The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal books,
Wycliffe, John, d. 1384., Forshall, Josiah, 1795-1863., Madden, Frederic, 1801-1873.


[verse 1] And no doute that Mardoche sente to hir, that Ester shulde gon in to the king, and preȝe for hir puple, and for hir kuntre. [verse 2] Myndeful, he seith, be thou of the daȝes of thi mecnesse, hou thou art nurshid in myn hond; for Aman, ordeined the secounde of the king, spac aȝen vs in to [verse 3] deth; and thou inwardli clep the Lord, and spec to the king for vs, and deliuere vs fro deth. Also and these thingus, that ben vnderleid, in the comun translacioun I fond. [verse 4] Forsothe the thridde dai she dide doun the clothis of hir enournyng, and hir owne glorie is don aboute. [verse 5] And whan with the kingis abite she schyned, and inwardli hadde clepid the Gouernour of alle thingus and sauere God, she toc [verse 6] two seruauntes, and vp on the oon*. [toon A.] for|sothe she lenede, as for delicis and ful myche tendernesse not suffrynde to bern [verse 7] hir owne bodi; the tother forsothe of the dameselis folewede the ladi, berende vp the clothys flowende doun in to the erthe. [verse 8] She forsothe thurȝshed the chere with rose colour, and freeli, and with briȝte eȝen she couerede the dreri inwit, and Page  666 drawe togidere with ful myche drede. [verse 9] Thanne she gon in alle the doris bi ordre, stod aȝen the king, wher he sat vp on the see of his regne, clothid with kingus clothis, and shinende with gold and pre|cious stones; and he was ferful in siȝte. [verse 10] And whan he hadde rerid vp the face, and with brennende eȝen the wodnesse of the brest hadde shewid, the quen fel doun; and the colour chaungid in to pale|nesse, the weeri hed vpon the hond maide*. [maiden AEH.] she bowide doun. [verse 11] And God turnede the spirit of the king in to debonernesse, and heeȝende and dredende he stirte out of the see; and sustenende hir with his armys, to the tyme she turnede aȝeen to [verse 12] hirself, with these woordis gloside, What hast thou, Ester? I am thi brother; wile [verse 13] thou not drede, thou shalt not die; for|sothe not for thee, but for alle this*. [is this C pr. m.] lawe is*. [Om. C.] ordeyned. [verse 14] Cum hider thanne, and touche the kingus ȝerde. [verse 15] And whan she heeld hir pes, he toc the kingus ȝerde, and putte vp on hir necke, and kiste hir, and seith, Whi to me spekist thou not? [verse 16] The whiche answerde, I saȝ thee, lord, as the angil of God, and myn herte is dis|turbid*. [disturblid AH.] [verse 17] for drede of thi glorie; forsothe, lord, thou art gretli merueilous, and thi face is ful of gracis. [verse 18] And whan he spac, eft she fel doun, and uttirli swounede. [verse 19] The king forsothe was disturbid*. [disturblid AH.], and alle his mynestris coumfortiden hym. The saumple of the epistil of king Ar|taxerses, that for the Jewis he sente to alle the prouyncis of his reume; the whiche and it is not had in Ebrue volume.Page  667