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10. Appendix


'Declare variables and open connection

Set DataConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

DataConn.Open "Libreports"

set RSlist = createobject("adodb.recordset")

dim myquery

libtext = Request("libtext")

datetext = Request("datetext")

ctytext = Request("ctytext")

myquery = "SELECT Library.Netfix, Report.Library, Report.ReportID, Report.[Exact dates], Report.[No of report], Report.[No Pages], Report.Signatories, Report.[Institutions declared covered] FROM Library INNER JOIN Report ON Library.Library = Report.Library WHERE (((Report.Library) LIKE '%" & libtext & "%') AND ((Report.[Exact dates]) LIKE '%" & datetext & "%') AND ((Library.Country) LIKE '%" & ctytext & "%'))" myquery,DataConn,1,1


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">



<title>Results of your search</title>



<H2>Results of your search</H2>

<p>Your search for "<%=libtext%>&nbsp;<%=datetext%>&nbsp;<%=ctytext%>" returned <em><%=RSlist.RecordCount%></em> records.</p>

<p>To see further details of any particular report, select a report in the "Select report" column, then click the button "Show further details of the selected report" at the bottom of the page.</p>

<p>Alternatively you may display details of a particular location by clicking on the location in the "Library" column.</p>

<form action="select.asp">

<table border="1">

<tr><td><b>Library</b></td><td><b>Dates</b></td><td><b>Issue no.</b></td><td><b>No. of pages</b></td><td><b><a href=Signatories.asp>Signatories</a></b></td><td><b>Institutions declared covered</b></td><td><b>Select report</b></td></tr>

<% Do while Not RSlist.Eof %>

<tr><td><a href="place.asp?liby=<%=RSlist("Netfix")%>"><%=RSlist("Library")%></a></td><td><%=RSlist("Exact dates")%></td><td><%=RSlist("No of report")%></td><td><%=RSlist("No Pages")%></td><td><%=RSlist("Signatories")%></td><td><%=RSlist("Institutions declared covered")%></td><td><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="Sel" VALUE="<%=RSlist("ReportID")%>" </td></tr>

<% RSlist.Movenext

Loop %>


<p><input type="submit" value="Show further details of the selected report"> </p>





' Close database conection



' Free up memory

Set RSlist = Nothing

Set DataConn = Nothing
