An English chronicle of the reigns of Richard II, Henry IV, Henry V, and Henry VI written before the year 1471; with an appendix, containing the 18th and 19th years of Richard II and the Parliament at Bury St. Edmund's, 25th Henry VI and supplementary additions from the Cotton. ms. chronicle called "Eulogium." Edited by John Silvester Davies.
Davies, John Silvester, ed. 1829 or 30-1909,

[Anno xxo.] A.D. 1391-2.

The Archebisshop abood there vnto nyghte, wenyng to haue had [fragment Ea] delyueraunce agayn of his brothir, and whanne he saw it wolde not be, he wente hoom vnto Lambhithe fule of sorou. And on the morow the king deliuerid the said erlle of Arundelle to on that was his enemy, and he put him in prison in the yle of Wyghte, and anon alle the erlis godis were eschetid in to the kyngis hand.

The king also arested the erlle of Warwic in his owen court, and sente him to the tour of Londoun.

And anon aftir the king rood with an huge company in to Essex, to Plasshe, where the duke of Gloucestre lay; and to him he saide, "Thou wilt not come to me, and therfor I come to the, and I areste the." The duke answerde to the king, and saide, "Sire, I truste your grace and that . . . . .*. [Dux Glouces|triæ captus est.]

ffrensshemenne forto helpe him, and thay cam ridyng thorouȝ the reme with thair speirs bore uprighte. And thanne the king sente [fragment Eb] to eueri bisshope, abbotis, gentilmen, and marchauntis, and vnder colour of borowyng he hadde of thaym an huge summe of money neuer to be paid agayne; so that a symple gentilman paide xl. li.