Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~, a I r F: u ' i...,.. 1 ' 1 rel.." THlE DALLAÂ~ MORNING NEWS, TI! U N$DA lr IN OVEM -- - - - -...,.r...r.:.w a - I - I "11,111 1_ 00.-. -W I le- - '. I. 0 W omm - a 1".. I DALLS NURSE. DIES AFTER FIGHTING* INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC NEW OFF ICERS V(ILL TAlE CHLRGE DECL I SEVERAL CHANGES EXPECTED TO BE MADE IN FORCES AT COURTHOUSE. DALLAS AN CONF'INE D a IN GERMAN PRISON CAMP. "1 ^ i 1A ^ t.... 1 the fll+dgt 1,lo inratl + 'lt or 0 tinned nn: rtnt for th inflecrt gr In charge V' Wf,, 'r ae'ribrs w letting use fully WWI further cl* ii,1 ''Thui buit wi Sh paiRn tt prlomlpt,rr outv be pi 14 1.1edwr)1 tis nist tr on the bhuc 1ILntis' W 'Dallas Bie inline t(o(r Biranch, N andl~ 1 m pt LA will a',r war ti e ion the dmaU "Cnr,00 t IN tat who cnds enat tte evein lesan )nlth ieee 10ong rted deeach 11151 -d by ring "Ter lairould iade loan feel $12, the on the terday, d War r way. t subLe goal county, ioo, on ri ption riginal =260,worke held e' City LIOn ick c same1 MISS EIE INOIAE(INGRAM hlAIN Miss lleanoro Ingram B~ain, 38 years old, diced 'yesterday afternoon at the home of Dr, J. H. (iambreli. 3909i Worth street. IMis, Bi3nwho was. agraduate nurse, caime to )alilcs nine years ago and wvent into scrvico at the Baptist Sanitarium. She worked hours ovorti~hic during the spinl Linenin gitls epidemice seven or clhi h years n go, and scarcely rested, at a 1l it i s id.while the ini'iuenirdi. 'ildcic. was aet its height in llallia recently. FVuloW ng this her health broke do wn. 11ccr death was due (directly to heart failure. Miss Bain was ca native cif PHdltiurgli, Scotland. She is strvl olb her mnot her, Mirs. \V, WV. t: ao cur sisers, Mr's, John Scott of Vanceouver, B. C.; Misses Jlanie and Addle Halno f Ed nburghl and Mrs. L~awrence Cat hes ot' Dad ls,anod four brothers, Charles aonri Torn Hain of I dinburgh and WiIlam Jod.John 11am in the British Army. b uneral services will be held at. the m f:is 'atis 20Sisae nue, at 2 o'clock this a fternoon, the ]R1ev, I1:andol ph Hay of ficliati ng, Ilurial will be in O~akland Cemectery. The active pallbearers will be tin. VH. M. Bou~olittle, H~r. it. W. Baird, l)'. Charles M. Flynn, -D)r. W. T. WVhite, Dr. C.M. cjrlgst'y and Dr. Taller- Dunlatp. The ho corarv pallbearers will be members of the Registered Nurses,' Association, within the next three days; Thursday and Friday for school boys And girls, and Saturday for boys and: girls who wvorik, Thle orgaoliiation is an Inipcrttant adjunct of the Urnitedi War WVork camipaign to raise (ft0001,000 for the:?even war organizations and the miembers of (lie 'Victory Boys and Girls" pledge themselves to either earn or ave the amounts of their pledges to the orMeetngsalradyare being 'held in the public schools, and Superintendent J. 'I. Rne ndall has Instructed the 'Four Minute Teachters' to explain the. plan to their phupils. This, work is to be cotni. leted in advance, of the openin g of the genera'l eamraign Monday, and it is expected that the organization will be conmpieted, by Saturday afternoon, with all, pledges fn.. It is to b~e made a point of honor with the 'members not to ask their p~arents for the money they pledge, 'the boys and girls either will earn the money out right or else actually save it from' their allowances, bey denying themselves customary pleasures or luxines by walking to. school, doing without extra clothes, and the like. Circtilars have been distributed among the. school children suggesting various ways to earn or sartve~ money for this purpose. The Dallas boys, and( girls subscribed liberally to the Y. M. C. A. War fund along such a olanl last yeair. With the election past, attention Is 110w turned to newv county 'ifficiala and S +, 1, their atppolotnie~nts, A catnvtass of newly y< ' \N ccat1 iCof fiials shm ows N th at n eIcwill1 qutalify betfare 1)cc. 1. the beginning of 'c JJ. Willis P'irson will asume the duties i cf Ilttret Attorney whecn the t ime conie-. t. -ie will take the place of Mike I'1..bively, wiho hats not announced his fututre plans. M r Pierson hats alreal c' ntioo nec ciu ctt\ (,rover- C. Adamis "'ill be firust arssistant. However, Mlr. Atdamls Is now4 in training foi an army cotmmisscIonlHe will remain on indefinite heaive of absence. No oithei' assistants have been namied for this cfflee." Several now In the depa rtment are,:ture to rematin.z 'T'here will be litany new fices inii iii o:"heriff's office when Dan liarston scic-, reeds W.V. R l1cnolis. 