The Middle English charters of Christ ...
Spalding, Mary Caroline, 1877-
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HARL. 2346

Ihesu kyng of heuene & helle [folio 51]
Man & womman y wol ȝow telle
What loue I haue do to þe
Loke what þu hast do for me
Of alle Ioye þu were out pulte
With treson and wiþ-oute gulte
Pore þu were dryuen a-way
As a best þat goþ astray
ffro my riche I cam a-doune
To seche þe fro toune to toune
Myne heritage þat ys so fre
In þy myschif to ȝeue hit þe Page  21
Whan þat ȝyft I ȝeue þe shulde
I dede as þe lawe wolde
To a mayden I ordeyned me
ffor [no]*. [The letters in this word and in those bracketed in the two next lines are blurred.] chalinge shuld be
ff[ul wor]þely she kept me & þe
[Tyl y] my tyme wolde y-se
ffourty wykes & fourty dayes
To fulfille þe ryȝt lawes
Þe maide was mylde trewe & fre
She rekeued boþe me and the
Me þi manhede and þy grace
Þus com þe sesyng ferst a place
Whan þis sesyng was y-do
Ful gret envye had þan þy fo
Þo belsabub and sathanas
Had gret wonder why hit was
Þey fonded me with felonye
Wyþ pride couetise and glotenye [folio 51b]
Wel he wyst I was a man
But synne in me fond he non Page  23
Hard he þretened me in his þouȝt
. . . . .
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. . . . .
. . . . .
Anoþer þing was in my þouȝt
More syker þe to make
Agayn þi fo ful of wrake
Heuene & erþe in present
To make a charter of feffement
In suche maner by-houeþ to be
Þat I most ȝeue lyf for þe
ffor þu art dede & y am a-lyue
Y most daye to ȝeue þe lyffe
Many a way y haue go
In hunger in þurste chele & wo
XXX wynter & mo þen two
Or my chartre was y-do
Ne myȝt þey fynd no parchemyne
ffor to laste wyþ-oute fyne Page  25
But as loue bade me to do
Myne owne skyn y tok þer-to
To gete my frendes y ȝaf good mede
So doþ þe pore þat haþ gret nede
On a þursday a soper y made
ffrend & fo to make glade
With mete & drinke to soule fode
With holy word my fleysh and blode
Þis I made for mankynde
My loue-dedys to haue in mynde
hoc facite in meam commemora|cionem [folio 52]
Or I fro þe bord a-ros
Of my frend by-traied y was
He fonde me goande in þe way
As þe lyon goþ to his pray
A curtel I had & cloþes mo
Alle y hadde sone for-go
Þey þat had þis chartre wryten
Þo was y naked wel mow ȝe wyten
Þey casten lot as wold by-falle
Wheþer on shuld haue or parten alle Page  27
ffrend & fo þat wyþ metten
In my nede alle me for-leten
To a pilour y was pyȝt
I tugged and towed al a nyȝt
And waschen on myn owne blode
And [str]eyȝt y streyned on þe rode
S[trey]ned to drye on a tre
As parchemyne ouȝt for to be
Hyreþ now & ȝe shul wyten
How þis chartre was wryten
Vpon my face was made þe ynke
With Iewes spotel on me to stynke
Þe penne þat þe letteres was with wryten
Of scorges þat I was with smyten
How many lettres þer-on bene
Rede and þu myȝt wyte and sene
.V. þousand .iiij c. fyȝfty and ten
Wondes on me boþe blac and wan [folio 52b]
To shewe ȝow al my loue-dede
My-silf y wol þis chartre rede Page  29
Ye men þat goþ by þe way
A bideþ & lokeþ wyþ ȝoure ey
And redeþ on þis parchemyn
Is þer be any sorwe like to myn
O uos omnes qui transitis per viam attendite &c
ȝet stondeþ & hireþ þis chartre red
Whi I am wonded & al for-bled
Sciant presentes et futuri &c
Wyte ȝe þat ben and shull be-tyde
Ihesu crist wyth blody syde
Þat was bore in bethleem
And offred in to Ierusalem
Þe kinges sone of heuene a-boue
Wyþ my fader wyl and loue
Made a sesyng whan y was born
To þe mankinde þat was for-lorn
Wyþ my chartre here present
I make now confirmament
Þat I haue graunted & y-ȝeue
To þe mankynde with þe to leue
On my reme of heuene blisse
To haue & holde wyþ-oute mysse Page  31
In a condicioun if þou be kinde
And my loue-dedes haue in mynde
ffre to haue & fre to holde
With al þe purtenaunce to wolde [folio 53]
My heritage þat is so fre
ffor homage ne for feute
