The Mechanics of Inheritance THE MEANING OF THE GENE BY ROWLAND H. DAVIS "And yet," said Legrand, "the solution is byh no means so difficult as you mnight be led to imagine from the first hasty inspection of the c/hracters. These characters, as anyone milght readily guess, form a cipher-that is to say, theyI convey a meaning... I made up myn mind, at oice, tlatt this was of a simple species-such, how'ever, as would appear, to the crude intellect of the sailor, absolutely insoluble without the key." E. A. Poe. The Gold Btug T O MANY PEOPLE, the fact that organisms reproduce their own kind seems so natural that any further questions on genetic mechanisms seem academic. But confronted with the small differences, or mutations, among the members of a biological species, and with the fact that these differences are the basis of organic evolution, they must pause and reflect upon the nature of any living system. By pursuing the thought that mutations are possible, they will infer, as did biologists, the existence of a body of information-information which lies in every cell of which an organism is made, and which may be subject to errors of duplication as it is passed from an organism to its descendants. This body of information, we now know, is composed of genes-- mutable, duplicating entities which are in some manner able to specify the characters of the organism which inherits them. The weakness of these conclusions is that they merely state a consistent set of relationships; they do not tell us what, in fact, the physical nature of the system is. And since many falsehoods can be consistent, a close apROWLAND H. DAVIS is a native Bostonian and a Harvard graduate (A.B. '54, Ph.D. '58). He held fellowships at Harvard, 1954-58, and in 1958-60 was a research fellow of the National Science Foundation at California Institute of Technology. He came to this university in 1960 as Assistant Professor of Botany. proach to the truth may be made only when the relationships are consistent also with the physico-chemical system in which they prevail. A new field within the life sciences has emerged recently which deals with this problem. It has been called Molecular Genetics, among other things, and by borrowing techniques from many fields, notably chemistry and physics, it has given us quite a clear picture of the chemical facts of life. Specifically, it has thoroughly elaborated the nature of the "master molecule," the gene, upon which all of life ultimately depends. The problem is one which involves an intriguing cryptography, used in the recent deciphering of the genetic "code" for life's many forms and functions. It is a code, as Poe says, which any simple sailor would think insoluble without the key. The story of the genetic code, like Poe's story, is far more interesting in the deduction of the key than in the meaning of a given message. N THE ORGANIC WORLD, there are a number of important classes of large molecules, or macromolecules, which can be characterized as long chains of similar units. The two classes of macromolecules of greatest interest are proteins, made up of amino acid units, on the one hand, and the nucleic acids, made up of nucleotide units, on the other. Our ultimate goal is to describe these large molecules, their functions, and the relationship between them. Our interest stems, first, from the knowledge that proteins seem to be the primary agents of all transformations-chemical and developmental-that characterize living systems. Second, nucleic acids appear to be the source of information required for the manufacture of different proteins, as well 177 0
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