Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~eed all wool. AAN-LEACHIMAN CO. 41 North High Street 0Wha NS tenit y w. d whis etch will hU(]- { eneftt ly te e allows. There'will he is'ghtly dancing on OWhEG eS asphalt-pave andspca tu SAY STREET __IL. _e__roied_____ttcrl +- RAILROAD MEN TO ySo as Not to, MEET NEXT MONTH Magnitude of --Th.-.e eutit. -omii.ttee of i lt: tll te fero l-conq~tpso l tl r it.tt14 inefr In th oel Ito I..f.or.ulate il ri t brIIelt " prosi. i-nlubriitlon. end omeetig. to l4- heldi..In 111. it), po st ltiner - ' Iod puettith te a. bagtisatr B ASSET f10.3.e IS trough tlbswee. Tlie K tHER MERCHIANT MARINE tint,111uny oher SAYS ITALIAN. 01 d tttt tt tti Asserts Reconstruction Will Retislt~,-t.-i t..-., ett quire as Much Energy as the uo de it, th Prosecution of Wtar. the lnt,,x II., V. i l l twt Itit i-ti lla t 11t1it hit';____.___________ tt ' -''itr sal l on w a t itnchpowa. 4 kin t at 0 ti s it li l ' t u rot o-u oh..the d, I,tnuny oter sett. t, e Iti'o l'u~. Con at 5 lit Iltf Wllh,tie eviuwn I it 'ralis l.'iitssia>'l i tnihst a. tsr t ~sretis tuni t trodofli- i t t-r' i Is tht factlo tIs Iotililnl him1tiitldt- itr lwasirsthem ohsnit sl 13 itt to f forr ow. ti et e 6tis- i O li lO-ri- il o F t jor-ncusI tied byt rth oitflthe loeation of labor and the greatest facilitis to be afforded the re-estabisiumnst of labor. Secretary Baker said it was clear there eas work enough In the United Statee for all the labor is the coontry. Many government activities like the shipbuilding Industry will eontinus unintert-uptedly for a long tine. Others wil be gradually readjueted. GRAFR CLASSIFICAION AND EXAMS TO PROCEED Inductions and Entrainment. However, Cancelled Except, for Navy and Marines. t V 1 N l I1 A n u J t If U tl 1'. 1 - Moist- Dealet-.10state draft headIllioter yeter-day reelsed Ct-st It-vstot Marshal ilener-at tCrowderant1iselord to isocal hoards the st-dee --osreltllssallin dut-tin talls tor the airmty tor Novemetlet.-as.'illel. MU... o havoe eel InduteId bust..irstt-aintdtdire dim-that-ge- titevet lit) thecaestNavyt- and lw-rin cav-l oevr ore l ot tiffeited. Per'gsonsoIto,si ellt lt..oe or ltso I-- Lotal Work Coetines. t..ottth.. dyoft hoartdest-estet-dai ft ill.rrLt-11i5.. thlt' wostk.f thie boasp will.t reeli-to-me ihwotl.tE ull.-a-.whosbus re st-i t.111t+.1 itretil.tI. I trailt ooatiNu. 4 hom snolre tot-r1Wux1i Wet-. SCOTT'S PLURALITY LESS; KiNER'S MORE Prps int.It- te e~lI tby the1 I s ir littlI 11011 ro lc litI. ills 111111 it. Aeiiii0lters orerisMals 'ski-s I itsll..c~l. ttrltI-s... etl~unyIt- 0et.rt at- 100wednit lI a lnlsott-ri Is 01 iiit Nottb ittI O5ict-.'over uid tlor-u tt't frnitug lt she., tirslthruirlt.iottedrt tt-s Ine i-'et-gslntt utiola4e0 os ibottIs l theiopltar tt. teehe ivehbs. gttOet-e d proceeed with tile report. On the contesty, council committee reported that the contr-act to employ E.