Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ Becker Tells Senat ite Continued Pro Ada in Army and w in Atlpn ta Prison. sR MINISTERS DED GOVERNMIEI sts Declares Nego te PromiseclPortion mntry for Their Own many Won. me~~TR.o. 14-Cen n Pastore were tntructed pro-Germanseormone hot ted States entered thew B. Loter of the Army In, Service told the Sen onde ovetigoting Cemmit ed come of the paotorse he army later end contini isfavorabif to Germany.a is Atlanta penitentiary. to other hood. Capt. Loi ter Lutheran minister, oyai and aided ton liin tent information,.ties tattvee of the larger (l theme synod, informed noe service that enfortunh ministers wern disloyal r P0 were being taken to tof the church. king unsuccessful efforts propagendiets among An.roes. te witness said wt ted ameong the negro neont Lormeany woe and *concp hdi8t.tec, atJtion a eL. wdoilQ be fur tpd seer stifica of Wredeletece. t t)t U~inited Stateseocet the 'wilnes. testified, ht Itatoe In tLttter chercd I sermeonsexnpreulengI it Germany wol4 win. committee that the Gore tent for many itars.1,,d thee Krupp Institute. t theological seistes e of which went 4f alt pc renld to preach in favor iwith their e,9 hne m ovnie e asI typtigetten by the lets epkrtment, hae said, cht r ic an houe in the Luthe of America now whereI language' or the Engi used.. story of the, work of 0 Kong the negnoec. thethpragnabcm that a cA'oerenct of let oe a ali o n"JWashington and a me, mediately started throt mitts. en Public.Itern fest it. As a recol, he ai activity of, the (term ion ceased. Lester, in appearing befi eites yesterday. teetht erotione of the Gierm ie system in-the: UnJ trough which valuable if'was forwar4ed to fe. ugh which Berlin' 'direc aadios breaddaet of Germ receptios awaiting him itO? fls. I.---.B.era -.--I-te---to - hnglceI te au141ezf/ 80WWI1 I Te-Maths publishe. an h tntetodigpaeI h of iMershal.offrs to Prcsident I-United Kingdom today, A. Boner fors Wiles. T" eMiarshatlcritec: Two 'of Saime Company i. Low- Chancsilor of th~e echequs, "France owe. an immenso debt indeciaro Iin anpeechat Gasgow. I- IopotsaOce of Ipae of gratitude to America. 'which 162d lnflntr Die in AC. daywsi. h clttnGvrmn ar et hc ol gaeccvcor.itI itble olered that a eecond chamber with C v TiefrD elp cre joy that we see Presidsnt 1tione One or Day/th adequate olrength masnencessary in Oas Tm o Dvlp Wilson arrietng. -recolocting all I any democratic country, hot it wat00 he did end thinking of alt ho Armistice WWAi Signed. noctIntsndsd that It oueld he a her- tefit or Waterways. - can do. ' ' ____ editary chamber. \"Thousands of Freec ie were sared by the Intervention IERGT. CURT WELLS ARMISTICE PERIOD EXTENDED BARGE PROJECT TO of the United Slates. N it Is with all my heart thot I ' DIES FROM WOUNDS TO THE MORNING OF JAN. I7 GO THROUGH, HE SAYS, wilt Join tomorrow (Saturday) In the dry of the whole Wrench I o people-. Lgoealive the Lotted Dispotch Prose Troes to Coprs C5 taolLn11rWlo - Member of 128th Infantry hage Anonces Now Perioi Adiminstration Will Carry of u gCP;l~ ifPHOTO I H ROFLM PROVIDES CLEW FrMsing eand eNotrHed 5-The AGermanodarstiOteCntrats.orbEuip From - Oters epored ~meaft" He Telegraphs in TO RECOVERY. OF AUTOMOBILE Wounded Severely. inc of Jan. 17 end the allies have no- Response to Protests. _______ineod Germany-that they reserve tie Negative Revealed tlcrnso Plato, sod right to occupy