Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ B. C'1 - 49.65....149-....112 66....180 24 218. 45....173.20...25,..362 25...450 1 2 - S391' 42 - 578 -9 S.518 l4~.234. 110...401..: 34 S.219 375 2 -3 Carr.00 Hanma 2.3 "4.6 10 17 23 -61 79 102 121, 139_ 185' 219' 226 34.;41 t I.hsLyL ' 1 i1b!. President -1-j0H ATONEY Acting~ CIIy Attorney I Fr.Haa Vb th Oakbland city' oucillby Die of four.t ne. Lsyw I bLtc Oa bout to ItrLodueaevlto Antony LICLLL' n I paLittit %18Lf sanILd fclty mLI LLI.mae"umber' LI cases0ofSbaniah -bers-at -the s LLiccty LI(Californi, Infb~luenza rported In Califo~rnia snce. descenIded upon lPL-etLdeLnt BeownjaiL.heLoutbekofLL I 555..plamtlo to IdaL Wheelr yesrday,. 1.000. Tbe Presidnts t3 Lack, It was an- Th~een wa. deceasofLI1421a1 thL rounoeod a hs oe hi1 ori. mbro f ebInLILI LLLLIw-LILO.IO55O seportLed here by Mtn.. Wheer, 1 Isly o light Oday cLmamd, ovth yesterday. The --natur. howeverndiLnot exected '., i ILOL maing the wearinof a~ to keep Dr.Wb~helIlfrob is dlrn gLLaumsk Lopulsry as enforced mLoss than aryor wo y. A lrnumbLO5 er persona t'resbiL-n Wheeler a1lLLnn III who hod failed to emask oeae0s1nt t yesterday -efst ul tt rhel-her-eer an ac ing;l- L OnIn4 r,,:L 'vns oLsbing 8Lakenit R~adio Operator Is UNDERTAKER AND Dead of Influenza OFFICER CAUGJ-T ilIMBLLIL.Y, O't. 3i-ewi o the death-of tier on b Vivtle U ERM tK LAW LLLIIIL.Ia ILLLLn plying b. ILLL' Lb.I t 11e1111U UR iAOll AthaLtiL Ctenan andLOLL nrL'CLL a re-! tll 1ATTULC AIL,-. Lr cerlvd yeaerela by irs. arjo ~er" I:L..L:}I~l, 30n. - Alls 5l yet, L 313 l-L iY Il- t frnt1 \w8.r bn n Oarsid pL nIl,Ir ner aI"XLLL CLL, L~ ars- J. II. OLrelaLhilt, wl YorIL. knwnLLe1i.LSy undertakerwho 0} LIoe WLarr-'00 ior LLL angLseioLus-,LLL.. bIak l I csLody tLibmor fyt1 wl~bll Ll l L o ftl and LLLing I I, for falln o weer a mans Xeo LYork, [lL1L La IL r tr r,k l11dliver!LIIn BerleyIIL.TPinL ll all Y LII I nbILIingLot.o is ofi c 1 e,:4 o i ie. enLlii LILnoce LnthLL 1ivraiLLLLu "- vr e ILf. 8lebs mask, 0. loosel James E Forrest, ate hdalebnat + shL b e suted bhis omand.5LL yeanolid. 485 Fift-eihth IieLL 'hrc died st bhiebho.rstnrdiay LIter a San Frnic "Fu long Ilesbs.Forrest-wansaLLppointed rnic Fu Slay 2109an od reLired IFebruarylCases A eD cesn 13,191. Pice ohsaponmn a arlman heLwanI n dILIspectorLk her CRANCISCO, 0ct. 5-Foc Inr' Lbe Oaklan~d TerinlILTrionLL idcto htthe (LL ILLLLLLI 18L.iIneza CompanLILy,.pLdenicleI decreooogis eewr -- --- evidenlceLL by tbe ILooLn18epor8 II Lb LLoaLrLd ~o elth, whicb given.1033 PTT new cLasesLL5IIand LI deaths. Tbis brings *3* 5 I Iotal oI deaths81111anFraisIco C u- muJIU LE L0^ ae-l-IlL reports of MInday and ~~JA ~ ~AX1 TuesdayL. LBuL 21615wer orteed a )Pnte oafotoa.H- Two Weeks Leave on Pay for Sickness boardndwoudd beptompelled tobfdxfo Ienrlbly. mO8iIg hIMa to snmichold Help fo E ery salaiofteoSay adnlbt. Verymaa Case Is Made sand eardkatpsprat Develped d~f traen.Lese i1 tid ul- Red Cross Ai1m au.Used one cakeS