The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal books,
Wycliffe, John, d. 1384., Forshall, Josiah, 1795-1863., Madden, Frederic, 1801-1873.
Page  [unnumbered]


*. [Here bigynneth Sacarie, the prophete.]CAP. I.

[verse 1] IN the eiȝthe monethe, in the secounde ȝeer of Darius, the word of the Lord was maad to Sacarie, the sone of Barachie, the [verse 2] sone of Addo, profete, and seide, The Lord is wrooth on ȝoure fadris with wrathful|nesse. [verse 3] And thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord of oostis seith these thingis. Be ȝe conuertid to me, seith the Lord of oostis, and Y schal be conuertid to ȝou, seith the Lord of oostis. [verse 4] Be ȝe not as ȝoure fadris, to whiche the formere profetis crieden, seiynge, The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Be ȝe conuertid fro ȝoure yuel weies, and ȝoure worste thouȝtis; and thei herden not, nether token tent to me, seith the Lord of oostis. [verse 5] Where ben ȝoure fadris and profetis? whether*. [wher ceteri.] thei schu|len lyue with outen ende? [verse 6] Netheles my wordis and my lawful thingis, whiche Y comaundide to my seruauntis profetis, whe|ther thei tauȝten*. [cauȝten A.] not ȝoure fadris? And thei weren conuertid, and seiden, As the Lord of oostys thouȝte for to do to vs bi oure weies, and bi oure fyndingis he dide to vs. [verse 7] In the foure and twentithe dai of the enleuenthe monethe Sabath*. [In Ebreu it is Sebeth, and it answerith to Januarie. AEI KNPUY.], in the secounde ȝeer of Darius, the word of the Lord was maad to Sacarie, sone of Bara|chie, [verse 8] sone of Addo, profete, and seide, Y saiȝ bi niȝt, and lo! a man stiynge on a reed hors; and he stood bitwixe places Page  747 where mirtis wexen, that weren in the depthe, and aftir hym weren horsis reede, dyuerse, and white. [verse 9] And Y seide, My lord, who ben these? And an aungel of the Lord seide to me, that spak in me, Y schal schewe to thee what these ben. [verse 10] And the man that stood bitwix places where mirtis wexen, answeride, and seide, These it ben, whiche the Lord sente, that thei walke thorouȝ erthe. [verse 11] And thei answer|iden to the aungel of the Lord, that stood bitwixe places where mirtis wexen, and seiden, We han walkid thorouȝ erthe, and lo! al erthe is enhabitid, and restith. [verse 12] And the aungel of the Lord answeride, and seide, Lord of oostis, hou long schalt thou not haue merci on Jerusalem, and*. [and on I.] citees of Juda, to whiche thou art wrooth? This now is the seuentithe ȝeer. [verse 13] And the Lord answeride to the aungel, that spak in me, goode wordis, and wordis of coumfort. [verse 14] And the aungel that spak in me, seide to me, Crie thou, seiynge, The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Y louyde Jerusalem [verse 15] and Sion in greet feruour; and in greet wraththe Y schal be wroth on riche folkis; for Y was wrooth a litil, forsothe thei helpiden in to yuel. [verse 16] Therfor the Lord seith these thingis, Y schal turne aȝen to Jerusalem in mercies. Myn*. [And myn U sec. m.] hous schal be bildid in it, seith the Lord of oostis; and a plomet schal be streiȝt out on Jerusalem. [verse 17] Ȝit crie thou, seiynge, The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Ȝit my citees schulen flete with goodis, and ȝit the Lord schal coumforte Sion, and ȝit he schal chese Jerusalem. [verse 18] And Y reiside myn iȝen, and Y saiȝ, and lo! foure hornes. [verse 19] And Y seide to the aungel that spak in me, What ben these? And he seide to me, These ben hornes, that wyndewiden*. [wynewden I. wyndowen K.] Juda, and Israel, and Jerusalem. [verse 20] And the Lord schewide to me foure smythis. [verse 21] And Y seide, What comen these for to do? Which*. [The whiche I.] spak, seiynge, These ben*. [Om. EY.] the hornes, that wyndewiden*. [winweden E. wynewden I.] Juda bi alle Page  748 men, and no man of hem reiside his heed; and these camen for to make hem aferd, that thei caste doun the hornes of hethene men, which reisiden horn*. [hornes C pr. m. EFHMPY. the horn I. hornen U.] on the lond of Juda, for to scatere it.


[verse 1] And Y reiside myn iȝen, and siȝ, and lo! a man, and lo! in his hoond a litil coorde of meteris. [verse 2] And Y seide, Whidir goist thou? And he seide to me, That Y mete Jerusalem, and Judee; hou myche is the breede therof, and hou myche is the lengthe therof. [verse 3] And lo! the aungel that spak in me, wente out, and another aun|gel wente out in to the metyng of hym, [verse 4] and seide to hym, Renne thou, speke to this child, and seie thou, Jerusalem shal be enhabitid with out wal, for the mul|titude of men and of*. [Om. I.] beestis in the myd|dil therof. [verse 5] And Y schal be to it, seith the Lord, a wal of fier in cumpas; and Y schal be in glorie in myddil therof. [verse 6] A! A! A! fle ȝe fro the lond of the north, seith the Lord, for in foure wyndis of heuene Y scateride you, seith the Lord. [verse 7] A! thou Sion, fle, that dwellist at the douȝter of Babiloyne. [verse 8] For the Lord of oostis seith these thingis, After glorie he sente me to hethene men, whiche robbiden ȝou; for he that schal touche ȝou, schal touche the apple of myn iȝe. [verse 9] For lo! Y reise*. [reiside I.] myn hond on hem, and thei schulen be preyes to these that seruyden hem; and ȝe schulen knowe, that the Lord of oostis sente me. [verse 10] Douȝter of Sion, herie thou, and be glad; for lo! Y come, and Y schal dwelle in myddil of thee, seith the Lord. [verse 11] And many folkis schulen be applied to the Lord in that dai, and thei schulen be to me in to puple*. [a puple A sec. m. I.], and Y schal dwelle in*. [in the I.] myddil of thee; and thou schalt wite, that the Lord of oostis sente me to thee. [verse 12] And the Lord schal welde Juda in to his part, Page  749 in the lond halewid, and schal cheese ȝit Jerusalem. [verse 13] Ech fleisch be stil fro the face of the Lord, for he roos of his hooli dwelling place.


