University of Michigan Library. Selden Breck Construction [East Stack] / BL004277



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About this Item

Record Details

University of Michigan Library. Selden Breck Construction [East Stack]
Collection Title
University of Michigan Photographs Vertical File
Collection Creator
Bentley Historical Library (collector)
Folder / Container / Volume
UBImusD13. Folder: Campus Buildings. Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library. Construction. no. 189
Photographer / Artist
Lyndon Photo (Ann Arbor)
Architects are Albert Kahn of Detroit, in consultation with William Warner Bishop, the first head librarian of the new building. Built between 1916 and 1920 on the site of the old library. The new building incorporated two fireproof book stacks built in 1898 from the older building. Additional stacks were built at right angles to old stacks between 1916-1918 by Selden Breck contractors. In 1918 the old library was demolished and a new front (north facade) was attached to the 1893 stacks and the stacks built in 1916-1917. This was referred to as the (New) General Library until the south stack addition was built in 1967-1970 and the entire library building was named the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library.
Image shows east stack. Photograph mounted on linen. From construction photo album received by Buildings and Grounds.
Progress photographs;
Item Number
Finding Aid
Source of Title
Scan Source
9 1/2 x 7 1/2 b/w photographic print
Bentley Historical Library
Date Added/Updated
2012-11-25 01:26:13

Technical Details

Image Size
8040 x 4800
File Size
5 MB
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"University of Michigan Library. Selden Breck Construction [East Stack]; BL004277." In the digital collection Bentley Historical Library: Bentley Image Bank. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 26, 2024.
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