the neutral none el Mes Who Toch Pirture Ie Two 00. Lochs men in the same of the Rhine 'frothe the Cetogno Assnranee that the Railroad Ad050n Indied for Titeft. company of the teld Incantry ore bridgehead to tho Dutch frontier. I tt A photograph film of an outomo- named In todays official casualty according to a dicpatch from Treve e. miniotration witi carry out Its lMisfore bile licence Plate led to the indit- The detogates of Ike cartiouscrounp- olsippi Ricer project woo triecuar, meet yesterday of Fred Krenning. tiet as being hilled to action. one en tries have been in confereceenatrahtb Dret-fnrr ieA to.alms Fred Fuitop, of till Lofting- the dec of the signing ef the enmds- Trotes. This Prolongation. it is tote well avenue. ona charge of burglary tice. Three me of lbe Eighty-ninth added. wiiilit. further extended uctil ostda oteChuntbr of Cowties end larceny. (Camp Funstont iiion. which in- the conclusion of a preliminary meros. Merchants' Exchange end Who Undor the nanteaf Fu lion Kren- eluded the 1164th and 35ath mien- prace. eubject to the consent of the James. Smith. prosident of tho coed slog wac convicted tDec. 4 of the tries, and whirct was in action on allied Governments. Miesissippi 'bailey Improvement As-.tOe theft of an automobile end was son- the Mose oIn the lost thtres wees of - COUTD seciatien. leered to serve ime years In tho the warare asoaedamongath-tDVER PATRUL TeACCctr-OUrNTtokneD sien Penitentiary.' When errested on that faaitie o tonsbitted In action andTh DietrGnalok ceta ccaseion Detectives ising and Rotn- one se havitg died from wounds. FOR 30 GERMAN SUBMARINES li to re a.Loot. huelnese octht weld found in his pocket a rol of Four other deaths In action. re- ________ toglve ertousetne id-? sid flime which. when held to the ttgiti, carded In todays official list, knveeoration to hi. proposal that Federal Iey- revealed ths koch of an cutomoblthoot attn ounce d by the Post-i-c 17 ad Thmemore Identified as Being conteo of rairoads bsesetended tho with the ticeonce number piainly nia(- ytrh recent 4. ad Fiends. Flotlita. Coimmander Ive years. Hi snaid unlese the notie- bin. Anton A. Zurwushien, 32, of B Bays Inefpoerc. tension wsmad a reasnnable op. and The number wao 37.220. Polten Company. t62d, cue killed Itacotton or the Asocites Press. cortoeli y could not be afforded for) got recorde disciosed thaut the automobieRoe. 11. He te lbs sot of Mle. and DOVER, Dee. 1id-Vie Adtmivol a fair loot of the vaioe of uninoedf af T. P. Bond, 3536 WetmintereMr. Chcrles Zurtoutin of i443 Keyes. commanding the Dover pa- roirod operation atong with co-,, 1 place. numbered 137,220.hod been NorthbMarketetreet, and wea. drafted trol, was presowted with lbs fre- ordlnatod Iniaod waterws operraoer- olen. Knening was questioned lset July. Ho and his brother. Frank.I dew of the city yesterday. tions." and thsoaxpertment en the endi about the tilm and he told the do- formerly ran a barber shop at 212 In a sptoech be said that the petrel OMississipi River would eat hotd nut site eces thu. aetomobils. which had North Foanteenth treet. FrankhI had accned for 3n eubmarines of mock prowie. led beetn-photographted, was In A garage new oveseas In the Medical Corp.lbs Flanders t:-boat flotilla of which tBarges to BBut. -iIt p lace., 17 f he~ ad been iatild. - It was stated at IheBairoad Ail to e1am n of Ik te ho; t n stlcen'.. Nd -' il iI as 25 f