Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ and Harbor [MasksWi Be Worn as.0 A|Soldiers Will B E in Oregon s Influenza Safeg p' ds; U IlI Provided Jobs at ved$951,000TNew Rules Set Forth L MlP| fl Liberty Temph ate of House U IUT Campaign Against Further Spread of Disease is to Be Waged inU U U Starti Monda -----~-Vigorously;,Speakers Will Be Assigned- to local Yaquina Bay Entrances Playhouses; Strict Quarantine. Captain Convill, With Coopera giwylle Harbor Are tion of All Agencies, to Projects Favored, A aIn L CT quarantine of all placers WoletAs which were a,,roved by Dr. establ y H e rters. S abode in which there art influensa Sommer, and upon representations made cases, the quarantine to continue for a- by Dr. Karl F. Meyer of the Htooper -n, Jan. 11.-(WASHINGTON iperiod of0 days after subsidence of Foundation of Medical Research of the BeginningM y t e )F THE JOURNAL.)-The the fever. University of California. Dr. Meyer flaunt some ench sign ae "Jobo to resentativee tonight voted. Rigid prosedution of all persons break- maintains that the mask is ae qi the Soldiers Here. ingvquarantiarbregulations. best weapons available for use against The gracefl srcueo it e river and harbor work. in Wearing of masks. the disease. Morrison, which has houed no man: 'Ing the next fiscal year Regulation of number of passengers Work on the masks will begin by patriotic dr iemployme t om e Oregon proects4n the n of four-mInute speakers ngtMonday, accord o he di-di id from the committer. New in local theatres rector geherati. The Red Cross will Oberegon. roved are, Placing of screens between guests in asked to furnish them as rapidly. as po- wilth e ted at epl y n 1,nCanny Calm andOminous Qmet public ea ng places. sible, and they will probably be odie-fro po0t he Capte Stats e.Co nm beointchargh enrne 1000 i'~ito fvlnaylantiue hog h eatet~ Attorney General Brown Points Captain a1.Cnil llh nbrt ay entrnee, 6100,000. That Forebodes Unrest Hoverstat* atln of volunary It was suggested thattieyhe 'sold for Out That State Board Should me terc es o e ederal e o to new rojects the bill Reg lation of dance ha ls, and other a small sum, making it possible for per 000 for the Co a and Over Legislative Weather and places where persons congregate, regu- eons to obtain a number cheaply- - s Safeguard Interests of Com- the dispos oa l e willial oter h0 o heClmia nLegislat a essin ebrpive andrly, em posietinoth spca nette rivers below Portland lation to consist largely of "mask' well as assisting the bureau in defray- o t division by Wilfred Smith ver; v$,000 for Coos bay. Experienced awmakers Wary. wearig rulse. Ing the expense. Thyr will be avail- monwealth by Legal Action. federal employment director for Oregon the Columbia river bar; Addition of two medical experts, two able for the public as soon as arrange- r Civilian agencies will cooperate will he umer ar; physicians and two clerks to the or- ments for their making and sale can the employment service. The soldier' he upper Willamette; $2000 ganistion fighting the "flu." he compieted. s river. It Is Blandly Stated Millen gial Such are some of the salient points in Cartegulation Plassed Report Brings Out Enormous Ex- sailo and;a"rviscion* j protest of Chairman Small awnat andin aem and Saurday's development of the ways The street cars will be regulated be- tent in Acreag e of Sch Temple.'A w mi tt n ardmioa icommittee. Representative faniand means by which Portland citizens, ginig on"'evein.'sPn hewomen wiildrcl rgsrtonadcb.shingtn secured an amend- through the consolidated heath bureau case of t ththeatres and dancing pavil- nds Multed b Meanso provision fo houn hen n sa $40,000 for maintenance at All Coming Up Is Road Legis- will he calied upon to combhet teci os the reuaiopil ecrre u ofb Another commtenilb ed or. <Small declared this a ain,, demic now sweeping the city. by ine cmayisl ne the direc-aFraudwFro PeoplerofeState adopt extraoriaymasrsfre arecedent. because reco- lation, Reconstruction, Finance. i Cooperatio IsyGoal b they burea nd wihe the ai'd ofpoyneFraudlFromrPeopleeofrState,aed on it ht he chief of engineers.lonothbueuadwtthaiofCpinot et was adopted removing The masks and regulation of public policemen. Overcrowding will be for- Captain Convill. places were decided upon ats theabeat bidden and all persons showing signs ' ALEM, Jan. -it i the duty ta t a n o un e tc imho n.tatlonlmeans of combating the disease and the of influenza will be taken to their des- o e; t-t h rrang ymproveent sork w i l AIEM, tlonorrow morning at decision is in conformity with the in- tination, but will not be again permitted o the stat board to provide odgng and board of oldiere it regard to the construc- 10 o'clock by the schedule, tention of Director General E. A. Som- t. board a car. Sufficient means of safeguard the sta 'a- interests awaiting employment sod aso to as reposed railroad connecting will reccive the thiricth Oregon mer to.isolate the disease rather than transportation will be