No more wol I aske of þe
A foure leued gras þu ȝeld to me
Þat o leef is soþfast shryft
Þat oþer for synne hert smert
Þe þrydde I wol no more do so
Þe ferþe drede god euer mo
When þes foure leues to-gedre ben sett
A trewe loue men clepeþ hit
Of þis rente be noȝt by-hynde
ffor þourȝ þe ȝere þu may hit fynde
Els may ȝe se in my wounde
ffor þer may trew loue be founde
Þouȝ þu falle gretly mystake
My dede wol I neuer forsake Page  33
If þu amende and mercy craue
Þyn heritage truly shalt þu haue
Þe seel þat hit is seled with
Þei weren graued upon a styth
Of gold ne syluer were þei noȝt
Of styel & yren þey were wrouȝt
With spere of stile my hert þey stongen
Þourȝ myne herte and my longen
Þre nailes þurled me
Þourȝ feet & hondes to þe tre
Þe selyng wexe was dere bouȝt
At myn herte rote y-souȝt [folio 52]
And tempred al with vermyloun
Of my blode þat ran doun
ffactum est cor meum tanquam cera liquescens &c
ffyue seles were y-sett þer-an
Of fader & sone god & man
Þe fyfþe ys for to loue most
Þat I cam of þe holy gost
In pleyn powere þy state to make
A signe on myn hed y take Page  35
Of þornes bi-tokenyng þat I am king
And frely may ȝeue al þing
Wytnesse of þe Iewes alle
On knees to me þey gon falle
And loude cried on her scornying
Hail be þu lord & Iewes kyng
By-twyne two men þis was y-seled
Boþe were sike þat on y heled
By-twyne two þefes on hye I-pyȝt
In tokne þat I was man of myȝt
Þat north & west on hye hulle
Þat I may deme boþe good & ylle
Quia neque ab oriente neque ab occi|dente, &c
A þurst I was ful sore y-swonke
Þe beuerage most nedes be dronke
A loue drynke I asked of þe
A ysel and galle þey ȝaue to me
Hiis testibus
Matheu and Iohn
Luk. Mark. and many on
And namely my moder swete [folio 54]
ffor she lefte neuer terys to wepe Page  37
Or þis chartre y-writen*. [Immediately following this in the MS. is a y cancelled.] was
fful ofte she seyde allas allas
So bare I was of worlych good
When I shuld dey vpon þe rood
Þat I nadde wher-to to take
My testament where-on*. [h written above the line.] to make
But of my leef moder dere
She stode by me with sorful chere
Whan I my cosyn hir by-toke
She cast on me many a sory loke
In knowleche y made a cry
Pater lamaȝabatany
By-hold now man with herte & ye
ffor [*. [The word in this space is blurred.]] loue how I shal dye
Consummatum þis chartre is done
Man þu hast ouer-come þi foon
To helle y wente þis chartre to shewe
By-fore sathanas þat olde shrewe
Þat he was shent & brouȝt to grounde
With nailes bore and speres wonde Page  39
A wryt of couenaunt I-made þer was
By-twyne me and sathanas
Al my catel to haue a-way
Þat he me rauesched with fals pray
A-ȝen y come and made a feste
Among alle boþe mest and leste
A-party men þo gunne knowe me [folio 54b]
Þat I was man of gret pouste
Þe feste laste fourty dawes
To do men knowe my newe lawes
Þe feste was al of Ioye and blisse
Þat ȝesterday ȝet holden ys
On endenture y laft with þe
Þat oueral þu shuldest siker be
In prestes hond my flesh & blod
Þat for þe deyed on þe rood
A key y toke þe al-so
. . . . .
To bere with þe where þu go
. . . . . Page  41
To my fader I most gon
ffor al his wille I haue done
A cote Armure y bare with me
ffor þat I took of þi lyuere
Þe cloþ was riche & wel fyne
Þe champe was of white camelyn
A wel faire maide to me hit wrouȝt
Out of hire boure I hit brouȝt
I-poudred with fyue roses rede
Of wondes þat I þoled dede
When y com eft aȝen to þe
Þer-by myȝt þu knowe me Page  43
Þo þat ben of rente bi-hynde
And þese loue-dedes haue noȝt in mynde
Sore may þey þan be a-drad
Whan þis chartre she be rad
Alle þey shulle to helle pyne
Wiþ me to blisse shul go myne [folio 55]
Pay þi rente bue noȝt by-hinde
ffor þourȝ þe ȝere þu myȝt þat gras fynde
Pay þi dette kepe þe fro gylt
Come and clayme when þu wylt
Þe blysseþat lost oure forme frende
Crist vs graunt with-oute ende