The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal books,
Wycliffe, John, d. 1384., Forshall, Josiah, 1795-1863., Madden, Frederic, 1801-1873.


[verse 1] But*. [And k.] Jhesus wente in to the mount of Olyuete. [verse 2] And*. [Om. R sec. m.] eerli eft*. [Om. k pr. m.] he cam in to the temple; and al the puple cam to hym; and he sat, and tauȝte hem. [verse 3] And scribis and Fariseis bryngen*. [bryngynge hiβ. brouȝten k pr. m.] a womman takun in auoutrye, and thei settiden hir in the [verse 4] myddil, and seiden to hym, Maystir, this womman is now takun in auoutrie. [verse 5] And in the lawe Moises comaundide vs*. [to vs gk.] to*. [for to IKghi.] stoone suche; therfor what seist thou? [verse 6] And thei seiden this thing temptynge hym, that thei myȝten accuse hym. And Jhesus bowide hym silf doun, and wroot with his fyngur in the erthe. [verse 7] And whanne thei abiden*. [abideden C. abedin EP.] axynge*. [askynge R.] hym, he reiside hym silf, and seide to hem, He of ȝou that is without synne, first caste a stoon in to hir. [verse 8] And eft he bowide hym silf, and wroot in the erthe. [verse 9] And thei herynge these thingis, wenten awei oon aftir anothir, and thei bigunnen fro Page  259 the*. [Om. b.] eldre men; and Jhesus dwelte aloone, and the womman stondynge in the myd|dil. [verse 10] And Jhesus reiside hym silf, and seide to hir, Womman, where ben thei that accusiden thee? no man hath dampned*. [demyde a pr. m.] thee. [verse 11] Sche seide, No man, Lord. Jhesus seide `to hir*. [Om. I.], Nethir Y schal dampne thee; go thou, and now aftir|ward*. [aftir g.] nyle thou synne more*. [no more A pr. m. sa pr. m. bgk pr. m.]. [verse 12] Therfor eft Jhesus spak to hem, and seide, Y am the*. [Om. S sec. m.] liȝt of the world; he that sueth me, walkith not in derknessis, but schal haue the*. [Om. O.] liȝt of lijf. [verse 13] Therfor the Fariseis seiden, Thou berist witnessyng*. [wittenesse O.] of thi silf; thi witnessyng is not trewe. [verse 14] Jhesus answerde, and seide to hem, And if Y bere witnessyng of my silf, my witness|yng is trewe; for Y woot fro whennus Y cam, and whidur Y go. [verse 15] But ȝe witen not fro whennus Y cam, ne whidur Y go. For*. [But for O.] ȝe demen aftir the fleisch, but Y deme [verse 16] no man; and if Y deme, my doom is trewe, for Y am not aloone, but Y and the fadir that sente me. [verse 17] And in ȝoure lawe it is writun, that the witnessyng of twei*. [two I.] men is trewe. [verse 18] Y am, that bere witness|yng of my silf, and the fadir that sente me, berith witnessyng of me. [verse 19] Therfor thei seiden to hym, Where is thi fadir?. Jhesus answeride, Nether ȝe knowen me, nethir*. [ne Ebc.] ȝe knowen my fadir; if ȝe knewen me, perauenture ȝe schulden knowe also my fadir. [verse 20] Jhesus spak these wordis in the tresorie, techynge in the temple; and no man took hym, for his our cam not ȝit. [verse 21] Therfor eft Jhesus seide to hem, Lo! Y go, and ȝe schulen seke me, and ȝe schulen die in ȝoure synne; whidur Y go, ȝe moun not come. [verse 22] Therfor the Jewis seiden, Whe|ther he schal sle hym silf, for he seith, Whidur Y go, ȝe moun not come? [verse 23] And he seide to hem, Ȝe ben of bynethe, Y Page  260 am of aboue; ȝe ben of this*. [the IKb pr. m. g.] world, Y am not of this world. [verse 24] Therfor Y seide to ȝou, that ȝe schulen die in ȝoure synnes*. [synne b pr. m.]; for if ȝe bileuen not that Y am, ȝe schu|len die in ȝoure synne*. [synnes EOhiαβ.]