8. P.Miinch. 124 590-91
9. P.Miinch. 13 18 January 594
10.P.Lond. 17335 6 March 594
11. P.Lond. 1735 + 1851 (fragment) late 6th c.
12. P.Lond. 1730 22 August 585
Conveyance with settlement (1.16 EyypaCoq 6poXoyiLa Tfi
13.P.Lond. 1728 584-85
Quitclaim about properties (1.24 -rv &geptgvkaxv)
14. P.Minch. 8 ca 540
Gift of house-share in contemplation of death (1.6 6goXoya...
TUmouS exouaa tfic napaXwpifaEc )
15.P.Lond. 1729 12 March 584
Gift of house parts in contemplation of death (11.6,45 6oXoyita)
16. P.Lond. 1723 7 September 577
Antichretic loan (4 solidi) (1.19 -6 nmoerT)Ktwyiov ypacgoretov).
The security for the loan is a quarter-share of a house; the
creditor has the use of this share in lieu of interest.6
17. P.Lond. 1727 583-84
Will (1.49 &UXrikojoXooya)
18. P.Miinch. 7 + P.Lond. 1860 23 June 583
Settlement of disputed legacy (1.6 -cta6c zS &vtvtauyyp64ouq
8&aMEate, written settlement executed by both parties)
19.P.Lond. 1849 + P.Miinch. 6 7 June (?) 583
Arbitration of disputed legacy (1. 75 KpioLv)
20.P.Miinch. 14 15 February 594
Settlement of disputed legacy (1.6 -cwv 6MoXooyiav &v
8taXUTaEwv, 1. 29 Tv....yypacov ibiKptatv, verso
8ta]Xutt(K1 ) 0pLoXoyiO )
4The same house as in P.Munch. 11.
5The same house as in P.Munch. 9.
6Documents of this type are numerous in the Roman period but rare in Byzantine
times: cf. Montevecchi, 1988, 227; A.C. Johnson, L.C. West, Byzantine Egypt, Economic
Studies (Princeton 1949) 170-72.