Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ ti - --- 7 "-_ __: _ _.. -_e- A d -..N-oe ti_"q Baderdash geet;, for tying tie eta i ve -. len HEDOt tthnod chin, the opt eeover and under The procaso babeen sutdr nt avwe anjLI n 0 og g ta Brinws1hea-the oars epectively,i are known to prevent the ooe, Inon [nuance year after year e n,~ a.for the Ien a n edhillSaOdintounshAMarlca for ibg tin the Infectlon of inlueitt and all other r leo ___ U 40~l~'tj a Preiddn.ent W clW 9r 1tiwention' flreBi rZthexiichieg cold hoh tryin s sneSanapeid ~ h"l Q e nation in being mad ally. It profeegee to foresee the time whet, deorin wodrerdostoao htg ad i etrc te mbeginng o cbate yore "r __ aid wlnttltg n, hn etun otorn in. sodat Wo re o h nehya prxmt t*~0ha ohrta hmef er>taImirton n Imiton having euae. ocor. rind, seclte wo reestimate ef the motoeto be rovidedr on - - j Y onoci" venure with.[n eahip e-of 111.An 134 le a11 ih i a,.,~ army corps the Atlanticpand bbly BEloriid bci b t eedstoppoed because of j-rtId" certaInlvrun a foolish rislese endaneeys fioae n ope w s wt ta tsr I bmdinhsf proe the dearth of ipen, Ainacicae will be a If they gof. ot bd.ntat ye f tte1itetlone are ti aredi tok ofIn our town the health authoritire ordered the cMore or lee disappocnted and dline p 's e in t tuboi war, he desceadild to; face a "hybrid, a blend of yellow, brown and of somq alleged dilofectant spray Inthe mot-' mte quiteCnloquent concerning ft~t -w' adraais a an tol t- whie.pitcweuree adirefoeonatIfats though nucti wasteful 'blind pareimont and ruthless dentalsn thei 3dI)1II~ a and o tm" hite."It woul be a ire t~etlittanyit40gm.t dould inantheeree dimnishofe righteouof i ohtio s by theby legl!e intore. enat sltin were oflde2 tvnIt I t e t habit af awapping spit.' It;is the same ease in near) eve s ieehinaesntaes the nt cialtr of the party re- prove truet It would he preferable to at of lesusnee and the pocumococcue (Oneumoelta ions coecujiren rarely got all theya eponeibla for It. c tredpi1 of Germgan blood which sought to germ) acn the etreptcoccus pelnon garg) ask.-nd think they positively mueta I which ace commonly aesociated with -e paseed hare.and the citizen romqiaiqing of h This Is the sum d eubtaace f the much- butteoa these s shores a principality uder from person to person through ewapping epi t qice ofplllitebjl."ficeI;told tchai adetse e Yok pec D peb thecontrol a of Â~ftsdain. spit Ie minute. Intinibie drop letse arayQ Traththey reosit from lbs stubborn refusalh iitl~ mouth In teihing; langhing, coeghin.or ofthe oaitodehlg pory which tewareeeuiao cenefi ttsee iiIge prperlyA arm l hi~t1aa~~s~re whch donot ncludn tenaskigof very todi. datiens. The probable Iecomu to put fWW h 1cii atri opee n trw ntewrd"a rmsdb h al $da t ~ulwt nalgd"od n vr ns naptte vrbd rb t t 070 1-dual toming In eoc tact with e alleged "cold; pits every available Influence to thec Ito spsm f inpal C to wil bedueto Ct f h1. ut o te ame ca carceip he enxpect* t t uierfero with liespother -a full bae. -Of courne. wise asnoaadepasm o fAlipati on tor wlllhcdc fthe acllis.hIn theasmf h sB au spread of the disease. fistshut~hn -altImfpaired, money tos hitit n4 agIt hrogh Bpuhicsn m- uprmac ofth alen.In heday of * ___ -- - miared, mflot Iouwated and deserr-o i ity Inbj4 the -JIous-;ad S5eaate. it satreniythe Kiser in becomIng the best *esefl sS eAesmers.I ngobjcasarc chippnd and skipeped. It would have hee bettor for the Raublean Ulttle promiser of wiatih the world has any Cood Boen Treatment for Uric Acid-Please WeseSi r t0 abollete that insoeme nsdprmnshv pe h ai Teithparty ay ehavehadnatchance adto cap-. C..Ans er-Youhaneglecthaetoadealhancewhatapamgof delibierately asking of thte- provid tore ne o theotherofleeshosasofCon-tiosr Wfheat Ulatst maa" smous rfc-acid. 'rio arid Is a normealonstituent ing body much more than bhey tdaiiy - gk C~dsad-lfs Iflane Wstanaceeenehesneed or expant to got.