Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ UJ l ts, id dclothing foe Bet. 'oels will continue unt apply of yarn is diesd ned rate of produotion i4 laset until the end o1 work warn at Its height -97 v 1 u rere frantic +pnd individ plit to the ingttn omd. setn 3ee are domin; cent or rent was paie. 'as ha~d rent free its= MU"r at Fourth sadl ea since April, 1917. ily Ali Voiauteers. 'y 811 of the ilt Iwork has beeni by v ta oe a,fthem " teof.tis na tiR.p; Norta H d er m Cha s Only. R <. 1i Uitlt-d )rsg bT18q i it Jas abrief he family st., 't t~i ~ B e fn se iiowabcoei. m t0555. eth r Peul'friends; and eome s t d'efn ceunties t~o.i being had In loratingsomte Ithe N iftb distz'idt" n W. Hlacelc. of th quil-ed for. 6 I~ughton,. state direr11tOT North- A mo a Cauue yesterday to a ea ichigan. aily n Weetuii, avenue, An in Ooermntil~ng tanp iv-qua.r und -that the family haa not on: 1Director of orgepiatlon, John j at that nu bpr for five years J Q arlng, >Minneapols,- si No one in the neightborhood knows 4r e c to r R. C. Teusotrer. nusasON# -. istb fpl oTrot Uti~mn 88 37Beast Seventh W.Turnerluittn); fot'iW George JRolulsteVr TFrgo" " '" f, f~et. ~akota, roger..r: Ye i Fal;for 'WVisraoo! I ar!. VlIth'ae 7ttilwaukee; 0a~~o~ Hubhard.P* Wn $os ~I cheylid.SOCIAL" DISEASE FIGHT.'- la Ohi,, Â~'et Cle 5 O eceI neosInet- C munietleb With Ruesre. 3y00. Coes1 n Minesoa tnveti- There Is a student at the U niver Oted by Health -Aurthorities. y o Mcia wobe-not of 3,000 capes of venereesl heard f!o his uiarests in Rumsia for in Minnepota:Inys been' in- eight mpnths. U to that tine corn during the past year by munica on with them wasqute ag ra-Board of mt, o-oeoa- War, af's has transmitted many with ire 'Pub *Gety cpnisi- mesage trough the fled Cross but ecacordipg to a statement b! the haseoted no r sly. salon., All of the replies hale been from. report lareuwh lbds-been German and.Austata. So far no aooonrpk ee bteacte In ptent- communloatlon has been established lbg the spread p;of ~displ~es, end with Ut cisl. - curlsg tbose addd 'he canpaign There ars a number of cases --of has been dlreqted byt hr. It. G Irvine. men fue Hungarey and lower Au. Free evening clinics,for' both men tria, w Io had come to this country end. women are ill operatioa in pt. expectin to send for their wives and ~Sul, Minneapolis ahi huluth. lFdu- their faptlires. (i onlaiworlt.cerrld out by. Beans These n~n are eager inqui at Iamphlets; mrtoti n.picstures' and the Bled Cross anid in some instances hwoper art files, has p"oveUet, d comm umlcatlon has been' re-eet~ab-ots iln obtaining the co-operation of iiIt bet Venf husband #Ad wifs.. nl9tegaptWIU. tetapU911opeators.T5 psokees andrse epers of all-warts have given their time as freely em thoss who engaged in the work.of knitting and sewing. A badge in now being prepared to present to all women who have given 300 boors to Red Cross work. It will have a bar for each additional 80 -hours. -Sve'al t. paui women wilt Crave tthree additional bars representing 3,300. hours. Thoee who obtain this high credit have not necessarily put In that many hours of actual time. A definite -amount of time Is ciredited for Balch piece of work, which gave rapid knit. ters an opportunity to gel extra credits. A atouali pin will be given to men who have put in an equal number of The 'tde eservice wn, k that Is to be opflilnn d will e4 nir*-,ituf looking After the famlit'sof sol, erna. ppainlug to pan= about their insurance and dlrettlpgt'thena tu agencies that can obtain wcork for them. *feft Room at Depot. ~he.sisen work. will be for the baee$ Of soldiers and sailors going 'throqgax tbe trdepot. 9 rest room willl'be maintained and soldiers will be furnished food and tobacco at can teen prices. The work at Fort Snelling Is oper ated from an office In the hespital, there s a male moistant to visit the warde and a woman worker to meet straiwers and ale9 to ssist In the various fqrnua of entertainment the -Twin Cities p bolde. "Tire big thring, in my mind. In this Rend Cross war work."' said H. 0. Clemans. "has been the bringing to gether of women of all nationialities, all eocial stratus, all creeds and all religions into a common. harmonious unit. "Women whose an,-estnr came over In tbs Mayflower workedt side by side with women lf iGerman par entage. The employing womtan and the am;ioye were on an equal basis. fakes -Kut'; seound~epsts "if the man with a few thrpussad dollars to ihnveet would ego-arerate with his neighbors in etablshng a creamsery or live stock pVoGdV~aeea. pany, inemd of sending the money out of his, ommunity and hate hands of an smsruptitous ispnote', both the Investor -and the qaus-. ty would 'profit therey,"W..flie "Slvery Uma eeis swind led oust of his money he lomes faith in 48 Inv estments and legitimate mteiwatees must suffr the eonsequences, "Becaueofthe tho~ussnds w o re swindled. 