Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ 1 il I -1;11 &J LI.E U j Et rmani~ ''r ' eaths at Hospital au&" Two wat> t <at FPort Wright.-Appeal -re l for "Nurses. mta r da~i n i ghi1t andr EPORT 79 MORE CASES; yatF~tiat * they had b esiditiona Neat Reassanta, Sarys wok'haa nur Dr. Aaittcwon-Viat Johnnts r ii Hatrmisin. }'mii cdark.. _______t"t rttat _, t U it hat., --CITy J%5.'L'ItE:ZA DATA.!th' ~tl. ' '+ta-qti eja saetay itsa. -.~ TartalI to datte, 2415. Twomon (SACS atfpaautaeilareported yn-Fort Wright wdAy, t. tteI ~f:1a t Deaths.ripsteed in (17 -Jay r atinfutenza albs titrepoted, ati jhoel -'righi t~tt~ atareday, 3, H aeltart 3i Pattenta.ininfiltuena a.hoepitni 11.1. at l) *thi I to tot"Moa hunpitol. 4. Timottthy, With tfour deathte. very edflldSPOK E pt night acid a abhortage atftnutses, to emergency tefluenta hosptalothad B. D. Heard tWmott trying period yetetda'". At- iecome ree Htenry died at 8:10 a.n. amoan finloy at 3:4it p. at.. Pete tillisi at 1 rI C. isor. and Hermiian Andersona at of Al- rtt t10" p. Mt. At least three other pta- 6 iu, ke v~rai ",rittal ettidititti. tt, aae # 3ta tat Hrta. forinor soper-.,. (no;:Ytrec at.- St. Lttke's hoepit d ci at naracsn at l~3,.40 tag haosphtii~tar a few day. - i4nt4" liaeirptetllttent of the in-I tlmNp hept$. h ie first iayas aftSl;iaj oliehig and win 1later tcOt Alta sanlt'a 140 e iid itt be late hcnt tt t titt't Ih &Co- 30A 7 1oe7eis 1 Nictiintal attat.Sheriff ReidAlso Finds Witta.t~ fswasc a' h Rt epbath -the tied th-R'ns.n' Bbbislo Heapand,Among Wi id etlifilm to thee trn tng iha day ateudod at at Stumps Near Dentiott LE1t Nt' Fi44F~~t. At it t expectitgtgt argtot-at - - rnectfor weei5 ealdhe Ps pi9JIP11/ f niit haat peres, feeranarie e~iiipa't)etia Qt1t %~tee ictit~ntt dt"'trtilON C. DIPPOLO RANC (sagafor n.eeiaaiijagwvqmabep'tOh S nletf~.-iiiitti t ry.sluin Owner aof'rop~ehty it Jailed--5*1st' That the crest, at 0ilte tialiot 1$a it e > Is ap t:.eattied in Satli.5e ctontty at ta.2 tt'ii ait a-it- wT aihyt~leat at ianer4 remit I.. 'a r aeta rgfIltj ns v ihtt ixthEr r" fl:t ha itt i i.pat it heetore lrdyb hrin. i-r"I rprt_.tic ngi ae r ndin eterverit Ityetrdt aigd ho id nd ______ iir un'f tidtan wites nwerep wiiitpg we kn h-enf s t teeihr^ tari- itt o ol as th itt e irt il tiod-g Ithe ri erereo r.ed al tt~,:i nthn otwe n aip th yaltt i ther intew.Bti etontyaphywereonti-taio s scuifed wiolake tato-'lied ta- I Wln on t1ttreancae-11' Inflhteutflip-eef lt tnt are. K etii tlt at it ~l tl raoriad t lsat three dayts. t' roo 1lac,-Id. nothfbht i [).'inaThe deathra pa Spkate and mtter vi woake, t F. D. 3. hat leg, Theo'tttiere ittad tltost tianialred Ietttf aemt'th. iaC riaai W. Cresby. tiett". Cal 'fit tiadinic the ite.Itt-c ahiqttithi-oFw.analdieIt ay he traced. to the II lrc011 j~~'t'(i rh~l.ric.1tCt - --- t~ a-i-i-2-itepat'tii -th 1ctslh uth 2 e't ratitt he altiseaai in obheying "The 1 MEN AE PROOTEDTli apartticiiiar -;-A tiieitup a te ttttaraat t art early date," satts Yatoha PRMTE ir --aiiott krg 1tI tittiatta htht. an1 c~ The tttftr etnathensawa aperttliat hr cilia ami.t-"tindt hittiht pitch, ast-c loicn Jr. ipad tt. J. Wood t-tkita rilttitieli tiit- Atpoett(rtt11aaitect lfat i~attw -g p c ircitd Lfsttoalagt. the rttbhhteit'itpetted fite oitont i-kemctaraotntineca lt8.'ob hcervctotttsj-i P' 7 aa.ten t "rv ittor. Anitna the stumtpa they ttrictii ro h G~,.itt ran 1ItIth atlitda\ ater fot-id t re t'-i a.itt A t td _________________ ----^ Ott tutt. and 0ie.1t-r ihat-1,t a liir,"t-ga"it krg o At E " a RWERanT, ae por ofttt-tMhitand Ic-4. "'t ifky.iagt itte5f~~ -.f~tW~LADdi.