[verse 1] And the Lord schewide to me the greet prest Jhesu, stondynge bifore the aungel of the Lord; and Sathan stood on his riȝthalf, that he schulde be aduersarie to hym. [verse 2] And the Lord seide to Sathan, The Lord blame in thee, Sathan, and the Lord that chees Jerusalem, blame in thee. Whe|ther this is not a deed broond rauyschid fro the fier? [verse 3] And Jhesus was clothid with foule clothis, and stood bifor the face of the aungel. [verse 4] Which answeride, and seide to hem that stoden bifor hym, and he seide, Do ȝe awei foule clothis fro him. And he seide to hym, Lo! Y haue don awei fro thee thi wickidnesse, and Y haue clothid thee with chaungynge clothis. [verse 5] And he seide, Putte ȝe a clene mytre*. [cappe, ether [a S] mytre C et ceteri.] on his heed. And thei puttiden a cleene mytre*. [cappe CEKPRY. cappe, ether mytre GHMNQSUX.] on his heed, and clothide him with clothis*. [white clothis U sec. m.]. And the aungel of the Lord [verse 6] stood, and the aungel of the Lord wit|nesside [verse 7] to Jhesu, and seide, The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, If thou schalt go in my weies, and schalt kepe my kep|ynge, also and thou schalt deme myn hous, and schalt kepe my porchis; and Y schal ȝyue to thee goeris, of these that now here stonden niȝ. [verse 8] Here thou, Jhesu, greet preest, thou and thi frendis that dwellen bifore thee, for thei ben men signefiynge thing to comyng. Lo! sotheli Y schal brynge my seruaunt spryngynge up, ether Crist borun. [verse 9] For lo! the stoon which Y ȝaf bifor Jhesu, on o stoon ben seuene iȝen; and lo! Y schal graue the grauyng therof, seith the Lord of oostis, and Y schal do a wei the wickidnesse of that lond in o dai. [verse 10] In that dai, seith the Lord Page  750 of oostis, a man schal clepe his frend vn|dur a vyn tre*. [Om. ceteri.], and vndur a fige tre.


[verse 1] And the aungel turnede aȝen, that spak in me, and reiside me, as a man that is reisid of his sleep. [verse 2] And he seide to me, What seest thou? And Y seide, Y saiȝ, and lo! a candilstike al of gold, and the laumpe therof on the heed therof, and seuene lanternes therof on it, and seuene vessels for to holde*. [helde yn U sec. m.] oyle to the lanternes, that weren on the heed therof. [verse 3] And twei olyues there onne, oon of*. [on S.] the riȝthalf `of the laumpe*. [therof RSU.], and `an other*. [oon S.] on the left half therof*. [Om. RU.]. [verse 4] And Y answeride, and seide to the aungel that spak in me, and Y seide, What ben these thingis, my lord? [verse 5] And the aungel that spak in me, answer|ide, and seide to me, Whether*. [Wher ceteri passim.] thou woist not what ben these thingis? And Y seide, No, my lord. [verse 6] And he answeride, and seide to me, and spak, This is the word of the Lord, seiynge to Sorobabel, Not in oost, nether in strengthe, but in my spirit, seith the Lord of oostis. [verse 7] Who art thou, greet hil, bifore Sorobabel in to pleyn? and he schal lede out the firste stoon, and schal make euene grace to grace therof. [verse 8] And the word of the Lord [verse 9] was maad to me, and seide, The hondis of Sorobabel foundiden this hous, and the hondis of hym schulen perfourme it; and ȝe schulen wite, that the Lord of oostis sente me to ȝou. [verse 10] Who forsothe dispiside litle daies? and thei schulen be glad, and schulen se a stoon of tyn in the hond of Sorobabel. These ben*. [ben the I.] seuene iȝen of the Lord, that rennen aboute in to al erthe. [verse 11] And Y answeride, and seide to hym, What ben these tweyne olyues on the riȝthalf of the candilstike, and at the lift|half therof? [verse 12] And Y answeryde the se|counde tyme, and seide to hym, What ben Page  751 the tweyne eeris, ether ripe fruyt, of olyues, that ben bisidis the twei bilis of gold, in whiche ben oile vesselis of gold? [verse 13] And he seide to me, and spak, Whether thou woost not what ben these thingis? And Y seide, No, my lord. [verse 14] And he seide, These ben twei sones of oile of*. [Om. N.] schynyng, whiche stonden*. [stooden N.] nyȝ to the lordli gouern|our of al erthe.


