Altenglische legenden.
Horstmann, Carl, ed. b. 1851., Barbour, John, d. 1395.
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Die nordenglische Legendensammlung
des Ms. Harl. 4196 (und Ms. Cott. Tiber. E VII).
I. De s. Andrea apostolo historia).*. [Diese, die Sammlung des Ms. Harl. 4196 beginnende Legende ist in dems. Ms. am Schlusse der Sammlung fol. 197b (hinter Katharina) nochmals wiederholt, zugleich mit Anastasia, fol. 199b, die bereits im ersten Theil des Ms., der Homiliensammlung, voranging, beide von derselben zweiten Hand, die von fol. 165 ab den letzten Theil der Sammlung geschrieben hat; ein am Rande von derselben Hand vermerktes Vacat bezeichnet indessen beide Legenden als dort nicht gültig. Dieser 2te Text des An|dreas umfasst nur die ersten 258 Verse (das Miraculum fehlt) und weicht im Einzel|nen vielfach ab (er ist kürzer), stimmt dagegen buchstäblich mit dem im Ms. Tiber. E VII fol. 277b hinten, nach Katharina, folgenden Texte dieseI Legende überein, woraus eben dieser 2te Text des Ms. Harl., wie fast alle Legenden von fol. 165 ab, buchstäblich entnommen ist. Leider ist Ms. Tib., die frühere und bessere Hs., durch Feuer sehr beschädigt, und von je 2 Columnen einer Seite nur eine (auf der Vorderseite die linke, auf der Rückseite die rechte) ganz oder grösstentheils (bis auf die obersten 3—5 Verse) lesbar, von der andern meist nur Anfänge oder Schluss|wörter einzelner Verse. Die Texte des Ms. Tib. haben durchaus den Vorzug; es ist nothwendig, die Lesarten desselben genau zu verzeichnen, wenn auch, bei der theil|weisen Zerstörung dieser Hs., Ms. Harl. der Ausgabe zu Grunde zu legen ist.]*. [Hier folgen die Varianten des 2ten Textes des Ms. Harl. (=Tib.):]
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Quomodo s. Andreas vicit diabolum.

A nobil bisschop, als we rede,
In halines his life gun lede.
He lufed saint Andrew al his life
And euer he vsid þis reson rife:
In al þe dedis þat he su(l)d do,
Þus said he, when he went þarto:
"Þis werk here I bigyn to schew
In þe name of god and saint Andrew".
Þus vsid he euir in all hys dede:
So hopid he his werk suld wele spede —
In saint Andrew he had swilk trist;
And of þat merk no-thing he myst.
Bot þan þe fende, oure enmy,
Vnto þat bisschop had grete enuy;
For he to god hys hert had sett,
He did his force þat life lett:
He assayd him with moni a syn.
Bot on none wise he might him wyn.
Til al þe last he wroght a wile
With lusty luf hym to bigyle.
To ger hym fall in foul lichery,
He schop hym to be like a fayre lady,
Vnto þe bisschops palays hastid he
And said þat he wold schriuen be.
Þe bisschoppes menȝe gun him tell
How þore was cumen a damysell,
Þe fairest þat þai bifore had sene,
And said scho wold be schreuen clene.
When þe bisschop þis tale had herd,
Vnto þo men þus he answerd:
"Gose, ledes hir to mi penitancere!
For of me has he playn powere".
Bot when þe ladi herd þis tale,
Scho sayd: "for suth, I neuer sale
Reherce how þat I am gylty
Bot to þe bisschoppes awyn body;
I haue in hert swilk priuete:
I will none wit bot god and he".
Þus when þe bisschop wist hir will,
He bad scho suld be broght him till.
Þai broght hir furth þan him bifore.
And ful mekely, when scho com þore,
Doun scho knelid bifor his kne
And sayd: "lord, haue mercy on me
And here my tales all vntil ende!"
He wist noght þat it was þe fende,
"Tel on, he sayd, my doghter dere,
Þi hert all halely vnto me now here!
I sall þe here euer-ilka thing
And counsayl þe efter my cunyng".
"Sir, scho sayd, all-if ȝe now se
I am pouer and in pilgrym degre,
Cumen I am of kyng and quene
And in grete bewtes haue I bene
And fosterd furth full tendirly —
Of tender eld als ȝit am I.
