Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~t!. I Ii A-. a..7A...: L..._.:.. a.1. h.. -I.;...v. A &A 202 Dead, Hurt 115 And Two Missing in Total List of 319 WASHINGTON, March 13.-Todys salty lists ihows' Killed In altin. 12. flied o onuds. 11. tied of dseuse. 144. Us~ed of accident. 30. led of airplane 'aecedeot, 3 1% uundtd aneetey. 33i. llouuhdrd (degrtesundeterminleed t Wonedeislightly. 33. eN l~idnn10 f,,re or agint lthe mirt I,ti, ii.; - ed the '3lles-,tl eln y l0orrtoieS 1 ult111the.'!.r v,* ",.r, ',e el v 1,rd 1m5 to teeOt'tlnth'y eatnrs had 5101 d 'aell ogeeeee el tcni.,t the leagut' fI ~ta~t 13the cve:tad, to b tee "dhcneer eeon I cr ls of tihe Semite t ely:nvtr~I'Theye Is leothlme.:r r. 0e; 3r 11e k simples "!: nit, "~ ~1' art get -n heto utb y he n '!I.)te ofthe heete lt (+ ' ', rtitcelg h thew tooth. '} lrr~ er ofthoe ue' i~e.H t 1,cis ngaoir1 in ompfee go on with it-" rid tellintea 0alt51faint anapylftmtile litie'ed lfaes het f~ientdedepartecd, erith t te isitreing spetiptu of c Sic' koetet'). Ilia i+ ccetlttlOllalntl youcOegirleh)crtt ci. V~ ilel. V hel l r1' C l cc ees r tccei Red Biood Biider" eneesi tonic sod eppetizser creates l incteacitig the nmher of the ted rein capacity to carty and distribute th of life-to everey ceii sod tissue. scharged cith forer health and 0eeto-Mangan is eaty to digenttseed. Universally prescribtd hy the nee son/, hy IENBOACH COMPANY tists faey Vork Buffer' State Repo 't Stirs Wrath of Pap ers Of All Kinds in Berlin MERLIN, Wednesday. blatch 13.tDe ths Asuoottd Presos.)--Rsports (term Paris to the effect that the teoes treaty mt,psovide that Poilaed chlhatve bas13.raig atd that ~hattfer slts pal bhe formed atlong ehe IChitie havessts's-ed op the Germtan pence, both conservativeatds radicol. 'It Is to be hoped ttoboedy Iti Gemany hso old scfer esoch aotreet tothe sgnd" 0ay 0eT 5 h'att. seed"a..teT thee Lohol Asretee nays: ' Weo regard i33ase leltltieretate tcn thess demaeesw ilhsbe.)eeted ef they aee mode." hreseesnxer ants that If Danzig ore glossnft. he Poles they would get little et ttlee roeet tec i. 'This etinseltprperety," It declrers "seed bhrecto cetheir' hotels" It o Poin the;l Germatety eold ht luetitttef e e''eg 'cc sign the treeole'If It e"'elleelerd rhere c'eeetleee ectlte eltcettte e 0'elc-, 'iieeee's progenmeas eeec'tatlon tor the refueial. Big Realty Deal Pending in Macon IAI'(iN.fGa.. htote'ct - a deald teco tcte dingo wlerehy theitipn ''eclleltee. o00orleef eet l ain 1 hee el4rnnrs %I[te helci sort le>. el,'). The heuilditeg Ie 'Cttee e l lth and cleiele oa tee'ee tt lteseel i 4,s,3 or e. It 1is cieedprelceec tt l a lg te~hcleeele dee' role tret1.4e recc etlieg to esechase Ihe tettlerer t ee teutenre tee otettito o helrslec dry geecede teUinecee Mr. Edward Heard, of Wife of U. S. Minister Covington, Dies Here To Swiss Arrives at Mir Edmard Heard, a prominent ei..x Newport NewsVa..en att.. 000 01 the leading busines moc. of Covington, Ga., died at a ioca NEWPORT NEWS, Va., March i3. sanotarium Thursday moorting at c c ot bttieshhp the Ohio, and the o'elock. Aeolus, a leilted Siates strsmshlp. Pi.Heard na.'long beet Identified s telee. here today hbreeging a totai net th. hosifleorIetrests of Coou ffov ms Teenae74me Iveston,.and icon hrn see of the lead- abocard the Ohio asd 3.029 oo thes Iced figures is ticsdevseopment opnes orcsa that eiiy. Hr mas a devoted meste- or two ecomplans, fouteuis her o Iths 3atuatchutch. and eoasotes.ieeeiitsadheeta noteed 30. 1'.rstrotg har'cteradant. aitecraft ece earcompieie. mhicle seodloh at edu and rought down Qieu.; olarlluolo acts. eletoec Hunel clnes, tereaord the' ooHe a Hrieelbhis dwicehtor Mss t *c Set Har ahisot hor ioter.ica iForeen noai ceesand the' sod onHardsluirotherisc il0. nHerd,od ncsHucndred and Thielty-Arst toeld at'And ne inci llet S.Head, f 'lier.of tho Texas natioaiguard. 