[verse 1] And Y was conuertid, and reiside myn iȝen, and siȝ*. [I siȝ I.], and lo! a book fleynge. [verse 2] And he seide to me, What seest thou? And Y seide, Lo! Y se a book fleynge; the lengthe therof was of twenti cubitis, and the breede therof of ten cubitis. [verse 3] And he seide to me, This is the curs, that go|ith on the face of al erthe; for ech theef schal be demed, as it is writun there; and ech man swerynge, schal be demyd of this also. [verse 4] Y schal lede out it, seith the Lord of oostis, and it schal come to the hous of a theef, and to the*. [Om. CHNPR pr. m. U.] hous of hym that swerith falsli in my name; and it schal dwelle in myddil*. [the myddil SU.] of hys hous, and schal waaste hym, and hise trees, and hise stoonys. [verse 5] And the aungel wente out, that spak in me, and seide to me, Reyse thin iȝen, and se, what this thing is, that goith out. And Y seide, What is it? [verse 6] And he seide, This is a pot*. [an amfore, ether a pot CEFGHIKMNPQRSUY.] goyng out. And he seide, This is the iȝe of hem in al erthe. [verse 7] And lo! a talent of leed was borun; and lo! a womman sittynge in myddil*. [the myddil FUX sec. m. myddis M.] of the pot*. [amfore CEFGHIMNPQRSU. amfore, ether pot KX.]. [verse 8] And he seide, This is vnpite, ether vnfeithfulnesse. And he castide doun hir in myddil*. [the myddil CFIMSUX sec. m.] of the pot*. [amfore CEFGHIMNPQRSU. amfore, ether pot K sec. m.], and sente a gobet of leed in to the*. [Om. NPRSX pr. m.] mouth therof. [verse 9] And Y reiside myn iȝen, and siȝ, and lo! twei wymmen goynge out, and a spirit in*. [in the I.] wyngis of hem; and thei hadden wyngis as*. [as the I.] wyngis of a kite, and reisiden the pot*. [amfore CEFGHIMNOPQRS. amfore, ether pot K sec. m.] bitwixe heuene and erthe. [verse 10] And Y seide Page  752 to the aungel that spak in me, Whidur beren these the pot*. [amfore CEFGHIMNPQRSU. amfore, ether pot K sec. m.]? [verse 11] And he seide to me, That an hous be bildid therto in the lond of Sennaar, and be stablischid, and set there on his foundement.


[verse 1] And Y was conuertid, and reiside myn iȝen, and siȝ, and lo! foure horsid cartis goynge out of the myddil of tweyne hillis, and the hillis weren hillis of bras. [verse 2] In the firste foure horsid carte weren reed horsis, and*. [Om. A sec. m.] in the secounde foure horsid carte [verse 3] weren blac horsis; and in the thridde foure horsid carte weren white horsis, and in the fourthe foure horsid carte weren dyuerse horsis, and*. [Om. CEFHRU.] stronge. [verse 4] And Y an|sweride, and seide to the aungel that spak in me, What ben these thingis, my lord? [verse 5] And the aungel aunsweride, and seide to me, These ben foure wyndis of heuene, whiche goen out, that thei stonde bifor the lordschipere of al erthe. [verse 6] In which weren blake horsis, wenten*. [thei wenten I.] out in to the lond of the north; and the white wenten out aftir hem; and the dyuerse wenten out to*. [into E.] the*. [Om. ACHMNPQRX sec. m.] lond of the south. [verse 7] Forsothe thei that weren strengeste wenten out, and souȝten for to go, and renne aboute bi al erthe. And he seide, Go ȝe, and walke ȝe thorouȝ the erthe. And thei walkiden thorouȝ erthe*. [the erthe I.]. [verse 8] And he clepide me, and spak to me, and seide, Lo! thei that goon out in to lond*. [the lond GKSUX sec. m.] of north*. [the north EIKSU.], maden my spirit for*. [Om. N.] to reste in the*. [Om. N.] lond of north*. [the north IKSU.]. [verse 9] And the word of the Lord was maad to me, and [verse 10] seide, Take thou of*. [of hem that U sec. m.] the transmygracioun, ether caitiftee, of Oldai, and of Tobie, and of Idaye; and thou schalt come in that dai, and schalt entre in to the*. [Om. EFHMNPQRSX pr. m.] hous of Josie, sone of Sofonye, that camen fro Babiloyne. [verse 11] And thou schalt take gold and siluer, and Page  753 schalt make corouns, and putte on the heed of Jhesu, the greet preest, sone*. [the sone I.] of [verse 12] Josedech; and schalt speke to hym, and seie, The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, seiynge, Lo! a man, Comynge forth, ether Borun, is his name, and vndir him it*. [liȝt A sec. m.] schal sprynge. And he schal bilde a temple to [verse 13] the Lord, and he schal make a temple to the Lord; and he schal bere glorie, and schal sitte, and schal be lord on his seete; and the preest schal be on his seete, and counsel of pees schal be bitwixe hem tweyne. [verse 14] And corouns schulen be to He|lem, and to Tobie, and to Idaie, and to Hen, sone*. [the sone IK.] of Sofonye, a memorial*. [memorial, or thing for mynde CFH. memorial, or myndeful thing EPY. memorial, either a thing for mynde GKMNQRSUX.] in the*. [Om. FR.] temple of the Lord. [verse 15] And thei that ben fer, schulen come, and bilde in the temple of the Lord; and ȝe schulen wite, that the Lord of oostis sente me to ȝou. Sotheli this thing schal be, if bi heryng ȝe schulen here the vois of ȝoure Lord God.


[verse 1] And it is maad in the fourthe ȝeer of Darius, kyng, the word of the Lord was maad to Sacarie, in the fourthe dai of the nynthe monethe, that is Caslew*. [that is, No|uembre. AENP SUY.]. [verse 2] And Sarasar, and Rogumelech, and men that weren with hem, senten to the hous of the Lord, for to preye the face of the [verse 3] Lord; that thei schulden seie to prestis of the hous of the Lord of oostis, and to pro|fetis, and speke, Whether it is to wepe to me in the fyuethe monethe, ether Y schal halowe me, as Y dide now many ȝeeris? [verse 4] And the word of the Lord was maad to [verse 5] me, and seide, Speke thou to al the puple of the lond, and to prestis, and seie thou, Whanne ȝe fastiden, and weiliden in the fyueth*. [fifthe monethe I.] and seuenthe monethe, bi these se|uenti ȝeeris, whether ȝe fastiden a fast to me? [verse 6] And whanne ȝe eeten, and drunken, whether ȝe eten not to ȝou, and drunken not to ȝou silf? [verse 7] Whether wordis*. [the wordis IU sec. m.] of pro|fetis Page  754 ben not, whiche the Lord spak in the hond of the formere profetis, whanne ȝit Jerusalem was enhabited, and was ful of richessis, and it, and citees*. [the citees I.] therof in cum|pas therof, and at the south and in feeldi place was enhabited? [verse 8] And the word of the Lord was maad to Sacarie, and seide, The Lord of oostis saith these thingis, [verse 9] and spekith, Deme ȝe trewe dom, and do ȝe merci, and doyngis of merci, ech man with his brother. [verse 10] And nyle ȝe falsli calenge a widewe, and fadirles, ether*. [and IKS.]mo|dirles*. [modirles child IKS.], and*. [and a IKS.] comelyng, and*. [and a IKS.] pore man; and a man thenke not in his herte yuel to his brother. [verse 11] And thei wolden not `take heede*. [perceyue I.], and thei*. [Om. I.] turneden awei the schuldre, and ȝeden awei, and*. [and thei IK.] `maden heuy*. [aggregiden, ether [or EPY] maden heuy CEFGHIKMNPQRSUXY.] her eeris, lest thei herden. [verse 12] And thei puttiden*. [settiden GMN sec. m. QSX. setten I.] her herte as*. [as an IK.] adamaunt, lest thei herden the lawe, and wordis whiche the Lord of oostis sente in his Spirit, bi the hond of the formere profetis; and greet indignacioun was maad of the Lord of oostis. [verse 13] And it is doon, as he spak; and as thei herden not, so thei schulen crie, and Y schal not here, seith the Lord of oostis. [verse 14] And Y scateride hem bi alle rewmes, whiche thei knewen not, and the lond is desolat fro hem; for that there was not a man goynge and turnynge aȝen, and thei han put desirable*. [desiderable C.] lond in to desert.