-Te Iae - rest before, but it is impossibie to unader- fer in to abdicain In favor of the little crown lead you to sunsut that oiu elimina te toetuch mÂ~argins fer ths ierrslocive r'inseer or perhaps tas little of!ti lietoridtiesub: oe eedad rueto o -hprec standbow the Anelrcan people now can be prince. For the f tinsau people that literally ataa he sre Isea remedy whicb I guatnntte, iii watch-doghng the trrasery to he cse- I *n. oled If the Roosevelt speech il the best wul 0b alatfom the fryiag pan to the dissolve as much uric acid as ecyth~in Stetteatmted byt lnes d lcaaing, hatieg pool. s Ae-can b *a~ ire.soid is bot or bottle: gat three po tatom thre e tat thenerequie.Twithe aot wht pota s aewhichca be made against the pry Ai tomatosadthreoapps everyday-.If I could acat-i ello.tern me 4fee ~-.- power.. - --o amouflage potatoes. or conerttem In till neecded for conduct ot the rational goe- e for, detrbut fre smpls, nd ublisfebw temeneLevee In normali conditions, and e if his etep marY- For three heurs the Colonel thndered. 1 Thetflush with which Lodeadort has formedistributengfreeifisatinso. and tfiihev bo ee f tutsimnas rmmoron. (who always salydiy artmetenig m caan o h blRL a ken t.asi4mh the ep ro cnations' I prneetot,Peieto consenting to a negotiated peace, down to be one Bard shy. It remains to be fame as a discoverer of a uric arcid golvet, ably comoplicatceand tabortous. hew-a.irotia a t u, wec lthe world boout.difarsaidy. He s"- ha-Hndnbrg-shodioevr. Additional trouble hue beenc' necawhatHladahug inholdng.caused there heretofore. It musi be ace I chart-d whathenaonsofgterarthav been Sekigo btsan-in.Itla hn'knowlerddby cengrcssol appetite I * c. hren tatthe arpog hera ha been sekn fatOt Ae boa'a had"- ting for Brains for speia pr~rtlone for rivonrs itativc Swag"c astounded a h at teo h o-o Da sWiighsoydw nte iv TÂ~AL$X CWD -"-' l)Dsrc feneti ain a.H setdta rnbthe Istacigvhemeats of the got-te-aeera of Dma in writingathistoryVdown on the PeoepleÂ~HSK5N seWA._________-o glals mae. If the Republicen pesty in the only loetranee- the sword nad not the pen. j"-mosaco velection- As 3.1117 in this country fitted to carry on a It serhio ngeorto-dayhardAerithan Ifory etseratbose ivte *Se me*til no d tee onaAppro- war ealerprine. when every full-grown Amer- Oyster BSW aga~nin toin Irruption, but Its Ifhereisg onethingatintaerichan industry ees. eswerwnsheeme Mn be d a reatest appro.-1, so knows that the Republican party.s war Outporing of smoke anod cinders long ago thing else, it Is breins. It does not mnke any potshMd I writersrerquets. hietory with against Spain was a succession of scandal conned to Inspire either fear or awe, diffspsneeswhat Sold of Industry you consider., idfines__uthefetof c essIsthe some. Set In Gereesy. idf~ae oand horror.lHe riddled the fourteen terms In the present crisiso cadets of various houi- To the Editor of The Times-Dispatch Â~ All house_____ofpeaceWhichavebeenlaiddownby teeoes are en gaged In worb that Is necessary sir-Among the severnely woundedf1 tg hosse-o ec hc aebe addw yteto the winning of lhc war, and yet wherever In Saturdayscasually list is ibe name ohaut noPresident, notwitbotandlag the fart that ottum uirW~yyn In the eountrys Serviru they happen to be of 'Private Frtos.eonard. tlatrintgon. an antil after every alled nation in this war has subscribed Lxmug ON." Ti ror" g11!V61Aas ajaajant-n breedsth pehaul zebrains. should 'he corrected. We all urena to them, acknowledged the Preeident as their a iew~~ ~aaOur preent experieneoI1 the building nf ous 10 read the casualtrlilet daily,, airskeeta ad rcogizedto im te tre-ships proes t hio dailyr The man who can artyenand every i.uxembourgeois over here; apltsanad ecgizdinhi hefre ee..more rrvesthan hie fellowsocceedo. cot be- wili feel hbrt au see the wcrd tier for the lol- emoet statesman and humasitarian of the age. (H. Jg1. W.