- W. Beenis. Chicago. hae been signed and forwsarded 1to hims. Not'--sufficienttime has eiapsed for his reepone, it was exained. City Attorney Osarlent preptared the ceontrust. By its tte Bernie Is to complete his investigation within 30 days. In honor of the boys at the rest the sesn shoeuid be made an short as possible is view oC the citys enthusiastic eelebration, retorted Prenident Westiake when Weiniand suggested that coutiligo lath oomittee session to bear further reports tresm Bieneman. Weinland then moved that the accountant be hear-d tonight. Thin wan defeated by the sveheas at Alcott, Griffn, Zimpfer and Westiake. This quartet apparently. wants to hear the version ofC Bernie before considering any ehange in the 1-at- tomplany-'s ranchie. Modification Lawfuol. Alctst said couocill previosly hod decided to put the Investigation in th ad fBms n hti aonly an a matter o0 courtesy that it had hisord th~e accouatannstomlotyed hr theocomere. Sheltod said to proiogthe.[.atter-305dot-s witt ilemnis iill "kill It. to a votrbal report asked hr Laoseet-k, City AIISI-ney Soot said he had ooed I-ort decsionts aolhsriologtfraonchiseechanges ot- 'good c505 tiduralon" ltllcited atBr-oklyn case Is whIch lbs receiver too, told by tlbscortIhe most go t it~y au, hritrltea tar per-ssian 10 ch~ar-geo hlshtu rt of fatrt- Attorney Sca-te f ltit thinks t..osdifictons o lb. It-tosblme rot.hi- tads Iegally to entttle scomtpoty to contllnue to oprte land avoid -receivership 1 G. 0. P. MAJORITIES -WILL EXCEED 20,000 I-lg..oa reCti 1l rtotistlo ttplt1 t Iat thesertry "f state's offite glottttltl Iurs 11 t tlorlly of 19.7k' Sevent'ty-eightl com1Itles gil-n thees ltt I tr leuiItnant ost-rno-- I6, i., I t '* Iltelttb..rt o rert-21. - l...r, )'rensuol. 367. bla. -nisne totietr.s ie itt'. - 5..-srttor otipe.-jud~gess: It. M Vt.ot.,.oiier, 211.994. J.:. Rinson55l -261,12. 11. W. Nititcso..210864. as. I t 'tow. tat.t91 Here's Your Chance. tler., 1110 enlisted III Itte srmy. maets tor y our countrlty atd eourself? tioy War Sac igs -t-spa FIEL.D WORKERS FOR CANTONMENTS WANTEE onenIs inthinst itt lr)Ilt nses 10 to it ol aenitout by It.- Ittid ( rose swer ret-ived yteattyl.iI.%17F.L ht.-Ct.e-.serteary o1,.-lit-l'ltttibo i It[tter. 071 Eout irtoud t-itt. - 'h quo~ ittta tort' herLoh.- Ilisiol I sits to ftat- stab many501,i s t-ttlhle -o-. tet-.Applitantse tolte eIthe lIse..-,ltheIogeot 30:ant i 6).and1n0 m -- crte -tthwlltt1. t1. n rowokwl Ir kitg aenong men,"eold Ut-. Mr It'n'yserotda, insall efo-rttheel e1the morale oC thle aOt-Sip1111ItI -higetipttch.hoxpnesbt no siototeo sill bh toamilies of those accrepied, b.o eoe,[hiinsaeroice. LOCAL FLU DEATHS ARE ON THE DECLINE r ) r tLastio-bstev tsr=o e4;BhO}t'Ois'At about the smie tia i1' 't~tbt ex Â~d1 -tlisawent Into pkkbni' lttsetia 1to prevent the Gme9ettnor eontrol thee. -More~ ~ - - eeAid 1. Needads i There Is notiin ', i1is coadiiosos of the armistiie wViii d~eiany that. Indicates whohi oourse-;tbe i soeiateit,. governments expect? to65t q liiÂ~tus nia beyond the protcyt ft tat Geymait tr-oops and agents,',be -withdrawn within the. German;borders ats they existed before tht w a#. Offetals here mode no oreest 'today as 'to the length of time American troops would remain in Russia~ but soena -unltaty oseeres believe zthitl5Ao lorgely _upon' cfvefosiients of the terms of the armstioe au they ti-est lRstain torritoryr are carried out by Oly recenty tlletieu jT. isionl govrnmeirkjed the allies antd Amkrie through President Wilson fot- further and immediato on. nistoisso in ercoming the BoiaheI ibs and rehahilitatiag the Rusian Ination. So Car as han been an. natutoed 00 action hs been taboo on t the appeal. dBoth here and in