The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal books,

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The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal books,
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"The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal books,." In the digital collection Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 20, 2024.



[verse 1] And the word of the Lord is made to [verse 2] me, sayinge, Sone of man, putte thi face aȝeins Gog, and the lond of Magog, prince of the hed of [Om. K.] Mosoch and Tubal; and prophecie thou of hym. [verse 3] And thou shalt saye to hym, These thingus saith the Lord God, Loo! I to thee Gog, prince of [verse 4] the hed of Mosoch and Tubal; and I shal leede thee aboute, and I shal putte a brydil in thi cheekis, and shal leede thee out, and al thin oost, horsis, and horsmen, alle clothed with hauberiouns, a greet multitude of men, takynge shaft, and sheeld, and swerd. [verse 5] Men of Persis, Ethi|opiens, and Libiens with hem, alle sheeld|id and helmyd. [verse 6] Gomer, and alle his cum|panyes, the hous of Togorma, sydis of the north, and al the strengthe of hym, and many peplis with thee. [verse 7] Diȝte, and make thee redy, and alle thi multitude that is gadred to thee, be thou to hem in to comaundement. [verse 8] After many dayes thou shalt be visitid, in the last of ȝeeris thou shalt cum to erthe, whiche is turnyd aȝein fro swerd, and is gadrid of many peplis, to the hillis of Yrael that weren desert lastyngly; this is led out of peplis, and alle dwelten in it tristili. [verse 9] Forsothe thou steiȝinge vp as a tempest shalt cum, and as a cloude, that thou hill the erthe, thou and alle thi cumpaignyes, and many pe|plis with thee. [verse 10] These thingus saith the

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Lord God, In that day wordis shuln stye vp vpon thin herte, and thou shalt thenke [verse 11] the warst thouȝt; and shalt saye, I shal stiȝe vp [Om. K sec. m.] to the lond with oute wall, I shal cum to men restynge and dwellynge sykirly; alle these dwellen with outen wall, barris, or lockis, and ȝatis ben not [verse 12] to hem; that thou rauyshe spuilis, and assaile pray; that thou ȝeue thin hond vpon hem that weren desert, and after|ward restoryd, and vpon the peple whiche is gadrid of folkis, whiche bygan for to weelde, and for to be dweller of the naule, or mydil, of the erthe. [verse 13] Saba, and Dedan, and marchauntis of Tharsis, and alle lyouns therof shuln saye to thee, Wher [Whether A passim.] thou cummest for to take spuylis? Loo! for to rauyshe pray thou gaderest thi multitude, that thou take gold and syl|uer, and take awey, and take portenaunce of houshold and substaunce, and rauyshe spuylis with outen noumbre. [verse 14] Therfore, sone of man, prophecie thou; and thou shalt saye to Gog, These thingus saith the Lord God, Wher [Whether A passim.] not in that day, whan my peple of Yrael shal dwelle tris|tili, [verse 15] thou shalt wite; and shalt cum of thi place, fro sydis of the northe, thou, and many peplis with thee, alle styers of horsis, a greet cumpignye, and greet [a greet A.] [verse 16] oost; and styeinge vp on [Om. A.] my peple Yrael, as a cloude, that thou hille the erthe? In the last dayes thou shalt be, and I shal leede thee to vp on my lond, that my folkis wite, whan I shal be halewid in thee, in the eeȝen of hem, thou Gog. [verse 17] These thingus saith the Lord God, Ther|fore thou art he of whom I spak in olde dayes, in the hond of my seruauntis, pro|phetis of Yrael, that prophecied in the days of tymes, that I shulde leede thee to vpon hem. [verse 18] And it shal be, in that day, in the day of the cummyng of Gog vpon the lond of Yrael, saith the Lord God, myn indignacioun shal stye vp in [verse 19] my wodenesse, and in my wrath; in

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the fijre of my wrath I spac. [verse 20] For in that day shal be greet mouynge to gydre vpon the lond of Yrael; and fishis of the se shuln be moued to gydre fro my face, and beestis of the feeld [feeldis K.] , and briddis of heuen, and eche crepynge thing that is moued vpon erthe, and alle men that ben vpon the face of the erthe; and hillis shuln be vndirtournyd, and heggis shuln falle, and eche wall shal falle to gidre to [in to AGH.] erthe. [verse 21] And I shal clepe to gydre aȝeins hym a swerd in alle my mounteyns, saith the Lord; the swerd of eche man shal be dressid in to his brother. [verse 22] And than I shal deeme hym by pestilence, and blood, and reyn ful greet, and greete stoons; Y shal reyne vpon hym fyre and bronston, and vpon his oost, and vpon many peplis that ben with hym. [verse 23] And I shal be mag|nyfyed and halewid, and I shal be knowen in the eeȝen of many folkis; and thei shuln wite, for I the Lord.

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