Bulletin: Vol. 12
Skip other details (including permanent urls, DOI, citation information)Recent Work on Kelsey Museum Collections
Volume 12, 1997
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Table of Contents
- Preface
- The Adams (ex-Herzfeld) Collection of Prehistoric Stamp Seals: Prospects and Quandaries
- To the Lady Tanit, Face of Ba'al, and to Our Lord Ba'al Hammon: The Kelsey Squeezes from the 1925 Excavation in the Sanctuary of Tanit at Carthage
- Islamic Glass Lusterware in the Kelsey Museum
- Costume, Fashion, and Taste in the Late Antique Egypt: "Decorative Devices" from the Textile Collection in the Kelsey Museum
- Notes on Contributors
- Accessions to the Collections, July 1996-June 1999: The Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
- Accessions to the Collections, July 1996-June 1999: The University of Michigan Museum of Art