Three Kings of Cologne : an early English translation of the "Historia Trium Regum"
by John of Hildesheim
edited from the MSS., together with the Latin text, by C. Horstmann

Capitulum xxxvijm.

Than by processe of tyme it happed þat þe Citee of Melane bigan to rebelle aȝens þe Emperour þe which was þan cleped Fredericus: and þis Emperour sent to þe Erchebisschope of Coleyne þe which was cleped Reynold̛ for helpe: and þis Erchebisschope of Coleyne þorow helpe of diuerse lordys of Melane toke þe Citee of Melane and destroyed a greet partye þer-of. And in þis tyme þe grete men of þe Citee toke þes bodyes of þes .iij. kyngis and hidde hem priuelich in þe erþe. And in þis Citee was a gret lord̛ þe which was cleped Asso, and þe Emperour hated þis Asso more þan aƚƚ þe pepil in þe Citee. And in þis destruccioun of þis Citee þe Erchebisshope wan þis lordys paleys þorow strong hande and lay þer-inne a greet whyle, & Asso, þe lord, was put in prisoun. / þan þis Asso sent by hys kepers to þe Erchebisschope of Coleyne and preyde hym þat he myȝt come to hys presence pryuelich & speke with hym; and þe Erchebisschoppe graunted þat he scholde come to hym. And whan he was come to þe Erchebisschope, he preyde hym þat he wolde gete hym grace Page  139of þe Emperour and lordschippe and gode loue of hym & he wolde ȝeue hym þe .iij. bodyes of þes .iij. kyngis. And þis Erchebisshope was riȝt glad of hys wordis, and anoon ȝede to þe Emperour & preyde for hym, and gate hym grace & lordschippe of þe Emperour; & was delyuered out of prisoun. And þan þis lord Asso brouȝt priuelich þes .iij. bodyes of þes .iij. kyngis to þe Erchebisshope of Coleyne. And þe Erchebisschope anoon sent forþ þes .iij. kynges by hys priue meyne a greet weye out of þe Cytee of Melane; and þan he ȝede to þe Emperour preiyng hym of hys lordschip þat he wolde graunte hym þe .iij. bodyes of þes .iij. kyngis; and þe Emperour graunted hym anoon. Neþerles þe Erchebisschope wolde not speke to þe Emperour afore, for he was in doute wheþer þat þe Emperour wolde graunte hym or not̘. And þan þis Erchebisshope of Coleyne openlich with gret processioun brouȝt þes bodyes of þes .iij. worschipful kyngis in to Coleyne; and þere þei were putte in a faire Chirche of seynt Petir, and worschippefullich þei were, and be, arayed, and also worschippefullich þei were resceyued of al þe contrey. And þere oure lord Ihesu Cryst euermore werkeþ myracles to aƚƚ þe pepil, þorow þe merytes of þe preieres of þes .iij. worþi kyngis. And þus þes worschippeful kyngis were þries translated, as it is tolde afore.