The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal books,
Wycliffe, John, d. 1384., Forshall, Josiah, 1795-1863., Madden, Frederic, 1801-1873.


[verse 1] And Y, britheren, myȝte not speke to ȝou as to spiritual men, but as to fleischli [verse 2] men; as to litle children in Crist, Y ȝaf to*. [mylke to a. Om. C pr. m.] ȝou mylk*. [Om. a.] drynke*. [to drinke EXek pr. m.]*. [that is, I telde to ȝou the lesse poyntis of feith. not mete; that is, perfit techinge. ne|ther ȝe moun; as longe as ȝe dwellen in sich fleischelynesse. Lyre here. e.], not mete; for ȝe myȝten not ȝit*. [ȝit vndirstonde Q sec. m. c.], nether ȝe moun now, for ȝit ȝe ben fleischli. [verse 3] For while strijf*. [enuye and strijf A sec. m.] is among ȝou, whether*. [wher IK.] ȝe ben not fleischli, and ȝe gon aftir man? [verse 4] For whanne summe seith, Y am of Poul, another*. [and an othir R pr. m.], But Y am of Apollo, whethir ȝe ben not men? What therfor is Apollo, and what Poul? [verse 5] Thei ben mynystris of hym, to whom ȝe han bileuyd; and to ech man as God hath ȝouun. [verse 6] Y plaunt|ide, Apollo moystide, but God ȝaf en|creessyng. [verse 7] Therfor nether he that plauntith is ony thing, nethir he that moistith, but God that ȝiueth encreess|yng. [verse 8] And he that plauntith, and he that moistith, ben oon*. [that is, in condicioun of kynde, and in worchinge of seruice; and therfore oon schal not be set bifore, and an|other dispisid. Lyre here. e.]; and ech schal take his owne mede, aftir his trauel. [verse 9] For we ben the helperis of God; ȝe ben the erthetiliyng of God, ȝe ben the bild|yng of God. [verse 10] Aftir the grace `of God*. [Om. R.] that is ȝouun to me, as a wise maistir carpenter Y settide the*. [Om. k pr. m.] foundement; and*. [Om. R.] another bildith*. [bildide Ec.] aboue. But ech man se, hou he bildith aboue. [verse 11] For no*. [Om. k pr. m.] man may sette another foundement, Page  343 outtakun that that is sett, which is Crist Jhesus. [verse 12] For if ony*. [eny man a.] bildith ouer this foundement, gold, siluer, preciouse stoonys, stickis, hey, or stobil, euery [verse 13] mannus werk schal be open; for the dai of the Lord schal declare, for it schal be schewid in fier; the fier schal preue the werk*. [werkis k pr. m.] of ech man, what ma|ner*. [euere k pr. m.] werk it is. [verse 14] If the werk of ony man dwelle stille, which he bildide*. [bildeth Rhkoβ.] aboue, he schal resseyue mede. [verse 15] If ony mannus werk brenne, he schal suffre harm*. [ether peyring K marg.]; but he schal be saaf, so netheles as bi fier. [verse 16] Witen ȝe not, that ȝe ben the temple of God, and the spirit of God dwellith in ȝou? [verse 17] And if ony defoulith the temple of God, God schal leese hym; for the temple of God is hooli, which ȝe ben. No man disseyue hym silf. [verse 18] If ony man among ȝou is seyn to be wiys in this world, be he maad a fool, that he be wijs. [verse 19] For the wisdom of this world is foli anentis God; for it is writun, Y schal catche wise men in her [verse 20] fel wisdom; and eft, The Lord knowith the thouȝtis of wise*. [Om. R pr. m.] men, for tho ben veyn. [verse 21] Therfor no man haue glorie in men. [verse 22] For alle thingis ben ȝoure, ethir Poul, ether Apollo, ether Cefas, ether the world, ether lijf, ether deth, ether thingis present, ethir thingis to comynge; for [verse 23] alle thingis ben ȝoure, and ȝe ben of Crist, and Crist is of God.