Erstes Versammlungs Haus der Deutschen in Michigan [First Meeting House of the Germans in Michigan] / HS19755



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Record Details

Erstes Versammlungs Haus der Deutschen in Michigan [First Meeting House of the Germans in Michigan]
Collection Title
Erstes versammlungs Haus der deutschen in Michigan
Collection Creator
Box / Drawer
Ba 1
Folder / Container / Volume
Erstes Versammlungs Haus der deutschen in Micigan
[see also bl00317, b/w copy print by which had this inscription on verso: " First Meeting House of the Germans in Michigan, 1 1/2 Miles west of Ann Arbor. Erected in 1833. Photographed in 1881. ["Erstes Versammlungs Haus der Deutschen in Michigan. 1 1/2 Meilen westlich von Ann Arbor. Errichtet im Jahr 1833. Photographirt im Jahr 1881."]; Standing, left to right: Mrs. Sophie Hutzel, Rev. John Neumann, Emanuel Mann, David Allmendinger. Seated, left to right: John Jacob Schaffer, Pauline Allmendinger, Mrs. David Allmendinger, Mrs. David Allmendinger, Sr., Herman [Allmendinger? grandson], Caroline Shaffer, Mrs. William Guenther and daughter Lydia. "]
Item Number
Scan Source
7.6 x 9.3 inches photo
Bentley Historical Library
Date Added/Updated
2023-07-14 22:07:24

Technical Details

Image Size
7480 x 6127
File Size
3 MB
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Full citation
"Erstes Versammlungs Haus der Deutschen in Michigan [First Meeting House of the Germans in Michigan]; HS19755." In the digital collection Bentley Historical Library: Bentley Image Bank. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.
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