~ Clie tlulu~ - at ruh.t h lip 1 a r~~irlo fat. itt i, wlti tewasntt Dapier to Headle Foods Jiq United t iatei. residensoit tilenirth at Den- War Work Drive. non. Deputy rhrr iffswaeredtailed "I egettheo NmiyofM nnis.Lttcppetd n-au orrested wht ite ar- tiogere, chtairmnofatthe war' Wit~h d ictit home. lie wasaafdged Findrive. at headqtuartert In the Old Na ail bargti with ha-ring itquor in tlanat Bathkbiding yesterday. aule i poeaornitn. s era-iern asboa eern nxceedittgly tipld isa tbrntiter ot-il 'tliamtI n fact. atmost inatuabte. 'Br. tntip titppttli, arc cattil at Cotibert tast aut-i work tttt htt previos bond drivas piethoreed with taving liiuor., but ga-i- hint exterienre that was oftthe ahitinsisted he was Inspecting wood. get-a t-i-at aaatetanet~o tu. 1"way;a canvicted. - - "Genteral White and amyself iavre A cttof -tt75.gaticons at whiiky beet eanaidetring the questhonto f Flts tialfuintiftn a ltavaithee train yea- eut-tenate, hot will nat fknow. dgimhto deray by Siheriff,Maid and deputies. ly fillMonaday. Tewhisky. which' wan hilit-d fotr "T. 1t. Brewer. president of theeFt' Ttnama won taken t the cottnty delta Nationtal hank. hast hahn ap - jait. The ofimers hoarded thtr train painted county treasurer tar the War _ <:.. 2emilth rout.oatthe ecit~y and taound fond drine, J. R. Wileat,who Wasa titr-n-ana Th adetier fce the fourth Libertyyloap we~-- ~ e-.- search warrant. - committee, wilt ho dlrerkor of colt e - AUTO KNOCKS 2FROM WAGON 'AUCIOS UKQ&8 ATTL Otto and irl on Appie Way Are Ron- ^ dewed tiaateieus.'" tarry Crestkn e ijegORl 04 fir -a- - - An stttomahile raninto awago, wnut oe Pnasgp. - drtaven hbyId. Whiteketit, tin itr'r ppl IHarry (Frankseqf -ooPeroe. ldahq-i way yeatesrday. Mr. Whitroamp antia veteran tive stack* akicptaclyer rutptrt-, Min, ntip Iderbath Welt thrown trawm ed yestei-day-that tat had the laest gaie the. wagon and rendered itninealnue- ho evar held at the tar-it of A. Camp-, Mtiss. firboth stutfared a strained hailfEittfage-.1#e tls q att. a;i hat Tand was hutrt aboutt the head. head of Sr hertheorsd act rTitaord Mrc hhltercam I-iwas hotly knuised ontd grades at top prices Theae cattle ban e'alp' 5veetad. ware deived ftr pture-bred butte tDr:' Brennttiws passing and gate obtained at the Nrthweat Live Stackc a.. seanltaner. Tite auticwon driven Osty hows. Pry towp brought. 076; 2-year C..ltttttW C(artetr - o dhalterstlin7; Yearling hetara, $h7" L fill Fourth aie, e wre calves, ateers and heitera, tram piinted cecanti tie ten - VERA WOMN -IS STRICK Â~N to $6. - far tha in hi. WOMenral. eprt "th5Rate of the sragistered. Shortr- f nara. adjitont enart rs.p III. ~A. 4e Attacked by 1e00- o- rna Tle at. tipno rthwest Live Stock aver ant Beadslyforflta ean esw hle rrswR rind. aascitiIteisstiondho meetings t bento hecld pheld srethe Rtardaiey. tarLift Iteytrat eanWir uangFtadeaewda. dh. e ee eott nat es9ttnilt ta,eniteas r lire, NF A. Gtesir fatVera, who nas Dacamber 2 and the Heretard tate tor first 1 yita. 1an, titanb renanutsing xtriend at Parktter tlsoem brr 3.t htea eri1917,t411.4wet suftering with ihfntot ahaitee -.-._ 'Thea inptLwndrn Wiitiodhe at hertlf stricken with thea 4ittote. GI? 1000 15ONOQG H DISKS a-anced: Dine Lldnwiht)we -. it. P atterson ot Vera ta. _ ptaces ii aRoetit ecinaptainrecird word that hat mnin-a-tw.