Bot neuer-þe-lese in all mi ȝowth
Ay wirschip Crist ful wele I kouth.
And when I past out of barnhede,
Þe king, my fader, gun me bede
Þat a riche prince suld me wed.
And þan I was full sore adred
Þat my lord Crist suld be euyl payd,
And vnto my fader þus I sayd:
Þat erthli husband wald I none,
For vnto Crist I had me tone,
'Vnto him haue I hertly hight
To kepe me clene both day & night;
Þarfore none oþer may I take,
For his lufe sal I neuer forsake'".
When mi fader herd me so say,
Ful wroth he went fro me oway,
He said I suld wirk at his will
Or els be puted vnto paynes ill.
Þan in my hert I toke þis thoght:
Þat leuyr me war in bale be broght,
In wildernes al-way to wake,
Þan Crist, my spous, forto forsake.
Oway I went þan so priuely,
Þat no-man wist bot god and I.
Sethin, haly fader, suth it es,
I haue herd of youre halines,
How ȝe er blith, and euir has bene,
To confort þam þat kepis þam clene.
Þarfore I thoght: and I might wyn
Vnder ȝoure ward and wun þarin,
Þan suld I liff in rest and ese,
With gude prayers my god to plese,
And so forsake þis werldely liue
And lere condicions contemplatiue".
When þe bisschop herd þir wordes wise, Page  9
Ful gretely gun he him auyse;
First he meruayled in his minde
How scho was cumen of gentil kinde,
And how scho was of tender eld,
Had so clere wit, at will to welde, [folio 135]
And þat scho was namore adred
In vnkuth stede forto be sted.
Ful mekely þan vnto hir he said:
"Mi doghter dere, be noght affrayd!
Þe spous þat þou has tane þe to,
Will gif þe grace ay wele to do;
Fro erthli folis he will þe fend
And gif þe blis with-outen end.
And I, als a seruand of his.
Grauntes me to wirk als þou will wis!
Here sall be no-thing þe to greue —
Lend, whils þe list — I gif þe leue.
And this day sall þou with me ete,
More of þis mater forto trete."
Þe fende answerd and (said): "sir, nay,
Bid me noght ett with þe þis day,
Lat me ett els whore so þou will, —
For drede of sum suspecion of ill
With sum might (haue) so bisene,*. [der Vers ist verderbt; haue ist zu ergänzen?]
Wold haue suspecion vs bitwene —
And þat war litel force for me,
Bot þe halines, fader, of yowre pouste".
Þan said þe bisschop: "caus es þat none.
We sal noght be bi us-self allone,
Þar sall be oþer inowe at none".
Þan sayd sho: "sir, ȝowre will be done".
Þan wesch þai sone and went to mete.
Bifor him-self was made hir sete.
Þe bisschop ay hertly hir bihelde —
Him thoght hir faire als floure in felde;
So swete him thoght both cheke & chin,
Þat lust wounded his hert within.
Þe fende defigurd him fayre þarfore,
To wound his hert ay more & more.
So hertly he byheld hir face,
Þat he thoght: when he might (haue) space
To haue þat woman at his will,
Þe wretchid werk he wold fulfill.
Bot saint Andrew, his faithful frend,
Saw he was ouer-sett with þe fend.
He putted him in a palmer state,
And come vnto þe bisschop ȝate,
And on þe ȝate fast knokkid he
And asked almus par charite,
And of þe bisschop gun he craue
Þat day in þe hall his mete to haue.
Sanctus Andreas erat peregrinus.
Þe porter told þe lord in his sete
How swilk a palmer askid him mete,
And askid if he suld him in lat.
Þe lady answerd vnto þat,
Scho sayd: "sir, if it be ȝoure will,
I rede we proue him by sum skill.
Palmers walkes both fer and nere,
Sum questioun we will enquere;
And if he answer wele vnto all,
Þan es he wurthi to ette in hall".
Þe bisschop answerd þus þarto:
"Damysell, þat can ȝe best do.
Says, what ȝe will, to him in hy!"
Scho sayd: "Igraunt, sir; graunt mercy!"