[verse 1] And the word of the Lord of oostis was [verse 2] maad to me, and seide, The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Y hatide Sion with greet feruour, and with greet indigna|cioun Y hatide it. [verse 3] The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Y am turned aȝen to Sion, and Y schal dwelle in the myddil*. [myddis I.] of Jerusalem; and Jerusalem schal be clepid a citee of treuthe, and hil of the Lord*. [Lord of oostis U sec. m.]schal be clepid an hil halewid. Page  755 [verse 4] The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Ȝit elde men and elde wymmen schulen dwelle in the stretis of Jerusalem, and the staf of man*. [a man U sec. m.] in*. [is in M. shal be in RU sec. m.] his hond, for the mul|titude of ȝeeris. [verse 5] And the stretis of the cite schulen be fillid with `ȝonge children*. [infauntis C et ceteri.] and maidens*. [damysels R.], pleiynge in the stretis `of it*. [therof R.]. [verse 6] The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Though it schal be seyn hard bifor the iȝen of relifs*. [the remenantis R.] of this puple in tho daies, whether bifor myn iȝen it schal be hard, seith the Lord of oostis? [verse 7] The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal saue my puple fro the lond of the eest, and fro lond*. [the lond IKRSU.] of goynge*. [the goyng IRS.] doun of the [verse 8] sunne; and Y schal brynge hem, and thei schulen dwelle in the myddil of Jeru|salem; and thei schulen be to me in to a puple, and Y schal be to hem in to God, and in treuthe, and in riȝtwisnesse*. [riȝtfulnesse ER.]. [verse 9] The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Be ȝoure hondis coumfortid, whiche heren in these daies these wordis bi the mouth of pro|fetis, in*. [and in I.] the dai in which the hous of the Lord of oostis is foundid, that the temple schulde be bildid. [verse 10] Sotheli*. [And sotheli R.] bifore tho daies hire*. [the hire R.] of men was not, nether hire*. [the hire R.] of werk beestis was, nether to man*. [men R.] entrynge and goynge out was pees for tribulacioun; and Y lefte alle men, ech aȝens his neiȝbore. [verse 11] But now not after the formere daies Y schal do to relifs*. [the relifs I. the remenantis R.] of this puple, seith the [verse 12] Lord of oostis, but seed*. [the seed R.] of pees schal be; vyneȝerd*. [the vyneȝerd I. the vyne R.] schal ȝyue his fruyt, and erthe*. [the erthe R.] schal ȝyue his buriownyng, and heuenes schulen ȝyue her dew; and Y schal make the relifs*. [remenauntis R.] of this puple for to welde alle these thingis. [verse 13] And it schal be, as the*. [ȝe, the R.] hous of Juda and hous*. [the hous CIKRSU.] of Israel weren cursyng in*. [among R.] hethene men, so Y schal saue ȝou, and ȝe schulen be bless|yng. Nyle ȝe drede, be ȝoure hondis coum|fortid; [verse 14] for the Lord of oostis seith these thingis, As Y thouȝte for*. [Om. U.] to turmente Page  756 ȝou, whanne ȝoure fadris hadden terrid me [verse 15] to wraththe, seith the Lord, and Y hadde not merci, so Y conuertid thouȝte in these daies for*. [Om. R.] to do wel to the hous of Juda and Jerusalem*. [to Jerusalem R.]; nyle ȝe drede. [verse 16] Therfor these ben the wordis whiche ȝe schulen do; speke ȝe treuthe, ech man with his neiȝbore; deme ȝe treuthe and dom*. [the dome R.] of [verse 17] pees in ȝoure ȝatis; and thenke ȝe not in ȝoure hertis, ony man yuel aȝens his frend, and loue ȝe*. [Om. R.] not a fals ooth; for*. [for whi R.] alle thes thingis it ben, whiche Y hate, seith the Lord. [verse 18] And the word of the Lord of [verse 19] oostis was maad to me, and seide, The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Fast|yng*. [The fastyng R.] of the fourthe monethe, `and fastyng of the fyuethe*. [Om. R.], and fastyng*. [the fastyng R.] of the se|uenthe, and fasting*. [the fasting R.] of the tenthe, schal be to the hous of Juda in*. [and A pr. m. CEGHKMNPQUX.] to ioie*. [the ioie E.] and glad|nes, and in*. [Om. I.] to solempnitees ful cleer; loue ȝe oneli treuthe and pees. [verse 20] The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Puplis schulen come on ech side, and dwelle in many [verse 21] citees; and the dwelleris schulen go, oon to an other, and seie, Go we, and biseche the face of the Lord, and seke we the Lord of oostis; also I shal go. [verse 22] And many puplis schulen come, and strong folkis, for to seke the Lord of oostis in Jerusalem, and for*. [Om. R.] to biseche the face of the Lord. [verse 23] The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, In tho daies, in whiche ten men of alle lan|gagis*. [tungis, or langagis CEFGHIKMNPQSUXY.] of hethene men schulen catche*. [take R.], and thei schulen catche*. [take R.] the hemme of a man Jew*. [a Jew RU sec. m.], and seye, We schulen go with ȝou; for we han herd, that God is with ȝou.


