Daisy Alice Kugel Survey



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Daisy Alice Kugel Survey
Scan 3
Responses to survey mailed by the University of Michigan Alumnae Council to women who had attended the University in the period 1870-1924. The survey included information on activities, memories of faculty and college life, descriptions of influence of University on their lives, occupations, public services, etc.
Subject terms
Ann Arbor (Mich.) -- History.
University of Michigan -- Alumnae Council.
University of Michigan -- Alumni and alumnae.
University of Michigan -- History.
University of Michigan -- Students.
Women college students -- Michigan -- Ann Arbor.
Faculty -- Demmon, Isaac Newton
Faculty -- Effinger, John Robert
Faculty -- Tatlock, John S.P.
Learning -- courses -- Montaigne
Learning -- courses -- Pascal

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Full citation
"Daisy Alice Kugel Survey." In the digital collection University of Michigan Alumnae Council Survey Responses, 1924. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/8730.1544.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed December 10, 2024.
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