-Thnso line sto your fdog Admiral,"ohelcaiLstronger. hat hocanse ho - y~iaflor Prionie Frieses name,.a orbmany ~ vi There was one assault which Theodore -from A Rader of &s..) knowa how tc ni usebiepratnsand how tis n cvo-xe eins-ie esl L direct his nnergy-,, i I to rtnoenizo Rnoseveit dared noi make. He did not charge 'Th ere amefriends with money end honey., h sdI eagodda fnnesclthat lttlle cntetrr cant t, otakes Wihtig frleadgp~tlheqis sr oetya boutdaof wonseialr0for Grao.Germanscul odc h reietwih r itthbiftee lhlig fvau n gfshltIitiscutr buamtwomisfr cudidv teProdtwihprottuig hsofiebedne,,they lackCgosxo.enies Is principally Ponnimne. Va..Otober 15, IhL -n ivit~leca to when he appealed to the American people- All conered with price mnarkeaing - bard work: using cormal braine to think ho- - The market ef personal lifts- yhnd theW aifest daily duty. it eupplies oce A Plettflre Csu. n.usthe nor- t ine him aCongress which would sup- Thorse t rinsda who linger fnr favors, wantthel trka littlebror h an wobe no otam eirI luto rorroborein e all Ihorstxt hrs, i;hodD hthndwntt r altlehrerta b scoe Sr I i t'crrbrt l ha e Thypo ''r.nohaehm hodo bihad. Or gamble on smiless. and they polled to. "Tao.I aaes' says about lart ef gar.:1y their par- nt hamzrsilng him. Roosesvelt knew that heaAre the hind that ame plenty, hut dwindie America I. facing to-day a situation that doe I am unfcrtunate enouagh io have a:', work at every himoelf made exactly the same inpel - When loch isect going your way. meands the most thoughifal cosoidtratiua ot house lighted hr gas- After 1 I'. M"f. - apptu os eafo ilimM~neyt 88 ealevery stun and woan The drain on the man- there is cot rnouge tas nte e ouao, r ers'fos hhi o ila M ne n 51 H owor of the rountry Is tremendous. hlay by to do an -thing bo. Complaints to te aclosely they knew that he made the same appeal when Thero aro friends who hushk, and inoquaffing day. wet by went, thousands of cur meen arc CitylitllionlyI bring Ihn reyly that' no berm the he himself was President nod againy when The honwi. be.pran eye on tho knife; leaving their industrial pursuits to oleak e"nthing ran he donveinoaler ite sits.'' 6~armo against the rommon foer The army un-i atioc. thecont wa v~n to let il li H Thorn are friende who stick till its ovr- the nary arr straining taery effert ngtio and Am I to go without gut for-Iliom[-; th onr a oig t lc tln Who stay with n glimmer cf life. train thene mun for battle, the areat Industrial "Tf'Peiet nating or eooklig and pay $1 for it. TfPrsdn.There art friends who meet iceanod greet you.plantin aro hummng day and night: the ship. Cansot omwething IDo dontorlee American air- The Republican party may elect a majority An pas, and nre gone for the day-:eery foman prerco. l. eti dingf of shies t bioe Latoba IioPrdykROWAveP.e,.afulmnh of the next liouse. Thin in not ano iupa-- ButtI count on my Angers the feliows peesdour fOghters nnd the necessary supplis osi Richmoed. Va.. October 29, 111. ncreasnnctap- aihis thing. If it dos, It will elect It inD-Who are there wbeo you seed them., ts stay: or C 1eertilyi s ntdelul nfmen o h tisa pe ss oac pu mll- spite of and not because of the support given exodus of several millio able-bodiod. Inielli- To the nec br of The Tictos- Dispatrh:, rope. Mean- Its candidates by Colonel Rooaevelt. -Aol there's one whos a friend-ha's sitting eptyoung men is gonlg to- alteem American fit.-With isseen cso one.:d"andl - - -IiBeideme hero. iato in the night; c let B, ut 00 mnst bars Oght rineand wnr pneumonia on the nther wercitizens or, tnvsiainorendthe aircraft onine rete Bereft of Allies _- ies nly a dng, hut doggone him, as the war gous on. _________________ f he aPrcridft. He'ayntytbewligtocn is a regular fllow nil right: -- Thto in why the subject of reconstrurtion of -- jj he resdet. R3ANYma no yt b wllig o cn-And I think, as ths leoks at me fondly. oor disabled nolieis and nailors will touch sorry I Infor'mation BureauThiweAdrls aflwom bncofmrca duryThmnwhha t necure norely ' kfees before the world