Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ ~ - -. - a Ace Gets Another och em -I T M UIAIONSI ED GROSS FILN PR, MELETN ONLOST AVITOR ZdtrINFLUENZA EPIDEMIQEMNP Editor Deseret News. DENVER, Cole., Oc Are we doing all we can and all we the headquarters Of tt ougtt todo vo moot the prevent emerg- rain division of the Sncy? I have mo desire to criticize Cross less than two -ia public officIals in the discharge t1 hgd been sought, to ri theIr duty nor to Increase the alarm anxiety and suspense which Is already felt over the present ered over the home of epidemic of Spa nih influenza so re- Denver for three mont) Utly introducad Into our towns and Wells had received a cittes, But I am convinced that It is a sedous enough proposition to demand our best thought and the most Vigorous ppiication of all the preventive measures known to sanitary science. -. One naturalty asks the question, Why were not at least the-first cares that appeared in this stats put under rigid quarantine? 'We quarantine smallpox and scarlet fever and diphtheria and other contagious diseases Lto dJ prevent their spread, and the experi.ence of the world in all place has sur vindicated the wisdom of that precaution. This influenza i more contagious than any other known disease, and yet if there are any quarantine regulations promulgated by general or local authority we have failed -so far to see the evidence of it. There may be a good reason why not 5c Pap's Co0d ( even a cara is placed upon the doerRecasP1 of stricken houses to warn people to 5Eec m'Pi keep away; but I 'ail ty see that rca- Nature's Rerpdy I son. The state board may have inforrnation from eastern cities to show;5c Ereezone, spot that quarantine in this particular rapIdly spreading pandemic is useless, but we would like to know If that is true. We have been advised that the wearig of masks is an effectual safeguard, at -east the most effectual we have, and since influenza is eminently a re'spiratory disease, contracted in all a ARtII reasonable probability by Inhaling the: breath of infected people, the mask' ought to be all that is claimed for It. Eut one nattirally asks if so simple a thing as the wearing of a mask preVents contracting the Infection, why not make it a universal requIrement? C If we had a regulation applying to stranger within our gates, requiring each one to wear a mask whenever ARE- C be vacated his own premises, we might FJ put an end to this tiling In a few days. IMOUTH HYG] Rtesults would naturaillydepend uponRf the vigor ' with which the regulation I was enforced. Hsalf 'way measure~re almost as useless as no measures at al ( A clean tooth t if any person found wItnout a mask were subject to arrest and fine, therew aces, displaying his sixtieth trophy a'e of the Hun airplane. He took Hun plane he brought down. IAL E IS NON BEING PINIED~ LONDON, ence of The Oct. 29,-(CorresponAssociated Press.-Dan at night will not interrupt press service already' behere for flights between sairo or Calcutta, say avi The great machine deis work will fir by comn. ule op a strong inucernent to onie rule, So strongly am I conof the *fflcaey of the universal method that if I possessed the Ity of' the state board F would hIs state on a masquerade tomost common obiection I have -and, regardicL f0e75c. 50C $1.10 I 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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