-CaJatgo Reaots to D tei.'Ine Ea apeewi abs.Waodilrtetroopandj yera'hirter ttK aeriousnty ill at in-betat oaeataritop fiuanart at Taconta. Hie wife, termer- teoded es Wedmetdny. Net a du, scre to tanap tewis. where ty MieAlice Patteson, it at hit "The reponse of the pthblicin a all the ti lsergeant, ted tkgteasto boded lfor kgla Y-'V. where he tde-si kfet cr' phaog"aehi r et-the bloat ht hnaauarnce department -orea. wans generous yestr lay. tprao- Itse a aeeenttmajor. d-i01,atmnte'a-'-------- a.-a-e-'thlnanely iO0O having bean donated at game. 7 lasth t.Icewbar. As a bny CITY BREVITIES. - the 1toar wore masic houset-' taM 4 ne ret a tswaittetPt"-- '--''s J. Ritter. thairatlan of the commit- Iofttelta route and when Jhreel- ro Wisher ht:o ilferas. tee 0hey Wier eyoed ha the nfl lie of tin Mr. and ta amniet Willmnan of "A omsat donatedlt06dines prnvltt.targo nu Isomarts at]gond. rchad aenuehav gon toOa1J edwe weuyld froiifar thea a namneifarme a ptwaih a mr.Oetd vti aegn nOk bratught i!t toret We will he traps, mil land. Cat.. to spend the winter. ghe!1titt ea,71 when the do or can net Lightt In' '" M -_Dr. H. P. MarsallaIn itsi. deliver. I have no doubt bot thgtbunceh af XoLU6 EGG YOUNG Dr. H. r. OMarshall it conftned to the remainder at the quota wilt as -Is hio hme bit reitarta' ant night were received, but to make duce at It the 'Atter t5*ee Adottires euJttapmte hat bewae imptroved anti woatld petiod nf campatgq bhaa been eatenttt$ and them taortg 0Hec Deah. probahie beeatut in a coupie at days. tnt Wedneaday."srn Vi fottieg nab, Conls- -nab Woman n Booate Charge. MXObAeWIE RO0TP 'i ou -In palsteof grade ael om- Margaret iWICEy. age 41 lantila-i Oftsaed' theta reesd- Mra ot iy g 1,lnld aldl the ildwa yahotel, wile aretet Clint Seen a 4.Festle--ne treeebert '.w n jay l 'ltaa d Chapia.a we ' - swpi V'f1~,la-asM ad~ t night by t. iersOdiabei ap Marcon lanatd Officer Mallilneon a charge LodH crrnfmryne that w' tateatr; arig Ta of tat egging. - Ltd01 ctrtfrri n -nip pahtt la laatVl fthe oweesaid manager oathte farthe api.9ta lie aY of M~eSake Home With Mrs. SfrCanotsh. Nitnhwtat lBrokeragecocmpany, in the tave Wit peaity ititaraittifeyJ.; Mr. and Mera. J. itntrer Watt willt1 vetan iota k.whoi left Spakafnt iaat thet Fret, ('a. )A'1Chaoth -tIbtttt iy. tttti Tittat-iding" daartracat.)toft. "bjetut cialtnet ohave taken only one 'C, n (atieo tthsl.Z'nnn ' et Wwne iohatnilari'to the icad drink.' 14 'ire in l1t anailm ta mi1110.Cepecrwill ttertotmorrowteall daY- a---' Ink. ~ ~ ~ SI 'VII21tatt'ttt tithe g'ut, rottage itatoad at Wteda PASTOR HOTEL DOOW.A IIU~ (-~Ti-. - ttan Itrttmt. and n'adoy. io rantitat- ihtte-itig toy. The' n 'hartitrcy. aa vlt hiattwn etrgit-ti deteemnitto ttal-irtrtl an titthe't'b-IltY W. U. Ptti,Ds'eepae~t Erna ad~i b iot ii-i"r, Catliitmtc mw etoti haiki tty. da l ninve. Raf.-R Wood. Driee~i yesterday a umanla. ante in thea IaEar. ment.Brn1 er n-with the Wci on the ti-eroac In (thea;- iretent in studtent rink insarer lt4nan Looter.. 194sOa u- Ttit.M, eiot Caetfaomtiih,te~matt i Pwill. a c wogmandlq Ff ant t eere ha crrisd %~' fttrnwpar n-' j e F )ort Nd wac emp dy start thea Itiiab n sent idaho. ak. Fart IMOHNSa P ansig Club io $p. rO pta Dp* lr: An- Thea Zita atA. ti-itpad of pr Ot. ito a lain pokasne. to very m ttions. din 0avoid. Ida Patire. itantry. It atontip A~~.zr 9dtebce tr 'a--m l~e cithere the fild. - -- Pelter Then a CGit honnas, A mare 'er can tesat. I tha ilaah battle prehistorin ant RuBt tkeette The pritannia ritish mare than Americana mate upton the rai 8I STO:A iiedr of Cs LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER RM 0

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