Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ Al r. F " r is I' SA hat toi opt ' o ant o your e of f9 $ per in it auiso4 to no prop kloan it enewi rmnco I ed t r gee r rtionil Mob1E;!. 'bo paprieki t last 70aa. ood4 and roFelt. vea, Reton ade Ilik now b O. its to.NW chiding half of ALo Medib rs of ssociat ' Old s Inhabi nts Ram'a itsi Ep JdemIcs. HOD 0 OCTOtj MEETl(' Aveo wds, khep out of airf>at4 give ediate attention to *0 d ad l don't becomo. panith f y d.i Me bets of the Aeeailation oO Inha tarts of the.District, who Ave pa t~ rough several Influenza elfi demi ier this ed-vice to Was nl n'tonf ia f or combating lb.' At t~te ~ socation'e October. m. 4tin~ last, nigh in Union- en gino house;.9 and -9wreta, Co responding' tory 1.phpB. hlcCagthy started a n eral disc lssion of t iInfluentza opu of a, or er visitation, of themn ad undor thq name of congestive fer C 1 nd Acto asto C dit'il a1Nutuiudgrouni I Sis& Are dAlectedT TOO1Red.Ctoeu war cilncll hal.34 one4 tale ppropiation of $57b. ore epetieeu lhcident to woril in c o - 1n iiz~utnaa. An appeal w 1 on. be inst. b the councilfr ddt nal-,nurslug ~e rsonnel..' No s esiri g to: erove h vo been )Aiked o epost!to the nears t Red Cross chba - Secteta y SteAdo. in. reviewing t 0 itualon throughout the county 1d4 that through the' public heal ervlcte department the T reasury D - artinent not only has offered tp00 orate witbhiail state health authuor - ed. plut has sent' health oilcets 'ow > ngland. where in Maseacbiiset one there were T5.000 cases on Octo er 4 to' take charge of sanitary easures- for the control -of the' dint e. These oflicere will also mnatke4 uarve. of all shipbuilding centers ii at hection to, determine measuro eceayto control the- dibase. ogp Tralin to New Fengoand.l 1s ditlon to the health omlceri. aI ospitkJ train has been soot to z-ewl -we7 WLL 9 1. '3. Cond unerir~ Est L ngand break up' TlhtsIs nody, which is ciatis ev antedatig:tliat" 9ggest$ by Milss lirasices *1 t4 of the Asorla evartmenf sovilntd-tive a'alnst and a.ed pkflfshlnfiuens: Rtaw onions;,1141s D~cklIbso4 re 'preferable to those 4~4 hugh.the lattitarele stlse ru s~ this remledy to the Ip ugThe; Star, Miss Dli i? sthat she. knows-j4f n* 00 uthene onions' havs do~e.i k i short order no msatteep~ N.: ere eMoogh.' She advises] IN t ve. t persons nmaking use ofj Mis.sI ckinson 'paints oTt.first tentlo has been soilled 't ac oft existing in an Army aii#rli oclvii -war. Thq camp had be aird hit by sickness of all hinds; a 5 gove~rnmuent sent there forthwi carload of. onions. TVhe men In t p worn comipellod' to sat -the ad.Stica. Piokinsoa says that 't -ofteso todhr.I cnes ettecCp'.! ions *eor4 too stucuoge for the di whi 'oph mn hcmn - ukefpros 'tI Wherever the u nhipyd-rd attains II Ste. Schwab said, program il"e Every effort 1iS the modical newv e to stop- the- apr d While reports e flee of the sur eo Army howed ae her at 1#sewca Ary.hamps,- infoi -the public healthd as-1rpil 0le civilian populat try. --- The malady hair a three. states and Sl liqi1bla. and hesidot Is epidemic- In ti South Carolina, ang biler of Issn a ng made lu -f tile 0C r i n of be d llas4 toiiay to he,Ogeneral fi 0 roasein t nu of the di mtion co in o Trice is that 4 spreading ano Ion over the co ppeared in tort$.. -F Ftf f to ]orce e Ir of ' U1leu iUf tls$ ver b-' fitiilas! uwre su tomb. of V" of nick i ilarge ei Cwith thl.1 ncea n o aelly 'afftti niem age, but~ g any Olarr. n neos in bhers'of. ", CoL Min a I tort ity* i- J sill. 0k14 cot' at th t. United.