Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~____* I " rOsr Of:l. 4':'j its, wvas f mo..teri, enrollrag ed and paid f r by Gesrnr gnts. 1t was he c- ntr'al rnjir(, ai1ch prc"'tr-d by i t, w h F: there W1, e~rf'reF." 1:b ti rIZ. a. etc ire.. In _f. b s he vi srI; d? d 1 the Â~iir-vitab it 1:-t ry ti -And Ii keyed up right to crawIlin Wh'Iat a beautiful neckiae l or 111113 "ON E FOOT fromn the ear-knot, I've alIJa w ed - For lhut's how "far:all t..' k('t+,\'E lOf()T from I -!el!i'?4 Ito i!t 7-I I up to 5 nallw widthp, $2.8 &$3 ann C. heI Srn d(.14t r,,e h tI Y 0; te ik,- S i vAn 1'r ont. I t i ni d f, s t hE- the vast YRussian army and 'inadeit b repo-csible fi-r Germnany to ornrt Jtnt ii.nti;' <,-,.my in 1Franee.Jrtn'" rH tneihete(eru jl rf I r j'r l~t~,in -whicr, after-se playi OVnctbit'the rips a n d s iup pIi e s c uair afn r an,,. t I - Lithe IGer m ans. 'gha Ti. frustrated. every effort made byV o they suc men as Alkseyev, lKor-nil. t-)v, Ka - levif and L'~u'tbv to organize a new volinteandussan a rmy I. wU hich would take, (3e a the fields the Gfernans. * I S hlIp pcd Tralnloac-.% or Gold. thY]U!q It facilitated the removal of Russian b7)od is wheat, oil and minerals to Germany and th1'ern Austria, so that the. y could the better divers< stri ke. at th-e gret-at w(--ster-i dtmocr." raci es. It forcedJ Ukraine L Finland ra;into an alliance with Germany, to save a *ft h emsel. Iv e s f rom the orgies. of t. bole r ing; "h ikiad of-ouse -s~i#i4c many. (r 9 fs Is Lirfly 'proclaiming )-it,;,princ rjI e c CU-,n(--).,tinexatiorrs and no indemnities9, it yieidd to the G;ermans all the Pl hreviki tic roines pactlcafly without re.5c hpro1inietancr. had And when it was ser-n that Germany ot h r r. was in danger of - fin'Incial coll Iapse, thfem under the pnienqe of paying the,- inde mnitieU c.9 -d under the I t - e~ I~Ltosktreaty, the -brushe-viki hegan stethe transpo~rtation to Berlin o)f wholoe Putbli- trains laden with the gold that formerly formesd Russia's gold reserve, 'd4)Throug-hout Its entirer, career the bolp eo0Pl sheviki ':rgime has worked- in season M '~and out for' Germnany and against not shotI only ttheP allies, but against the reale elity jterests of Russia. This point should biJrd conimtantly -borne in mind by Amnenbri1- cansR. inting Rus-ia. roeal Russia, should be helped kers." to-- its the great democracies ril th e the wOorld; but the criminals who sold t o, &as her and hound her and- pillaged her to ohad -aid -the two' kaisers should be hunted r-v c e. jInto eyxile. t r e-,ts ssedVIRGIL YATES 4,0FORMS, Fek-a- NEW LAW.PARTNERSHIP' sr theI Virgil Yates resigned yesterday, as ki'lled' f'assistant prosecuting lattorney' to pracildren. tice l Ja*, with Clay Rugers, under the tri.I fir name of Itogers & Yates, 4W ll TX)NDON- Oxford university Ito %n~ haveabcair otFre'nch l,ratttre, eS gav* tabi hed:bY eir 13A4.11 Zahiroffwth 91, P, t of $101060.-'1 r, In I "il A LTO. 0 atI I k en a mlk oa1, ut f a:,crhAnr of -HARD -SCHOOL GRIN D _S TARTS.TOMORROW Studies Trimmed Down- to Essentials anU, Holidays -cut Out. The long enf6rce V-aat-lan of -schoolboys and girl's'wl end at', o'clocIr tomnorrow morning. Sunday schools today started off the11 return to normal activities of the children or the city with B 'ible-.lessons In all- of the-1 churches. The haridgrind of classroom workr which has bee~n conde.nsed by a committee of school teachers and trimmed down to essentials, will;tstart tomorrow and will not stop) for any holiday with the exception of Dtecoration day. Easter and New Year's, always holidays, will pass unobserved this year..It will be a task for the'- teacher, accordinig to school. authorities; to. settle Into line the 45,000 boys and girls who have enjoyed two months' cessation -of school room discipline. Since October 8, 'with the exception of one wv--eek, Public and parochial schools have boo~n closed, beceause of the influjenza. epidemic-in the city, Parochial schools will fieto resume sesRsions until Thurs'day,' the day after,Ne w Year's, but will "condense school work during" the remainder' of, the year. and will also' hold. classes; until. noon each Saturday to make up lost time. LIEUTENANT HOAXESPRUSSIA ON FOOD I.3JUI-Pnesi ha asa food 'dictator for two day's a noncommi,sioned officer who, with assu141)me1d iit hiority, ruled wi th a high hand oerth htef P burgptruuqtor of Bperlin.and the,'maors of other citie.- is nano- *was Mueller. Ile, had a follo0V-V-hg of 29) soldi rx and. hile ordered the, bread ration lncrp;A.110i &andA dtstri b:1t'Ai_ cuantl0iU &$i f "other Will Appeal Th4 HE sele*'tion of g.T force is through now both. candevt selectis- of these un perXsona~l use. TH~E necessity of r Powell Shoe Co.i Radoxford-PowelI $6q,04 into cash & rapidly w~ ad e'Broken Lines of La 4 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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