Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~S ho4 Iand ' r tv Â~ 4.. Y' to Work Pending Hemrn VALLEY n0t4#Ot~l2tos EmPr I t 6 IaU4j1 fr B Meetsne h Lafyette and 300rirsht handlers employed by Plafl "x",-, h Illinois Central. Railroad Company l,; t Al M 'N 1 ^ Suae i Pmafor at Sto osant docks agrood to return Shipti - U35 I.I tond, work Wensday morl. a ofrn - hour to 60 cents. and whom L " -+---'..the National Adjustment Commisesion ' M ontt of a Orleauie wilt "rstg 'Yet 155 suet in New Orleans last week,.it, wee buiestn a&1 movemeklt~ nt Dar as a"pp of i~ -sop posed to take op their claim for lteishon- rd lei' jaji Ot a a veent fti no r a. soed pay un er the heed of 1 ~"g il" hretnbu ry li adferneoft tredI ' "o'Wde hetween thentom.vlpn lv O'maL.Y1P" al of Womaen The soon cay thor gcrow imp atien t Inamsbf su! o aris.hed f,w ating for the commission to give an rt with oat s" ~@tofsdNewa anant"some months alto the hoard raised Actio0 tower' f Tusday aftr acopetang thir pay from 28 1-4 aote an hoot to wae taken T% ha,4~ hat orw erstb t nTents. log of the q t" aile d had bees j}urteent commission asdother mm- noolation o fo"s l~oIn iaioto ara osPlr o h d ftefr " n, * ivtain opartelipt. - bhrs of the board telegraphed to Wash- The mmetrc of the Pria0 4" f+ every singing soolowid *woo09 ington and askhd thst action ho taken suited in the a war beS.dr' a Wtt " _1 q9 *Lbery ats wil Ie. n x. toce t er.he siteatuatlon rcomereodl Ortooerdits the b hoa ns toyO'Connor, member of the Coltarm eni 1few: a t saw ~~~~oftof patriotism embraapepple ten omlsomanone ti t ae oaa totrtih rt trenoil caemp. transport and tmdi noin tu te omo allon tey.ritisnc itswse would old a meeting at tho City flail t [es RasonIn he e vcs.wasat' 1MM- l > ereof re atl 1 a Tursday morning.anod the wage scale tgtmmaO7W e of of r teaes'elns.wo MtW s i h atoa o h heemnwl estte-ru rsd ad b to ]7t on "i. Meulo sthe Ntonal wthseson ilthtsttedd,./.g ditsofcolt" es aessooat p 05nd teNation Philip TahoeWiserand Reords. Mochoateln. J -teto -ofr, " fe a ofet a cand herNs odin-ewaslt. ond.'L it wt ooe ta dtt orhMoore of St. Louis, proot et of SlAlene r lS erslda nogro. lt.. foL last a" b fa c"ho~ati Cuclo m.ka t ph L Yyons. Jr.,C Qua toi~ae t t>A~tO!p a ir ad* fwi ootieg 155e0movement..thepolnceon a charm of theft from adA5 oeiwarwpa- 'neispaige. ~ ye tlal o "e reeidonce of Joib Lobto. 4M53Cammtltes Is every city., town assm0uaity to o ofatUe pert rouellaChauffeur mks bAns. Pytacla street. showed a decided - rftoilasa where the soiut%.astaaetl lans.-, o o ammood, O-ne iot of toote. acoordln to the %qWFT oprait r nih -" j~ ilPWMteWhl temtn ocrathe olpoiice report, by bundling uptwo qola. EligIb holl s an"to so ver'scp;otipet 0 a,w~rdhe nrgy is ee aabats 0Ious sday morntoCA uof choice whiskey with 7 worth of privateoCle h Itnited w!Yrkasmeepal lop with bl geteI ea -s fewGergeKeoh IftheW1 Pis- Mr. Lecasto's beet Edison recors. nd te. is tosted Fa rd ' oan le Aer t*; at t 4theWe oes f. aticswas caoght ytecrank ibaI:* a 51 crepe deo chee waist. the onla ne omnded as oearoat 1n5CL''lla *s eo fsoee rme when the back-fired and