tke can lin the 'garage revealed that Now. i. He was the son of Mrs El ' rw+ ochUtra for 410 beets. the origieal number had been 137,- Atna Vtieger nf id26 Deotnehan orderedtt thie ssibosisppi had not ned 320" but tha:; the figure 1hod beeon street. and was drafted in July. Hoe AWARDED TO BEN, CH yet 'ben sigted, the Direetor-Gen. weu- scratcheoff Bond Ideetined the wasa paper hanger, oral had taken the attitude that the hed ca s hisrgperwasyacteagainst W Sith.I 014. o on gSrie eeee ~ IGovernment had definitely bae bee canglasy ha roertys ad hegacndt Fatalit, is,iof Uslees Make retatiow Is Ueepg- committed to lbs deal. ikmo eKennwoddntepanhwpn,36hIfnrI itda evosU s n mta a entl.rcie Wa e haeng.e dido sotogrphthe koo'dpany. acktio ryt.he isefthe O a i iof Staff. a telegram yeeterday from a credited aIole hapene.o htefaIk tlitd I.aclotownsantheidterfoteortheeAssoctated Prso". s ourne, which he did not disclose. eI. a tlnmci. ftiveavi mvet knoashic esoa- WASHfINfGTON.Dec. 14.-tUpon' declaring that an effort was about try.r RSH F BUINES I PROATE meraddeco. failed 1:3 receive the {te noomwsndaio of Gtee. Pe. to be wade no have Mokdoo cancel telegrameking and with tha approval ef Preso- the $6,170,000 contracts recently lot ' of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~de.VoSmith. lvs t4055 daywi warden iedn.ertr ae etr o i obasad4 agstb wld OUR FRO INLUENA DATHSMrs Vehestere vavenue.,anle his aPaene, Mr. toe waed he lbsctinguished dare, operated between St. Louts and Now aid, and Idea. Henry J. Smith. live at leMdlt Gen. Peyton C. March, Grleanc, which woulddhbe had tke sil lifany ficardiase teing Appointed' 1573 Rid go avenco. Ho worked Insa Chief of Staff. effect of iteestiecing the nrerise e~rspri Undertaker Ftecretly Allowed Hamiton-Brown shoe factory before In pr (nl og lbs decoratiot he- already in operation, as the eqcipran se.I il noe etn the service iat sm r. torea lasesaembwlage of army went now being used is temporary the Buen Bllof IProa t eterng a aee -oficers..Baker laid utrens tpon the and eot ealculated ts permit cvcceo lick e ofthe PoaeCourt baasSills X. MassttI, of F fcC hti wownlrcg f-ftoprto.Te ecat e ithbeen incresed anho0 eetby the pany. 154th infantry. woo blled In fc hti a o hog t u prto.TeMrhns o tileifrcet can et psmnacation Nor. 1, according Is a notifi eclentsenrvics both Ie France, as thango retived similar warnting er- deathsn tct han occocre eon lbalist i oet.ktadlr.Chief cfArllery of the First Amen- frow Senator Reed. noe ftIk thfatenv ewocrergsicy00theicatint isents.of r.ianidCMtseltcoan Amy. and at bows as Chief of McAdoos Telegras. 11tno Ott. 7, until there new Is. oewr at aveuo. He was employed as '"I don't know how you got yeer In the cart than at any time within a machinist In the Plumab toot fae- PARIS PAPERS A EsILEDa WITHctehnerot-w tti.cbuthrats noruthrgin uly kte memory of employs who hae tory before being drafted with.aa "" o teIleltpphivrbnebe 1Yr- been thre more thanfirst necal cotittgent. IIIo brother. o h issip ie rebe v hoeteemrthn20 yearc. PLANS FOR WLOET ISNcnee.SneteRira d uh Admiitration clerkd are kept -ohs.leIn lbshemarine corpes oer- WELCOMEio TO WomILSd on~ me-bucy all Say lasuieg "refusal of let- * gte h uehs fIS,- tsinceoweetevltofI e ergt. Curt Wells, 28. of It Cow- Presidents ha-arteeia an ad Poll-imebargof teentheucaeeofthetwe aao eltate fr" nis noisaeethl au - hI breofcus tecnratwl nmnlon making oui Paory. 