provided, say relative to lands ch have financially rea ted sor wf c S ra ag ilreit t ititren osethe city. Intention to prosecute officlals, by the cars making more trip been fraudulently take from After-Care committee of e Red Croe etch Grants Pass. legislature into its "fill" stricken ike campaign by cooperation rather with smaller loads.ben fadetl tkn frm Ae-Crc embrace. How long the solons than coercion also was evidenced in the,, the state. The only way this also will occupy a division at Liberty 3 in Liberty will nestle there in contented meeting with business men who were care-" Dr. Somner stated emphatically can be done is to take action aemncies anorde cooperated wha lgislativc indusr il* eed ase oassist in the agncesanpiaiiepete.tatth es i stry will depend The mask has been decided upon yesterday. The regulation will be car- to recover the lands. War Camp community service will dc idnr tlnred out Monday evening with the ald Atre eea ere M ieie ads Are Stolen upon their impressions upd the through the medium of resolution of poiceen, and any willful obstruction Attorney General George. lkewe ground, and their nerv! in con- adopted by the committee of five repre- Brown impresses this fact upon Four employment companies in the fronting unseen end insidious at- senting the County and City Medical (Conti# osa Pge Twelve, Column Four) the state land board in a re- city of Portland have seued a state TInd., Jan. 11.--(.N.po.) ment that all dicharged soldiers and id dollars in Liberty bonds tack. They feel, generally speak- port completed tonight cover- sailors making appicaion at their of from the First National ing, that, with the eu1nmenaceiC Ing the status of the F. A. Hyde fices for work tn logging camps saw twisville. led., near here, of the "third house" eliminated anLPciiVLvLtckcopny mil, arsanIasciteidutre ULLo ad cmleelend fraud cases. This report will he guarate mlymn 1 0 loss, and what, incaddition and all due sanitary precautions ane:y bonds, was taken is not taken by themselves, and en- will go to the land board Mon- Men returning fron the service who forced by the city authorities, day- may be in n they will be as safe, if not safer, Ofl While the report does not mention anteed their fare to the place of sm fro th grsp f te eide c.L -I. specIfically Oths school lend frauds ployment to which they are assigned VSf t heXep*dei*b*ou*ht to light by the Marion nty and will he given the return fae " Vs IIn the ropitolft lia eihotelsmor - grandjury in 100, and which a dow they are unable to obtain employment other public gathering plays. I1 noA ghTttoPopublican i point where they may coose to ON ONE-IS PAGES They contend that they wil stick FJeuwal the-attorey generate comento work. Duty iouegsn Landa- it out for he fil 10 ' of Peace to Be Brought Up in There ia somethIng peculiar and om-- I -.od. red, the Iunh bsergs pne eta lt am l M nous abqit the' legislative we'i'fEllr. Portland AccidentsaBesides Fa- Resolutis ovet a isF s ng out to themn theier duty to take such agenct.oLbm Meestieate calbs odayt )ana&e a Mak to BeW c is NO calm and springlike. Everything.Beie. tps se-maytbe necessarykto recover c& Oae ont ageny, an 800 Reds Killed in Berlin is so Itgageful.. The little clouds, porD talitles auso.uries; O Activity; ovo Comes the stolen lands. Dlaner & Fd h yte t cmany neeeeinn191. tents of a storm,chaveavanishedandp crtriencethrtlayarL' I ye nd cau Labor agency and Lewes Employment ni in 15 the ship of state rides, all but be- -. as a- result ofwhidn i the nefthborhood office. uncalmed, on an untroubled sea. of 14,000 acres of valuable land already sags to Come Up in First teet. But there is a ground swell that By Ernest Peterson A reconstruetion prograqt embracing have been recovered and -12,000 acres Preside (Concluded) warns the experienced legislative marl- Thirty-one people met'death in Port- practically 'every state interest and more will be recovered as soon as the aion held Responsible for Tae ner of unrest beneath the surface, like land durIng 1911 and-98 were painfully calling for much In the way of road general land office refuses to grand title uxiUes restless volcanoes that lift and fall n to lieu lands selected in place of the P iak federton of IAbor Ends es. again, waiting for the gathered force insured in the 4155 automobile-accidents building and municipal works, was 12.000 acres of state land, which was With Cheen for Wilson to rear them up above the wavs. tthat took place within the city. Nine- adopted in the form of resolutions ap- used as a base. Isis lu Severe Epidemic of In- "I don't understand It,' one vteran teen of the fatalites were pedestile proved at the closing session of the Nyde Osly One of 3lsey - "'Shush' seems to be the password, of the- others, four were killed in col- Oregon Reconstruction convention il -"In the last two years." says the at negon Prepared for BinWork and myster lie der ofthe a y isio'. between automobiles, three in The Audlitorurm Saturday evening. ~'torney general, "there have been re- Buenos Aires. Jan. 11.