Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ former -Crown ~rm~ay morn. trying ou the~ Am ermrati on Be rman teT)rts.ce has ~n con a ei ttltaeCIn~ rnlr sE Lt 'aly of shipyarch workersha icon-________ curtld in. an a3ppeoi! to he taken byIlVVASR_ -ri, ov.1:Aj N t ho Pac fire coast nmetal 1tra"ds council i o.1~l ir from an atwaril made r'ecenitly 'va sb 1p -nowunuder eonstructl'~' or" con-v federal wa":ge commission lkn as trac ed for will be e0 g x, Secrethe Macy board. The awtiard 're ail a4 oa, e h no~ced igeouhthloab. weekly meeting of the '',cabinet. A nnounc..ement wbj made today lie alio. a~nuocvl.that the navy that the Seattle eun; l l viirigest yards at IMre. Inland, Cal..;Philadel; to f he. Coast- oig anization that rendiing' he outcome- of the a.ppeai a strike iPlif; itNorfolk' and N'4w Yo"rk, wl vote he taken..Should the:appeai. be have enough work on baund now t f'ruirtl's and should the. strike.: vote!keiter br toyas'wl c ary the stri ke,' according to te)e the m ustoyeail local workei s plans, would 'start Le- enagd cember v ROYALTY MAKES PNEUMONIA GASES ITS DYIN G FIGHT SNRMJI nrnTake Two Prisoniers. to nr iSacred Heart-Flu Casesi nez;li -I ti ei.,'aI ari aao gn i.; a.Stated amnouht. for "War. work. Th. blutton they wear is a, badge of hon~ or and pl~oof of their willingness amb~ttioi. to be, 'one of. a..rnillion bys and g1rls81 behida 'm111 ion flight-- WXe ha a a Upily tiw Hpa h let;-A Miio1n tX30y.11d a. i,. lion Fighters' ~n Y ~y a Zarn fore,~' and 3' w.:ish th eoe sr gtrh read by all:cy)vs -arid, irl Who h...e th'e l"lUcit alld. l)erS ve r - a-ncet to',,arn and t "F Something to make It br'i ghter and happier -for, the boa f:service '' Gr be 1TI( Ch th 'dl he f r Gb SE 'OPEN'HAGEN, No.O', 1-I"resh fighting' broke out in Berlin on:ion IE dny, according. to meismgea. receivied It. Z I here from the Germ an capitul. oyal ug srofficers- opened f ire from, the' i"aa ~of afll tables *iand attacked the. revolUtion crie' -ithmacineguns out.the. ''n ter Vina Deil Linden. Severnl persons were killed. L'R1MONTANA.BANKER. IS VISIINHRE Ralp h Kaufn~n of. Helena T~a CtzeIsa Former Ctznof hic L RalThis Cfiy., vnepresident of r1 -t-' hL nion fBank &Tut unpanof H'..'icna, and a membn er of the execuItiift~tte- '* c. ~ncil ()1t tb+"Anierican 'Banik t,ss' c atirn is in th. ('it3' for a ] i -rJ e f [ x iv Mr. K auftzian -ilile. to i i o ka ne ini 1S.X When four - rais old, and. * * oi i rlhe, e until ahut t1 eas sago. l:feis.a son ef.the a.I. I K' uf r m~ran, WhO built the. (.rarHt.e balo-k i n tht ity and 'was with his. father, in - the r'anI estatAhusine' sa-nd xas three I's w ei~xith.t1i. e 1xeange. Nationald 1K 1.hnkttoce ~going to M ontana. Montana i15 proud, of its rco rd in r nha in th cvar" sr id. Mr. Kaufm>.an touddv. 'it. Ispro-ud 'of.. the men it..ha: en t.c Iit'.war and. proud'.of.the fine ire~p Iiltrirlon 'it. has ",made in raisinl' i' ts r~1;ll(.Ifo -anti war'. ~~~ tfa nli Jh ate cases of pneumonia, fol -lowing. influenza, were reported to day among the. prisoners in.the coun ty jail. -Tom.,Scott, 'a-.fed. al 'prise oner, Was' found. to h e dcx eldoping pneumonia this ' morning anid Vincent Correl li is 1n'a dangerous condit~ion: Both were -sent to the Sacred Heart hospital. The two cases ref vneu moonia. reported today brings: the to tal.aogh the, prisoners to five, with Ione death.' 'There are now 12.patients, suffering with ihfluenza. who are -be'ing -given 'treatmen~t in the hospital in the, jail'.. Deputy Sheriff. Jack Butts 'is re ported to he recovering'- from.Influ - enza and is exlae~ted:hack to 'Work in a few _days.. SUBSTITUTE.'RU'LE. WITHDRAWN TODAY Householder s and'. Bakers Are Not Required to Buy ThiemNow.. MWASH INGTC)ONov. 13 -Regulations requiring householde s'an h.a*kers to purchasea.20 per Cert tof.. tU)-: stitt's with each purchas of %-h'At flour were withdra-wn toda-y by the food iadimlnlstratiop ' r'f fect H-e irnined i ate 9yV. -7 - Th 'hntr'F 2rnx o. 10 i v tdy '~m opsLu bago, Don't Dru Kdny Rub th Pain Rig Out ith Old "St.. Jai snement" Back h'ur't you?. Can'.t straighten "up w vithout tech s udden pai~ns. sharp..aches and nges? Now, i-; ten'. ThatC' lumnb o, ciatitca, or may hrt tr'om.a...,tra ) i you'll gel, bIe.:si o relie-f' t e m rtub! yotir back With- ooth-i penetratirng ~tJacobs. Li. men t! No'r)thing Else tAkes otit sor ness', lI. neness and_ stfi'lnes so.cickb. Yo tsirnpdyrub.:1t: on and.out comes the ain. 5ti per,Â~ectly: hai less" 'antil' esn't burn 0or discolor t e skin. I imber,.u Don'.t ' ufte k. 'Geta small "trial.lbottle(:from Any drug sto' eand.fti usinhg.It. j rst 9pn 'e, you'll forg.'thiat 'you ever h d. back - ache, luonib. go', 1t' aclzotica., "ecause your back. will ukevei hurt -or -Cause anyv er _disppolnt. and. has eeon I'cformetide-d' for. 60. years St. ci drgging kidneys.- -The don' t-cat.e har'kache,because they have. no nerv es.ther rfore 'can not ue.n r own fee 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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