Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~'fF;V. r.:, 1,,5,.:orce, nave cver 51iU LU fOUa;L5( lllll1iL.v LI..,.. leuusly shoved aside by theirstronger rivals. A dear, ruddy complexion, bright eyes, hardened muscles, stu~dy nerves ad a well knit together body of elastic step and sway, consti-, tate- a trsmup card in any game-whether of love or business. If you feel 'that you are I, C' atclassed, lacking the atomta to stand upand claim our own, don't delay anther -day ia commencing atake., " The Great General Tonic f~~,it l restore that'cnfidesce you seed to corn-.I!: Â~lT oseer-oppoaing forces of social and busi' noons life; itwill give you the heart nod spirit to do and lio' couragaeto. challenge the world to { your right to a placein the Son, because it will rebuild your phynical strength and mental power * to a stt of perfect lnealth, rechareing your ruodown, exhaustcd nystemi with tht Iivoccurrent of new, rich, red hiood. "LYKO" is a refreshing appe. tiver arnd an exceptional general tonic is thtote s uboormal conditions of~lhe physical and nervouo systcms, ouch as muscular and mental fatigue, nervouis eohaostiod, general wealkness, or debility fallowiog a protracted illnesn or the renulIt of a wanting disease. It's truly Nature's firstasosistato S as,a rstorative agent-a really remarkable rechostrutlve-and so relishable so taste that you vf ill pleasurably anticipate the taking of it. - Sole Motiacturees: - VKOsnsndnal.aalpooakassalr, LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY lke pisovnwbor etires wItna Ct, oe nllnabnttntnn. yewYork Kna iy e hr~e llht'~i1ti witer tohes or tt(111'rtico Teultonlc tinala re bring leloelt hack to thery-own tell. Ilaewstlhrtl eto In retary Ito-to glofficertit t hr Su(atoetOptet sout ttfor (leott ml Mch, who tpprn~er with:t hog" otlillory motlpof flbetl. froot. '110 'onirtrnce IIIltit oy be ft's titttntio rrq rrtl for tro Chiof of to101ff to show t Irtpreset battle linsnit 1101n1 to thr e daot. of the clotrtritto Antt'ri'oti trsod ntVFro,,ol, artnoirs whirlare tookIt Iselteloteie0t ertoantretreiat on a great ntill,. Ant Impottrltint bongo rotrtlotl Just befotre ig'tertti March c1000illOttlont hrt inI ttf ite lrillit OtntI rihe oltower; fattiltlit ltlse!'ttrg linstrongAlllrti forcrs av ticnlg beyontd. Mills to thett ore vastly pltetsetlover th s1'elileolo rrfusto eIt endioroon as toniovewile hrtmttn oirtlieroretoainont lototiol soil attoocitor, ltuo try flatly e pli itoittht l tieo 'of PrioteMa toulilts oer~tltto, altltougithtittott ialouctirrl yeotertltty wacon ltrte fortof ott otqtiry lheit'tronitlettl ishttowtotthltreadto1 aatittol tt ot tohweir thte (ltsuoeliirr Il:toittg for petite tegoliatloosl accepts tnotttictea ily it trtits of ptrace alreitty hatli tdtown and wethrier he optotibsfor the tGormattt ioti tieietuortoro or ottly for their intry mate tr. If theroe anowerasithow, as mttot oltor er e lrrrbelieve they scill, thet igiter is not yet rertdy to surreotder tntl that prtit! prmotioterely is ntitrr in. sldliots tilirtlitittov', the Presoient swill Ito rerotiyto till (itrutiny sonlthe soorld whiy It 'to seotoreary for Ginrarl F ort, to rttttote intook. Offils tletiti totdoy It soldlihr lerlriy tinoerstocti ite tresitdent at o athiought of entetrittg Itlt aeriro of tinfrliitful iloit tc echagelsrowith the Germtist. It cwsasisnttleil olso tiat be probably wi'liigo before 'tltgr'C iitht:i tatement whlen Prince Mtasltttlllot retpontdo to hts Inquiry toil ho in read} 10 mute itso reptly. - B'Y IBIERTY ItONlaS-, "Flu" Preventive - a' e a Discolax Tablet every night at bedtime. Keep throat.saud nose well sprayed with Dobell's' Solution. Get Discolax at your druggist's25c (Adv.) CLOSING OF CHURCHES IW ILL BE CONSIDERED ritroole 00e0 1>1. I~V yours11111 soeftg w oour 1m01s anid ot d itn to Till- 11.01, At I1 it (_'1 'ANs' lltts 41i711 A ilto 1.1 rg it 'or un reefs tin toilt or stamps) to y corir of Itoottage otttt haintlllg, Y0u on 1i0 iretsa Trial I lit. Illosolur's Cisforrht Itenoety, T ptl-otge contain scome of the Reti smsotkitg Itn tipipe, asotntlittle I tissom S mtietltetetl