364th, died Rov. 3 from d ico Printedt American Victor- be earreod oat. oeother papery. Many ntore guardian- wettunde received In action. ils ) i e1in ar Destcribedi. iIt ls preper that I should call Kea ship papers then usual aro being Mrs. Lucille Walln, livee at 210 N~hth Dne ts dalted Pres.yneattinolbfcthwe. ldmad. eoat asanresauIt of deaths of Sixteenth treet. Bcere being draft t"ARtS.Dec. 14.--The front page thrattnlsiongte c.hall eerth tO parete.ed In the fal of l917, he woa Iech- ttbhnasopeIhemtnn wr upnodole onaresssateondso th Go eOnreceet day, Jtdge Rolteamp er corerein a Brownsomefactory, dfthee o dQrs is mo rnin o reaserodoiofFedrlaotro m at s In- allowed blsttln 00 ooe ~e nCoorgtn. dvtdt eai f tb e-pint esnbeopruiymyb t huruttei100 ooe l khcCis iting. he accorded President Wilson by forded inn a fate toet of the value of id unertaker alone:, and the bills of John Philip Reel. 15. of x Cow- Paris. Pictures. of Mr. and Mrs. unified riliroad operation aleong ltothers, hare greatly Increased the pane, load Infantry, was killed in Wilson wore printed by rill the news- with ce-ardinated Inland waterteay, an Courtcs work, dame undertakers actiot Oct. 19, acerding to a seter ppr.Ln dtracrmnii1ooaie h eoielo h nowrs.are refusing to' accept tMlls fee from lbs Colonel of bisrengiment tIa rhcranieniotirsLngof dtheorlentt. etc loeatp i vn tenerm no theou the~ sevic.. ed ther hae hd Bsteparents In Edwardville. The iln:etg his potiioots ntd donertlittig his1 much premise. so many daffy funerals that their Colel wrote that Baet cas kitted work toeing the war fild lbs jour. '1 deubt If Mississippi River spee oonps of futqerat direotors e bee fAhn tohnIih it a-nt.alien can produce eatisfactory. rto faED 1toet man. In ildtetn. oeosdtrable attentioeuits If the railroads should be James D. Coleman, 28. of Head- wat pelt to lbe pent hn4AmAorar~e torned back sees to private control t.quarters Company, 110th Infantry, have played In the war, the battles The old metheds of railroad eseopeti In Tomoprowfi see of William Coleman. a farmer, of Chtteeuu-Thiery. tit. bfJhtli s o n w icwth waterways tranortatics. tiring eight mites est of Jeresyrilt. tho Argesne baing described. will he revived. and it Is probable tit 'c-r'.ocrding ts as fflicial notification. FI SUNDA AND 1 not he able to survive that ecte Theasny Tiha Wsa-A stage' A cosesn. idatttew Coleman. aI* o5Vlin.1*f -" reprooletlltHof pale. ego Jersey County. a lsedtoweeso ' VP ~ is thee. -se s1as. age smss naocin ion____1 suggest teepae fte rTifoolgtelslslo fce FlsMvrap io e- ZWl~Bwjg problem becauss. as as Americas 515 - eds r ge -of bleed act lrees by pany, 884th tefantry, died of Priam s~-..t ht a us lie ini i naP ic.4.kspaets e n... 4 'r so oswhe aret nene s rc tkeoesteecase~a.Oe.l. ran hre e.0 e m.e. 3-:.........H-: 1l rwatercays dovelopinent has keen %--- ILL --it as wrld a eam..xi sa::o. Mw:sidfesg.dHfrequently.traI think-- peon.i 'f rl el el j- alais d'Sayses Is bone of President and lice. Whose..Pe ptit Wloonti etaeleeon pobs as fellowe, ia repinlg the"Asd. dreso by Presideat Poiseare. JIME R. PRESIDENTi- I am Ions of te UnIted slates hamso deeply Indebtet to ye. given lbs best that cod ia these for yorearoacios greet- in tli ar of redemptien.' They leg. It Is very delghtfaltot find have eepnessed the taco bpis-it of myselif Is France and to feel the Amarica. They0 