-states Food Adorn oi gO r e esKeeping our 102 stokes supplied wit] *merchiandise =is some job these days, bu we arsure you that we are doing our ut iiost;to keep up-, stocks. '-There are man, reasons why tve~annot promptly supplvy3oi writh pverthing you %wane right at the -tim you 'an it. but you may. rest assured- tha Â~e a4~ doiing c%erv thitng se can, to -kcep ou! stock }as nearly completdal. possile.c nistintion L censl No. G-05559 i I. I' lps lore s eves t} estion aturd. he itisf~ in ou Sys Week End Grocery on FRIDAY ituation all around. ctory to:y ott and re,:vitable Saturd.ay con 'stores.: Ve Close at 8 'P.M. I I I; ect Gods eing on N'and In the Si What the Goods- Are; Sellinj 13y Special Request of We Call; Your Necessito c orAll' Retailers Are Dir'ected to Disc All buyers are rehuested to as witI out wrapping.v -hen s (o lfl: ing~in carrying. Th4 War In ust market basket. Pie se remembie paper-saving. requesf before you material such as co41,chetbicals, turned over to Munit inns pgants. ore.When azd Were 'You Call for -.Them. for When toc+ Are on Hand?rices Quote I Indicate! i I-I d - I - - 'i't i'eut. tLewin Itudeofi foss of M St Divinion. which received tbe Ic asip on of Chen. arshing far meut under fire.,idied from "wpends P Dt~sm ri'a6,acc Iording to word!71re- 157, Z oL~ IN. y' his parents from.?W St.- Boss.;wss 'a son of $fr.reand Many Great -Vae $tS Id Ssuel D. Boss of 3312 8th skit! ee o hea4.and it the fdrst Striok- PIm ag 1 n bo$.Ito foil In battle. He -was b ruq in Washington in W3d and Fe- - c io-islhjs early education in the ult- Ia i ii ech is. - - -W t Technical High Schiool. yr i n In p ed ii l student actisitios, and o l t roieto h lnI hc eg dutod in 10111. His class was one teda ogaut rmalclhhsloli iya.H ok. k e sin reti atida. ok ~ --l Help t Will t- - 'In thbe lebrate - Ser adu Origoecdans, '- Thcse goods.: mode by.the tierradat[g heSecreda s$- -are nanufacturcrs islightlyimp ti n in the Distrfkt.governme~nt,. nd 'stan ding.order we secured vet w fill.e aployed t ee he wrote a s.i- band - oceral h-undreds of piecs ty: of he water department. After T a pelrioJ - of study at George "Wsit.- - ~ Itonn l~niverslty. Boss dntered thi - Iutermn Then C niegiq Institute of Trechnoiogy. at u titFu and107whasuen hee - - fW u ti Fbuary and wasasent ehelpdBe ow Re oaplise the men of the. school for - Iisianonrniytb mo litary aervice hsi nopruiyt fter $ai-ing been made adjulstat - Xmao- gift.. Its Certain jhatw t roginent. formed at the nehool. values on tisesegisoda tios sea S s roe ive d the unanimous vote of a conjmitteof forty ntudenl~d ap- Hr r oe~ ' p select candidates for en -o.nas a cdrs iraining camp. Los grads' I Node. ai d: fron the training camp at F~or. N gbra land was maidq aecond le- $.O-for $4.10 firrora-the te ntWJtAcos nA.long-handled kind.. wO hrosaAp0. $5jfor.$4.50 Stirito-ia e oReeved at Annititon, -Ala.. and rIng-handled kind. Is or at,Augusta. Ga-. where ho was55 for $7.i*1'Irrors--the bantndfereed 10 a machine gun hat- -$.75.. '-ta..ri to yon yid promoted so first lieutes- ntsaidkn. a. t..ii1 went across in April and ~$5,75 for $71135fMirars-the bon e nov ral months of action at the net-shaped hind. fr nL.r fr$.0Wi hs-ti. F.Ir. Bess has another an. Private S$9 o 41 s ect St.Ilass. with the 810th Aero m bruseo e btntlsa. Sijudrot in sFrance. and a daughter, 5COOS for $;05 04e 'r-ushes-clots M au TesiseDqg. One-of the effects of i brushes; splendid gra~do Uuut. Sn OCwhich hie father 1 in ii 1,i~onb -lah proud is the e lfi yearbook of Carne- Aroofor tba 1 Em".' Arti I Du- Bai amous Du Pi efect qualiti yadvantage:s in, ol-ant tNow c gdar P: ty not only. I e-wil bq an.ndredg' of le Yales: $1.5.01 the A nin ti War t e e USE, v dhiet notI ~and pove jAT she~d Ind HESS ejull; ~sult nmn I" ustries Board on to the conomy Wrapping of Packages caccepting packages in soiling the clothates thc return to the tnt Board places the IC. DUTY, so per making, may be A4 iBreakfast ereals (Crn- Flakes-PoSt.I c T1iasties........------.1c (ksapc J$outs, pkg.....l2 2c Shretdded \Wheat,...12%c Puffetd Wheat.....-121/c Oats. Qusaker..........lic Cats..Sanitary.........lic Ittoficil -Rice..........12,c1Vhta t-ia------------17cCrcam (01 Wheat..-..22 Kelloggs Corn >Fla kctl.2c Kellogg's Nrumloles...1 2%jc Kellogg s Btsctit-...12c 'illsntrv' I h-alth 1ran - l1tc i 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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