ï~~118 Alexander Kouznetsov tion.3 Although Mallon's date does not exclude the possibility that Trogus wrote the piece, this paper will offer reasons to reject that attribution.4 The following transcript is based on the text and the plate in P Oxy. and on the reconstruction by Cavenaile in C.Pap.Lat.; Wingo's transcript is also taken into account.5 Punctuation and accentuation are printed as in P Oxy. Grenfell and Hunt transcribe only few word-dividing dots on the verso, which all are hardly visible. However, one may expect that these signs were used on the verso as frequently as on the recto. NB: H indicates a wide blank space. Recto Verso 1.rt...[ 1 ]. turnm. imperi 2 ]er superat.' e. [ 2 ]que. priefecti. H 3 ]o q rex * hieme. c[ 3 ]. satis. pollrent 4 ]h.. cave pacti[ 4 ]us. atque. Antioch[us] 5 ]s illi pax Ro[ma]nu[ 5 ge]neris. despecti.,- 6 ] cqojtui. trans.... [ 6 gen]tesque. alienas * 7 ] Roma[.. ]equi [ 7 sp]ectarent.' -* 8 ] Thrac. [. ]m. at[ 8 ]a. Philippus 9 ]m. auxilieis [ 9 ]6ne. ant[ 10 ]errexit [ 10 ]validig[ 11 ] Phrygia[ -----12 ]..[ Recto 10 ]validio[, i.e., validior, may be preferable to ]validiq, i.e., validique. Verso 3 hieme is followed by a suprascript, m-shaped blur. This may be a correction: hiemem; editors are silent. - Verso 5 Ro[ma]nu[: Grenfell and Hunt observe that ma would barely fit the lacuna. The compression suggests there may have been a correction: something like ma would take a shorter space. Verso 6 coit": The first editors note that the c has been re-written. 3 E.O. Wingo, Latin Punctuation in the Classical Age (The Hague and Paris 1972) 61-65 (hereafter Wingo). Before Wingo the punctuation of the Fragmentum De bellis Macedonicis was briefly discussed in R.W. Miller, Rhetorische und syntaktische Interpunktion (dissertation Tibingen 1964) 50 (hereafter Miller). 4 0. Seel included the Fragmentum De bellis Macedonicis as fr. 13, lib. 31 in Pompei Trogi Fragmenta (Lipsiae 1956), but in the apparatus he frankly expresses his scepticism: Ceterum res adhuc in incerto est; admodum sane mirum esset, si profecto Trogi fragmentum tale inveniretur; nihilo minus rem silentio praeterire nolui, cum eius interdum mentiofieri soleat... SThe left edge of the recto is almost vertical. Its right edge slopes toward the lower right and then back again so that the center, at line 4, is about 3 cm. wider than the top or bottom. Line 1 on the verso is written at a 90Â~ angle. 0
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