oap ald one_ -boa Olt rent and beas hmled. FromstignsaIaaspt of Mn..s., Dnctors and 'nurses will be dasa I ta 20th 14.., San Fran- supplied day and night to in., da;GnfmgsMarc))o14.n1918. ilyo asuffererasto for as is Seed leaflou olltpajaeall you IIuntanly possible. yasa'} lj y t a 00..,e.armL ""Arcangementa II Ibis clad l.. Oshretttan Se Tl<m SC have been made by the Red _____________________ Cross Influenza Commsittee, hih"announced from ili W wo e l $in headqnuarters at the Oakland w >Eht nd nergj%-who Chamber of Commerce-. tookIsunfee~an~M "The. Nurme.' Aid Bureau tS LWI] ecsof ill be open from 7 a. mn. Io besl~ulffetso 0p.., Rooma 613 and 614. 5bpo.aadnotsaa011t1at8 ths admtaaloo deeasseLI.a 0.0 aLigna Lhs LeesalnIngofLIItLhe85.totalcblesIn bhe ityL All Hallowe'en Stnts Under. Ban J Iserlt Werre serlencn wit Ihn 'rntse t hsnlonor, we. /utlKmcnt r At. hlro.!! I esAlhcll till the ague, I ivmrld hnr Build up -your blood and fortify your body against Spanih Influenza with art-e4 r~ "The Red Blood Builder" Tired, Nervous Women What-You Need. is Vinol The reason we recommend Vinol so strongly'for such conditions is because it is a non-secret remedy which contains Beef and Cod Liver -Peptones, Iron and Manganese Peptonates and Glycerophosphates5 the-Very elements heeded to. build.up a. run-down system and replace weakness Zwith.strength. HERE IS PROOF Gtagoo Jet,Ky. _ 5Ik. -g _________________________ Vole auc,. 'J. Jeromes'a0 -^Superior Jude (ahort term) Beautiful from Nov. 5 IbDec. 31,.1.918., Thins vacancy ton'be.filled becauaeo Thi the death of Judge Ogden-Â~b, U, n- writing in his name on ballot be i4 fl~f low the-name of Judge Kinsell Alao.Vole twice for Judge Kinsell enI. Full term, from Jan. Usefol galIa-slerease, 1919. cut glas,.bood-painted china, inralcy, woct 2. Shoct term--Caused b3 wtches.. Preny sets for the 'resign ftion of judge Docna sI si l-.( Freh lhue. Nov. 5to Det31, 1918. air 1stre-a1/ adaylight, I-h. Sncrly, - 13hand Washaingtoo Sicer W. N. JENK[NS A d erlemne.A dlerIlaeonceaI iAlameda - Quny -the achninistration of the *County Treasury: - -Be'. careful whom you choose: I7-18,500 voters, nominated' -___ - -Dave -H.'Mcaughlin at the primary election! -The aovIe adescibed IBla beds,, ore priced 'it the paic. --The above described Bla -beds. Are pricd at, the pair.. -DARK CRAY BLANK foc siogle-beds. onre priccd IlL DARK GRAY BLANK~ for double beds, ore priced th MEDIUM LIGHT: G! BLANKETS. for douhle hel -ASSORTED MEDIUM~ blochasaod.'plaids.Inl pink, -60260; these are practically =The abov~e-described Blaor at the pair.... -5-POUND ARMY Bid coIOl oo nbe hod these are should City ll,- to.aupply--nurseaand -doctor.. The telephone number, ia._.Lskcaide 36d00L. Lacals 98 sait 99. "From 10.-p. m.- to 7 a. to. call the '.audiforlun n.hospital8 telephone Lakeside 868, for urgent 'eases." - TL _ s. a Ws.L 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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