Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~- Il Coe:X~L CIRN L fXRL*,-orn Armry 4a feu repo ed flt re- # r so. C.., September 5& 1841; Cff QIl*b arln M at arion, S.,August 14, IBIl.-cation of,the'.boats and streh~a lct91' of the His boyhood days were spent in his in such that they behavred there was *d Cilia #, I.- native ocity: enb In his foute'tenth i sigl t probabIlItyr it would b~ exploded r e n cr40.;yar he,tered)1.t1he27Hi. Schol. gadeither byr ie irCmrtn wl"Y ore S 'a entr D~ enryCha rletns.o e~ With the-passng of;the meaceof " a eitrar rha hostilitie began betweenth explosion; around the.plnt. the pobegide,warState.shI SItc "he Jinedt the.ewe lama.of aihg for the h 255.45bese ily. to ll.Cadets. Edner Capt. C. "S9-Chlehsser, le moe j ml ~5SWl ~ain was p ren with hscmay~ tSuhAmboy, a townefl bdt O Ii V Ili vh~iII.#this.nbrrnn con 5Sy fen fouromitee otf y s eining eift at ter. "Mare the organia 0. S, hoti of its ISouth erh ConfSedct. lo e )ftt naerely a buildingemis e Is tha rth rrhind ig t dies at.the ool~ege and habitabls;,ge &u.he a With. honors ILa 1842. O ude tum4 -E i L oA- boafter gradution the' oinaed a idedto ~ed hnigtthr eOttetodi ycompany. ib e Soth Carolia Wdt dt d:.h r-,e nown a terward 'a 'Comm tt' 14-1ten at sany any'"l Fifth foAth Carolina -.Car- TeAlate division of the ':iR4w achine work Sity. SButler's.. 'gade of, Hampton's Croes estal hrd asarsw t. everything ~T~itDn;'o rarefyin.tacs an4:: + A jrs thieL:atee.. tt asked -to ae' mental.:andbrigae omtpderaand arc. wnth:; f tm nds. m, ehdqugar. Wad ppoaiate4 1rw e i of.his e5ie' lgtoteSS tsWpm! W1A0 sota rtategiment "by Co. t P oe tra ie. H1s115 44optened 1: Jkii6~ sa* larnce' by iisurvewi1V ing a r aesspeak inl warm.d er dautoaoiles and: a ets triteRby *l- terms of hit courage eerfu lna sand embes othe teieV#ms s' ee: courtest atalUl1tmee. Is _te sgarevt re fnished, o.valry dight at,. 7revlllari.Station. Virg. bra ew York adle~* 1. Y. =ginla. in the: summer rat 13,4, he was we rt ent out to pt'i p lseeing may-TftA$FICr lsinghis left Arm. ge n rn hmbc~t h e - - Ileuitstring+ to the city some timeht~Ih rM11 okfv ee w5'ftrthe.olcee: of the war, he was _it~ 04twt t oeo ~. #t euO aietbd. third aistant teacher in the -plies.. elt'anof tetrrtr 1H1gh-School.;entering upon -I s-dute~es U-4 14th n=w~sunder;onactaor' ' 101 -Janulary tea11l, and continued his the sroldiers t I the Sate gttsei oonntion Without interruptio Wuntil cnrli h esnldlet~ f e age.Commis- 1555, when ill health nocesitated. trt#.h:esoadreto M,7 *eterdar wlthdrawal-hie resignation talkstg of- Gier asRve lakuoww'vilFe-taut'.-January:: I, - 1131Duri ie intn h yY light- cumbeocy,:the:_ Hiit hoc of ts - Siaistor" t h rou v r ai period:oIt haisrig~ try to':ta ye bleu- dare of Recon- "U* AL3 centerost. struactio,. -e er. one the -teaches re - -signed end Mr. ibbl era~s leftalone s will be frt and,:'"for a.time: it was feared that the and- -riendsaoct-Mir. MW P. HW tsie ~ ehooe could -not be continued Out glnUh3 a eeotflyinie #a t. et hgh thearsn aest -effots> of - b1han- - r1 hae.o be celor - Henaxry 31. Leaeene. Ba, C. c. to.attend his Funeral Semie, at,hl okPinckney, 1.,. and:iEon. W. D.. Per- Magnolia Cemetery this Sunday, at I rowi gto: ter,,;Supervisors; (len. - John A. -Wag' v tort':*iUabe- ener "May r; Mr.. James H. Tator sad itrft -Cceey he o i lwe seever a:tae.Aldermen, the schooMgnli rnt thn.,- b,4_ was'reorggaiset and Mr. V. C. Dibble -.was -Ieote4Iath.. tion of Princi- JJsp Corti, $o!S J. 0. 3. A. - - r. Dibh "St I at f#aith or oauraes.:. aa~O Lye regoful rhLTC 1 t th scool or s#edtoaten te 2eneaf S rvioe n~arly thi 4w.:years -'wenti.:ttoy it *::e. ~ J" ntime aftr r' ingfrot seTN.S hg m nyel1'tom& psir7 huah at~ ' _ aa;.1 os io ited ntlfM y-. U1,... 5! A a v ua v -f~ h~..[ 7 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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