[verse 1] The birthun of the word of the Lord, in the lond of Adrach, and of Damask, the reste therof; for `of the Lord is*. [the Lord of R.] the iȝe of man, and of alle lynagis of Israel. [verse 2] And Emath in*. [shal be in RU.] termes*. [the termes R.] therof, and Tirus, and Page  757 Sidon; for thei token to hem wisdom greetli. [verse 3] And*. [For R.] Tirus bildide his strength|ing, and gaderide siluer as erthe, and gold as fen of stretis. [verse 4] Lo*. [For I.]! the Lord schal welde it, and schal smyte in the see the strengthe therof, and it schal be de|uourid bi fier. [verse 5] Ascalon schal see, and schal drede; and Gasa, `and schal*. [schal make R.] sorewe ful myche; and Accaron, for the hope therof is confoundid; and the kyng schal perische fro Gasa, and Ascalon schal not [verse 6] be enhabited; and a departere schal sitte in Asotus, and Y schal distrie the pride of Filisteis. [verse 7] And Y schal take awei the blood therof*. [of him R.] fro the mouth of him, and abhomynaciouns*. [the abhominacions IR.] of hym fro the myddil of teeth*. [the teeth IR.] of hym, and he also*. [Om. I.] schal be left to our God; and he schal be as a duyk in Juda, and Accaron as Jebusei. [verse 8] And Y schal cumpasse myn hous of these that holden kniȝthod to me, and goen, and turnen aȝen*. [to me I.]; and `an vniust axere*. [exactour, ether [or EPY] vniust axere CEFGHIKMNPQSUXY. exactour R.] schal no more passe on hem, for now Y siȝ with myn iȝen. [verse 9] Thou douȝter of Sion, make ioie withoutforth ynow, synge*. [synge hertili R.], thou douȝter of Jerusalem; lo! thi kyng schal come to thee, he iust, and sauyour; he pore, and stiynge on a sche asse, and on a fole*. [colt R.], sone*. [the sone R.] of a*. [Om. EFGHMNPQUX pr. m. Y.] sche asse. [verse 10] And Y schal leese foure*. [the foure IX sec. m. a foure R.] horsid carte of Effraym, and*. [Om. N.] an hors of Jerusalem, and the bouwe of batel schal be distried; and he schal speke pees to hethene men, and the power of him schal be fro see*. [the se R.] til to see*. [the see R.], and fro floodis til to the endis of erthe. [verse 11] And thou in blood*. [the blood R.] of thi testament sentist out thi boundun men fro lake*. [the lake IR.], in which is not*. [no R.] water. [verse 12] Ȝe boundun of hope, be conuertid to strengthing; and to dai Y schewynge*. [telle, and Y R.] [verse 13] schal ȝelde to thee double thingis, for Y schal stretche forthe to me Juda as a bowe, Y fillide `the lond of*. [Om. R.] Effraym. And Y schal reise thi sones, thou Sion, on thi sones, thou lond of Grekis, and Y schal sette thee as the swerd of stronge men. [verse 14] And Page  758 the Lord God schal be seyn on*. [of IR.] hem, and the dart of him*. [hem R.] schal go out as leit. [verse 15] And the Lord God schal synge in a trumpe, and schal go in*. [in to the R.] whirlwynd of the south; the Lord of oostis schal defende*. [kyuere, ether defende C et ceteri.] hem, and thei schulen deuoure, and make suget with stoonys of a slynge; and thei drynkynge*. [schulen drinke R.] schulen be*. [greetli be R.] fillid as with wyn, and schulen be fillid as viols*. [viols, ether cruetis C et ceteri.], and as hornes of the auter. [verse 16] And the Lord God `of hem*. [Om. R.] schal saue hem in that dai, as a floc*. [folc A pr. m.] of his puple, for hooli stoonus schulen be reisid on the lond of hym. [verse 17] For*. [For whi R.] what is the good of hym, and what is the faire*. [faire thing RU sec. m.] of hym, no but whete*. [the whete R.] of chosun men, and wyn buriownynge virgyns*. [Om. R.]?