believe thir quick sympathy and unaffected Ideals Is be aceptable to free friendship between lbs represe- people. everywhere and are netatives of the Unitat Sttes and isled Is have played the pout the ropreontott-es of Featce. they have i ayed n iagor tgeal "You hava been very generous ity to thoe eIdeals in ce-operat wht you wove pleasetoat't~ ies with the ar le.ithe atwhat I have cold anti chat I Â~w Raresproudof thspart bane tried to dc asasbcebesn said W they have played and and dune only in an attempt to m we are happy that-they seak lbsebhoght of thr peeple should have been eseeclated-with of thu Untied ittatrtely andto15 soab comrades in a comsmon carry that thoughbt out in actien. cause. From the first the thought It Is withpaelrfsig oi the people of the Unitied bMn. President, nhat I fled myself elates turned tuward scinething is France, joining with you In more than the mere cloning ad' rejeoing over lh$ victory that this car. ft lurse o Ic Ie etab- liteBe o.Tete htbn lshmsnl of eternal principle. oi1 00abeesawn. theUtiathdat hin right and Justice, it realised Fac e h stdSae that merely to win the wa~r was ace peculiarly aoes. not encuah; that It mill no wetn di DO nut know in chat ethic sack a coy and the qutestione jenrtemnadeip ce dould raksed by It settled In suck a hays feught with meroecet way as to. itlsure lbs future or enthusiasm. It cli daity he a roeseuf the wordund edaiy lbs. matter of pleasure with mee te foeuetotie for t.e freetdom ond be brought into constatio with happiness of line taryreople the statesmen of lttanee and and nations. -hbeallies Incosncerting lbs "N F.VVFR hefore baa woe measure by which we may se ion n terrible a visage ruro. permanencen for those hap. or exhibitedi mere roeuty py relctions of friendship and the dehasing Intituecce of illin~it co-operetion, and secure fen the aethitoce. I am sure that I ctrld at large such safely and ehall look nine thn rein freedom Int Its life as can besmemrooht ythe ermineof the curedeonlybyltheconosttasCrntrc.l Emnrro with itenme saciaton aet co-operation of realetlon send dccite digton friendo. that they stir In the bearts of the I1 greet ycu. eel only with men nf Fraunce end Belgium, and deep personal respect, bet attthe It appreciate. ot ion do. sir, the represettativesf the great psoneceseity of suck action In thte plseof France, and beg to bring final setlewent ofthoecse of you the 'greetings of another the war as will cot only rebuke great peple to whom the forouch acts of terror and spoila- tunes of France are of profound lion, bitt take menesenrywhere and tasting interest. walethat they fatniot be von- "I ealso my glee to the, r", - 'it- $ rilft " ' know wtthshat aedel and.oo a a ll(-teprooleil* nothusiasm the soldies and sal-.IFt-ance. Poincare's Address to Wilson In his adtires. to Pretidet Wtlsoe, President Fiticcans said: Â~M R. PRESIDENT' Pat-in car. It had bessntisoessary that and Fraonce awaited yna thoy see towns. ystsinatleaiiy with itmpatience. They banned down, mines flooedd are eager t0 acclaim In i-os the factories restost to aches, enilutrions dewoc-rat whokse charts devetatet. cathedrals weeds ond d-eeds weo inspired shclled and fored-eall that doe by tealted thought. the philoso- liberated savagery aimed to dopher delighting In Ike solution siroy. national wealth, nature ci uetversalilawe frein pateal- seedebauty chickh tesaaieaI-mr ovets. the