Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ 17 -7-77-17,74' NI THURSDAY., OCTOBERWi 3 1!~ ~yDefe-ating Inter -City _iEL mace6 Shovel Out 4-the-BPasement IALBANY AND ADA CGALL OFF CONTI Influenza C-n on Camcellatioft ntersct /astic Fo 1 UFrme * ~ ~ T-11 zae sc h ed ulIed to ta k n / at Ridgefield - Saturday Afr between the. Albany 1-uiglisclooi ball eleven and Adams hfigh has been postinponed 1because of enza conditions. -The Adams 66c hard Mit by the r.pidemnc. Th's' is -thi fourth game- tha ___________been called. off and coach "Walt AN& - 1141 A UW 'A1i1.. 7UerA Thrdy Ocoer3t SMITH'S TAVERN, 'Loudon Big Time Assured Souvenir, Catbaret Make-Your 1(eservations i~ow Phonle:Min08 "IWDGAR T. SMITH, 'Prietor ' Jockey Given More than '$13 Sec'ond for Race. With Bill1y. Ke'lly.. Specia I by L& 'Wire. BALTINMORE, Opt. 3.-Just a little. more- than $13 a second. -was the.price. that "A-pY"- Schuttinger,- 2a wee bit -of ald edeived for ri'ding Eenlt xvlctory in th~e match race with Billy.! ell IY. --.. A,;. *.. 1 RENSS ELA Albany.T'e'am.Ge C-1 el I 1 11 rl I k z~- --ht sanniounced--thait -the poned ~y I;;...mes 'would be playdd on mlid-week. d ies. it ll am~ersof-the Albanx, elevNen havse been ordered to'.report for prac-. tico this mrigatfiglldpark ~4~at 10 o'clock. S'erimmage wiill take place prov-ided enougi players re-peel Co',oach BQyson' has been drilln th -,5u aLin every phase of the gamle and especilally on, forwatrd passes. Practic'e will take p-lafee every nm~ning at Ridg-,P feld for ith-e rest Of~the we-and when school reopens. the team -%A ll -workout in the afternoon. - 'PHILADELPHI1A MARINES.,CANCEL N.AVY CONTEST ' ~ ' ~ Annapolis -KesWires Warm Trying dto ook Te'ain-to Fill Sat. 4 urday Date. A.N Y-A ['_) fiTS, Oct., 3.-The Philarocl phii m.aiors hay.e canceled-their game schlirdtilr'r with the miclshipmens' foot hall te::ni here Saturday, -it-'was an IW-V, r non neel tolih t..1 '111P" ill -irageine nt of the Nav-il Acad P i - learn is trying to fill the date wit-h. j)'. rnospects. -Word.froni Philadelphia -saidl the marine team- had been broken it -wit-h the detachmient of its -players., -.The' eleven 'of the naval operating base, H l:ampton 11.oads, -wllplay!-- here.. X_-j %:'embor 9. Long practice to'ck place to0 - lJay,- with Penoist, Oyr and Severn li~n -.2 LA-UREL RESULTS rIler -7tAi''- ricinrinj. ' r -nuiartm of a - niw': ('itat. i'-trt'er- (lttzmmer...10,-3.60, 1.00; -a i lUl'ttl 'Brln). n.. 4 -B) lair.' (I'reeve'. 0. i rite. 1-:1i1 Onivo. Sy.0 1 nttn Jinui tage rt'ir.t anti %'%1tlrptrltgiittp (itl~o noa-. P i mrhlo T re) 1420 N'rh -..51.-.1) 1 - -DRAFT gsetle.* 2 7A1. Time. 1:12 -2-.-. Tlie Palphin. 'My - - i~~~rltind. I1imitt'. 0 s ~3ttt intl. ltrtidem n Riso- ran. Eariy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rWIIl NoR-brVi1 VltcsE-~~ACE. F'tfr ihrr y'tnrr olds Red iip.. Early__ _oebe ilWins n Tn1ciT.ow i- -nnd onnt-silxtienth: Fratritlir - - - (Irttttr, 90). 25'O -2.4Q~:* Attrtrtt (A. -Cpjaiins), 6, - O5.-.L.1 JL tim-e 1:12. James WV. %cClellatod, the Iowner, paid "Andy"* a - iding- fee of $1,01)0, the highest since racing, came back in 1l'1. - -, RED SOX -OWNER- 'LOOKS. FOR,-BASEBALL IN 1919 Frazee. to Start. Plans -for' Base-ball' Immediately Aiter Ciose of Wair He Says.' - Spccial by Leased WYire. -- - BOSTON, Oct. 30.