. [verse 25] Therfor thei seiden to hym, Who art thou? Jhesus seide to hem, The bigynnyng, which also speke to ȝou. [verse 26] Y haue many thingis to speke, and deme*. [to deme CEIKMOPQRSUXab sec. m. ceghikαβ.] of ȝou, but he that sente me is sothefast; and Y speke in the world these thingis, that Y herde of hym. [verse 27] And thei knewen not, that he clepide his fadir God. [verse 28] Therfor Jhesus seith*. [seide b.] to hem, Whanne ȝe han areisid mannus sone, thanne ȝe schulen knowe, that Y am, and of my silf Y do no thing; but as my fadir tauȝte me, Y speke these thingis. [verse 29] And he that sente me is with me, and lefte me not aloone; for Y do euermore tho thingis, that ben plesynge*. [plesaunt IKSabg.] to hym. [verse 30] Whanne he spak these thingis, manye bileueden in hym. [verse 31] Therfor Jhe|sus seide to the Jewis, that bileueden in hym, If ȝe dwellen*. [dwelten k.] in my word, verili [verse 32] ȝe schulen be my disciplis; and ȝe schu|len knowe the treuthe, and the*. [Om. I.] treuthe schal make ȝou fre. [verse 33] Therfor the Jewis answeriden*. [sayden O.] to hym, We ben the seed of Abraham, and we serueden neuere to man; hou seist thou, That ȝe schulen be fre? [verse 34] Jhesus answeride to hem, Treuli, treuli, Y seie to ȝou, ech man that doith synne, is seruaunt of*. [to I.] synne. [verse 35] And the seruaunt dwellith not in the hows with outen ende, but the sone dwellith with outen ende. [verse 36] Therfor if the sone make ȝou fre, verili ȝe schulen be fre. [verse 37] Y woot that ȝe ben Abrahams sones, but ȝe seken to sle me, for my word takith not in ȝou. [verse 38] Y speke tho thingis, that Y say at my fadir; and ȝe doen tho thingis, that ȝe sayn at ȝoure fadir. [verse 39] Thei answerden, and seiden to hym, Abraham is oure Page  261 fadir. Jhesus seith to hem, If ȝe ben the sones of Abraham, do ȝe the*. [Om. A.] werkis of Abraham. [verse 40] But now ȝe seken to sle `me, a man*. [men i.] that haue spoken to ȝou treuthe, that Y herde of God; Abraham dide not this thing. [verse 41] Ȝe doen the werkis of ȝoure fadir. Therfor thei seiden to hym, We ben not borun of fornycacioun; we han o fadir, God. [verse 42] But Jhesus seith to hem, If God were ȝoure fadir, sotheli ȝe schulden loue me; for Y passide forth of God, and cam; for nether Y cam of my silf, but he sente me. [verse 43] Whi knowen ȝe not my speche? for ȝe moun not here my word. [verse 44] Ȝe ben of the fadir, the deuel, and ȝe wolen do the desyris of ȝoure fadir. He was a mansleere fro the bi|gynnyng, and he stood not in treuthe; for treuthe is not in hym. Whanne he spekith lesyng, he spekith of his owne; for he is a liere, and fadir*. [stode fadir β.] of it. [verse 45] But for Y seie treuthe, ȝe bileuen not to me. [verse 46] Who of ȝou schal repreue me of synne? if Y sey treuthe, whi bileuen ȝe not to me? [verse 47] He that is of God, herith the wordis of God; therfor ȝe heren not, for ȝe ben not of God. [verse 48] Therfor the Jewis answeriden, and seiden, Whether we seien not wel, that thou art a Sama|ritan, and hast a deuel? [verse 49] Jhesus an|swerde, and seide, Y haue not a deuel, but Y onoure my fadir, and ȝe han vn|honourid me. [verse 50] For*. [Om. O.] Y seke not my glorye; there is he, that sekith, and demeth. [verse 51] Treuli, treuli, Y seie to ȝou, if ony man kepe my word, he schal not taste deth with outen ende. [verse 52] Therfor the Jewis seiden, Now we han knowun, that thou hast a deuel. Abraham is deed, and the prophetis, and thou seist, If ony man kepe my word, he schal not taste deth withouten ende. [verse 53] Whether thou art gret|tere than oure fader Abraham, that is deed, and the prophetis ben deed; whom makist thou thi silf? [verse 54] Jhesus answeride, Page  262 If Y glorifie my silf, my glorie is nouȝt; my fadir, is that glorifieth me, whom ȝe seien, that*. [Om. g.] he is ȝoure God. [verse 55] And ȝe han not knowun hym, but Y haue knowun hym; and if Y seie that Y knowe hym not, Y schal be a liere lich*. [lichi A pr. m. bce.] to ȝou; but Y knowe hym, and Y kepe his word. [verse 56] Abraham, ȝoure fadir, gladide*. [gloried O.] to se my dai; and he saiȝ, and ioyede. [verse 57] Thanne the Jewis seiden to hym, Thou hast not ȝit fifti ȝeer, and hast thou seien Abraham? [verse 58] Therfor Jhesus seide to hem, Treuli, treuli, Y seie to ȝou, bifor that Abraham schulde be, Y am. [verse 59] Therfor thei token stonys, to caste to hym; but Jhesus hidde hym, and wente out of the temple.