Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ PETER BENT BRIGHAM HOSPITAL HERBERT B. HOWARD, M. D. H UNTINGTON AVENUE AND FRANCIS STREET HARVEY CUSHING, M. D. SUPERINTENDENT MAIL ADDRESS, FENWAY STATION SURGEON-IN-CHIEF HENRY A. CHRISTIAN, M. D- S. BURT WOLBACH, M. D. PHYSICIAN-IN-CHIEF PATHOLOGIST BOSTON v, - pA. Yale~ "siiofl Ochoci r, Iae, o n >i'crfessrr?fInslco, The influesnza to xre s:Vitld "tInnaL3 of In<rza it byhephopsonan-bl. ieQ th Syinhat u in 1 in regrard to the mneorwinu of the?omnittee on EPii3miilomr itseP to: e that thie scond cloause of IT0, l Thcta be irnvestigatedI. T do rot ioubht >ut that tPene 1is 'uch dangÂ~er of mixed 'nfectios iut it is not proven.?hether tCes are crossel infectico from- ccontact. T! e tcen the cr-gariSL in the mixej infection should be tha aein patients nrar eac'h othe- r. th: vardas. Ais requires study to prove:r disprovi No. 2 T a -uyv in accord 4th. Tn No. 3 T do ot think xe 'Justifiei in the state-nt, "The il cat-trrhal coldSso*acprevalent are often ufndeJtily d;e to inflctiun by the irnfluenza bacillus". "'he rest of e. - is ll ri t, Nos. 4, 5and i2 ina4ccord Vth. No, 7 believe should b tll ore stronglyv emasized. athi scl b ode ete-fitwr ex. esss a folos:"Tere is general testimcn~y fro. all responrsible sources asA to the d-anor of pneuoia deelpir durin the course of the disease and that the develop ernt of pnearia, epyeta -anI other serious comp licaticon constitute a grave danger: Tn a runbr o: c-s the -irary infectionr saa to nr its course anT the temperAture decre-iseS. P that period pn-eumonia begins cn2 t is prcbable that the severity c-f tha pnIeuonia is uc> inreased by the patient-s heir? alilyd to get up too soon. Tn Jome car s t1i >terval is ftirly long. A safe role wouli be that n opatient shoul1 be allowel cu+ of bed for ore *eek after his tecreraturm has re turnel to normal if the temper hture has at a Ti bzeen above.1 f-or -ore tar we I Anaer the fir use provisor s of the co-pyrigh t - f te- -i urea States -1/c 1, tlu smgiecoywas prducedWtr reteren c nly rn mate n M1rnuiptsa Archve Yle UverSity Lbrary P 0 Box 284, 12 War Street Newx Haven CT 6520-2 4Stti9tnt W r vM4 ~ar v-: uced many, orm; uscl byn uauthAized peson; 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

Courtesy of: 1203, 79, Yale University Library, Manuscripts and Archives, New Haven, CT

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