-Baseball rivals the war here 'today. President Frazee. of the Red Sox announced he Wou~ld start plauis for spring 'training-'immediately uqpon the close of the -war and antici pated there would be. baseball, next. sea-! Gaffney, -the former Braes wner, arrived here also, and there. is a rumor that' he may again control the Braves. It was also declared the B3raves and Rled Sox will use jointly -Braves' field when pla yis rqsumied.-- 'LAUREL-N-T ES FIRST JRACE:-Claiming.,Two year aldx. Five -ands aiaf furlongs: Mormon Elder. 1ll. Dr. Rae. 11.0;. PrevarIceate. 106; Carry MIid. 103: 'Pliant's. 105; Charley-Thorley.-110: Snow Queen. 107; Little,d. 106: Siindarla -103: Maladro~t.- 110:x. Venper Hour, 107:; om' Fool, 1116; We Win.. 103. -Aso eliaiie: '*loan of Arc, 10"; Candle Light. 10S.' St: Quentin. 116 heyflete, 103; -We-Woka. 107. Tdrny. Waac..L 11321. SECOND IIACE,-Prilinx. - Steopleeharte. 1Tree.vear olds andl upward. Two- miles: - -Porsi, 153; Rhonantb, 143; Aniseptic. 14'0:Toppy Nix. i37 *Sxty 1'ehr, 1414 Pave (Campbeill,*132;. Aigardi,.110;-. 'Norihwnnd. 1348:Gold Bond. 144:-.'TKintore,. 141; *Otto -Wino,140'- 'Smllhfirld. 11" Turnioll.-148; Xliict, 145:- '1avorite Article, 141; -tjrmead.,143; *Bamiboo.. 115,..- -. -6 TltlRD. iACi, -The.Old Glory Purse. - Two-* year, ohio anti iin tuned 'Six-frirlongs: lags..,125,;. Ibtirwa n. 110;1 ureground. 1I10; Buise, 110; Routlcdge. 90. FVOi'ITTRA.0- The NAtlonAi-, Handicap. --Treyear -aids arid upoerd. Ono raioe and a furisnok: -cudgel, '134: Exterminator. II17;- ond'ar. 0: treorliaren.. 1i11; Midway. '117. Tomvbolo.. '98: ITbe Porter, 124; Arriet..10 1. tMeT.ean*.nfr '. 1'liTlr RACK--The Wiu Itonir I bcrtr i ond P ursen. Tihree *'ear, Mani rd upwrd.. (ln p m Ile;p 77.6rir~ound. 107; Flittergo-ld. 105: Arrii-t.. 102; Y5.n iett.av-DMMt; 37 15,. 15: Inirn1.ay10 t 16'''IMkboai,do.". aber~-Candle. 102. tiori entry. - - srosg- --1aAl11-~te~io 'iir nid marl'!. Three.yn'ar oids 'and upwiard. One mile anti seventty yards4: lirapr, c.108: Safrarnor.101: Pazta. n7: *N'orabntiarY' I -1ftPv.--i-n--14~ 'W WL GaIImi After - winning 'four the SJoseph',s -ba~s Rensselaer- went'dowxi the. Cupids o-f Althani 25- to 2O-Aast. night in.I S e IMer. - St. - Josep's opened scoring- a point on, a Q'1NeilWhb sosep -foll a. neat field baszket. ' left guai'd or the-Gur bisket as 'did.'Smith.. other fiel4 '.-ba -sket. -C from Adams; coun playinjg right guard, two -field- baskets---....At.: alf time, the i eig-ht- all.. Bi1shop, Playing righ Cuipids,,- opened: the a. 'neat field -basket'a 'it up. with. two. in-ore. a field basket. Pete Pritcar--withJ nohi I- With five miniitc's t led by two,-pointst, foul shot. The 'ball tV hand-s of' Bishop. - -w making 'one of the. b( game. -' '-Pitc'hard4-04i with a splendid' shot The score; - ST..JOSEPHS -- Naxne and Pot. fb, fp. tp. I Adams. rt.. 2. 1.51 Ri: O'Neil. If....'. 2' 1 5JSrn -D. Conel. c.... 0' 0)6Le Prli.ard. rg. -. 4 0 8 RU P. 'Cone. J;.. J-10 2 -De Totals.....-9 2:,060t 815; %Pf Scareat: hal-tt e-NSt. gflneree-Flett. TimnekeeperlAitteti-D'e Vane.I-.1; flshop 1. Time at pcriods-Fit~to ON, CITY PAR F1oTipry G. -Reist, hea Ing departm~ent of 'th rent* depiriment of. - -tric company of Schi appointed to memnbe park h oard:to 1fill thet...)resignatibn of M, [Hart S-af 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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