Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~geces, 1nl I to 4 ys; large lunch...h backs, In on 7'4c )n. in white, i, green, yelfast dye. s, 15c- In.. cover, cap, c. Ready to Nels.....490 t.......35o s..35c to $1.98 III1UII J8. LONDON, Feb,19--Premier Lloyd Ceorge's speech in the house of cornmS ons was sympathetically received bar ''he press tgday.. e whole speech, especially the re nee. to fighting Prussianism in the'ranks of labor as it was. fought on the continent, was what the country had been waiting for," said the Daily Telegraph. "We cannot doubt that the premier announced a great -Idaaa 'uollsuouoaa- ioj tuuz2ord ed by all parties.' "The premier wisely deprecated separate parliamentary discussions of the peace- einference and his Promise to resist Prusslanismn in labor with the whole force of the nation - was not idly spoken." said the Times. * "Nor was irning that he could not translate into action.'" "We are quite certain of beating the Germans again itf they ask for it., but we are not quite so.ert.a!n of conquering 'poverly and unemployment and industrial housing,'" said the Daily Express. "P'remier Lloyd George's answer to thn.'qestion is fairly satisfactory though. The go'ernment intends to put hursing to the forefront of the construction program. "Interest now enters in th' possibility of the labor party' 'aliP n amnendments to lhe riconst ruction meatsures, It is regretted that no mention was made in the spe t'nes of proposals to dleal with the 'asres of labor unrest, such as raising pensions and the government's acquisition of railwayqs, canals and mines." "The premier rightly said that unemployment came not through a lack of demand for work but through industrial unrest," said the Chronicle. CA LIFODIA COAST ADTILLERYMEN BACK 1 I TI NEWY TORI. Feb. 12.-Without hsaving had a chance to fire' a shot att the enemy the 46th coast artit! 'rv regiment with 49 offiers and 1679 men, nost of whim arc from uCalifornia and Nevada. has returned from France on the Italian liner Duca di abruz. They were glad to be on the last 'ap t)ward home, these California boys. but somewhat peeved because they didn't get a crack at the foe. "We fee that it's rather tough luck to train for months in this country and to have a cour months' cours3 of sprouts in France and then not get into the line," said Captain Alva Davis of Claremont, Calif. Over 11,000 troops returned from France on the transports Leviathan, Pasadena and Metapan and the Italian ship. One of the leaders of the great force behind the lines in France---the force that sent the doughboy on to victory--Brig, Gen, J. F. Madden, of Sari Fratncisco, returnhed as a gassenger on the Leviathan. n, Maddge, who. ie a regular Sarmy officer, psiaT.mat th&remId# =V8 The tortut plteaof itliei leE Townsen. that ber'damsgl.1 aY - Mead, 1&years old, be all to ma* ry Ellis H ttkler I, on AI statutory charge, was re by Ju- venile Officer Mack td' Mask announced that' he ould. askj the district attorneys office for a complaint against Mrs. Townsend on: a serious charge. The.grl is held at Juvenile hil as a dependent.' " r11 The girl and Iulkler were -arrestett at Mrs. Townsend's home 1418 West Thirty-sixth street, when infortmation was received that their conduct was not proper. Today Mrs. Townsend begged that her daughter be allowed to marry Hulkler and that the charge against them. be dismissed, This plea was refused when, it was alleged, the evidence involved the mother. ONLY 2 NEW-CASES_ IN L I A. IN A FLU R EPORT (tnly two new cases of influenza and one death had been reported to the health office utp to 10 o'clock today. The total numlber of new cases yesterday was 19, and the number of dealhs 2. Today, boing a holiday. no mails were received by the health office andi the cases received there were reported over the phon. Only 51 nw cases and eight deaths have been reported since midnight last Saturday up to 10 o'clock today. Chief Quarantine Inspector M. W. Igimmick stated today that he was "laying off" from eight to ten special quarantine inspectors daily, as the number of cases under quarantine steadily decreases. With the next week, if the present ratio of decrease in the disease continues, there will be less than 100 houses with influenza or pneumonia patients under quarantine. " YDP OF FIS" CHILD'S L XTIVE Look at tongue! Remove polsonsfrom stomach, liver and Sbowels Tiraelting $7.95 -It will be a good time to get a bag tomorrow. -Genuine cowhide leather bags will be on sale at $7.95 each. -They are full leather lined. -The color is black. -They are 18 inches in length. -Strongly made; the edges are reinforced with double stitching. The corners are also reinforced. --Have good locks and catches, are a fine looking, good wearing bag in every way. -On sale Thursday at $7.95 each. *]F'rr't Floor 5 1 --'All who k4 6 corsets of the44 -The least e more than: -They are dis conform perf --Pink Broche, -Low Bust Lo -Six Hose Supp ---All sizes in the -In all mod4 --On sale:,Thuxs~ hese sllrte ients and nical way. sateen or in pretty ished with ligee or. m colored ad broketf noe shirts ts $Z. ton, some eve, ankle lth closed -Famous. thirts and? le length' 5c sox. n * sizes.. ean tou Slenits BlUe Serge -Twenty suits-navy blue serg -0 tie --Good quality that ' ee have i ---Far higher, priced suits-in.: -Seminitailored stylesall. $pndd-se +s00f u * LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER RM 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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