Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~and others self trfimmed50 OTHERS UP TO $100.00 X32.50 OTHERS UP TO $75.00 them. 'etas, SUP.00 A large showing of new Fur Coats, Muffs, Scarfs and Sets in every desirable pelt, at the lowest prices. See them. Stylish Stouts in Coats, Suits, Dresses, AT LOWEST PIC:Compare values all over town. If you will compare as c but with open eyes, we await your decision with_ supreme ci mentioned here and hundreds not advertised, stand the seare Ish influenza in this 3 increasing and, he moving picture the3 closed temporarily ieasure, but that the rain open. ght received a tele.. R. Kelley, the health Massachusetts, ask-. doctors and nurses dding that their ex-, paid. Dr. Bristol re., lisease was evidently ne he thought that nurses would be of AVY'S IMAS PARCELS, S -. Christmen-'ervtng on natd must reach New in Nov. 15, Secretary id today in taking ns governing the packages for men, aval service both at war zone. The reguhe packages sent by:omply with the posts must be enclosed in with hinged or screw to facilitate opening by express are lim-:, should not be more 'set in volume, be o:' ped, and have hinged food products other s or glass jars should ust be marked with dress of the sendes, "Christmas box" and 3d in care of the supt Supply Base. 29th avenue, South BrookREIGN OF ROR RESCINDED Sept. 26.-The Rus. overnmnt has issued ing itsU reign of terto the minister of uestion was discussed he Central committees e newspaper says, and Lenine expressed an to return to orderly rnment a majority of ipported him. I TO RAISE BIG ARMY 26.-The plans for the on the Volga front, endangers the Czech lon of Russia, call for a halt a million men. nstantly being rein. ms and to a great ex nd instructed by Gerindicate that, while hevik personnel of this roved in value, ama. oldiers are compara-?OR ARREST OF DELPHIA' MAYOR HA' Sent: 26-h:war.. has been arrested since he took office, he now being under indictment for an alleged violation of an election law in connection with the 5th ward political battle last September. LOAN COMPANIES WILL RETAIN PRESENT STATUS CHICAGO, Sept. 26.-An attempt to amend the constitution of the American Bankers Association so that investment bankers, portgage companies and surety companies would hereafter be associate members but without the hight to vote was defeated today after a lively debate on the floor of the convention. These companies which include building and loan concerns and the Morris Plan companies, will retain their present status, as will also Canadian bankers who have been associate members but who do not, however, exercise the power to vote. A number of changes were made in the constitution, including one which may have an Important effect:i pbtatning future legislation by the members. It provides that where two sections of the association cannot agree on proposed legislation the question shall be submitted to a committee of the main body. P this committee is unable to compose the differences the scetion requesting the new law must ask for it as individuals and not as representatives of the American Bankers Association. After a heated contest the state bankers secutred representation on the administrative and legislative committees, also a vice presidency. ARE YOU GOING DEAF? 0O0 YOU Gasp for Breath? Our specialty is treating deafness and head noises and asthma, freeing clogged nostrils and healing sore places in the breathl tubes. We have devoted twenty-eight years to the treatment of this class of ailments and now by the discoveries eade by us we are able to treat deafness and head noises without using instruments In the ear..tubes. THE NEW SYSTEM Of Deafness and Bronchial Treatment by Electricity 8 Visits for $5 If you suffer with clogged nostrils, discharging nostrils, are oing deaf. or have head noises, or disohargin ears, or have a bad throat or bad stomach. or gasp for breath and suffer from those other distressing symptoms of asthma, we will be pleased to have you call at our office. It will cost you nothing for an examination and if you begin treatment this month you will receive eight complete offle treatments for $5.00. This Includes all diseases of a catarrhal nature, whether the disease be in the eyes, ears,,nose, throat, bronchial tubes or stomach.; J, C. McCOY, M.D. NO SPITTING SSAILS KEYSTONE OF HUN DEFENSE CONTI NUED. Authorities to Enforce Order- Co TrIUES. nouncement of this drive Is the first Strict Instructions Given intimation that American troops were on the front immediately west of the to Police. Meuse, with the possible exception of a unit of Negro troops known to have been recently somewhere in the centre Mayor Perry D. Thompson yesterday of the front between Rheims and Versent a letter to Superintendent Welch dun. of the police department, asking him It is evident that a very large force to enforce strictly the law against of Americans has been shifted westspitting in public places. The letter ward along the line to take part in follows: the present blow. Apparently they hold Sept. 26. 