*. [seie ȝe GOPY. seith X.] to his disciplis `and to Petre*. [Om. OUVW sec. m.], for he hath risun. And lo*. [so N.]! he schal go bifore ȝou*. [Om. U.] in to Galilee; there ȝe schulen se him. Lo! I haue bifore seid to ȝou. [verse 8] And `Marie Mawdeleyn, and a|nother Marie*. [thei OUVW sec. m.] wenten out soone fro the buryel*. [sepulcre OUV.], with drede and greet ioye, ren|nynge for*. [Om. OSUVX.] to telle*. [tell to OUVX.] his disciplis. [verse 9] And lo! Jhesus `ran aȝens*. [mette OUV.] hem, seyinge*. [and seide OUV.], Heil ȝe. Forsothe thei `camen to*. [neiȝeden OUV.], and heelden his feet, and worschipiden him. [verse 10] Thanne Jhe|sus seith to hem, Nyle ȝe drede; go ȝe, `telle ȝe*. [telleth SV sec. m. X.] to my britheren, that thei go in to Galilee; there thei schulen se me. [verse 11] `The whiche*. [And OUVW sec. m.] whanne thei hadden gon, loo! summe of the keperis camen in to the cytee, and tolden to*. [Om. N.] the princes*. [prince K.] `of prestis*. [Om. W pr. m.] alle thingis that weren don. [verse 12] And thei gedrid to gidre with the*. [Om. G.] eldere men, a*. [and a K.] counceil takun, ȝaue to the knyȝtis plen|teuous [verse 13] money, seyinge, Seie ȝe, for his dis|ciplis camen by niȝte, and han stolen him, vs slepinge. [verse 14] And if this*. [this thing U.] be*. [schal be OUV.] herd of the `presedent, or iustise*. [president ASX. iustice OUV.], we schulen conceile him, and make*. [we schulen make OUV.] ȝou sikir*. [suir V.]. [verse 15] And the mo|ney takun, thei*. [and thei G.] diden, as thei weren tauȝt. And this word is pupplissid at*. [anentes OUV.] the Jewis, til in to this day. [verse 16] Forsothe en|leuene disciplis wenten in to Galilee, in to an hil, where Jhesus hadde ordeyned to*. [Om. O.] hem. [verse 17] And thei seynge him, worschip|iden; sothli summe of hem doutiden. [verse 18] And Jhesus `comynge to*. [neiȝinge OUV.], spak to hem, sey|inge*. [and seide OUV.], Al power is ȝouun to me, in he|uene and in*. [Om. G pr. m.] erthe. [verse 19] Therfore ȝe goynge teche*. [techeth SX.] alle folkis, cristenynge hem in the name of the Fadir, and of the Sone, and [verse 20] of the Hooly Gost; techinge hem for*. [Om. G pr. m. MOQSUVX.] to kepe alle thingis, what euere thingis I haue comaundid to*. [Om. AG pr. m. NTWX.] ȝou; and lo! I Page  85 am with ȝou in*. [Om. UX.] alle dayes, til*. [til to AGNOSVW sec. m. X. til into U.] the end|yng of the*. [Om. T.] world.

Here endith the gospel of Matheu, and bigynneth the prolog of Mark*. [Here endith the gospel of Mathew, and bigynneth the prologe on Mark, and aftir beginneth the gospel. N. Here endith Mathewe. Q. Here endith Matheu, and bigynneth the prologe. V. Here eendith the gospels of Mathew, and here bigynneth the gospelis aftir the seiynge of Mark. W. No final rubric in AGMPSTUX.].