Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ 4b1Io5to t ho A f '' ItAlt, I q atothroAr Boel.ew sjelste prtr? hat0.?a om. tet osathe i; uo s lsist th e ndqgethr~ecd-t h t OI.,.,t prI otI Dtapto os frog +t heCeje;street ghscb ene e part~ u4f*feja5 mee'tingsscers. k ret ifBbwer of Cthemago,h whon agtedniait. Or ~a r Thiee musicast undbrotho is uppedby Ms. dBi. Vow Beme whotisla gifedspia.nit set J ud. adr t~drd tf 'held oprsosuse at btherof *hYoug womeni whod hy ees, 5aesa af twiautmers B. Usenmertoan U.eaoltn thebin arets he o eaosof at.hi home s.q. were reet, trdaetomeatertint ' hbe young "enserwo shas beestem bee ~oathe ar Clnampeommnit(1*. j of th~e psagerseoftejoyÂ~e dancing maw tionhh, aftwoo 'etrenaladend h titua. set atfards.o ~.Yn abvoeto heNorit. e ba teeet. ~ewes s Camp,, wil emona,sh b4 thnig wedset papt a lrts. o 2: Xoott~ cu o Z~hthe r ebe~*~t~eUhue d V hiseetek ~tt $laenjited Aicy to-eigt i " C#s4,e h RnU t th, itoo bow"EtiaorHaua. of eelamna I *n p the Id h a atas..I I~hoaui ~r~*1I ~. ttletheoe. ' a 1',.3. w~ ' 1 F Solos weto sung biy nul ers of tl" ohclieittfi. Fromwt3:30 to 5:00 lthe true-Was glIen to the tugn's l3lbfQ classes,.reach of which to'.ided entecttuntiont for -ttf~e tmeibers 'tie. na half bosh.- Clans 42 ot Jthre Centtral th'esliyrtasin (Thuch occupied the first halftrout,period, during 'tileb, FrediMleler song sev eral solos suit Miss Madeline Soy tfrgavn a reading. Biblec Olaa ses Entertain. Tirbe PHerbeirt S.. West clas of the East Avenuo Baptist (h urch occupied the period iffoiu 4 to 4:-10) and presented as Its etr thsiners Charles Vickers, solit, sod ft. R. Itaraton, a choir director sod organist of Detroit.,htich., while the Rocheser Mat: Q,9rtette. consisting of (loerusery Curtiss, tieorgo Walton, Jobs Siprteto and tlerhert Tracry, represented the Hueljtl Class of the k'irot Baptist Church. The alim Class of the Salem Evangeli cal Church concluded the entertalnne'ont Wiih vocal solos by John Frank, a tnanilo Ito otto by iFred itunne, andItlluminated club swinging by GOorge C. Bactacl. A buffet lunch was seined In the aseni bly hail by the Wotnenae Auxililary from 6to P0T. 61. I, -nr lessis representing the buslness muen's class participateid In a voleytliat tournuauent. from 4 to 6 1'. M1.. tilefinlus ie'ciihis of wich sere an fnoluows: Are-. yiuatt la's less. captain. won r5. hiut I; liecti flogsc. 1). A. Bode captain. won 3, ot Treat 'Entiltuughs. bFred Williascaptain, Woatt lost 3; d'an liounits, 1U. A. G~ood rich captain, won 'l, inst 0". The evening eniertaihinest begun at 3 o clock in the auduioeitfli with a tne-reel iiiotton picture litic fih Johniarrymtore '4s featuredtas itafflco, and it conciudedl wvith on cxhiiliouin iithe gymtutuu uaii which the,senior' clan.stwss Pttthroutih their psicen. After the regular nunsu exec nes clediby Assistant l'hyiCahIl irector Itrotws the ciams wan not through so enhi t~illiisif um bhoaigby Wart I. Steyri. acting sty iiicii director if lihe Y. i. C.. A. Ahaniiooine stup-watch was.renroeedi dlr. Sthnllil by the claos to tnkcs of ins op t-vcietlostof bis 'sork dur~uf the 150t year. A wriwlhhogsnthbteeni'ou JliNetnsa uud laity Mar cnstiliasic-laced a draic, ''ll(e cnterioinmcant w ii- ioni-isdcitwith two, short no-.lccioion ltwutSIbetweenl"Y" men. In the first mali-h Iicrt 'thls~een honiol itreetwio-uiintte ruuua~iswiiiied linti cii. who ioisl the atnucli htwigtoiht.ha siiiihp of Neiw York clot"'. 'rhocoil chewding liiut hetween Jiobnny ion otnd lihny Albierts, iwo cdever ithtwcltghts, uiio providd sio'.iiiei'ahie a silsent. TWO DIE SUDDENLY; INFLUENZA VICTIMS Girl of 17 And Elderly Mar Taken Unexpectedly. lortennwcweofifuuaanno deaths (ino t tiis olte"'usv as yeas'r clay's record at the tor large city boa pitais. The ilealtthiBurcau re icirt fiit the day was not avajilableso the nsliu wus openc for ontly a abort tome in tiis Mists ltiauii' 'feifer, 17 yonrs tid died suddentiy iast evvinlg at her homi No, 28 in-rh crew-ent. 