'MAW snd entemulse. fail to obteain enogir money to begin b usines, and the community Dos the production. of 'wealthi and the emnployment of Jalbaw that otherws might result." Mr. Rich has made an appeal Se "all pull together in the effort to -bold- the -district',1nncit~1gr!mate ohaiwiels, so that the faker will discover a mighty lean id- in the l-hlnth federal reser've diateao.' -MRS. IL L WADELL DIES. Daughter of MI', end Mrs. F. L.Do remus Is Pneumonis Victim. del. H. L i bell.29 y old. daugher o ebd d'r earte mus, died at Detroit, Mln mbat 22 of bronchial pneumonia follow: log Influenza. Mrs. Wadell was a graduate of Du.luth Cehtral high school class of 1907. and 'University of inemota. 9Utt She wap marled to Herbert Lenard WadelI of St. Paul August 4. 1917. Their home was at W'ilmsr. Mr. Wadeli left for -'amp Wadsworth in -duly and is stilln France. Since September s e has taught in Detroit. Funeral wvi ewre conducted by Rector H a. Ruth of St. Andrei s' Church at Ashland, Fria., Christas morning. Interment was made in.Mount Rope onmetery*. ILELDDNTBE -MfPeop le Notkcelt Da Themt Off pith Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets.1 - "The [ I -- r -~e ere e II h re eases oNf men he board of health ewA who ha' e been sending money to the, if military authorities, seir.poet of their relatives who have fets physicians, social not beep able to continue teat- prat= public,0Aft coinmis- tice for our years.rae io v ai 'More. stof ~ ~ ER SaHIEeS' RI ~w.,AT PUBLICITY. Lnce in'bringi ip-Duluth: Naval Aviator' Declines to }: d ~DI mes.Kxplolte Overseas. * uee aii Mod y Is the firtat last and mid-,' pr'o-. l.i aton service. manI n hs te ro tMmep, itce- naval a to aervcu.luth mnisnte t.alb &li4 -uiform he passed.through the t'nion a -evening C11n4e in- he Depot. andi every man in ad at thea't hi usly of khaki ad' in blue cast tsummer. Thie is for. enOt~u eyes irt his direction, for is open every Tueslsy. the nay aviators are recognised as 7 F. H. Another Is on- the 'non who did4valiant work In the t. Paul Free dispensary conflict. rt With other social When' -apprneceled andi asked for tper men at7 P. hisnip d the story of his ex Iiay and for Plotster shied and said that" public taa Ieigs and Ity was not. for him, He said heAt1"db' epp ogurth 'to l ~ gla.pamnphle.Ifglish channel and to" he was e. tdnJgolrtnment, hoinatdPresent, for a a feW days.:. rPl~s$ a' - 1. the t in4eauoai SERE (14QOA ClSE. SMota o Dy. Alde4 lit Sinking one Work In i iti umiIe:7 women's contribution to ithe war work. While the men were in lbh'fightling line and in *prkghops of material war industries, the women were doingne less service, and doing it at a s ostflee, uncomnplainIngly and with no hope of reward except the reward of viettary in which we all share.' JUNIOR GIFTS BRING CHEER. Chiidhren In,uerned District Made Happy by Christmas Presents. How the big dolls, lt-ff horses, tin soldiers and boxes of caal)ni~t nthao the fire district by ib'- Junior Red Cross of St. Pin-u helped 1., mak~e the children and' the old folks furgl their troubles on Christanas is told in a lettk- 'received by Miss Anra Cuilig5n, secretary of that organisation, from F. 0. Steger.'. d irector of fled Cross socvial service for the burned dlmtct. He miud In pert: 'Your gifts did mach toward raising the spirite of the. people and givIng them ae mun tthat- the outside world haos their Interest at beart" -A! 11 wo ha flosict allof11 Id -'wht p hre31T oA}.tpt ovide the t Ptbs ubfl ta les I aw n. rers M. eR! esama Tesm any 1 geot slid ef osa see tslima ms. 2i 'a m es~ s-,ists ee s =w,~4 e poi Fun - I 10/19/2006 ITBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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