7\r.% liartstoc has t none i it ad 'l~cu.".0 iclOnitaux Assessor", will'heroine.chief "' dc tt y. cce Davis Is dcc,' to hccccci i Ic ' and Dave Sinithi will likely conmiÂ~ in the department. 1,1."cIr,;NANI' W.!1..nfAr')Ili,l.). W.Â~',. ltc'yncc lds, pres ent Shertffr, is noct l" ti ).fr omeedor r t'i'tiiiii vat itsiries hi will inter, lie D.I.1.fruf elc.fomr dto c r'cently bough)ta ci I re fzccrio, Souice cif til 'l'e'cus (Chriclicco Acly laic'ur', rreceived Il his time will no doub~t go to the mann- clegilcianisyc'ste rccyI cci r ~Seiatoir Mcrris tigeniment of tlti-,. hept~accdinfornirig }1dntthat his sotn, Tice'rc' wciii he csvi n ew finces 'in thc''cticic1t'. I,. liccicificicl cif the T1wenCionimi ccciioners'Cc'unit.t't crci'I.. Si itiscin It y- l int 'tiA' ridc tuid con. wcucait c' isciic'r will be'ccinie County Jucccge. scitc'ciii c in t h'n ciffi 'irs' - -ca n t ar it rrhi, GerQoc'ntin I). torlc'y. l'cci'lc'r u'ccc'lii'a ilciii ucicuy.1) I'. llratrItic~lc! havinig hcrc trdhatf ciaIe t ii"sica t f 'IT. ill cr, Co am is -.1.i cltoil a nitt V. S* Mcc r'' fcifll Two iitysiocne r of p recin('tNo. I. ii' iii Ic A eric 'ccti icuci cccimidhul 'v iti t'ii I ldge Coci~y will pmiac) te cccv. Coic- Cci~i cc)1It.Acitin. 'l'c'ccsl, tictt Lricic nt rti inonc-r Miller is cabiecdy makig plinoscl i'tcifielcl was oc istig tie~ titlitd Su cnfor lai'go scale farm-log for' ocx t yeiur. asLot i' Shipic icl for in fut~riti oti. candthe, In the Tax Asses rirs off! i9 wIll lull el "e gri3t ii icc' r':' 1 'ccl yo'tit. ticay fromic E. Illictoniwill take over thiepliacticto iccto' Nclpai'cl ias in rtcytohsi vass elected TlteludaS'. He scays (qiciry. there will be no changes in the offt'e I. 'ccci ccl 'ciliocil cit Actttii, ind went tic Soc far lie has not di ded on whicil he,ltiuicctit. yen'agoat. in a Icti ci datici wil appoint as chief deputy, the place Sept Ir), ticlis yccm i', lie told his fcathot' cof lier nowhols i s fitrst fli ght into the eiieniy cuntry. W.' SS. Skiles. elected Ccunty Clerkt, IS Ie stui ~t.t.five pubtes started, huut now fi lling the unexpi red terni of le1"'.v t line tumid back, wlil' ii isand one Cullumi. Ter il no(chaniges theri" cltller5plccntcflew cut, ntalt idecii' l7,O110 In the Crimilnal Coutis ritiinii, P. 1.!'et ii sllstanc'c it~f thlt ty miles over the Alexandric'will gi to the be nch cif',Ins- e(.liily I i'iiltucry, lcstcotenontlired no totice Court precinct No, amnd Wtrray cnt' pla~n( iDr rsctfi,'slnl thinks that Fishr wil beome onstbleof tte hits son emust hanve beecn capttit'td c his same precinct. - ccind icr thurd flight, Stwrwho has not anncoinced futui' Stwr, lans., Murray -Fismher its pesent night FEDERATED CHARITIES' FUND allen. Pic will take the place now held GT U 70YSED Y The first woman ever to holed office in Dallcis County, Mrs. Blanche Elliott, will, take over the duties of County Only $7600cof- additional suibscriptlIons Treasurer.* She will succeedBA.Bod wa received 'yesterday in the financial The fo11l ice St it Wciay Clecric ccf ''uciitil 11381 hl.. 1.1 c)"in gtci c'ia.nirisicc cocaller tit caving Di he stale V al anced. there has irad's liiit shnrrtag" ma iiId. 11lOI[',Tl 110 ~rtiirit. ticciui'ci of proved a. if, the strr cccc"Ot cif n now bc'ing The c )al.I 'ompMi!fl the Newsi far Fri '1 a i i I I i M O'TOR 1RAN B 'OTl'A N IN FOR)T'l'WORTPH TODAY. Lieutenant Arnett. who was tontDallas for, somic time accepting applications for the Motor Transport Corps, hiss Informed The News-that he will bhe in Foit Worth today, tomorrow and- Satuiday for the same purpose.' He will he located at the United S tates Em plo ymien t Service ther9 it the Terminal Hotel. caipaignof01tileer Oi'tEOd uhiiaricir8's1 nance 'Associution of -1cihlas. tuwerd the $5,514 budget necessary for the 1919 wvork of the seven cuff iiited chiuritiy and ctci'viccc orgcinizatiocns. Great d isauipriintiiient at the repeated small showings of the last few days, was expressed by A, C. Ehie, chairmuunf of the i'xecutivc' committee, and W%. C. Howell, secretary of the association. MThe fund now toctals a pproxliiiately $76,750, or micro thamn $8,600il abort of 1A UTOMOBILE TIRES In order to concentrate upon, one brand we are reduigour stock of other stanadbndacoy 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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