[verse 1] Axe ȝe of the Lord reyn in late*. [lateful R.] tyme, and the Lord schal make snowis, and reyn of myȝt of cloude; and he schal ȝyue to hem, to ech bi hym silf, erbe in the feeld. [verse 2] For symylacris spaken vnprofitable thing*. [thinges R.], and diuynours saien leesyng; and dremeris spaken veynli, ydily thei coumfortiden; therfor thei ben led awei as a floc, thei schulen be turmentid, for a scheepherd is not to hem. [verse 3] On*. [Vpon R.] scheepherdis my strong veniaunce is wrooth, and on buckis*. [the buckis R.] of geet Y schal visite; for the Lord of oostis hath visitide his floc, the hous of Juda, and hath put*. [set R.] hem as an hors of hys glorie in batel. [verse 4] Of hym `schal be*. [is R.] a cornere, and of hym a*. [is a R.] litil pale, of hym a*. [is a R.] bowe of*. [in R.] batel, and of hym ech vniust axere*. [exactour, ether uniust axere CEFGHIKMNPQSUXY. exactour R.] schal go out togidere. [verse 5] And thei schulen be as stronge men, defoulynge clei of weies in batel, and thei schulen fiȝte, for the Lord is with hem; and stieris of horsis schulen be confoundid. [verse 6] And Y schal coum|forte the hous of Juda, and Y schal saue the hous of Joseph; and Y schal conuerte Page  759 hem, for Y schal haue merci on hem; and thei schulen be as thei weren, whanne Y hadde not cast awei hem; for Y schal be the Lord God of hem, and Y schal gra|ciousli here hem. [verse 7] And thei schulen be as the stronge*. [stronge men R.] of Effraym, and the herte of hem schal be glad, as of wyn; and sones*. [the sones R.] of hem schulen se, and be glad, and the herte of hem schal make ioie withoutforth in the Lord. [verse 8] Y*. [And I I.] schal hisse, `ether softli speke*. [Om. R.], to hem, and Y schal gadere hem*. [hem togedere R.], for Y aȝen bouȝte hem, and Y schal mul|tiplie hem, as thei weren multiplied bi|fore. [verse 9] And Y schal sowe hem in*. [amonge R.] puplis, and fro fer thei schulen bithenke of me; and thei schulen lyue with her sones, and schulen turne aȝen. [verse 10] And Y schal `aȝen lede*. [brynge aȝen R.] hem fro the lond of Egipt, and Y schal gadere hem fro Assiriens; and Y schal brynge hem to the lond of Galaad and of Liban, and place schal not be foundun to hem. [verse 11] And he schal passe in the*. [that A.] wawe of the see, and schal smyte wawis in the see, and alle depnessis*. [depthis R.] of flood schulen be confoundid; and the pride of Assur schal be mekid, and the ceptre of Egipt schal go awei. [verse 12] Y schal coumforte hem in the Lord, and thei schulen walke*. [go R.] in the name of hym, seith the Lord.


[verse 1] Thou Liban, opene thi ȝatis, and fier schal ete thi cedris. [verse 2] Ȝelle, thou fir tre, for the cedre felle doun, for grete men ben*. [Om. R.] distried; ȝelle, ȝe okis of Basan, for the stronge welde*. [weldide G. wielde I. wijlde K. weelde N. Om. R. wylde S. wilde U. wijld X.] wode*. [forest R.] is*. [as A pr. m. CEFGHMNPQU.] kit doun. [verse 3] Vois*. [The voice R.] of ȝellyng of schepherdis, for the greet worschip of hem is distried; vois*. [the voice RU sec. m.] of ror|yng of liouns, for the pride of Jordan is wastid. [verse 4] My Lord God seith these thingis, [verse 5] Fede thou beestis of slauȝter, whiche thei that weldiden slowen*. [killiden R.]; and `sorewiden not*. [maden no sorewe R.], and selden hem, and*. [and thei I.] seiden, Blessid be the Lord, we ben maad riche. And schep|herdis*. [the scheperdis R.] [verse 6] of hem spariden not hem, and Page  760 Y schal no more spare on `men enhabit|ynge*. [hem that enhabiten R.] the erthe, seith the Lord. Lo! Y schal bitake men, ech in*. [in to the R.] hond of his neiȝbour, and in hoond*. [the hond R.] of his kyng, and thei schulen to-reende togidere the lond; and Y schal not delyuere fro the [verse 7] hond of hem, and Y schal fede the beeste of sleyng. For this thing, ȝe pore men of the floc, here*. [heereth I.]. And Y took to me twei ȝerdis; oon Y clepide Fairnesse, and the tother Y clepide Litil Corde; and Y fedde the floc*. [folk A pr. m. CEFGIKMNPQUX.]. [verse 8] And Y kittide doun thre scheepherdis in o monethe, and my soule is*. [was R.] drawun togidere in hem; for also the soule of hem variede*. [variede, or chaungide C et ceteri.] in me. [verse 9] And Y seide, Y schal not fede ȝou; that that dieth, die; and that that is kit doun, be kit doun; and the residues deuoure, ech*. [eche man R.] the fleisch of his neiȝbore. [verse 10] And Y took my ȝerde, that was clepid Fair|nesse, and Y kittide doun it, that Y schulde make void my couenaunt*. [couenaunt of pees C sec. m. F sec. m. IKRS.], that*. [which C sec. m. F sec. m. IKS.] Y smoot with alle puplis. [verse 11] And it `is led forth*. [was made C sec. m. F sec. m. IKRS.] voide in that dai*. [Om. R.]; and the pore*. [pore men C sec. m. CF sec. m. IKRSU sec. m.] of floc*. [the floc F sec. m. IKRS.] that kepen*. [kepten F sec. m.] to me, knewen thus, for it is the word of the Lord. [verse 12] And Y seide to hem, If it is good in*. [bifore R.] ȝoure iȝen, brynge ȝe my meede; and if nai, reste ȝe. And thei weieden my meede, thretti platis*. [pens R.] of siluer. [verse 13] And the Lord seide to me, Caste awei*. [thou forth R.] it to a*. [the I.] makere of ymagis, the fair prijs, bi which Y am preisid of hem. And Y took thritti platis*. [pens R.] of siluer, and Y*. [Om. ceteri.] castide forth hem*. [tho R.] in*. [in to I.] the hous of the Lord, to the makere of ymagis. [verse 14] And Y kittide doun my secunde ȝerde, that was clepide Litil Corde, that Y schulde departe*. [departe, or [ether EPY] vnbynde C et ceteri.] the bro|therhed bitwixe Juda and Israel. [verse 15] And the Lord*. [Lord God I.] seide to me, Ȝit take to thee [verse 16] vessels*. [the vessels R.] of a fonned scheepherde; for lo! Y schal reise a scheepherde*. [schepparde; that is, Ante|crist. Lire here. C et plures.] in erthe, Page  761 which schal not visite forsakun thingis, schal*. [and schal R. he shal S.] not seke scatered thingis, and schal*. [he schal R.] not heele `the brokun togidere*. [a thing al to-broken R.], and schal not nurische forth that that stondith. And he schal ete fleischis*. [the fleischis R.] of the fat*. [fat men R.], and schal vnbynde the clees of hem. [verse 17] A! the scheepherd, and ydol, forsakynge the floc; swerd on his arm, and on his riȝt iȝe; the arm of hym schal be dried with dry|nesse, and his riȝt iȝe wexynge derk schal be maad derk.


