ROBERT L. CHAPMAN 515 over the distance of thirty-five years and more. Additional testimony from several of Auden's faculty and staff colleagues furnishes a more grown-up view of the exotic man. Professor Edwin Engel remembers an evening when Auden was speaker at the Journal Club of the English Department faculty. He recited a new poem, from memory, for about an hour. Professor Engel recalls it as "Easily the most impressive gathering of the department in my memory!" He also remembers Auden's saying, at various dinner parties, that he could "sense immediately the nature of the house: good, evil, happy, miserable;" and Auden's weakness for Liederkranz cheese, which T. S. Eliot had recommended to him. As members of the Ann Arbor cooperative society, Engel and Auden enormously increased the traffic in Liederkranz. Miss Mary Cooley, who was just beginning her tenure as assistant in the Hopwood Room (headquarters and library of the Avery Hopwood literary prizes), remembers that students would come into the Room for refreshment during the breaks in Auden's class. "What he did to them during that class I don't know but they always came down in a state of complete nervous exhaustion. I think he put much more intellectual pressure on them than they were prepared for and it nearly did them in." Miss Cooley was present when Auden, along with two other faculty members, contended with a team of "young geniuses" on a "quiz kid" program: "... poor Auden was totally lost, and couldn't even recognize one of his own poems which had been introduced into the questions." By far the most extensive and extraordinary set of reminiscences come from Albert K. and Angelyn Stevens. Professor Stevens was a young member of the English Department in 1941-42, and his wife was a graduate student in philosophy and assistant to Professor DeWitt Parker. They had three young children, and a fourth was born not long after Auden left Ann Arbor for his post at Swarthmore. The Stevenses' notes consist of nine single-spaced pages, and can only be sketchily represented here. I hope that they will write their own account of their friendship with Auden for publication. 0
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