The English works of Wyclif hitherto unprinted.Edited by F. D. Matthew.
Wycliffe, John, d. 1384., Matthew, Frederic David, 1838-1918.
Page  144

Capitulum 2m.

Þe secunde defaute. Þei rennen faste bi lond & watir in grete perilis of bodi & soule for to geten fatte benefices, but þei wolen not goo comunly a myle for to preche þe gospel, þouȝ cristene men rennen to helle for defaute of knowynge & kepynge of goddis lawe. & certis here þei schewen in dede þat þei ben foule blend*. [blent AA.] with coueitise, & worschipen false*. [falser X.] goddis, as seynt poul seiþ, siþ þe[i] louen so moche worldly*. [Col. iii. 5.] richesses & so moche traueilen þerfore nyȝt & day in þouȝt & dede, & so litel traueilen for goddis worschipe & sauynge of cristene soulis. but who may excuse þes coueitouse clerkis fro symonye & heresie in þis poynt? neiþer goddis lawe ne mannys, ne reson, ne good conscience. & hou myche gold goþ out of oure lond for purchasynge of benefices in-to [page 124] aliens hondis, & hou moche is ȝouen priuely to men in þe lond, late þe kyng & his witti conseil enquere, & þei schal fynde many þousand poundis: & late alle þat helpe þe comunes in þis grete talliage, & late alle clerkis be warnyd & charged 3by þe kyng3*. [3_3 omitted X.]4& lordes of þe rewme4*. [4_4 omitted AA.] þat þei don no more symonye for benefices, vp peyne of lesynge of here benefices & prison|ynge & exilynge; siþ þis symonye makiþ hem chef heretikis as here owene lawe seiþ plenerly, & þat þei may not be sauyd but ȝif þei forsake þe benefice geten bi symonye, and alle here fautours & consentours to þis symonye rennen in þe same dampnacion as goddis lawe & mannus witnessen.