Laying of the cornerstone of the Memorial Building / BL001780



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About this Item

Record Details

Laying of the cornerstone of the Memorial Building
Collection Title
University of Michigan Photographs Vertical File
Collection Creator
Bentley Historical Library (collector)
Folder / Container / Volume
UBImusD13. Folder: Campus Buildings. Alumni Memorial Hall (Museum of Art). no. 137
Photographer / Artist
Lyndon Photo (Ann Arbor)
Donaldson & Meier, architects; Albert Neukom, cut stone contractor; Koch Brothers, general contractors. The building opened in 1910. It houses the headquarters of the Alumni Association and the Michigan Alumnus and contains and the Alumni Catalog Office. Art collections and activities, including classes and exhibitions, have been held in the building since its opening. Its social function was, in the course of time, reduced to the use of a large room in the basement for the University Club, a faculty organization which later moved to quarters in the Union. The Department of Fine Arts held classes in Alumni Hall until 1949. The Museum of Art moved into Alumni Memorial Hall in 1946 upon its separation from the Museum of Archaeology and establishment as an individual administrative unit.
Item Number
Finding Aid
Source of Title
Scan Source
10 x 8 b/w photographic print
Bentley Historical Library
Date Added/Updated
2012-11-25 01:09:43

Technical Details

Image Size
6929 x 4800
File Size
4 MB
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"Laying of the cornerstone of the Memorial Building; BL001780." In the digital collection Bentley Historical Library: Bentley Image Bank. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed July 27, 2024.
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