cigarettes. I.NOTE-Dr.ltoers IatorrO Rt for ooto in Nashville ity sit leading 1 LDrucclst do not ntppiy 'T'rial Outfit APP-ROPRIATID? OF $56rOO1 FOR CO0UNTY PI Apportionment of Fund, of.Much Debate at F Session of Court. The thirtd ond laut toy's senol October term of Ite county cturt Wedniesday ion ws devoted 1o tion of Ihe report of tbe waysa committee recommoending the sc propritonos for the qluarter. Cb ths ppropitionos were sown for, the heolth idepartment.ondt roadls.The tturnpike otiperinirndent w' $56,000 for work oti the county Thte tpportionment pf thtisi is oI sections of thte coutoy evokeid or buit the report wue illotlly adog Untder the heatd of the approp tile puhlicheolkt, Dr. It. C. Det invited to--addess the court, on ieiigt ii' ott the' perniciousCoffe spread] of Idle rumors regtritt Iluritotiepidemictt thet powder tdeltredthaltt to! late thtere htor 7ff deathis. and thtat now bot 1,500 caocesi tte hositale titt ogo there ore lees thano1100. ttt aoswecr to a question, 'Ihatil~t best 'remedy to be usedl In cast reoplto frolmcotoplicating lofet thatot i s seetdeid tonombt. ft Soar ttime ago Dy. Derivoos Bloard of Heralth to allow him I of. Dr. N. N. Cummins, nt tht principal of a county school. necessary to employ Dr, Cuto higiher salary than thtt attalt opectoro, and they agreit 01 m~onth. Flollowlig the retootom the olt woys and., means r oot apiproprition, over theearontest of Dr. Deriv'tsu, woo oo arriteg oervices of Dl'. Cummino W'ert with unless Dr. Derivoux shout employ him 0n the Goveromet The Janitor 'swns ordteredtl b ro ease tirecutoom of ptlacrd color swiths advertisemntos TI of tihe maort woo roltedt to thib Judge Hickman. and they "votei tinue the practice. -arBUY LIBEROTY n oa HOME SERVICE INST TO' BE HELD AT M iEIhIoW6drkvice ltltule,--fc log of home service sebretari (YS SOI~TE BRITISH TREES, SAYS S iplosoatle circles "More thoun585 per rent ofltoheeaeiNsvlehvedcyd mfIrn h m ois idmn: fte s regarded aso are not given treptmaent at F. Searhoro. tree surgeon, 1 SHADE SURGEON *. Dr.. Dayton A. Dobbs, presitdent of the Miinisters' Alliance of Nashiolle. ins re' the shade tres questedl that thitlttstersouf the city wer. sputa in- their Is ronference itt the T. SI, C. A. tonight wil ie it they at 'f7'::10o'clockt, tt to dtutssuspenincg once." says L. t'lttirceb cervices for the present io con1081 Greenwood rilionce wit thrie requiest of the Heleth De' the helitees parttment. aitlt," soid Mr. OUTttLOEaTY BONDS - pleodld chance Vine Street Temple. agnilteent trees onrotfono. In comitliacesithithle retquest of Dr. ocrarwily, If *W. '11; Ilitbheft, city htetltht - officer, there tile, will Ste itno iccs lield tI 1the Vine Streot Ist not esoen- Temple tubi evening or Sattinluy smorno antd hot sun ing. No sessionotf thto religiou school tacit aod front will ht khl on Sunoday morning. growing. - - to base shatdo ANDES GREAT OIL -boro. If a do. ho rotten wood g xtosed art. * Pi 4sd l.ItthnGives Relief to. Any Pin in 1 s covered d_=wIlt save the Three to Five Minutes. her of tree,______ Niashfile about Andes Great Oil Ia the moot powegful a a splendilipenetrating mtediine now' on the market. 7htetepoeIt gives prompt and Fmme81treiiror -. any pain. 1OrNDS - Atueis aranteed to emove allUwelling flDM5I ER, aess. oriatic pain. lumbago., pains. In the C 'mi small of the hock or sides. uore throat. -. AT pains In chestsI or sundter shtoulder blades. pers.span'or 'strains. SWheT n aps~ plied according to directins. headache. - outhoche or neuraolgia will dtse breander Foe. oppear itif. by magic.' One Applcation soln Premier, wll convinco you that' It io a wonderful o advises fromt remnedy. use iInternally to give qiclk and 'prompt,AD - relief for siarreae. cramps, flux, cholera morbus and dysentery.,Ann~uled- No meoicine chest i(s complete wiitont'a (5e 'i)Tebottle of Andes,011. It is a little doctor ie.rolilctan. In- and worth its weighlt tin gold. i Oct.:0.-A former'Itu cwording tii lliarter. -#1Un Inter the no iN! F' 0., Ak I tao ilos 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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