-iU. ri-The id Y That member and the other ones meet collitsbetween-street cars and auto- To carry on the work approved an turned to the state of Oregon lands general strike was aettled thiu ceenn o Tops D ed mea sa mobiles and the remaining five were m a that had beset procured by fraud, that at a rnferenco of wokers ad employ D l ''I want to talk to you.' Then they fatally injured when automobiles pass Oregon Reconstruction committpa wa, are of many times the value of the era at which President Irigoyn pre 'look hhind them, whisper 'shush,' and out of control of the drivers and took authorized and its first meeting, an- amount appropriated by the last legis- sided. Dinis tacot. Eteept r ay, 'I'll.see you later.' I don't know fatal plunges. nounced Mayor Baker, the chairmart lature to conduct thi office." Jrgoyen induced thr strike leaders to yet dhat iteneans, and it makes me The greater number of the accidents will be held next Tuesday. While the Hyde cases were the means accompany him 1o the Vazena iron Gales i Yield of Slere, Leaid nernvous." is attributed to inexperienced driving A second convention should be nailed of recovering 14,000 acres, Hyde was works. where the strike began. The Ceper and carelessness.. 'very accident was by tins governor early in '19. the orly ens of many operators who muicted president aasd the ufflcialx of the com Milisnial Dams at Mend due to carelessness on somebody's pert,-- delegates voted. - the state of its school lands by means pony to accede to the utrikero' demands. en Teday There are alwayn. hi every session, said Captain L. A. Harms of tine traffic Included in the long list 'of resolo- of which have been declared by line After a brief conference lihe officlis oTeem Keepers of the Dynamite. eithee by department of the poliee bureau, "and lions adopted wera the following. 1n Marion county grand jury to ha fraudu- agreed. The worker wlill receice muge,bIlm Takne Toll en ot Linesin Inself 5tppointment or by designation of a great many of them were due to in- brief: lent. -inecees and.ahorter bourn. I (tConcluded)i various powers that be. This iegisia- experienced drivers. I feel that tins only Slanott Bill Indorsed As compared to Hyde's 40,000 aeres nihe Tile labor lenders assured Irigoyen tines Ale School to Oen Janu- tore is no exception to tins rule, ex- way to curb this awful death toll is to Indorsing tins Sinnott bill-which plo- grand jury feud that inure thlan 100.- that all irades which went out in aye 17 cspt that ibis time they exhibit ne -fagre everyesperson to pass a state ex. poses a federal appropriatibn of $1.000.- 000 acres of school lands had bean takes pathy would return to work at once. of Land tlmeally Held Du- hasty nervousness but pursue the even amnination before being allowed to oper- 000.000 foe western reclamatjon, and aid from the stats by means of forgeries led tener of their ways, like men with -ate a moving'vehicle- of any type in of soldiers wishing to settle on tins land- and dummies. 'issusuu iseks to Proe AlibI time beombs in their pockets and con- tie streets. Aesking the eglaueto again double Witn his success in the Hyde cases as Deput unidLaorBs AIc d ynound fai i thi enism. wThe just tin ''A great many people with poor eye.. the auto license fee as a baste for the a beacon light Attorney General Brown m-odir Jb yfaisrlyike yf i jus thel ousight and some who are subjet to issuance of further rnad bonds, hut sug- points out to tine land board that indi- F or Killhng Bandit N O--M PAGES blandt'e t ie of a dan atel o dissy spoells are oFating machines geeting that motor vehicles be there- catione poInt to equal success in re Albrt els e Re CessWeblhn, and that therifen awn umI ae upon our busiest streets who never upon exempted from general taxation, covering thousande nf acres acquired hy manber Tebuf e roW rlad nd the attlifead trof l rae. ought toubs lwedl to sit at tins steer- Indorsing the principle of the eight- ____________- - Walia Walls, Wsh., Jun. 11.-iC(. P.) rsne Ter' ur di ied ut the a t feds ar olfm anel leg wineel. ' would not thtnk of let- hour day for the lumber industry, not (coneclsdsd on Page Seem, Columna Ono) -After hearing eyewitnesses tell line as ped ewYer' o Riners utheir alm. ar lmm n ble ting them have -a revot'ver to flare only f or tine Northwest, hut asking thatstrofhwad hyDpySerf Sisht Hard t m ay,. or it may not, be signifi- about- us, but yet they are allowed to congress enr national night-hoer ntoyVan uml so and hy lDeut Cheriff County Asarded Thrift Priz cant that ''-'.'----.- reene, notorius auto bandit andt horse toGeslrn"odr Inas ofapnsOthTG'oC'ZA'eeI' I ief of this county, last Thursday aften lal Stude PntnirInte rdof the iti / 2 '0/" 2- 0 0 T6TLI B RAR h O CON G RE SS NEW S P APoEoR R M coroner' au toa compleel Taekie Stomp OSa is Boyal and ae Â~ / e / ~I)Lt)~J'.i'eleoeae a xdl and omne lee. of appari 0

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