dsmay. lie Laranto said that he aewni-red rennd lien ai Wea + * rr._ dneoda wa r q ewae taesto the Charity o tat. 11 were lit. aod that after wrl coe 0f 'clne as elsosI'adr 1- a so oaright armonwas brakes ahove Waies. the woman when menmbers of his ton-UntedStte igltje taf rt o bil sh e ethe frcuewse00 ew ek hedm ene 3cgt rot Officers' soti tad t a itaffbwill ho Ch mam wsater removed to his hogie, residance as 2216 Louistana avenoen Zachary Tee aeatwediotri a.mestho g ii lop'., vK e'?u- ______''~ a the CieetAsrvrnzsof the -rmsta lt-___________________________________ fBuy Christmas Gifts NOW -Send Them NOW.j n'-O~de wil h tetee tothe pw#h. - Rr Thedrive wml. **m=eoswest Mon-o- n a' p-au Pe" y "p r eonwe ilPso. wypr toI. sr qtten''.t.vyto reetwo'~. i e~tehone ctloeecein t. teereet of tie ton,tedWar Wortsi'smnai's. Mr erht.. Cnn^#t"tow bc P~c5 Ronge st's Kr. Xetery for Phow oon't. 'VaJ inel~ LA. ACT'IONS NUMERtOW. f,i.. an". "od Algiers C.rt*Ha" s Xlepot dug lustration of C1Ilssder's Coolneei renptod.deeth of Captain A;reti~l~taen el s4P,1ylr is New Orlea e. ap nes. lpy.Iy&LT1 l Sernios. recallseto ~eas a studenat is We doppel k! prchsttsoture of Tuaoo Va* _Lw-os, machod. him as ans Ieee Christmas Cheer " at Halms Haven't you felt the Christmas spirit yet? 'Well, just cotne in to H-olmnes Store. I t is pervaded with the holiday spirit of goo-d ch'eer.The ruddy chimneys of brick bespeak the approach of. Santa Claus with his sleigh-bells ai d the tlzplaiy of delightfully attractive. ierchandise appeals to you, for kjmmediatr putrchase. Hiolmes %' Mail Orders Filled Promptly Wedaesds3 Stunning AW Women 's W. $35.00 to A delayed shtpment of beautiful su The order was placed two months ago. to get the piec goods then. At least tv in this line Qf merchandise since the p which have reached us. are priced as the ready earlier in the season. and as a re them represcnt a saving of about 25 pe'. We have a very complete line oft wants one can come in any day this wet The models include some of the fin broadcloth and velour. Trimmings consist plush and self material used on collar, cuffu vertible Collars and belted coatn arc teals:. Colors include taupe, brown, green. black atod Alice blue. Priced 35.00 to 52.00. Holmes Reedy-to-Wear Section suer. awelli ewy. Gay / Hand-r wvill be m 'han ever sent thteI giving w pensive. Our lat bons of fe bilitics f Enchanting Ideas ' for. Early -Shoppers tractive slippers -A table, fraught with the most artistic novelties appro- cgerie5 priate as Christmas gifts, gayly presents 'itself for your in- A large spection. The articles are such as deft needlework and dainty' stripes. p' materials makce beautiful. Each gift is att-actively boxed ins. tapesd from 1o4 and contains a verse artistically lettered. - I A lot< Such delightful boxes; covered in gold lace and silk, and Piceh 3 trimmed with- silk f lowers and ribbon in the sizes and shapes Dark ai which can be used for man th lrioses. Among the many Priced 4a NEWS PAP ER R M seig boxes, csandy Hle 0 09/21/2 0 06 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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