'Anut lsiliiioy c tie' held to-d~y. Cistroter Kiiip witd isM Pferfer in all probability died ofit i tloenna., -dames Hlart, t$ yeasnolt, tiled midt denyl s eates'dhty afternoon uto'rittuinusa 1 Aceotitluh-togo f S 104 ph'Stlanthe lug pis the: l~ly t u~are two men at 441at who I h alco h t~ t iave 156w"'. t penhiros of bow to red~uce 0t atret aer the pisI t gfles et t sorvill e,tonItochester. hcit)i pbyalbaes thy. t to unp, -"" his optluon pn inaltsts. that;oscurrad on After eevetal- minosutenr the gopd l 'e~ Tuesday evenitng in tke,rush peiscod. atacead the c ar.'atnd the "jt i.tS-i tt At abot 1:41 o'clock a Thiurstounret hemt aoo u ittto bd tm car swung ilo nMain street tioes'' Went. rotach 'fetesu tly ae. whoe let g _ Near Washington street a big tman got sui satedhlto cm oefor) tseo. AThe aattr. baitihis fare sod lpushed bis w a ast ririadt oelcvr.4i~ a few steps up the- aisle of the crowded c oco got of and again og flnt car. The conductora it the custom, hedut Afr fwmct t~ieil ot, "Move up In the aiuileh" titsi conductor returned to- his pet. The big man tald uoati~eto thie eon- AtU ee udBwnsrt, bI to the phbysiclan, the conductor lefthten ea doctor utl he was made the tsrikei of the for the third timoe, thla tithe he disauailep~ts conductor's attentio. Then he flatly re- from the niew of the passengers. 4t 1 eSg fused in move forward, lie said lie hadu olet aerdadtlkd ttt pleased.i. hsfaead oldsadihreh gisaan. Thenithe big met'took I pleaed. autnes o sevralof the pau~engbra near) To the astoniasiment of all the psoengern, to hiss and:stud: f * the physician sas the conductor stoppied -'I will let you people ret home. I " the car and declared.** get off and let the coductor return.', "Well, if you are going to run the. car, Ilartiosy ens restored anrd the ci 111 fret off" thmoved oil. The service had been matoria "tie suiedth action to itie word, step- reiot-ed on at least three iea. Children at Party in Honor of Visitors to City Are in. Fancy Dresses and Give MqekWeddint }tardy3 are seen togethcr.;utouwny isried a white BIble. The groomI charmnag society il-es i f snai slo ie, as Edn it i'tiefeel. O~ne of this hoys, tires were ytiotc'rday a coatlflto In pror li vcr,.iineresoaled a ens 1rt rivn at:1'eallx ulurs in: it to ssthe weifding 5iarty arrived li-Iffy+O a i-h~ hiro utthe door. 'rum Sterni, -wearing a I. sc-e. eby Mrs. It. I arcs, cfitlirtoe- 1isiot ail glasstes, as the ciergyua mut tferraro'. Itt bh.nir if hf ittlefii'AKfte larty moved docwn the y rhir nitre -s Arletieand.lauct Strousof hun- thie'wei- march 'tossplayed. tin. Eauch gulli-ct lrite~ uusill i etit idesinasis intarrieed Iicerted iolepiiec oneii ior owii' Ithini--. r'le.iii n~no visne sn tills-ni.twith ru'sest. bla~ck --afro t un-snats. 'Th' tilhtc I"u'.1o ovwert' pre nenied to the go: I niri' not arficrti. l i.:, (turanf i.II s hi-i wlei'ii l th iidncesx. A sopper having w it~h ffitw:rs snii("11111iitscoftf fount s t~f uoilioo i eie s e d1.ihictli' siidcc{, ftie- ilu-r ls1h1{"uIi(-totiieflieouliany i of int fifty. tori' fikei' itisrt boll iiiinii, t r...-'AsUuilittiiips'rsonstatiin ti-erre ti A wedinilg t11s uctiot. l,"unt'r Miisof Itrtf r.uss niurse. Cburlie Cbo *r dsen. dv iii her ltuisiflon- i-u "dutuy soil a th'or Suciiro itatii 1hu4. 1 t goii. ubhi i-id iie-iittlitloihir.liiid 'ntil" llinafioer wore beattifl nearing her iiiiilli''o li-ill thu--u. tltinen. stid limo Marion lKiriteio twreathansiuveil, it he. It, i nih ter loiterif i'toa',loely. Wounds in Action Fatal to Two Rochester Me tauDntr O U ~tNlS. aimho ve dleii of wounds received in Prtivate Mertous E. legeintlt. No. 44 Shiort I (ion. They are MertoC'. Ileotman 01 treeft. No. 41 Shout sieet. slid Simihillols 1)' Prtu~ ute ilhto d"Onidhun. No. h2hunt ers sich.:dinic. 'f No. 2 Iunther's alley. SuLIGHSTLY WOUNIV,. d I-cu (isub. 'iu. 10i t.ysuhhurnl treeL i-reil (ibs.n, f No. t87 Lyatdhurot at This inorniilfo ohikli siuaity li-4t cons- s mnitionediuss having beep elin tanShakeusup- Thatyo Ncew Year BroghtCity Not Sever 1. ininnue of tihetiarticuliare in 'sIlll th The sri's of thle city is Increaser a.touenter of t10111 is different f rota the Ii'uAIacres by the extemsiotn of Le~ttt't'of 115 ai:mbindary- lint's to tie -nortaw esi. - ~is. ibee o 1 are:. A. cur tlment of streetcar Semwi L oll Bli I. M. Stephens is a justice of In effect," t e $tpr~e lCoutrt0 succeeding George, ~kt~ #~-~1 i-k 08/25/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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