Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ cernea. asort.. L "y U5A.r WJ4u51 inwLS uA J51 Second, no special.or separate inlteret 1.and rea~surapce to all.people. of Any. single nation ofsf group.of fl- the -recurrence of another such lions can bie made the- basis of any partj of pitiless force and bloodiab of the settlement Whicox 1% not consistent -imposible, and: that nothing es With the common Ipteatest of all. "Germany Is constantlyr Intim "Third, there can I'n) letegpei or 'terms. she.will accept; and aiw Slih.ices or -special -cov nants and- under. that. the. 'worts does not want standings within. the ineral' and corn- de Ilared the President: "it w mani family.of,the league of" nations. "Fourth, and more specifically, there -Continued on Page '1, Col Rhode Island Reports 13 Death of Spanish Influenza During Nine of These Occur in Providence--Situatio 'Present Does'Not Appear Serious a g:tLa 13 Alber t ve ue. bomerse~.tagsi "neanr tu Qi make a rtotiied (hat'. Prlvat t Desire.9loatlerk stugeabeen missing, in,' action sictu e sITe "". The FailRiver- man wounded-in lL Ming he INord,.w kelao tigte11am J. McCoy of the Signal Cowp, re= Lys finds potedasweveel terms,"pote aasveel runded Aug. Y 1 ~On the left ft hea the" one place, wl!r 3ULG4TBIAN f(PUPO35 BAKED crossin'that fles oa0 BY -il 04,PARIIAXENTM LEADZ t itIe, -hulldiw adforcingJs 'Wade lin Accordance with wishes through to tl6'.e of ministerial Bloc, quick enough to ) y Copenhagen, Sept. 27.-Bulgaria's pro: Tn W5'guns )exrisk. for if Jthe pose] to the Allies for an armistice was of. our attack an made in accordance with the wishes of raeon- t'~ that the leaders of the, ministerial biloc of the 'sfer heavily. 2 at Bulgarian P'arliament, according to ad- Our men did Poc vices from Sotda. The Parliament will had supreme- coal meet on Sept. 30. and in their luck, L. r. Conditions Among Naval Men at Newport Show Steady Im ment.-State Board of Health Would Close A musemt Places, but Opposition Develop..-.-City A uthorities See No Need of Shutting Up Public Schools Ye'stv'riay found little change in the CHARLES BOHAN. 141 Alvet Sranaih ifluenaza situation in Rhode Is- nue, Providence, at Rhode lslar iand nrai vicinity. D~eaths among civil- tat. tr in the State totalled 13 yesterday as IDA OSTER, 37 Croyland roa sarains! 12 on the previous day and ail dence, at Rhode Island liospita far as eiiuld he asacertained the number EMIL GUSTAFSON. 34 B~z of new rases in the State wars not large. nue, Providence, at Rhode Isis Of the 13 deaths in Rhode Island. eight pt) n' rrei iat the Rhode Island Hospital. p3 - DUMBRI 1 one other in this city. fatNwpr. teet, Providence, at Rhode 1.1 on"' at P'awtucket and one at Greenwood. 'Iil aor' wasa also one death in Attleboro Alptai. and awo, at l falRver. rmakng a total HENRY POL.SON, 43. 6 Deal O~f 1t; for the distric.t. At?Newport the Attleboro. Sluatiota Is eliowing steady improvement CHARLES G. I3UFP'INGTON sAd in itristni, which was hard hit, yes- River. terrlaey tloani hbut few new cases and no JEREMIAH McDONALD, ' deai.A LIE M. MOTT, 3, 22 Plaintis Thet State Board of Health In session this' city. Yretf'tl iy 'toaed to)ask Governor B3eeck- MIt. VICTORIA H. PURL] roan lfl i titue t proclamation to-day Edgar Couart, Newport. Or~rita, ilami snasnent plat-tin. Including OERTRt:1E MDr. ACKROVI1 theitt r,rrit)% iaig iclture laoues and Madison court, Newpcrt. (i,tt)Cit iiu,,irs iqe'l. The board also voted MAE E. AIRNOLD. 30. Gren a+ I"aie aIthe vrious clty health au- J1iINARI) J. PEARSON, ti,"ritiem ah.a avti.alility of the closing court, Pawtucket.. Of 'tr-,,o. i.hirr heat, etc. (Governor Boeck- Trho situation st the hospitals 'Tll" i s lit Wrshington at the presentdeerman abu th t ini, hatIna g goaae' there ta lay beforedeerman abu th t h, Iler.