Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~A1LIN SlATE DYING EBOM 'FLU' MUST HAYE PBIYATE BUBIAL smsai~ bata~ hrless M!.Ebel.1 beeaibat es* irr cal Ie. "Isps -al. lsbe wh beogums PamnsWW Wia Fight Ife km in.m1. t byl isige thkS W the Wk. F wemthe b.esge eq t dlemu buam~h lws loftsldast Neathy. Seauti airs It 4. we toeet, Iemew""g the am ol khe t-eMad eeseseuef h~Mw{ erepth. 1De.t e bar ewe 1g. aI~le the mayhe 554 ad eolfs' " -r Dz; ROn', Sept. 28.-The state board of health has ordered that -private fu_____________________________________ neralIs -must be held for all persons _______________dying within the state from Spanish Influenza, as well as those sent to Michcannd fuit igh now"whn th frst I ontheigan for burial. ot:ci ns frit Rigt nw whe te fostIson he No new eases developed today st by thy canning pumpkin" and the kaiser's going fast i tlho River Rouge naval training station -eet school. hock, the- products of Grand ltaiitidii' and the medical staff dcclares it ia of vegetables war gardens ars attracting particular the epidemic well under control. Cases interest. This is the harvest time for there now number 220. but there have *sehs'r ',ex~hibit all of (grand Ra~pidse patriotic labor ut beln on 10 lathe and none of tle Iten chest. Ci mnandflstt ~llC. olthe are in a sertous condittion. exhItis 8whiJch have becn placed In th111 fa0tre men from betr-oi arc clUnesff goods, t'arinus schools of the City teatify the.irr)ortcd to have died of Influenza at, (its~ product. of extent to which the emit for foot: sent the Great Lakes naval training stao)ub' recently front the American soldiers and thet Lion. allies has been loyally' answered by_____ (Photos by the boys. girls and grown-ups of this First Case in Manistee. ctty, MAN~ISTEE. Sept. 28.--The first case of Spanish influenza has been diag_____________________________________ nosed here. Mrs Clara Suntherlcer of Chicago. who is visiting relatives here, JC "fS IB RT 'itd the victim. She was taken sick ~i~i~ R V' tdayand when the character of her illesswasrecgniedwastaken toa MAKE PAT"RIOT'IC TOUR roptl o ratet '_______________________ "Flu" Takes 'Two Aima s. - ALMA. Sept. 28.-Wor d has been re'. rrived here of the death of Corp. Reuben hloot at Camp Hancock. Ga.. of influenza, and of Melvin Schappi at the (;r-atL akes training station, also from?",J..:;- influenza. T WO MICHIBAN BOYS 1. Atkinson, resident in Muskegon for '<_ sometime past, Saturday received word thai her husband a lieutenant \ ".';: " colonel h fid beten awarded the legion of honor cross by the French govern- t f meat for bravery In action. BIG RAPIDS HOLDS SUNDAY SERVICES FOR DEAD HEROES '" ^ Y##: a.. l L~rFn BIG RAPIDS, Sept. 28. -- Memorial,,."",t ' i.; X;: services will be held Sunday evening at the It'lrst Methodist church in honor of four hierces who have given their lives for democracy-Lieut. Alvin Baten, Yy" " t' ' Corp. Harry Kunzc, Corp. Albert Wakeman and George Travis. There are four gold stars on the service flag, which bears 40 other blue ones. The Helen McCloskey, LL.efah Miller, Dorothy Van Den' first three named died in France; the no. Cart'; Praidees C'Donald and Bestrice. MoCaskey. other iu a benzol plant alt BethlehemU, Pa. Rev. W. M. Puffer is the pastor of 28-The "Lib- loans, Red Cross and "Y"~ drives in, this this church. rd City arci part of the state. J. C. Yoiidan.' speak.-.. rw.wwnw w r i r.n i i i r.r Nout With - 'Kin~ma Mr. Harry W. Allg ier, f of but for the last. five._years lath's largest furn iture at4 connected. with the Klingm~ Mr. Aligier, -after' l eaving]I stores in several lreciti mare than ever why people make their furniture: seleclagasotetnd t ~ selv~ee. 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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