The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, with the Apocryphal books,
Wycliffe, John, d. 1384., Forshall, Josiah, 1795-1863., Madden, Frederic, 1801-1873.


[verse 1] Forsothe*. [Thanne IS.] Sophar Naamathites answer|ide, [verse 2] and seide*. [seide to Job S.], Whether he, that spekith many thingis, schal not also here? ether whethir*. [Om. S.] a man ful of wordis schal be maad iust? [verse 3] Schulen men be stille to thee aloone? whanne*. [and whanne IS.] thou hast scorned othere men, schalt thou not be ouercomun of ony man*. [of ony man; as if he seye, ȝis, certis Y schal schewe thi foly. Lire here. C.]? [verse 4] For*. [Forsothe IS.] thou seidist, My word is cleene, and Y am cleene in thi siȝt. [verse 5] And `Y wolde, that God spak*. [whi ne hadde God spoke IS.] with thee, and [verse 6] openyde hise lippis to thee; to schewe*. [haue schewid IS.] to thee the priuetees of wisdom, and that his lawe is manyfold, and thou schuldist*. [schuldist thanne IS.] vndurstonde, that thou art requirid of hym*. [God IS.]to paie myche lesse thingis, than thi wickidnesse disserueth. [verse 7] In hap thou schalt comprehende*. [comprehende or take IS.] the steppis*. [comprehende the steppis; Sophar seith this bi deny|ing. Lire here. C.] of God, and thou schalt fynde Almyȝti God `til to*. [vnto I. into S.] perfeccioun. [verse 8] He is hiȝere than heuene, and what schalt thou do? he is deppere than helle, and wherof schalt thou knowe? [verse 9] His mesure is lengere than erthe*. [the erthe S.], and brodere than the see. [verse 10] If he distrieth alle thingis, ethir dryueth*. [dryueth hem IS.] streitli `in to*. [til to S.] oon, who schal aȝenseie hym? Ethir who may seie to hym, Whi doest thou so? [verse 11] For*. [Certis IS.] he know|ith the vanyte of men; and*. [Om. C.] whether he seynge byholdith not wickidnesse*. [biholdeth not wickidnesse; in punyschinge it, as if he seye, ȝis. Lire here. C.]? [verse 12] A veyn man is reisid in to pride; and*. [and he IS.] gessith hym silf borun fre, as the colt of a wilde asse. [verse 13] But*. [But, Job S.] thou hast maad stidefast thin herte*. [stidefast thyn herte; in con|tynuynge in malice, and in defendinge it. spred abrood; in veyn, for thi malice lettith the preyer. Lire here. C.], and hast*. [thou hast IS.] spred abrood thin hondis to hym*. [the Lord IS.]. [verse 14] If thou doest awei `fro thee*. [Om. S.] the Page  689 wickidnesse, which*. [that IS.] is in thin hond, and*. [and if IS.] vnriȝtfulnesse*. [vnriȝtwisnesse I.] dwellith not in thi taber|nacle, [verse 15] thanne thou schalt mowe*. [Om. IS.] reise*. [reise up IS.] thi face with out wem*. [wem to the Lord S.], and thou schalt be stidefast, and thou schalt not drede. [verse 16] And thou schalt forȝete wretchidnesse, and thou schalt not thenke of*. [on IS.]it, as*. [no more than IS.] of watris that han passid. [verse 17] And*. [Om. S.] as myddai schyn|ynge it*. [grace I. Goddis grace S.] schal reise*. [rise up IS.] to thee at*. [at the S.] euentid; and whanne thou gessist thee wastid, thou schalt rise vp as the dai sterre. [verse 18] And thou schalt haue trist, while hope schal be set forth to thee; and thou biried schalt slepe sikurli. [verse 19] Thou schalt reste, and `noon schal be*. [ther schal be noon I.] that schal make thee aferd; and ful many men schulen biseche thi face. [verse 20] But the iȝen of wickid men schulen faile; and socour schal perische fro hem, and the hope of hem schal be abhomina|cyioun of soule.