that It is beaten; Tavhn diaepiyelwgoen. fbrnchim ofdenrlain tedefnsrc ofThe s rountir;! publication of it may not be ready to admit to maslt that Th.eiut thing bell fye1 in his coffin mus not enalowed to retorn tootpincrely as election, their its might cannot at least beep Its enemies to Admiral, licking his noses: hero worthy of eur aympathy. His ibosisal iatloeroeeregaleesee y es s" I DFFYDIPLO- asididap. whatever It tint'be, will ttecepot in rsa ts;eatv legal Said oersi sob. the figures of from the frontiers, but it cannot deny to It-.rmie inslnde edrOinunnsp l n- asnaaoe re.a l e sltorIes whicB tift or to the world that it is nov'*hnut,,--ze.-.or I k-a pecirajy, Ittrill1olfprd eeu s eMeo 45ryhrpr '-bra. a tet} -!t Wa erh. RIIVlih' so tcY li wit pfbpin say about you. depondent when eao= whichawsnts1s osetrc it has not a comrade upon whom It may said Charcoal iitphoI a mood, -ae hit am what Reconstructicn is aeery in Issue in Amtr. 5tlio& m.eatyeetla lst tonally, and lean or an ally to which to turn for support. yo' think of ye' conself when yu' gin good an' 1,a. ot an academic problee. hot a yracticali si bu it r ne. or Rsceetime it ha. been gaining 10n YTiTsm et0 Skins. ster on the Bulgaria has deserted. Austria Is appealin g -honesabui.Tya prune. hitetab Jackson." import cos a part of lb. nery fabric of,. - m II allan military to the allies for a separate peace and Tot- - Osuimy ped because our hig leaders are bieseod heakint ingtib.eWshadenthsfin o rag h e a urnee.A teachst in mathematim bknows that liars wthlim ation. manyo them have already y rabblng hetween theode ah.. I arageteree hssrrneed an o effgue ensli." foreskeenate npee ljy of edivaging their man o ethe ghlef 4.e- eten what the German pople must b oeI grsdntIO ower, of noldina treIced and lnyal emplyer.,. -- ay.For oes.piitko theinselves. of their military ee '.nut tecardleg tibsen onareoun I of Ainablitty. et aEnOl o n rvice aiar. 7 sya-Rte' which they art not responsiblo. Trhere art Mrs. A. E3, fQ_. iinin,. W1a.-A ntar ionp. It meanso tee, oft their 'philosophy of force and their oure favorite commentary on tbn treed of -meaey Instances ehers the prose of rerionn for a doctor who wanna medical enam- I Iaaeii cloe pot of ruthi espnqsq when Ihisaem vitnii' nnr t isble Ietto their ebs. solhbsno~t ncr and alit a member of the draft seenumbered their plight at this timre. They cannot hold "Johnny} Get up off that Bible"- -noireased the eghlenirenent- of thte plant In eerviocetsr, as muchiividu lold1 - ken nod Ann-their government alone guilty of the cnn-neel 'Am maw. I aint bertn iIt none i" * n weordCpyrhtsinet, rot.etly -peaking, be I. the miel. iconditinnally. agatnst civilization, which have arrayed more "I knowhut yo'll.ger yoar riotbe all dusty."-tr erlt as to when than twenty nations against them and din- I feeamm.e,ieaof Fifty Years Ago It. T. I. Ahingdnn.-Thn Bridge ofn likewino. It eoved every 4alliance1Mwhich they had made. J Association of Ku Eloaxes othwars forcing yo a lheodDn c. o.1 l A lghe neans the ilu deIs I'aglieIa ni acme of the They muot know.' if.they are capable of cc- prica of *eggsddwn by illustrating traicleinish - - t- - bn- Vu;or 1 M.) Ynice and connects the d0cal palace s.toeseldomsna ttalaee. eil~iy Is duel to pseaobi&Wh owa inetstrain.PheM seo al caunodby e;riisre. NO lettprevent a row csasef loge* oenis the-gem mwisdOing emto easy deaths from pheussaleen bhe hethoueof modern etv$ anda nrlidof amle r two, let cam. On -T ha fft' s sot aeeu in our health. "1i Itichmned. Vs.. October It. 1111 LBooka and Authoo tThe Dress Toil Wear n 11 ilabo t. by Mary Jane ltoat nsua by C. P. Paisam's Beno las girls, businees girls-511 with moderate iscoe0eoclb oil lefnd thin book o dttns tiam valunent stajroestlvenss1 realiy no-essarmnsd4ralyIMr The, hook reprsents tkq at4 sp gained derlog ten years-sft id the suhbject..The Populerm Tkeater.' ~ 0

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