Þe porter, bad scho, suld be boune
And ask of þe palmer þis resoune:
Of all þis werld in litel space
Whore god has scheud most might & grace?
Þe porter with þis message went
And said þe palmer how he was sent
Þis questioun forto enquere.
And he answerd on þis manere:
"Sir, sen þis werld was first bygun,
A mans face was neuer ȝit fun
Like to a-nother in al making.
Þarfore I say in so litill thing
Has god noght schewd slike might & grace
Als he has schewd in a mans face.
Þe space es litil forto discryue,
And þorein er þe wittes fyue
Þat rewles all a mans lifing here.
Go, tell þi lord on þis manere!"
Þe porter went & tald þus all.
Þan al þe folk within þat hall
Sayd þat þe palme(r) answerd ful wele;
Bot þe deuyll likid yt no dele.
Þe bisschop sayd: "lo, dere damysell,
Will ȝe oght els vnto him tell?"
Scho sayd: "syr, ȝa; and ȝe vouche saue, Page  10
A harder question now sal he haue
And more maystry, if þat I may:
So sall we best his wit assay.*. [Ms. euyn.]
Go, bid hym here vnto vs (n)euyn
Whore þe erth es hegher þan þe heuyn?"
Þe porter went and told þis tale.
Þe palmer answerd with wurdes hale:
"Go, say þi lord he suld haue mynde
How Crist in erth he toke mans kynd.
He lightid in a mayden mylde,
And fleschly was scho neuer filde;
Of hyr bodi he wold be born,
And of erth was scho made biforn.
Seþin Crist vp vnto heuyn ascend
With mans kinde, als wele es kend:
Mans kinde so made of erth & clay
In Cristes auwen person wuns al-way.
In his persoun so may we neuyn
Þe erth es hegher þan any heuyn
Go, say þi lord þus in þis manere!"
Þe porter went with ful gude chere,
He rehercyd vnto ȝong and olde
Euyn als þe palmer had him tolde.
And al þai said, als þai gun fit,
Þat þe palmer was parfite in wit
And þat he was wurthi to prais.
Þan þe woman to þe porter says:
"Þe thrid thing sal þou bid him do;
And if he answer wele þarto,
Þou sall haue leue to bring him ner
And noman sall oppose him fer.
Aske him: how fer þe space es set
Fro heuyn to erth, by mesure mett?
And if he now þe maystri gete,
Þan baldly bring him in to mete!"
Þe porter went and told ilk dele,
And sayd: "syr, if þou now say wele,
Þi mete for þis sal þou haue
And no-man sall more of þe craue
No-thing, bot tel þam þis resoun,
Þe space fro heuyn till erth here doun".
Þe palmer said: "þis sall be kend
Of þam self þat þe heder send:
It es a deuil þat sittes byfore
In wedis als it a woman wore;
Go, tell vnto him hardily
He knawes þe space better þan I,
For he fel doun fro heuyn to hell —
And doun fro heuyn ȝit neuer I fell;
Þe space fro heuyn wele may he ges,
For he has mett how mekil it es.
Go, sai him þus with sembland sad!"
Þan was þe porter wunder rad;
Bot neuer-þe-les ȝit went he in
And told þis tale to more & myn.
Al war awunderd þat it herd.
And when þe fende saw how it ferd,
He made grete noys omang þam all
And bare oway half of þe hall.
Þan had þe bisschop mekill wo
And sorow, for he assentyd so
With foul syn his saul to schende
Thurgh fals fanding so of þe fende
Efter þe palmer ful sone he sent;
Bot noman wist whore he was went.
Þe bisschop was þan ful wo forþi,
And sune he gert samyn his clergi,
He chargid al folk to fast and pray
And do penaunce both night & day,
Þat god his grace to sum wold send:
So þat þe palmer might be kend
Þat to þe deuyl had done swilk gref
And helpid out of þat mischef.
On þe night in vision warnid he was
How saint Andrew him helpid has.
Þan loued he god with wurdes hend
And thankid saint Andrew, his frende.
And on þe morn he told þis thing
Al opynli vnto olde and ȝing.
Saynt Andrew wirschiped he euermore
More derely þan euer he did bifore,
And lifed and endid in goddes seruise.
God graunt vs to wirk on swilk wise!