Map of Explorations and Surveys in New Mexico and Utah / made under the direction of the Secretary of War by Capt. J.N. Macomb, Top'l. Eng'rs, assisted by C.H. Dimmock, C. Eng'r, 1860.



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Record Details

Map of Explorations and Surveys in New Mexico and Utah / made under the direction of the Secretary of War by Capt. J.N. Macomb, Top'l. Eng'rs, assisted by C.H. Dimmock, C. Eng'r, 1860.
Varying Form of Title
New Mexico and Utah
New York : Geographical Institute, 1864
1 map : 71 x 87 cm
Relief shown by shading and spot heights.
Shows survey routes and location of Native American tribes and towns.
Includes portions of Colorado and Arizona.
Bottom right corner includes text on "Central Gold Region" attributed to Egloffstein.
Text in lower margin: "Geographical Institute, Baron F.W. von Egloffstein, No. 164 Broadway, N.York, 1864."
From "Report of the Exploring Expedition From Santa Fe, New Mexico, To The Junction of the Grand and Green Rivers of the Great Colorado of the West, In 1859, Under the Command of Capt. J.N. Macomb, Corps of Topographical Engineers"
Map Data
Scale approximately 1:760320 or 12 miles to one inch (W 111°35'00"-- W 104°30'00"/N 39°17'00"-- N 34°29'00").
Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data
a 760320 W1113500 W1043000 N0391700 N0342900
Local note
Gift of James Dahl, 2012, no. 44.
Needs conservation: map in seven pieces.
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Image Size
16064 x 12416
File Size
19 MB
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"Map of Explorations and Surveys in New Mexico and Utah / made under the direction of the Secretary of War by Capt. J.N. Macomb, Top'l. Eng'rs, assisted by C.H. Dimmock, C. Eng'r, 1860." In the digital collection UM Clark Library Maps. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.
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