[verse 1] The birthun of the word of the Lord on Israel. And the Lord seide, stretch|ynge forth heuene, and founding erthe*. [the erthe R.], and makynge the spirit of a man in hym, [verse 2] Lo! Y schal putte*. [sette R.] Jerusalem a lyntel of glotonye to alle puplis in cumpas, but and*. [also R.] Juda schal be in `a segyng*. [bisegyng R.] aȝens Jerusalem. [verse 3] And it schal be, in that dai Y schal putte*. [sette IRS.] Jerusalem a stoon of bir|thun to alle puplis; alle that schulen lifte it, schulen be to-drawun with kittyng doun, and alle rewmes of erthe schulen be gaderid aȝens it. [verse 4] In that dai, seith the Lord, Y schal smyte ech hors in drede, `ether leesynge of mynde*. [Om. R.], and the stiere `of hym*. [therof R.] in woodnesse; and on the hous of Juda Y schal opene myn iȝen, and schal*. [Y schal R.] smyte with blyndnesse ech hors of puplis. [verse 5] And duikis*. [the dukes R.] of Juda schulen seie in her hertis, Be the dwellers of Jerusa|lem coumfortid to me in the Lord of oostis, the God of hem. [verse 6] In that dai Y schal putte*. [sette R.] the duykis of Juda as a chymnei of fier in trees, and as a broond of fier in hei; and thei schulen deuoure at the `riȝthalf and lefthalf*. [riȝt side and left side R.] alle puplis in cumpas. And Jerusalem*. [Israel GKMSU pr. m. Irael NQX.] schal be en|habitid eftsoone*. [eft R.] in his place, `in Jerusa|lem*. [Om. R.]. [verse 7] And the Lord schal saue the taber|naclis of Juda, as in bigynnyng*. [the bigynnyng R.], that the Page  762 hous of Dauid `glorie not*. [haue not glorie R.] greetli, and the*. [that the R.] glorie of men dwellynge in Jerusalem be not aȝens Juda. [verse 8] In that dai the Lord schal defende the dwelleris of Jerusalem; and he that schal offende of hem, schal be in that dai as Dauid, and the hous of Dauid schal be as of*. [the house of R.] God, as the*. [an R.] aungel of the Lord in the siȝt of hym. [verse 9] And it schal be, in that dai Y schal seke for*. [Om. R.] to al to-breke alle folkis that comen aȝens Jerusalem. [verse 10] And Y schal helde*. [schede R.] out on the hous of Dauid, and on dwelleris*. [the dwellers IRU.] of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace, and of preieris; and thei schulen biholde to me, whom thei `fitchiden togidere*. [prickeden R.]. And thei schulen biweile hym with weilyng, as on*. [Om. GNQU.] `the oon*. [Om. F.] bigetun*. [bigotun sone R.]; and thei schulen so|rewe*. [make sorewe R.] on hym, as it*. [sorewe R.] is wont `for to be sorewid*. [to be maad R.] in the deth of the firste bigetun*. [bigetun sone R.]. [verse 11] In that dai greet weilyng schal be in Je|rusalem, as the weilyng of Adremon*. [Remon R.] in the feeld of Magedon. [verse 12] And erthe*. [the lond IKMQRSU.] schal weile; meynees and meynees bi hem silf; the meynees of the hous of Dauid bi hem silf, and the wymmen of hem bi hem silf; [verse 13] meynees of the hous of Nathan bi hem silf, and the wymmen of hem bi hem silf; meynees of the hous of Leuy bi hem silf, and the wymmen of hem bi hem silf; meynees of Semei bi hem silf, and the wymmen of hem bi hem silf. [verse 14] All othere meynees, meynees and meynees bi hem silf, and the*. [Om. R.] wymmen of hem bi hem silf.


[verse 1] In that dai an open welle schal be to the hous of Dauid, and to men dwellynge at Jerusalem, in to waischyng awey of a synful man, and of womman*. [a womman CFGHIKMNRSUX.] defoulid in vnclene blood. [verse 2] And it schal be, in that dai, seith the Lord of oostis, Y schal dis|trie names*. [the names RU sec. m.] of idols fro `the lond*. [erthe R.], and Page  763 thei*. [tho R.] schulen no more be `thouȝt on*. [had in mynde R.]; and Y schal take awei fro erthe false profetis, and an vnclene spirit. [verse 3] And it schal be, whanne ony man schal profesie ouer*. [eny more RU sec. m.], his fadir and modir that gendriden hym, schulen seie to hym, Thou schalt not lyue, for thou hast spoke leesyng in the name of the Lord; and his fadir*. [fadris I.] and his*. [Om. IR.] modir*. [modris I.], gendreris*. [the gendreris R.] of hym, schulen `togi|dere fitche*. [pricke R.] hym, whanne he hath profe|sied. [verse 4] And it schal be, in that dai profetis schulen be confoundid*. [schend R.], ech of his visioun, whanne he schal profesie; nether thei schulen be hilid with mentil*. [a mentil R.] of sak, that [verse 5] thei lie; but `thei schulen*. [he schal R.] seie, Y am not a profete; Y am a man `erthe tiliere*. [an erthe tilier R.], for Adam is myn ensaumple*. [sample R.] fro my ȝongthe. [verse 6] And it schal be seid to hym, What ben these woundis in the myddil*. [myddis R.] of thin hondis? And he schal seie, With these Y was woundid in the hous of hem that louyden me. [verse 7] Swerd, be thou reisid on my scheepherde, and on a man cleu|ynge to me, seith the Lord of oostis; smyte thou the scheepherde, and scheep*. [the scheep R.] of the floc schulen be scaterid. And Y schal turne myn hond to the litle. [verse 8] And twei partis schulen be in ech lond, seith the Lord, and thei schulen be scaterid, and schulen faile, and the thridde part schal be left in it. [verse 9] And Y schal lede the thridde part bi fier, and Y schal brenne hem, as siluer is brent, and Y schal preue hem, as gold is preuyd. He schal clepe to help my name, and Y schal graciously here him; and Y schal seie, Thou art my puple, and he schal seie, Thou art my Lord God.