&i auhorities conditions at Rthode Island Hospital had a.' iWt ait. cases yesterdlay, making d tt tS' 'li,N TO REMAIN OPEN sailors afflicted with the diseac it' a111,1; or t aeState hoard In op- instituion. There tire also mat '"'rI y Mt*vrr Oaner and hKuperin- case's under treatment. Eight "'ta'r'r tt of liesah t'haapln of this city, curredl at that Institution yesats: a. tite Superanle-nilent of Schools Winslow eral patientp are considered I ' t'--,i lan~d health authorities in geroais condition. A t St. Jose rt the-a' #111,iof lteState. except at New- Pita) cases were aiNra. Ha'r'-anot Jr, favor of the closing of yeserday, and all there are no a i iti. ull~e a;h'ools at present. Ing. At the City Hospitala 'l'tii' who 'lied yesterday in Rhode Is- cases were admitted yesterda~ ):ti rail)vicinity as the result of Spain- a total of about 70 cases thetre ish intliaenra or pneumonia following the being of a serious nature. No in.' uraazue are as follows: suiting from the disease o lutlIEN A 23RAN Chalkatone either of the last named two 1i A('Kr, roieceMaNh RoeIsadyesterday. Strptearvdeca teRoe sad in Pawtucket and Central MAX Pl'TW, 64Chrle sret.towns in that vicinity the di MroX h '11."17at IWho264IsadlHspital.t-not assumed.a serious charact Provdene, t Rode slad Hspial. fact, the centre of the ep~dcmic JOHlN iiit;12 Printery street, Island at present would seem Providence, ait Rhode Island Hospital. Newport, tristel and Provident 04 be"Ih',PHCON ILLY, oodbury, Mass., Cniudo ae~.& itCentinued onoPapes6, provent son ayed Hospi dProvi ood ayeLd Ho. Hospital and Hoe 1'street. 26, Pall 11 River. Id street, LIPS, 16 a. 10, 10 cood. D texter in Jirovime. Tho tvenr new tat of 43 Sat that y civilian, leaths Oe'day. Nie at dan)h'5 losadmitted e mprovight new making only one lea the re~urred at ait Itutions "ails and cease has ar and. in in Rthode to include e, the it, d!. 2. 'Rhode. Island.Reao o rh zb r Rhode Island's organization is on tip- ment plan, oi', toe for the opening this morning f us.: of clue weekl of the three weeks drive for, the Fight- IfrThis loan I a ing Fourth Liberty Loan, $50,000 of the ous loans provit $6,000,000,000 total. which is this State's1 ments. Person fourth loan undo quota.. will pay 10 per The message of the loan U 1lbe oond with thel brought to the jeople by sphop an mass time on or before meetings, theatre addresed moving Plc- pay 20 per cent. 19 20 per cent. J Lures, posters and scores of other de- 80. er. cent. Jan. vices, all intended to prepare the way A change has for the army of thousands of salesmen People'q Savings who ill ake ubsciptins.tution for Savia who illtak suscrptinsbanks which i Four big mass meetings have thus weekly payment far been scheduled as follows: Strand loans. subacrlbea Theatre, to-morrow evening at 7:45; pay for their t ~week on a $50 bt Elks' auditorium next Monday after- bond, etc. ThlI noon at 3: Billy Sunday's Liberty Loan overlapping ofj meeting at the Tabernacle, Monday1 sue, as.A new evening, Oct. 14, and Col. Roosevets previousis ssues meeting at the Tabernacle Thursday for./ evening, Oct. 17. To eliminate place in this city Will be these banks WiE turned into a bower of beauty for the monts cover a rampaign. A bronze statue of George I jue welrkiy insts IWashinglon is to be set up in front of. be $, laud that City Hall, while plaster casts of nearly a person subscr a doyen more individuals and groups, all maiks an initial leaned, by the Glorham Manufacturing $4H for each 11 Company, will be placed about the mall.I will be given The electric light and trolley wire polesi coupons, to wba in the square will be decked with flags account card. of the allied nations and ropes of laurel made. the accou w v be festooned from pole to pole. As. initialled byt tha thea cerntre of the attraction there will oe time one or mot a huge' Liberty Loan chest under a gay removed. acoor carn(Jpy) upon a platform in front of the made. When, waiting statiton. Into this chest each day made, the last.will be daftped the piles of "gold" rep- detached, the s resenting the Liberty Loan subscriptions bond delivered. recorded in the State during the preced- SOLI)L Ing 24 hours. This chest will. take the The speaking place of the loan thermometer that was Loan will beel used in the last drive. A feature of t THRI WAYS TO PAY. time will be Persons buying Liberty bonds of the squads" from Al fourth issue will have the choice of three sqtaads,. rh ways of paying for them. To begin oorramgtnd Ta"o with, they can pay' cash witha their sub- will appiss3'. serlpiton. Secondly, they can take *A- will be a aQ vantage of t e Govwnrmeat'as f.0s;" the Tuta 11/07/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M 0

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