Le Diocese de Sarlat : Diocoesis Sarlatensis.



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About this Item

Record Details

Le Diocese de Sarlat : Diocoesis Sarlatensis.
Item Description
Amsterdam : Henrii Hondius, [163-]
1 map 35 x 46 cm.
Relief show pictorially.
The title cartouche includes a man and woman atop a monument bearing a crowned French coat of arms and supported by two manticores. The man and woman have been colored a vibrant yellow.
Includes the inscription "a Amsterdam imprimé ches Henrii Hondius, et se vendent a Paris ches Melchoir Tavernier aupres du Palais." (Published at the publishing house of Henry Hondius in Amsterdam and sold in the shop of Melchoir Tavernier in Paris near the Palace.)
From the Composite Atlas of France, title created to represent a unique collection within the Clark Library, University of Michigan.
Appears to match the state mentioned in Van der Krogt but lacks the inscription "Delineabat Joannes Tardo, canonicus Ecclesiae Sarlati 1625."
Map Data
Scale not given. (E 0°14'24"-- E 1°25'15"/N 45°09'02"-- N 44°37'19").
Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data
a E0001424 E0012515 N0450902 N0443719
Local note
Accession no. 7349.
Manuscript no. 28 out of 35 sheets numbered to "35."
From the "Red Chalk (RC)" set of the Vignaud Map Collection.
Includes red chalk drawings of profiles and signatures on the verso.
Pencil manuscript number added by Clark Library, 2013.
Scan Date
Record No.

Technical Details

Image Size
8632 x 6488
File Size
4 MB
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Full citation
"Le Diocese de Sarlat : Diocoesis Sarlatensis." In the digital collection UM Clark Library Maps. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/clark1ic/x-004075422/39015091193840_01. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.
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