[verse 1] Lo! daies comen, seith the Lord, and thi spuylis schulen be departid in the myddil of thee. [verse 2] And Y schal gadere alle folkis to Jerusalem, in to batel; and the Page  764 citee schal be takun, and housis schulen be distried, and wymmen schulen be de|foulid. And the myddil part of the citee schal go out in to caitiftee*. [captiuite R.], and the `to|ther part*. [oother part I. residue R.] of the puple schal not be takun awei fro the citee. [verse 3] And the Lord schal go out, and schal fiȝte aȝens tho*. [the I.] folkis, as he fauȝte in the dai of strijf. [verse 4] And hise feet schulen stonde in that dai on the hil of olyues, that*. [whiche R.] is aȝens Jerusalem at the eest. And the hil of olyues schal be coruun*. [departed R.] of the myddil part therof to the eest and to the west, bi ful greet bifor|brekyng; and the myddil of the hil schal be departid to the north, and the myddil therof to the south. [verse 5] And ȝe schulen fle to the valei of myn hillis, for the valei of hillis schal be ioyned togidere til to the nexte. And ȝe schulen fle, as ȝe fledden fro the face of erthe mouyng in the daies of Osie, kyng of Juda; and my Lord God schal come, and alle seyntis with hym. [verse 6] And it schal be, in that dai liȝt schal not be, but coold and frost. [verse 7] And `ther schal be o dai*. [o day schal be R.], which is knowun to the Lord, not day, nether niȝt, and in tyme*. [the tyme IR.] of euen|tid liȝt schal be. [verse 8] And it schal be, in that dai quyke watris schulen go out of Jeru|salem, the myddil of hem*. [tho watris R.]schal go out to the eest see, and the myddil of hem*. [tho R.] to the laste see; in somer and in wynter thei*. [tho R.] schulen be. [verse 9] And the Lord schal be kyng on al erthe; in that dai there*. [Om. R.] schal be o Lord, and his name schal be oon. [verse 10] And al erthe schal turne aȝen til to de|sert, fro the litil hil Remmon to the south of Jerusalem. And it schal be reisid, and schal dwelle in his place, fro the ȝate of Beniamyn til to place*. [the place IKRU.] of the formere ȝate, and til to the ȝate of the*. [Om. ceteri.] corneris, and fro the tour of Ananyel til to the*. [Om. CEFGHK pr. m. MNPQSUX.] pressouris of the kyng. [verse 11] And thei schulen dwelle there ynne, and cursidnesse schal no more be, but Jerusalem schal sitte Page  765 sikir. [verse 12] And this schal be the wounde, bi which the Lord schal smyte alle folkis, that fouȝten aȝens Jerusalem; the fleisch of ech man stondynge on hise feet schal faile*. [fail, ether rot CEFGHIKMNPQSUXY. be roten R.], and hise iȝen schulen faile togidere in her hoolis, and her tunge schal faile togidere*. [Om. R.] in her mouth. [verse 13] In that dai greet noise of the Lord schal be in hem, and a man schal catche the hond of his neiȝbore; and his hond schal be lockid*. [lokun C sec. m. FGIKMNQRSX.] togidere on hond*. [the hond FIRUX sec. m.] of his neiȝbore. [verse 14] But and*. [also C sec. m. FGIKMNQRUX.] Judas schal fiȝte aȝens Jerusalem; and richessis*. [the riches R.] of alle folkis in cumpas schulen be gader|ide togidere, gold, and siluer, and many clothis ynow. [verse 15] And so fallyng schal be of hors, and mule, and camel*. [of camele R.], and asse*. [of asse R.], and of alle werk*. [Om. R.] beestis, that weren in tho castels, as*. [of I.] this fallyng. [verse 16] And alle that schulen be residue of alle folkis, that camen aȝens Jerusalem, schulen stie vp*. [Om. R.] fro ȝeer in to ȝeer, that thei worschipe the kyng, Lord of oostis, and halewe the feeste of tabernaclis. [verse 17] And it schal be, reyn schal not be on hem that*. [whiche R.] schulen not stie vp*. [Om. R.] of the meyneis of erthe to Jerusalem, `that thei*. [for to R.] worschipe the king, Lord of oostis. [verse 18] `That and if*. [That if also R.] the mey|nee*. [meynees G.] of Egipt schal not stie vp*. [Om. R.], and schal not come, nether on hem schal be reyn; but fallyng schal be, bi which the Lord schal smyte alle folkis, whiche*. [that R.] stieden not*. [not up I.], for*. [Om. R.] to halewe the feeste of taber|naclis. [verse 19] This schal be the synne of Egipt, and this the*. [shal be the RX sec. m.] synne of alle folkis, that stieden not, for to halewe the feeste of tabernaclis. [verse 20] In that dai, that that is on*. [not on P.] the bridil of hors*. [the hors KNS sup. ras. UX sec. m.] schal be hooli to the Lord; and caudruns schulen be in the*. [Om. CEFHMNPQX pr. m.] hous of the Lord, as cruetis*. [viols R.] bifor the auter. [verse 21] And euery*. [eche R.] caudrun in Jerusalem and Juda schal be halewid to the Lord of oostis. And alle men schulen come of|frynge, and schulen take of tho, and schu|len Page  766 sethe*. [se A pr. m. EGHIMPQSUX. see F. sle N.] in tho; and a marchaunt schal no more be in the hous of the Lord of oostis in that day.

Here endith Sacarie, and here bigyn|neth Malachie, the profete*. [From CH. Here endith Sacarie, and here bigynneth Malachie. FGIMNQSU. Here endeth the booc of Zacarie; se now Malachie, the profete. K. Heere endeth the profete Zacarie, and bigynneth the book of Malachie, profete. R. Here endith Sacarie, the profete, and bigynneth Malachie. X. No final rubric in AEPY.].