owinent etater- hot mould edt coseesat a disman who hind cooed a way to tance from theamne ant thing nopress the hiest ol litical and endursd It ant today bear witmoral truthseInformulasowhich nosstoIt. bear the stamp of Immortait~y. "Yes, Mr. President, will be Thsy hatdeels a passionate able to measure with yenn ecn dasire te offer thanks. In your eyes the extent of the disasters persmn, te the great republic of and the French Governmnt will which yes are Ike ehief. for the make knowto15yes the authentemaluablo acsistanice which had tie tocuments Is which the Gagbeen given spottaneously de- man general staff developed log this war. to lbe defenters ef with astounding sysiosm Its right and liburty, program of ulilage ant lode.. "Ent before America bad re- trial annikiatlen. Yote skise eolved to Intervenie In the wt-ug- concesc iii pronespose a ve.q gte seoad hobwn to Ike count- tiot on these Pants. ad and the otphaoe of France a "Should this'wt r emain ussolIcItude and a generosity the ptunished. souit it be rssecp4y mesiory of which will alweays be the insat eplenditd eleltiyet enshrned In our hearts. would be in vain." The tiheelity af yrear Red Bt. PRESI.DIA'. Frans Cro03. lbs cintsas gifts nf your Mv has struggled. haesenddred fellow citlsec, the Iedpit-ing In- and has suffered' durIg illative of Aeterieen women an- deer og years; she el bled at toipeted your militory net no- erery vein; she ha. lost the'heot va eeleonnfl ntoued the wcrld of her children; eke mare Per to which aids your symnpethies her youth. She yeaens now easn Inclined. Ai asonthe tdy when as roeutio tor a pesos ofJstie you flueg yourselee. into the and ceun~t. hattie with gehat was eat that she might he yeor great p4 opla ant yourself epodsene agate to aggresprepared ford unitedmsuce. Seonthat asecchsilted to suth JJS ld E *tethe go yu eaceilices. Noe was it In order cabedemethagohe Ut- tatonrlinnali elcid go sapos ad Statgs would send eer- lobhed, that they 'sgt ifet Wad increasing f!siceutilthe day heas eagele te makLDe tadFdd had hoee dCeodfiswhich the ne ontme hisbitti yo alliet armied were able to sub- ame hrsle adrp iteeoE inerge th4eneamy under as over- are hesise osdic7 h~Ieihg lowof sw dvide oman. wbolnin flw o n diisins ahabdel,do Ohs-sT pof7 aedisn'effet formines than a woayetc.-snt Roolama siese year a. sleety steamesof youth came ts theaiad of be aed sen-e as bes; pouied ot %K s, "h i gfat I.of 4sgeate. St. tCharles County, have +^"" "" " " --. a in..:".:.,. + buiessorganiatilons In adt. Lous been odflaity -,tiflet. sM a es.:.:::"::rl-Â~1"5...... should cesider very seriosay' the drafted IenOsl,.1917. Me had ""- Importance of aetanding the peerdbought a Pets. loot long before. ZM Offiltwfo. of Federal aotrol of railroaddas I Paul F.,- We eer. 20, oh H Com.rn- s~u~c oast.fra.Lfshv ut rpsd nodrta pty 1005th (Naegro) Pioneere Inan-. faTflLl t.s ir kaotJst oposifed. odero fthte tr, d Hofpn esumonia 0ct., ' t Iand,vdIORFIs Piale et afyuife d eao, that o ig eo iptliato rcZe R oto tsa logwih btte imatswattat Stile.. ittla Webster of '. i nort-w; 1 e.may be developed, and a Pair oppor t I2WotPle dace. hfs was diegt.te,off o-tunity gtven to deostrate the us "thap4 to g 111.and siness of h ekd~elopntsntt~a tt )7i, We 4, Aother of the potaest 7w'eaÂ~'e 08/22/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M 0

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