Haven Hall Fire -- June 1950. Aftermath / BL005021



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Record Details

Haven Hall Fire -- June 1950. Aftermath
Collection Title
University of Michigan Photographs Vertical File
Collection Creator
Bentley Historical Library (collector)
Folder / Container / Volume
UBImu D13. Folder: Campus Buildings. Haven Hall, (built 1863), 1950 fire (June 6, 1950). no. 198
Photographer / Artist
University of Michigan. News and Information Services.
Jordan & Anderson, architecture firm. The Law Building was built in 1863 on the corner of State Street and North University Avenue. In 1863 it was occupied by the Law School, the University Chapel (until 1873) and the General Library (until 1883). Renovated and enlarged in 1893 and then again in 1898 by architects Spier and Rohn of Detroit, Michigan who removed the tower and added a new south wing. Renamed Haven Hall in 1933 when the Law School moved to Hutchins Hall in the Law Quadrangle. Haven Hall then became one of the major buildings of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, with space given to the Departments of History, Sociology, Journalism, and the Bureau of Government and its library collection. Extension Division also had offices in Haven Hall. The building was destroyed by fire in 1950.
Item Number
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Scan Source
5 x 4 b/w photographic print
Bentley Historical Library
Date Added/Updated
2012-11-25 01:27:39

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Image Size
4837 x 3386
File Size
2 MB
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"Haven Hall Fire -- June 1950. Aftermath; BL005021." In the digital collection Bentley Historical Library: Bentley Image Bank. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl/x-bl005021/bl005021. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.
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