'oeenteeen. H. funeraloimlii be held t t' e."md ud p o the majority of -tcnt ornln In Cvingtn 'at ec, eh ele ot'i t,, Aelius. o cetk ____________ ls. F'. MPt.all, ~lcof Satannah, of 1ti 1tI ce.totlestohte Wtan Reception on Saturday.a.r dc_ ho I c trains cross. let idiHI'cicl fAtlaontao%;le TO ABANDON CAMP SHIISIDAN ecildigeel ieeformteteel ttytileooO~ellt I'APIiN(C;TON, Maceli 13 -ieci ley eloeceleegatc t lthe Yceue.oInn 10olautndeen ccmpletely fCttp h~leeoiceiatlilit ceceyltlOn. Ice Shcto ce. lilte ieetery. kAl..hos heern vit 10i00 i~ eeenc losucel tocela to celf.the 1cr dop'irtetot itt ieetdrd;eetcio~eet~ltce Kioin eiehoeeceeeli'itons"ae The'ioesrneteosrla' t enntr;eetcld lee le' 10000141eec tole h feco bre e ainiai ed nlee n t 1 iee eh e l co lecleeo the.' leceeci eee, Icned'tle' c l ee cettth e li tee gloe ellen)Qu eetlce' le l che eletheec15,, et tc iced eluect lot tee d'emobiliaonilie so t. ee~1 ee eeth ehtkrilc I ftre and tseectc'ce This e' eel e et Clte l cIO; 'e l lat ieeia ire teleco 1e erd. fleon itc heell. ''', ict Ill;h e e hu 1ee. eceed '''ree he heteice saeran eeedseseeec~mleetel 'I Ii+is, rI hel etelretaeetei gte tee r, ler.'' osid tt. Jeetoc. lee' th e1. end a laree actlecdaeerN ''ea", '' e'e te'ld Otess inre. ''cer ci xlr, e I n s ee~,,eecece rottin see esee ndo hee 1cr Local Death Rt Influenza Wiped Reports from Use t.Jilfj'e census bueauso, renehoed ly liO Ken0ody. oity health 6lfces day indicate tht154 00011ces4 'd mide ssidemto sf Spanish Intl sints last fail hos bees prit wpe ot Statistias ehowed that alla, had priacticailyormnal deathn, or seore nearly normnal death f or the week ending lost Satta o n iula eidsn Oetober. Atiosnta's death rate ws1.lws thsbe nmaeyiti and the lowst for the weekl0 other soethers city. Death re notier southrn elities.mare: ors. 19.0:irmingsto Il5j vilia, 31.4; Mephis, 16.1 0Midi) 25.4. Nem Orisans. l9.5 aio4, mtood,. i1. O funct Packing Conce fiil ulC CO.Mrh1.-i m-ocasOffiheCalsutrs tee comieanty, son In reetversnl Iflail tebro cite)on order of ice J, 911 K. h.i. sasdie for examlt cinociarges 01 fraud Osnocamp 3010n th 'sale otfecompasy steeck cloutego for ibeet y foods asd' 'lhreicereetes jailed are fob laictee.,.IL. A. IDonis, Itabht,.. -10. Ldsar'i J. Ador and 5th ft; 01ec1ete.' presideet. Reoda or Ifont$35,00to 5Z %eHetfsrIfech ofotheea. laiceilwmoe s onlysss4 we heciect tf whomwan't spoiled hy lie telir ee 1865 1919 The Oldest Notional Bunk in the Cottonl States The Atlanta NV ational Bank ATLANTA, GA. Statement of Con di tion (condensed) of March 4, 1919: Jk~ESOURCES: Loans and;Discounts..c. $14,492,075.55 United Stares Bonds and Treastwy Certificates'............. 5,522,400.00 Other Bonds and Stocks 224,954.00 Banking Huse........800,000.00 Customers' Liability Account Acceeptances... 100,000.00 Cash of H nd and Due From Pan gs and U. S. Treasi.~rer *.......5,509,493.65 $26,648,923.20 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock.......$1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits... $1,293,033.21 Unearned Discount.... 100,000.00--1,39,033.21' Reserved for Taxes, Interest, Etc.........5,000.0 Circulation........... 1,00 000.0 Acceptances for Customers............. 10,000.00 Rediscounts........... 76,330.00 Bills Payable.......... 1,89,000.00 Deposits........... 20, 446 559.99 $26,64,923.2( TT., 1. R.: i wec cordially invite your ac-. count on the basis of intelligent, helpful and agreeable service. OFFICERS: Robert F. Maddox, President -Vlce Preidents=.-----Assistant Casier' lock' JamnesS. Floyd 3. D. Leltner 3'iF D. B.DeSausa bonovan Thos. J Peeples ' R. B. Cunningham Jae. F. Alex~n J S. Kenn eddc, Cabih 41, EC ORv 'Cr' 08/09/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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