the alied capto ala it Is hoped that the remuoral of ItoGrtnnfluenceanid support will souse a speedy collapse of the Dosisesliieegime and thus hasten the tismn when a stable' govrnment, with -which the associoted nations may thdait, wilt come ilospower. COUNCIL EXONEHAIES NAILOR OE ILL INTENT Explanation of How He Came 0 to Write *iAek Pomerene" a Notr In Accepted. I atfifdiet-o in his Integrity o,.oniSt toetly woo voted t',ottclrlttn Nailse by bis cositiagues toot tight ofler ho -hod nsttbmitted hiasteiplantatlsoion C his tot- otrititoIa"Aok laset-itos' Tb.. sot.'wsaon Lacstt mtiton texonerateothel cronclm.o~ Cta ortel tot ett Nait- sold I.Il tentoded to oob Attotrt-y totedrons audibly, while couatilwa005to seesoifitttwold lit- tgretoable to the ottlhrt-uoCfte iolumssh hl-l w ay, Power and it Iompaniy to -have the prosposed Iot-tetteatio.. IC its fnances mad by AccountatE. W. Besmie as theo ritys t-uprrsc ito. too Ifc touilIwould nitt t coet to ills omploymnt 00oilanyothr- ii coootant. The suggestit ottarit)t hlit, Nallorsid, ab swh i tt-tb 000 li'acttt. -Ing that the espor ientur -Cittmis tewas sorb that thre111c tnt ry', 001. i ils might list -egard blims toao- ttrestly familiar wit.hcst-itIrailway apprninsmoitu to aothsrtnc t oobolmsion odata to Beis tot-r eamnotion, tie then mesithiememiot-random. n t"'aostlu remarka'"iby-Wtlolond o oe lb..opparet catlooty ofhimself tand Lamnerk in sat vtintg Cot- the At ordinance to employ lBt-is,.Naiisr saaid, were so anexpected tot tocae o him to ovet-loob sal-log the inquiry of Pomeareonwo mat i he ioop oil chamber. Hoesaid Weltetand etilsdeetty aticipated thot he ond Lamneck woutd vote against the ordi>nance. This they latee did, defeatlo Ing it temortti- s a-n eergeney Findig the note lust os council adjsorned. Houser said he siared it inside- his desk. It read.s: ' Ask Pomarene if he wants the in nowett-known treatheryt oft hltesson ebtedes. Evory prisoner broOit t k'wp offiors. to this photo a Cenadlansliltpes' l1 l Crunbrai. t - t-sstigation to go en under Bemnie iC eronon, tis Cother actio iotakotn by euo- Wishes Geoee eilieeli jWould unsthose5jj cet L Blamed for Murders ood"hd_ shall, be tHe Assntistsd PF"04 Iep pt WASHINGTON, Nov..l*-sUnana-,.qsa mtoun,~pproval of the a stistlce torttiq' h4 Imposed on Germany wha voided 0. oday by members of Conlrreea 10t 1 Unconditional surred'et was the estls qi interpretation of moet,senators and:li~y 51: reprosipnta-tives, although goe ex Pressed disappointment i hit demobliiaatlnn ofthe Germanoitfny was pot Wlll bi required. Sentimn onilthpunishonot peopl ', o those responsible for -murders ardm other atrocities olsos s evoIced. hory7 Prostdenj Wiisoo's suggestion In R hi. address ieform ing 'Congrese nO iI 5 the armistice terms that the vIeons_ c toeleue natians extend aid to the peotples of the central pnyeers int ti' effarts for eels-govec~xsehsnt and to ftt4h tts....rt-.. 't'e teolAtore toot-Is teing itt tit. 1 >yliumItsltUnivereity. No. 18 Sire. last sir 11i20-year car. X1.00 a Week &co. Original 'ewelers. Saves 15 to 20 cents on mery pound you buy. Every carton pure and freel straight from the churn. Order. Tre from your dealer 11/14/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M 0

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