1918. more than one-half of the advancing Redmond Welch, line. Superintendent of Poltde: Americans From Motz to Verdun. Dear Sir.-At this time during the The extreme left of the Anerioan spread of the epidemic known as in- force forming fluenza, I deem It advisable to call the western jaw of your attention to an act of the legisla- Pershing's nut-cracker which reduced ture. Chapter 410. Acts of 1907. entitled, the St. Mihiel salient rested in the hills "An act to prohibit expectoration in east of the Meuse. It is indicated now public places and conveyances." And to that end, I desire that you make Insistance upon the members of INSTR the police department of the city of INSTRL Lowell to enforce in the strictest measures this law. This suggestion is made tO you iI view of a conference that I have had YOUNG MEN OF with the board of health of the cit y. Lowell, and it is the consensus of pint- 0s ion of the members of the board of health that expectoration upon theS public streets of the city of Lowell and stoped.STUDENT ARMY in public places, must at this time be LO E T TL stopped. I sincerely trust that the men will give due notice to people who persist,.A in the habit, and if they find flagrant commission of theeoffense, that prose-. LOWELL TEXTILE SCE Sincerely yours. PERRY D. THOMPSON. Mayor and Comis ioner of Public Applicants must be graduate Safety. lent preparation. For infornat In accordance with the above letter, L Pres.owellTextile SCo lLOW copies of the law were given to all the Pres.L l i oolLowt police officers before they started out on their routes. The law explains - - - -...........t that any person may tie arrested, even i. - without a warrant, and that the offense 'rI punishable by a fine of not Lou s B ennett more than $20. The first "showless" ni ht in Lowell) t 3 0 R Oy al p ra, brought forth a good rain. which did Baritone, Royal era not give the new rgime a fair test. Brussels, Belgium as the evening started out with thou-, sands of peoplo on the streets, "all VOCAL INSTRUCTION dressed up and no place to go." Then the rain drose them in, and when a." 'hortly afte r 10. one looked for the and theatre crowd. nothing hut blank ART OF NGIN(G streets toet the eye-and solid sheets of rain. The few who were still outRoom,' wers huddled is doorways.Ro A dancing party scheduled for last Old City Hall Bldg., Merrimaokl, night at Associate. hail, promoted by T. J. Sullivan. was postponed. In view Street of the closing of amusement places. Thursday Saturday WESTFORD Liberty Loan Committee Organ- STAN ON'S:: ized-Plans for Campai n- Dani Quota Is $200,000. will open at ~Merimac all; 'Westford. Sept. 27. 242 Merrimaik Street, Thurs The fourth Liberty loan committee da Evni c 3 98 for the towni has organlzed with _John dy'Eenlg c 9S that the whole line ifom It1 *i where they stand before the o.tetr Tense of Metx. to a point.ilgloIt: west of Verdun, may be he: Americans--in which case the have paid Pershing's men the compliment- o" Â~'itrusting to 'tl completely the defense of that fortress. DEATH ATDEVENS OF PRIVATE E. J. JOHNSTC Private Edward J. Johnston, a fot' well-known resident of the South D. died Thursday at the Base hospital Camp Devens, age 28 years.ov e Private Johnston was an oversee. the Lyon Carpet ';o. befo:e he anew& the call on July 28 last and went' Camp'Devens Â~. eports do not state" cause of death. He was a mnembei the 258th ambulance train. The body will be taken to hi h 136 Summer street. by Undertaker; H. McDonough Sons. Read Courier-Citizen Advertismof JCTION DRAFTABLE ider TRAINING C IOOL, LOWELL, MASS. s of High School or have equ on apply to Charles H. Ea ellMass. School opens Septi Philippe 0. e i TEACHER OF.VIAL Graduates of Conservatr Liege, e C 798 MERIi TR Tel. I5 1 Studio, 18,19 1 ty' Bldg., 22 i trt, 1Bertha -'Kuight. I1' RWO v l ie C 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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